15 research outputs found

    Defining mangrove-fisheries: A typology from the Perancak Estuary, Bali, Indonesia.

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    This study develops a definition of what mangrove-fisheries can encompass, incorporating a broad range of their possible characteristics. A detailed case study was conducted to develop a typology of mangrove-fishing in the Perancak Estuary, Bali, Indonesia, using interview surveys to investigate the fishing activities associated with mangroves. This case study demonstrated the complexity that a mangrove-fishery can entail, where fishing is connected to the mangrove forest by fishers of multiple sectors, functions, locations and temporal scales. Through a comparison with other mangrove-fishing communities in Bali, it also highlighted that mangrove-fisheries are variable even when in close proximity. With particular reference to this case study, a framework was developed as a flexible tool for identifying the multiple dimensions of a mangrove-fishery in a local context. Following this framework should encourage researchers and managers to look outside of the groups of fishers traditionally expected to benefit from mangrove fishing. This will enable the development of a broader definition of mangrove-fisheries in a site specific way. Identifying the full scope of fishers that contribute to or benefit from a mangrove-fishery is the first step towards building management measures that reflect the interests of groups of fishers that may otherwise remain under-represented. This is in line with international efforts for sustainability, especially in promoting small-scale fishers' access to sustainable resources under the UN Sustainable Development Goals

    Pengaruh Perubahan Luas Hutan Mangrove Terhadap Konsentrasi Total Suspended Matter (TSM) di Muara Perancak, Jembrana – Bali

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    Data penginderaan jauh satelit Landsat dengan akurasi yang tinggi menjadikannya sangat layak digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif untuk memetakan sebaran mangrove. Selain akurasi tinggi, monitoring luasan hutan mangrove dengan menggunakan data satelit penginderaan jauh dapat dilakukan secara berkala dengan lebih cepat dan biaya yang tidak terlalu mahal. Kajian mengenai fungsi hutan mangrove sebagai perangkap sedimen telah banyak dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pengukuran lapangan, namun masih sedikit penelitian yang menghubungkan Total Suspended Matter (TSM) dengan perubahan luasan hutan mangrove yang sepenuhnya memanfaatkan data satelit penginderaan jauh menyebabkan penelitian ini sangat menarik dan cukup penting untuk dilakukan. Penelitian ini dilakukan di kawasan estuari Perancak yang merupakan salah satu kawasan ekosistem mangrove yang ada di Bali selain Taman Nasional Bali Barat, Taman Hutan Rakyat Benoa dan Nusa Lembongan. Data yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan informasi TSM dan perubahan luasan hutan mangrove pada penelitian ini adalah data citra satelit resolusi menengah, Landsat. Data pendukung yang digunakan adalah data pasang surut dan data curah hujan. Informasi sebaran hutan mangrove dilakukan dengan menggunakan data pada 2005 dan 2015 dengan metode supervised maximum likelihood, sedangkan informasi konsentrasi TSM diperoleh dengan menggunakan data pada 2002 dan 2016 dengan menggunakan algoritma Budhiman LAPAN. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa seiring dengan penambahan luas hutan mangrove di kawasan estuari Perancak telah menyebabkan penurunan konsentrasi TSM di muara sungai Perancak. Penurunan itu disebabkan karena terdapat sedimen yang terperangkap dan mengendap disekitar pohon ataupun akar mangrove terutama mangrove jenis Rhizophora.  Selain penambahan luas hutan mangrove, faktor oseanografi pasang surut juga sangat berpengaruh terhadap fluktuasi TSM di sekitar muara Perancak

    Forest landscapes and global change. New frontiers in management, conservation and restoration. Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference

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    This volume contains the contributions of numerous participants at the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference, which took place in Bragança, Portugal, from 21 to 24 of September 2010. The conference was dedicated to the theme Forest Landscapes and Global Change - New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration. The 128 papers included in this book follow the structure and topics of the conference. Sections 1 to 8 include papers relative to presentations in 18 thematic oral and two poster sessions. Section 9 is devoted to a wide-range of landscape ecology fields covered in the 12 symposia of the conference. The Proceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference register the growth of scientific interest in forest landscape patterns and processes, and the recognition of the role of landscape ecology in the advancement of science and management, particularly within the context of emerging physical, social and political drivers of change, which influence forest systems and the services they provide. We believe that these papers, together with the presentations and debate which took place during the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group International Conference – Bragança 2010, will definitively contribute to the advancement of landscape ecology and science in general. For their additional effort and commitment, we thank all the participants in the conference for leaving this record of their work, thoughts and science

