138 research outputs found

    ConXsense - Automated Context Classification for Context-Aware Access Control

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    We present ConXsense, the first framework for context-aware access control on mobile devices based on context classification. Previous context-aware access control systems often require users to laboriously specify detailed policies or they rely on pre-defined policies not adequately reflecting the true preferences of users. We present the design and implementation of a context-aware framework that uses a probabilistic approach to overcome these deficiencies. The framework utilizes context sensing and machine learning to automatically classify contexts according to their security and privacy-related properties. We apply the framework to two important smartphone-related use cases: protection against device misuse using a dynamic device lock and protection against sensory malware. We ground our analysis on a sociological survey examining the perceptions and concerns of users related to contextual smartphone security and analyze the effectiveness of our approach with real-world context data. We also demonstrate the integration of our framework with the FlaskDroid architecture for fine-grained access control enforcement on the Android platform.Comment: Recipient of the Best Paper Awar

    Ultrasound-assisted surface engineering of pharmaceutical powders

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    Effective processing of powdered particles can facilitate powder handling and result in better drug product performance, which is of great importance in the pharmaceutical industry where the majority of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) are delivered as solid dosage forms. The purpose of this work was to develop a new ultrasound-assisted method for particle surface modification and thin-coating of pharmaceutical powders. The ultrasound was used to produce an aqueous mist with or without a coating agent. By using the proposed technique, it was possible to decrease the interparticular interactions and improve rheological properties of poorly-flowing water-soluble powders by aqueous smoothing of the rough surfaces of irregular particles. In turn, hydrophilic polymer thin-coating of a hydrophobic substance diminished the triboelectrostatic charge transfer and improved the flowability of highly cohesive powder. To determine the coating efficiency of the technique, the bioactive molecule β-galactosidase was layered onto the surface of powdered lactose particles. Enzyme-treated materials were analysed by assaying the quantity of the reaction product generated during enzymatic cleavage of the milk sugar. A near-linear increase in the thickness of the drug layer was obtained during progressive treatment. Using the enzyme coating procedure, it was confirmed that the ultrasound-assisted technique is suitable for processing labile protein materials. In addition, this pre-treatment of milk sugar could be used to improve utilization of lactose-containing formulations for populations suffering from severe lactose intolerance. Furthermore, the applicability of the thin-coating technique