23 research outputs found

    APQL: A process-model query language

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    As business process management technology matures, organisations acquire more and more business process models. The management of the resulting collections of process models poses real challenges. One of these challenges concerns model retrieval where support should be provided for the formulation and efficient execution of business process model queries. As queries based on only structural information cannot deal with all querying requirements in practice, there should be support for queries that require knowledge of process model semantics. In this paper we formally define a process model query language that is based on semantic relationships between tasks in process models and is independent of any particular process modelling notation

    Conformance Analysis of Organizational Models in a new Enterprise Modeling Framework using Algebraic Graph Transformation - Extended Version

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    Organizational models play a key role in today's enterprise modeling. These models often show up as partial models produced by people with different conceptual understandings in a usually decentralized organization, where they are modeled in a distributed and non-synchronized fashion. For this reason, there is a first major need to organize partial organizational models within a suitable modeling framework, and there is a second major need to check their mutual conformance. This builds the basis to integrate the partial organizational models later on into one holistic model of the organization. Moreover, the partial models can be used for model checking certain security, risk, and compliance constraints. In order to satisfy the two major needs, this paper presents two mutually aligned contributions. The first one is a new enterprise modeling framework the EM-Cube. The second contribution is a new approach for checking conformance of models that are developed based on the suggested formal modeling technique associated with the proposed framework. In addition to that, we evaluate our potential solution against concrete requirements derived from a real-world scenario coming out of the finance industry

    Designing, Aligning, and Visualizing Service Systems

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    Service is a concept that separates the concerns of an organization into (1) the value created for users and (2) the way the organization manages its resources to provide this value. The discipline of management of information technology (IT) uses services to coordinate and to optimize the use of IT resources (servers, applications, databases, etc.) in a way that brings value to users. The concrete application of the service concept is challenging due to its abstract, interdependent and recursive nature. We experienced this challenge while collaborating with the IT department of our university (École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, EPFL) when the IT department adopted the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) best-practices framework for IT service management. As researchers, we have the goal of improving the understanding of services as a means to structuring what people and organizations do. In the context of the IT department, we studied how to apply the service concept internally within the IT department, and externally (as business services) in the overall organization. In this thesis, we model services by using systems thinking principles. In particular, we use and improve SEAM, the systemic service-modeling method developed in our laboratory. Our main result is an ontology for SEAM service modeling. Our contributions are the heuristics that define how the ontology relates to a perceived reality: for example, the heuristics focus on behavior rather than organization and they put an emphasis on service instances rather than service types. We also define alignment between service systems, based on the properties of the systems¿ behavior. We show how to model an organization by implementing the concept of service as defined by our ontology. This ontology supports the design of service systems that align across both IT and business services. During our work with over one hundred IT services, we developed several visualization prototypes of a service cartography; we use these prototypes to describe and to relate the different views required for managing services. Our results offer a concrete way to implement the abstract concept of services. This way could be of interest for any organization willing to embark on a large-scale service project