    Protected Area Management

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    Until recently, values and benefits from protected areas have often been underestimated as well as taken for granted. Protected Area Management - Recent Advances demonstrates that there are deep necessities in how the wider scientific, environmental, socioeconomic, and cultural values that these natural ecosystems provide should increasingly be recognized. The book highlights various approaches for managing and conserving protected areas to respond to some pressing global challenges such as climate change, demand for food and energy, overexploitation, and habitat change. It addresses these issues in five main sections that cover biodiversity and genetic resources; protected marine areas; community, ecotourism, and protected areas; and protected area conservation and monitoring

    Geographies of Inequality in Latin America

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    Inequality remains a key issue in Latin America today. Despite economic growth and democratization processes, despite social movements and the creation of policies aimed at the reduction of inequalities and poverty, income distribution and general living conditions are still marked by extreme imbalances. The polarization between those sectors of the population benefiting from economic growth and those who lose seems to have further increased in the wake of globalization processes, trade liberalization and the neo-liberal economic policies of the past decades. In urban areas, such processes of globalization and fragmentation play an important role and become manifest in space, not only through patterns of social exclusion, segregation and growing disjunctures between richer and poorer sectors of the urban social fabric, but also with respect to the transformation of public space which is subject to fencing and enclosure, as well as to reappropriation by urban inhabitants. The present volume on “Geographies of inequality” aims to discuss socio-economic, cultural, political and environmental dimensions of inequalities and their interrelatedness. Most of the presented papers include a political perspective on the studied issues and many deal with interrelations of processes situated on different scales with some of the authors taking decidedly multi-scalar approaches. Many of the articles point to the observation that the studied issues of inequality are more often than not linked to power asymmetries and institutional weaknesses that account for a variety of problems, such as the perpetuation of inequality structures, the failure of well-intended measures or undesired side-effects of environmental policies, among others.Ungleichheit ist in Lateinamerika nach wie vor ein zentrales Thema. Trotz des Wirtschaftswachstums und der Demokratisierungsprozesse, trotz sozialer Bewegungen und der Schaffung von Maßnahmen zur Verringerung von Ungleichheiten und Armut sind die Einkommensverteilung und die allgemeinen Lebensbedingungen immer noch von extremen Ungleichgewichten geprägt. Die Polarisierung zwischen den Bevölkerungsgruppen, die vom Wirtschaftswachstum profitieren, und denjenigen, die verlieren, scheint sich durch die Globalisierungsprozesse, die Handelsliberalisierung und die neoliberale Wirtschaftspolitik der letzten Jahrzehnte noch verstärkt zu haben. In städtischen Gebieten spielen solche Globalisierungs- und Fragmentierungsprozesse eine wichtige Rolle und manifestieren sich im Raum, nicht nur durch Muster sozialer Ausgrenzung, Segregation und wachsender Disparitäten zwischen reicheren und ärmeren Sektoren des städtischen Sozialgefüges, sondern auch im Hinblick auf die Umgestaltung des öffentlichen Raums, die sowohl von Einzäunung und Ausgrenzung als auch von Wiederaneignung durch Stadtbewohner*innen geprägt ist. Dieser Band über „Geographien der Ungleichheit” zielt darauf ab, sozioökonomische, kulturelle, politische und ökologische Dimensionen von Ungleichheiten und ihre Wechselbeziehungen zu diskutieren. Die meisten Beiträge nehmen eine politische Perspektive auf die untersuchten Themen ein und befassen sich mit Wechselbeziehungen zwischen Prozessen auf verschiedenen Ebenen, wobei einige der Autoren einen ausgeprägten Multiskalenansatz verfolgen. Viele der Artikel verweisen auf die Beobachtung, dass die untersuchten Ungleichheitsprobleme häufig mit Machtasymmetrien und institutionellen Schwächen zusammenhängen, die für eine Vielzahl von Problemen verantwortlich sind