for improving homogeneity of low-dose solid dosage forms was shown. The carrier particles coated with API gave rise to uniform distribution of the drug within the powder. The mixture remained homogeneous during further tabletting, whereas the reference physical powder mixture was subject to segregation. In conclusion, ultrasound-assisted surface engineering of pharmaceutical powders can be effective technology for improving formulation and performance of solid dosage forms such as dry powder inhalers (DPI) and direct compression products.Jauhepartikkelien pintakäsittelyn avulla voidaan parantaa lääkevalmistuksessa käytettävien kiinteiden lääke- ja apuaineiden käsiteltävyyttä, prosessoitavuutta ja vaikutusta lopputuottessa/ elimistössä. Tämän väitöskirjatutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää uusi ultraääntä hyväksikäyttävä nesteen sumutusmenetelmä, jonka avulla olisi mahdollisuutta muokata/pinnoittaa erilaisia jauhemaisia lääke- ja apuaineita siten, että niiden jatkoprosessoitavuus ja viime kädessä myös lääkevalmisteen laatu paranisivat. Tutkimuksessa ultraääntä on käytetty muodostamaan vesi-höyrysumua joko päällystysaineen kanssa tai ilman sitä. Väitöskirjatyössä kehitetyn uuden jauheenkäsittelytekniikan avulla oli mahdollista muokata huonosti valuvien ja karkeapintaisten jauhepartikkelien (mm. tiamiinihydrokloridi ja laktoosi) pintoja suoraan veden avulla ja vähentää niiden välistä kontaktipinta-alaa. Tämä puolestaan vähensi jauhepartikkelien välistä vuorovaikutusta (koheesiota) ja paransi ko. jauhemassan valuvuutta. Lisäksi menetelmän avulla voitiin päällystää suoraan hienojakoista lääkeainetta (ibuprofeenia) hydroxypropyylimetyylselluloosa (HPMC) -polymeerin muodostamalla ohuella kalvolla. Tuloksena lääkeaineen jauhepartikkeleiden valuvuus parani. Yllä mainitulla ultraääniavusteisella sumutustekniikalla onnistuttiin pinnoittamaan myös laktoosijauhetta maitosokeria pilkkovalla bioaktiivisella β-galaktosidaasientsyymillä. Laktoosin nanopäällystyminen ja tutkitun ultraääniavusteisen tekniikan tehokkuus selvitettiin ensyymi-tuotteen konsentraatiomääritysten avulla. Ensyymipinnoituksella vahvistettiin, että työssä kehitetty menetelmä sopii myös labiilin proteinimateriaalin käsittelemiseksi. Lisäksi tämän tyyppisellä maitosokerin esikäsittelyllä voitaisiin lisätä laktoosia sisältävien lääkevalmisteiden käyttöä laktoosi-intoleransista kärsivillä ihmisillä. Ultraääniavusteista tekniikkaa käytettiin myös lääkeapuaineen jauhepartikkeleiden päällystämi-seen parantamaan pieniannoksisten tablettivalmisteiden annostarkkuutta. Tabletit valmistettiin mikrokiteisesta selluloosasta, jonka partikkelit oli ennen puristusprosessia päällystetty malliaineen (riboflaviininatriumfosfaatti) vesiliuoksella. Käsittelyn tuloksena tablettien paino ja annoksen jakelutarkkuus oli selkeästi parempi kuin fysikaalisesta binääriseoksesta puristetun referenssi-tabletin vastaavat laatuominaisuudet. Yhteenvetona jauheiden pintojen hallittu muokkaus ultraääniavusteisesti antaa lupaavan mahdollisuuden jatkossa parantaa kiinteiden lääkemuotojen (kuten esimerkiksi jauheinhalaatio-valmisteiden ja suorapuristeisten tablettien) prosessoitavuutta ja vaikutusta elimistössä

