10,461 research outputs found

    The Geoff Egan Memorial Lecture 2011. Artefacts, art and artifice: reconsidering iconographic sources for archaeological objects in early modern Europe

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    A first systematic analysis of historic domestic material culture depicted in contemporaneous Western painting and prints, c.1400-1800. Drawing on an extensive data set, the paper proposes to methodologies and hermeneutics for historical analysis and archaeological correspondence

    Portuguese Oceanic Expansion, 1400–1800

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    Globalization, as a form of worldwide economic expansion and global interac- tion, can trace its origins back more than five hundred years to the expan- sion of Europe and to the first Euro- pean maritime empire, established by Portugal. From this beginning, the story of globalization is traced through the better-known eras of Spanish, Dutch, French, and British maritime domi- nance to our present modern phase of more sophisticated global interaction. Although the earlier maritime empires were based on separate, competing maritime economies rather than the current ideal of a single global econ- omy, these earlier examples of develop- ment are important to understand in terms of their limitations and successes. Among these maritime empires, the history of Portugal’s contribution has been the least well known to the anglophone world

    Dansk skovlandbrug 1400-1800.

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    I det gamle landbosamfund var der ikke noget klart skel mellem skov og landbrug. Meget af skoven var åben, og der stod træer på markerne. Skovene tjente mange formål, hvoraf produktion af træ kun var ét. De blev i høj grad også udnyttet til græsning, hvad der kunne skade trævæksten betydeligt. Det var dog ikke den eneste grund til, at skovene var i tilbagegang. Skov blev ryddet for at skaffe agerjord, og kraftig tømmerhugst fik skovene til at blive mere kratagtige. Rettighedsmæssigt var der stor forskel på overskovens store træer, der tilhørte godsejerne, og underskoven, som tilhørte bøndern

    Проведение прецизионных измерений физических свойств аморфизирующих расплавов на основе железа, с целью получения наноматериалов с использованием уникальной установки: «КОМПЛЕКС УСТАНОВОК ДЛЯ ИССЛЕДОВАНИЯ СТРУКТУРЫ И ФИЗИЧЕСКИХ СВОЙСТВ МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКИХ РАСПЛАВОВ», «РАСПЛАВ»». Получение нанокристаллических магнитопроводов нового поколения с повышенной магнитной проницаемостью, обобщение и оценка результатов исследований (заключительный).

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    Разработана методика измерения плотности гамма-проникающим излучением. Изучена плотность промышленных сплавов на основе железа в диапазоне температур 1400 – 1800 С. Модернизирована установка для измерения удельного электросопротивления. Оптимизированы режимы отжига полученных аморфных лент, с целью получения нанокристаллических материалов с уникальными магнитными свойствами. Проведена технико-экономическая оценка результатов. Предоставлены услуги 7 организациям-заказчикам исследований в рамках центра коллективного пользования.ФЦП «Исследования и разработки по приоритетным направлениям развития научно-технологического комплекса России на 2007-2013 годы

    Two-currency, nostro and vostro accounts: Historical notes, 1400-1800

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    Suppose a merchant in country A has dealings with an agent in country B. The indebtedness between the merchant (principal) and his foreign correspondent (agent) has to be settled in terms of B\u27s currency. Fluctuations in the exchange rate give rise to gains or losses, borne by the merchant. This paper discusses one accounting treatment (in the principal\u27s ledger) of the dealings between domestic principal and foreign agent. It also considers the treatment where the merchant serves as agent for a foreign principal. The discussion is illustrated by references to two 15th century Italian ledgers and to passages in several treatises on bookkeeping and accounts published in the period 1400 to 1800

    Obolo (Andoni) Women in Overseas Trade and Traditional Politics, 1400-1800

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    This write-up focuses on the activities of Obolo (Andoni) women thatcontributed to the political and economic growth of Nigeria in the precolonialtimes. They were found in the traditional politics and externaleconomy of slave and palm oil trades with the Portuguese, the Dutch and theEnglish. They were also the bulwark of territorial defence and theorganization of War Canoe Houses. The paper also attempts to analyze theimplications of the Trans-Atlantic Trade and pre-colonial politics in Obolo(Andoni) and the international communities that traded with them.Keywords: Defence, economy, Obolo (Andoni), overseas, palm-oil, politics,slave, trade, wome

    Wealth inequality in Catalonia, 1400-1800. Sources, data and a case study

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    This work is part of the research carried out within the EINITE and SMITE projects for the case of Catalonia. In this chapter, firstly, a brief state of the art of research carried out in recent years on the evolution of economic inequality in the pre-industrial world is traced. Subsequently, through the previously existing literature and the study of the empirical evidence compiled for this work, the characteristics of the fiscal sources available for some Catalan localities, i.e. the books of estimes, values or manifests, and the sample of localities studied in the EINITE/SMITE projects are described in detail. The second part of the work focuses on the analysis of a case study, the town of Balaguer.The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union's Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013)/ERC Grant agreement No. 283802, EINITE-Economic Inequality across Italy and Europe, 1300-1800 as well as under European Union's Horizon 2020 Framework Program/ERC Grant agreement No. 725687, SMITE-Social Mobility and Inequality across Italy and Europe, 1300-1800