25 research outputs found

    WETICE 2004 Evaluating Collaborative Enterprises (ECE) Workshop - Final report

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    A summary of the fifth Evaluating Collaborative Enterprises (ECE) workshop which ran on June 14th at University of Modena, Italy. The overall theme of the workshop this year was evaluation within the software lifecyle rather than as a separate activity. Each of the five papers touched on this subject and the subsequent winner of Best Paper covered it thoroughly. Concerns about the level of interactivity within the workshop and WETICE itself prompted a format change to ``paired-paper'' sessions with plenty of discussion time. Several outstanding issus were identified during the discussion, including development of ``evaluation components'' alongside software components, the need to convince managers of the business case for evaluation and meta-evaluation of popular techniques with a view to avoiding studies that select inappropriate techniques or rely too heavily on one type of technique

    WETICE 2004 ECE Workshop - Final Report

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    A summary of the fifth Evaluating Collaborative Enterprises (ECE) workshop which ran on June 14th at University of Modena, Italy. The overall theme of the workshop this year was evaluation within the software lifecyle rather than as a separate activity. Each of the five papers touched on this subject and the subsequent winner of Best Paper covered it thoroughly. Concerns about the level of interactivity within the workshop and WETICE itself prompted a format change to "paired-paper" sessions with plenty of discussion time. Several outstanding issus were identified during the discussion, including development of "evaluation components" alongside software components, the need to convince managers of the business case for evaluation and meta-evaluation of popular techniques with a view to avoiding studies that select inappropriate techniques or rely too heavily on one type of technique

    GRIDKIT: Pluggable overlay networks for Grid computing

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    A `second generation' approach to the provision of Grid middleware is now emerging which is built on service-oriented architecture and web services standards and technologies. However, advanced Grid applications have significant demands that are not addressed by present-day web services platforms. As one prime example, current platforms do not support the rich diversity of communication `interaction types' that are demanded by advanced applications (e.g. publish-subscribe, media streaming, peer-to-peer interaction). In the paper we describe the Gridkit middleware which augments the basic service-oriented architecture to address this particular deficiency. We particularly focus on the communications infrastructure support required to support multiple interaction types in a unified, principled and extensible manner-which we present in terms of the novel concept of pluggable overlay networks

    Quantifying Risks in Service Networks: Using Probability Distributions for the Evaluation of Optimal Security Levels

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    The increasing costs and frequency of security incidents require organizations to apply proper IT risk management. At the same time, the expanding usage of Service-oriented Architectures fosters software systems composed of cross-linked services. Therefore, it is important to develop risk management methods for these composite systems. In this paper, we present a straightforward model that can be used to quantify the risks related to service networks. Based on the probability distribution of the costs which are related to risks, it is possible to make proper investment choices using individual risk preferences. The attractiveness of investment alternatives and different levels of security can be measured with various characteristics like the expected value of the costs, the Value-at-Risk or more complex utility functions. Through performance evaluations we show that our model can be used to calculate the costs’ probability density function for large scale networks in a very efficient way. Furthermore, we demonstrate the application of the model and the algorithms with the help of a concrete application scenario. As a result, we improve IT risk management by proposing a model which supports decision makers in comparing alternative service scenarios and alternative security investments in order to find the optimal level of IT security

    Enforcing reputation constraints on business process workflows

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    The problem of trust in determining the flow of execution of business processes has been in the centre of research interst in the last decade as business processes become a de facto model of Internet-based commerce, particularly with the increasing popularity in Cloud computing. One of the main mea-sures of trust is reputation, where the quality of services as provided to their clients can be used as the main factor in calculating service and service provider reputation values. The work presented here contributes to the solving of this problem by defining a model for the calculation of service reputa-tion levels in a BPEL-based business workflow. These levels of reputation are then used to control the execution of the workflow based on service-level agreement constraints provided by the users of the workflow. The main contribution of the paper is to first present a formal meaning for BPEL processes, which is constrained by reputation requirements from the users, and then we demonstrate that these requirements can be enforced using a reference architecture with a case scenario from the domain of distributed map processing. Finally, the paper discusses the possible threats that can be launched on such an architecture