    Spatial Distribution of Meso- and Microplastics in Floodplain Soilscapes: Novel Insights from Rural to Urban Floodplains in Central Germany

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    Plastics and especially microplastics have become an emerging threat to global ecosystems. Despite the manifold benefits and applications of the human-made material plastic, the uncontrolled release of plastics into the environment has led to a “global plastic crisis”. During the last decades it becomes apparent that this crisis leads to the presence of plastics within different environments including marine, aquatic and terrestrial systems under worldwide evidence. Furthermore, environmental plastic research was able to reveal that although plastic often ends up in oceans, the majority of plastics in the environment are transported as part of a “global plastic cycle” from the land to sea via river systems. Those river systems are not isolated in the landscape, but rather a part of an “aquatic-terrestrial interface” which also encompasses floodplains and their soilscapes. The present thesis focuses on the spatial distribution and spatio-temporal accumulation of meso- and microplastics in floodplain soilscapes following the overall objective to unravel the role of floodplain soilscapes as depositional areas of plastics within the global plastic cycle. In this context, a number of individual contributions have been published, reaching from conceptual spatial research approaches, over case studies conducted within two different floodplain soilscapes, to further opinions on the scientific benefit of plastic residues in floodplain soils. The individual contributions are linked by the major hypothesis that floodplain soilscapes act as temporal accumulation sites for plastics, driven by flood-related processes and land use over the last 70 years. To proof this major hypothesis and to overcome the lack of spatial reference in microplastics research, a geospatial sampling approach was conducted. Initial spatial data on meso- and microplastics in floodplain soils were obtained by a holistic analysis approach including the analysis of basic soil feature and metal analysis, the quantification of meso- and microplastics as well as sediment dating. Within both studied river floodplains geospatial sampling enables a detection of meso- and microplastics over the entire floodplain area and within the entire soil column reaching depths of two meters. Additionally, a frequent accumulation of plastics was found within the upper 50 cm of floodplain soils. In combination with dating of near-channel floodplain sites, it could be demonstrated that those plastic accumulations are related to recent sedimentary deposits since the 1960s. However, evidence of plastic from deeper soil layers suggests that vertical displacements in floodplain soils occur and that plastics become mobilized. Furthermore, the presence of plastics in upstream areas suggests that plastics are released to river systems and deposited via flood dynamics already in rural areas. Additionally it appears that anthropogenic impacts, such as tillage or floodplain restoration influence plastic distributions. The findings of this thesis clarify that floodplain soilscapes are part of the global plastic cycle as temporally depositional areas of plastics, but raising further questions on the mobility of plastics in soils and about the exact contribution of different environmental drivers towards plastic deposition. Finally, the present thesis indicates that the spatial reference of environmental plastic research should be rethought, in order to understand the spatial dynamics of plastics within the aquatic-terrestrial interface

    Rapid Industrial Prototyping and SoC Design of 3G/4G Wireless Systems Using an HLS Methodology

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    Many very-high-complexity signal processing algorithms are required in future wireless systems, giving tremendous challenges to real-time implementations. In this paper, we present our industrial rapid prototyping experiences on 3G/4G wireless systems using advanced signal processing algorithms in MIMO-CDMA and MIMO-OFDM systems. Core system design issues are studied and advanced receiver algorithms suitable for implementation are proposed for synchronization, MIMO equalization, and detection. We then present VLSI-oriented complexity reduction schemes and demonstrate how to interact these high-complexity algorithms with an HLS-based methodology for extensive design space exploration. This is achieved by abstracting the main effort from hardware iterations to the algorithmic C/C++ fixed-point design. We also analyze the advantages and limitations of the methodology. Our industrial design experience demonstrates that it is possible to enable an extensive architectural analysis in a short-time frame using HLS methodology, which significantly shortens the time to market for wireless systems.National Science Foundatio

    Particle imaging for daily in-room image guidance in particle therapy

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    Particle therapy exploits the highly localized depth dose profile of protons and light ions to deliver a high dose to the target while largely sparing surrounding healthy tissue. The steep dose gradient at the end of the ions range, known as the Bragg peak, however, also makes particle therapy sensitive to range uncertainties. In current clinical practice, a major cause of range uncertainties resides in the conversion of the treatment planning x-ray CT to the patient specific relative stopping power (RSP) map that is crucial for accurate treatment planning. By measuring the energy loss of particles after traversing the patient, particle imaging enables a more direct reconstruction of the RSP. In this thesis, different aspects towards the clinical implementation of particle imaging are investigated. First, a theoretical description of the point-spread function for different particle radiography algorithms is developed in order to explain observed limitations. A novel filtering technique to remove nuclear interaction events in particle imaging is proposed and high quality experimental helium ion CTs are demonstrated. First results from an experimental comparison between particle and x-ray CT modalities for RSP prediction in animal tissue samples are presented. Furthermore, a novel technique for intra-treatment helium ion imaging based on a mixed helium/carbon beam is explored with that relative range changes in the millimeter regime were observable. Finally, novel particle imaging detector designs are investigated. The thesis highlights the potential of helium ion imaging for pre- and intra-treatment image guidance in particle therapy

    Runtime Hardware Reconfiguration in Wireless Sensor Networks for Condition Monitoring