    Web Services Discovery and Recommendation Based on Information Extraction and Symbolic Reputation

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    This paper shows that the problem of web services representation is crucial and analyzes the various factors that influence on it. It presents the traditional representation of web services considering traditional textual descriptions based on the information contained in WSDL files. Unfortunately, textual web services descriptions are dirty and need significant cleaning to keep only useful information. To deal with this problem, we introduce rules based text tagging method, which allows filtering web service description to keep only significant information. A new representation based on such filtered data is then introduced. Many web services have empty descriptions. Also, we consider web services representations based on the WSDL file structure (types, attributes, etc.). Alternatively, we introduce a new representation called symbolic reputation, which is computed from relationships between web services. The impact of the use of these representations on web service discovery and recommendation is studied and discussed in the experimentation using real world web services

    Smart City Ontologies and Their Applications: A Systematic Literature Review

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    The increasing interconnections of city services, the explosion of available urban data, and the need for multidisciplinary analysis and decision making for city sustainability require new technological solutions to cope with such complexity. Ontologies have become viable and effective tools to practitioners for developing applications requiring data and process interoperability, big data management, and automated reasoning on knowledge. We investigate how and to what extent ontologies have been used to support smart city services and we provide a comprehensive reference on what problems have been addressed and what has been achieved so far with ontology-based applications. To this purpose, we conducted a systematic literature review finalized to presenting the ontologies, and the methods and technological systems where ontologies play a relevant role in shaping current smart cities. Based on the result of the review process, we also propose a classification of the sub-domains of the city addressed by the ontologies we found, and the research issues that have been considered so far by the scientific community. We highlight those for which semantic technologies have been mostly demonstrated to be effective to enhance the smart city concept and, finally, discuss in more details about some open problems

    Supporting awareness in heterogeneous collaboration environments

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    Rapid technological advancements have made it possible for humans to collaborate as never before. However demands of group work necessitate distributed collaboration in very heterogeneous environments. Heterogeneity as in various applications, platforms, hardware and communication infrastructure. User mobility, lack of availability and cost often make imposing a common collaboration environment infeasible. Awareness is essential for successful collaboration. Awareness is a key design criterion in groupware but often collaboration occurs with applications not designed to support useful awareness. This dissertation deals with the issue of effective group awareness support in heterogeneous environments.;Awareness propagation is effective if the appropriate amount of information, relevant to the user\u27s sphere of activity is delivered in a timely, unobtrusive fashion. Thus issues such as information overload, and distraction have to be addressed. Furthermore ability to establish the appropriate balance between awareness and privacy is essential. Enhanced forms of awareness such as intersubjectivity and historical awareness are often invaluable. Heterogeneous environments significantly impact the above quality factors impeding effective awareness propagation. Users are unable to tailor the quality of awareness received.;Heterogeneity issues that affect awareness quality are identified. An awareness framework is proposed that binds various sources of awareness information. However for effective awareness support, physical integration must be augmented by information integration. As a solution, an awareness model is proposed. Specification of the awareness model and framework\u27s architecture and features is the key contribution. The proposed model has been validated through simulations of realistic collaboration involving human participation. Scenarios created, have tested the model\u27s usefulness in enhancing the quality of group work by propagating effective awareness among users. To accomplish the same, an Awareness Simulator application has been created. In the validation process, efforts made to create an experimental methodology revealed some techniques related to awareness evaluation in CSCW, which are proposed. Various issues required to successfully engineer such awareness frameworks are identified and their impact on requirements such as security and performance, discussed. With various standards and technologies that can be harnessed to create awareness frameworks, there is great promise that barriers in heterogeneous collaboration environments can be overcome