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    The integration of miniaturized heterogeneous electronic components has enabled the deployment of tiny sensing platforms empowered by wireless connectivity known as wireless sensor networks. Thanks to an optimized duty-cycled activity, the energy consumption of these battery-powered devices can be reduced to a level where several years of operation is possible. However, the processing capability of currently available wireless sensor nodes does not scale well with the observation of phenomena requiring a high sampling resolution. The large amount of data generated by the sensors cannot be handled efficiently by low-power wireless communication protocols without a preliminary filtering of the information relevant for the application. For this purpose, energy-efficient, flexible, fast and accurate processing units are required to extract important features from the sensor data and relieve the operating system from computationally demanding tasks. Reconfigurable hardware is identified as a suitable technology to fulfill these requirements, balancing implementation flexibility with performance and energy-efficiency. While both static and dynamic power consumption of field programmable gate arrays has often been pointed out as prohibitive for very-low-power applications, recent programmable logic chips based on non-volatile memory appear as a potential solution overcoming this constraint. This thesis first verifies this assumption with the help of a modular sensor node built around a field programmable gate array based on Flash technology. Short and autonomous duty-cycled operation combined with hardware acceleration efficiently drop the energy consumption of the device in the considered context. However, Flash-based devices suffer from restrictions such as long configuration times and limited resources, which reduce their suitability for complex processing tasks. A template of a dynamically reconfigurable architecture built around coarse-grained reconfigurable function units is proposed in a second part of this work to overcome these issues. The module is conceived as an overlay of the sensor node FPGA increasing the implementation flexibility and introducing a standardized programming model. Mechanisms for virtual reconfiguration tailored for resource-constrained systems are introduced to minimize the overhead induced by this genericity. The definition of this template architecture leaves room for design space exploration and application- specific customization. Nevertheless, this aspect must be supported by appropriate design tools which facilitate and automate the generation of low-level design files. For this purpose, a software tool is introduced to graphically configure the architecture and operation of the hardware accelerator. A middleware service is further integrated into the wireless sensor network operating system to bridge the gap between the hardware and the design tools, enabling remote reprogramming and scheduling of the hardware functionality at runtime. At last, this hardware and software toolchain is applied to real-world wireless sensor network deployments in the domain of condition monitoring. This category of applications often require the complex analysis of signals in the considered range of sampling frequencies such as vibrations or electrical currents, making the proposed system ideally suited for the implementation. The flexibility of the approach is demonstrated by taking examples with heterogeneous algorithmic specifications. Different data processing tasks executed by the sensor node hardware accelerator are modified at runtime according to application requests

    On Lattice-Based Signatures with Advanced Functionalities

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    Lattice-based cryptography is a prominent class of cryptographic systems that has been emerged as one of the main candidates replacing classical cryptography in future computing environments such as quantum computing. Quantum computers exploit quantum mechanical phenomena to solve computational problems, on which the security of currently deployed (classical) cryptographic systems is based. While these computational problems, e.g., factoring integers and computing discrete logarithms, are intractable for conventional (classical) computers, it is meanwhile known that they can be easily solved on quantum computers (Shor 1997). However, lattice problems, such as finding short non-zero vectors, seem to withstand attacks having quantum computing power. In the last two decades we have seen many cryptographic proposals based on lattices. In particular, lattice-based (ordinary) signature schemes were greatly improved with respect to efficiency and security. This can be observed from the post-quantum standardization process initiated by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). In fact, from the five signature schemes that have been submitted to this process, there are currently three finalists, where two of them are lattice-based submissions. In this thesis, we are specifically interested in lattice-based signature schemes with advanced functionalities. In addition to the basic security goals that an ordinary signature scheme ensures, i.e., authentication, non-repudiation, and integrity, these schemes provide features that are application-specific. While ordinary signature schemes based on lattices are ready to be deployed in practice, this statement cannot be made for lattice-based signature schemes with advanced functionalities. This thesis makes a significant progress towards deploying the aforementioned type of signature schemes in practice. With focus on privacy-preserving applications in future computing environments, we particularly facilitate the protection of secret keys in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. We provide practical solutions to anonymous e-cash, anonymous credentials, smart contracts, and e-voting. We believe that our techniques can be used to develop further advanced signature schemes to be deployed in other application scenarios. For instance, in information security systems that perform critical operations such as distributed key generation, anonymization of medical data, and updating reliable routing information

    Technopathien der Gliedmaßen von Mastschweinen

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es unter definierten Bedingungen die Entstehung und weitere Entwicklung akzessorischer Bursen an den Gliedmaßen von Mastschweinen zu erfassen. 192 Masthybriden wurden von der Aufzucht bis zur Schlachtung unter konventionellen Haltungsbedingungen auf Vollspaltenboden untersucht. Wöchentlich wurden die Parameter Allgemeinbefinden, Anzahl, Größe und Lokalisation der akzessorischen Bursen an Gliedmaßen und Sternum sowie Gang und Klauen erfasst. Akzessorische Bursen traten an 13 verschiedenen Lokalisationen an den Gliedmaßen bzw. dem Sternum auf. Ein Teil der Ferkel wurde bereits mit akzessorischen Bursen in die Aufzucht eingestallt, die Prävalenz stieg während Aufzucht und Mast an und lag vor der Schlachtung bei 97,8% der Tiere (bei Einstallung in Lebenswoche 4: 25,5%; bei Einstallung in die Mast in Lebenswoche 12: 67,6%). Im zeitlichen Verlauf nahm die Prävalenz von Tieren mit akzessorischen Bursen mit dem Alter und dem Gewicht zu. Tiere mit stärkeren Gangbildveränderungen zeigten signifikant mehr und größere Bursen. Schwere Tiere wiesen signifikant mehr und größere Bursen auf als gleichaltrige leichte Tiere, außerdem nahmen sie signifikant größere Futtermengen auf, riefen aber weniger häufig Futter ab. In LW24 zeigten 61,6% akzessorische Bursen von Grad 1, 34,6% von Grad 2 und 1,6% von Grad 3. Am Schlachthof war bei 95,6% der Tiere mindestens eine Klauenveränderung zu sehen. 20,8% der Ferkel zeigten bei der Einstallung ins Flatdeck Veränderungen an den Klauen, die Prävalenz stieg bis zur letzten Beurteilung in der siebten Lebenswoche auf 51,8%. 97,8% der Veränderungen an den Klauen im Alter von vier bis sieben Lebenswochen waren im Bereich des Wandhorns, in Form von senkrechten Wandhornrissen ausgehend vom Kronsaum zu finden. 86,3% der geschlachteten Tiere zeigten Veränderungen im Bereich des Wandhorns und 68,9% Veränderungen im Bereich von Ballen-/Sohlenhorn. Außerdem wurden Veränderungen am Kronsaum und den Afterklauen erfasst. Die Messung von Speichelcortisol ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den beprobten Gruppen „akzessorische Bursen“, „Kontrolltier“ und „Gangbildveränderungen“. Futterparameter, wie die aufgenommene Futtermenge und die Anzahl an Abrufen am Futterautomaten, wurden nicht durch das Vorhandensein akzessorischer Bursen beeinflusst. Das Allgemeinbefinden war durch akzessorische Schleimbeutel nicht beeinträchtigt. Eine Beeinträchtigung des Wohlbefindens in der chronischen Phase des Bestehens akzessorischer Bursen wird aufgrund der vorliegenden Ergebnisse und der Funktion als Schutzkissen nicht vermutet. Allerdings können sich akzessorische Bursen in Folge von Verletzungen und sekundären Infektionen zu schmerzhaften Bursen von Grad 3 entwickeln. Akzessorische Bursen entstehen erst nach der Geburt im Laufe des Lebens unter Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren in hoher Prävalenz und Anzahl pro Tier. Sie stellen somit eine Technopathie dar und können als Schaden bezeichnet werden.The aim of the present study was to specify risk factors for the development of adventitious bursae on the limbs of weaning and finishing pigs. 192 pigs were kept under conventional husbandry conditions on fully slatted floors and were examined weekly. The following parameters were recorded: general condition, number, size and localization of adventitious bursae on the limbs and sternum as well as gait and claws. Adventitious bursae were seen on 13 localisations on limbs or sternum. These adventitious bursae were already evident when pigs were moved to the rearing units. The prevalence of adventitious bursae increased constantly from weaning to slaughter. At the age of 24 weeks 97.8% of all investigated pigs showed adventitious bursae (four weeks of age: 25.5%; twelve weeks of age: 67.6%). Heavier pigs had significantly more and larger adventitious bursae than lighter pigs of the same age. The prevalence of pigs with adventitious bursae increases related to age and weight. In addition pigs with poorer gait score showed significantly more adventitious bursae. Furthermore heavier pigs ate larger amounts of feed but retrieved feed on the automatic feeder more rarely. In week 24 61.1% of the pigs showed adventitious bursae of grade 1, 34.6% of grade 2 and 1.6% of grade 3. In 95.6% of all investigated pigs claw lesions were evident at slaughter. At the age of four weeks 20.8% of the examined pigs showed claw lesions and increased up to 51.8% in week seven, the last investigation until slaughter. 97.8% of the claw lesions at the age of four to seven weeks were localized on the wall and dragged vertical from the coronary band. At slaughter 86.3% of the investigated pigs showed lesions on the wall of the claws and 68.9% lesions on sole and bulb. Additionally, data of lesions of the coronary band and dew claws was collected. There were no significant differences between saliva cortisol of the groups “adventitious bursae”, “control pigs” and “gait changes”. The presence of adventitious bursae did not influence feeding parameters like the ingested amount of feed and the number of calls on the automatic feeder. The general condition was not affected by adventitious bursae. Referring to the results of the present study and the general function of bursae, which is protecting underlying structure against pressure, there is no indication that adventitious bursae, especially in their chronic appearance, affected animal welfare. Adventitious bursae can get injured and can get infected secondarily and turn out to adventitious bursae of grade 3. Adventitious bursae in their high prevalence and number per animal are not innate and develop over the course of the life of the pigs under the impact of various factors. Representing a technopathie they can be described as damage

    Technopathien der Gliedmaßen von Mastschweinen

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    Das Ziel dieser Arbeit war es unter definierten Bedingungen die Entstehung und weitere Entwicklung akzessorischer Bursen an den Gliedmaßen von Mastschweinen zu erfassen. 192 Masthybriden wurden von der Aufzucht bis zur Schlachtung unter konventionellen Haltungsbedingungen auf Vollspaltenboden untersucht. Wöchentlich wurden die Parameter Allgemeinbefinden, Anzahl, Größe und Lokalisation der akzessorischen Bursen an Gliedmaßen und Sternum sowie Gang und Klauen erfasst. Akzessorische Bursen traten an 13 verschiedenen Lokalisationen an den Gliedmaßen bzw. dem Sternum auf. Ein Teil der Ferkel wurde bereits mit akzessorischen Bursen in die Aufzucht eingestallt, die Prävalenz stieg während Aufzucht und Mast an und lag vor der Schlachtung bei 97,8% der Tiere (bei Einstallung in Lebenswoche 4: 25,5%; bei Einstallung in die Mast in Lebenswoche 12: 67,6%). Im zeitlichen Verlauf nahm die Prävalenz von Tieren mit akzessorischen Bursen mit dem Alter und dem Gewicht zu. Tiere mit stärkeren Gangbildveränderungen zeigten signifikant mehr und größere Bursen. Schwere Tiere wiesen signifikant mehr und größere Bursen auf als gleichaltrige leichte Tiere, außerdem nahmen sie signifikant größere Futtermengen auf, riefen aber weniger häufig Futter ab. In LW24 zeigten 61,6% akzessorische Bursen von Grad 1, 34,6% von Grad 2 und 1,6% von Grad 3. Am Schlachthof war bei 95,6% der Tiere mindestens eine Klauenveränderung zu sehen. 20,8% der Ferkel zeigten bei der Einstallung ins Flatdeck Veränderungen an den Klauen, die Prävalenz stieg bis zur letzten Beurteilung in der siebten Lebenswoche auf 51,8%. 97,8% der Veränderungen an den Klauen im Alter von vier bis sieben Lebenswochen waren im Bereich des Wandhorns, in Form von senkrechten Wandhornrissen ausgehend vom Kronsaum zu finden. 86,3% der geschlachteten Tiere zeigten Veränderungen im Bereich des Wandhorns und 68,9% Veränderungen im Bereich von Ballen-/Sohlenhorn. Außerdem wurden Veränderungen am Kronsaum und den Afterklauen erfasst. Die Messung von Speichelcortisol ergab keine signifikanten Unterschiede zwischen den beprobten Gruppen „akzessorische Bursen“, „Kontrolltier“ und „Gangbildveränderungen“. Futterparameter, wie die aufgenommene Futtermenge und die Anzahl an Abrufen am Futterautomaten, wurden nicht durch das Vorhandensein akzessorischer Bursen beeinflusst. Das Allgemeinbefinden war durch akzessorische Schleimbeutel nicht beeinträchtigt. Eine Beeinträchtigung des Wohlbefindens in der chronischen Phase des Bestehens akzessorischer Bursen wird aufgrund der vorliegenden Ergebnisse und der Funktion als Schutzkissen nicht vermutet. Allerdings können sich akzessorische Bursen in Folge von Verletzungen und sekundären Infektionen zu schmerzhaften Bursen von Grad 3 entwickeln. Akzessorische Bursen entstehen erst nach der Geburt im Laufe des Lebens unter Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren in hoher Prävalenz und Anzahl pro Tier. Sie stellen somit eine Technopathie dar und können als Schaden bezeichnet werden.The aim of the present study was to specify risk factors for the development of adventitious bursae on the limbs of weaning and finishing pigs. 192 pigs were kept under conventional husbandry conditions on fully slatted floors and were examined weekly. The following parameters were recorded: general condition, number, size and localization of adventitious bursae on the limbs and sternum as well as gait and claws. Adventitious bursae were seen on 13 localisations on limbs or sternum. These adventitious bursae were already evident when pigs were moved to the rearing units. The prevalence of adventitious bursae increased constantly from weaning to slaughter. At the age of 24 weeks 97.8% of all investigated pigs showed adventitious bursae (four weeks of age: 25.5%; twelve weeks of age: 67.6%). Heavier pigs had significantly more and larger adventitious bursae than lighter pigs of the same age. The prevalence of pigs with adventitious bursae increases related to age and weight. In addition pigs with poorer gait score showed significantly more adventitious bursae. Furthermore heavier pigs ate larger amounts of feed but retrieved feed on the automatic feeder more rarely. In week 24 61.1% of the pigs showed adventitious bursae of grade 1, 34.6% of grade 2 and 1.6% of grade 3. In 95.6% of all investigated pigs claw lesions were evident at slaughter. At the age of four weeks 20.8% of the examined pigs showed claw lesions and increased up to 51.8% in week seven, the last investigation until slaughter. 97.8% of the claw lesions at the age of four to seven weeks were localized on the wall and dragged vertical from the coronary band. At slaughter 86.3% of the investigated pigs showed lesions on the wall of the claws and 68.9% lesions on sole and bulb. Additionally, data of lesions of the coronary band and dew claws was collected. There were no significant differences between saliva cortisol of the groups “adventitious bursae”, “control pigs” and “gait changes”. The presence of adventitious bursae did not influence feeding parameters like the ingested amount of feed and the number of calls on the automatic feeder. The general condition was not affected by adventitious bursae. Referring to the results of the present study and the general function of bursae, which is protecting underlying structure against pressure, there is no indication that adventitious bursae, especially in their chronic appearance, affected animal welfare. Adventitious bursae can get injured and can get infected secondarily and turn out to adventitious bursae of grade 3. Adventitious bursae in their high prevalence and number per animal are not innate and develop over the course of the life of the pigs under the impact of various factors. Representing a technopathie they can be described as damage