    Koostööäriprotsesside läbiviimine plokiahelal: süsteem

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    Tänapäeval peavad organisatsioonid tegema omavahel koostööd, et kasutada ära üksteise täiendavaid võimekusi ning seeläbi pakkuda oma klientidele parimaid tooteid ja teenuseid. Selleks peavad organisatsioonid juhtima äriprotsesse, mis ületavad nende organisatsioonilisi piire. Selliseid protsesse nimetatakse koostööäriprotsessideks. Üks peamisi takistusi koostööäriprotsesside elluviimisel on osapooltevahelise usalduse puudumine. Plokiahel loob detsentraliseeritud pearaamatu, mida ei saa võltsida ning mis toetab nutikate lepingute täitmist. Nii on võimalik teha koostööd ebausaldusväärsete osapoolte vahel ilma kesksele asutusele tuginemata. Paraku on aga äriprotsesside läbiviimine selliseid madala taseme plokiahela elemente kasutades tülikas, veaohtlik ja erioskusi nõudev. Seevastu juba väljakujunenud äriprotsesside juhtimissüsteemid (Business Process Management System – BPMS) pakuvad käepäraseid abstraheeringuid protsessidele orienteeritud rakenduste kiireks arendamiseks. Käesolev doktoritöö käsitleb koostööäriprotsesside automatiseeritud läbiviimist plokiahela tehnoloogiat kasutades, kombineerides traditsioonliste BPMS- ide arendusvõimalused plokiahelast tuleneva suurendatud usaldusega. Samuti käsitleb antud doktoritöö küsimust, kuidas pakkuda tuge olukordades, milles uued osapooled võivad jooksvalt protsessiga liituda, mistõttu on vajalik tagada paindlikkus äriprotsessi marsruutimisloogika muutmise osas. Doktoritöö uurib tarkvaraarhitektuurilisi lähenemisviise ja modelleerimise kontseptsioone, pakkudes välja disainipõhimõtteid ja nõudeid, mida rakendatakse uudsel plokiahela baasil loodud äriprotsessi juhtimissüsteemil CATERPILLAR. CATERPILLAR-i süsteem toetab kahte lähenemist plokiahelal põhinevate protsesside rakendamiseks, läbiviimiseks ja seireks: kompileeritud ja tõlgendatatud. Samuti toetab see kahte kontrollitud paindlikkuse mehhanismi, mille abil saavad protsessis osalejad ühiselt otsustada, kuidas protsessi selle täitmise ajal uuendada ning anda ja eemaldada osaliste juurdepääsuõigusi.Nowadays, organizations are pressed to collaborate in order to take advantage of their complementary capabilities and to provide best-of-breed products and services to their customers. To do so, organizations need to manage business processes that span beyond their organizational boundaries. Such processes are called collaborative business processes. One of the main roadblocks to implementing collaborative business processes is the lack of trust between the participants. Blockchain provides a decentralized ledger that cannot be tamper with, that supports the execution of programs called smart contracts. These features allow executing collaborative processes between untrusted parties and without relying on a central authority. However, implementing collaborative business processes in blockchain can be cumbersome, error-prone and requires specialized skills. In contrast, established Business Process Management Systems (BPMSs) provide convenient abstractions for rapid development of process-oriented applications. This thesis addresses the problem of automating the execution of collaborative business processes on top of blockchain technology in a way that takes advantage of the trust-enhancing capabilities of this technology while offering the development convenience of traditional BPMSs. The thesis also addresses the question of how to support scenarios in which new parties may be onboarded at runtime, and in which parties need to have the flexibility to change the default routing logic of the business process. We explore architectural approaches and modelling concepts, formulating design principles and requirements that are implemented in a novel blockchain-based BPMS named CATERPILLAR. The CATERPILLAR system supports two methods to implement, execute and monitor blockchain-based processes: compiled and interpreted. It also supports two mechanisms for controlled flexibility; i.e., participants can collectively decide on updating the process during its execution as well as granting and revoking access to parties.https://www.ester.ee/record=b536494

    Datenflussvarianten in Prozessmodellen: Szenarien, Herausforderungen, Ansätze

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    Die geeignete Unterstützung von Geschäftsprozessen gewinnt durch die Abkehr vom funktionalen betrieblichen Aufbau hin zu prozessorientierten Organisationsstrukturen zunehmend an Bedeutung. Dabei wurde erkannt, dass ein bestimmter Prozesstyp oftmals nicht nur durch ein einziges Prozessmodell beschrieben werden kann, sondern dass abhängig vom Anwendungskontext unterschiedliche Prozessvarianten existieren. Die Gründe, mehrere Prozessvarianten gleichzeitig zu unterstützen und nicht auf einer einzigen Definition zu beharren, sind vielfältig. So müssen z.B. bei internationalen Unternehmen die Prozesse an die Rahmenbedingungen des jeweiligen Landes (z.B. gesetzliche Regularien) oder eine prozessorientierte Software für den jeweiligen Anwendungskontext angepasst werden. Der Umgang Prozessvarianten wurde in verschiedenen Forschungsarbeiten thematisiert, wobei diese mehrheitlich auf die Kontrollflussperspektive fokussieren. Die Datenflussperspektive ist im Zusammenhang mit Prozessvarianten noch wenig beachtet. Aus diesem Grund soll im Folgenden untersucht werden, wie das Management von Prozessvarianten unter dem Gesichtspunkt eines modifizierten Datenflusses gestaltet werden sollte. Es wird analysiert, unter welchen Bedingungen der Datenfluss eine Änderung erfährt und welchen Anforderungen ein Prozessvariantenmodellierungsansatz genügen muss

    A Framework for Model-Driven Development of Mobile Applications with Context Support

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    Model-driven development (MDD) of software systems has been a serious trend in different application domains over the last 15 years. While technologies, platforms, and architectural paradigms have changed several times since model-driven development processes were first introduced, their applicability and usefulness are discussed every time a new technological trend appears. Looking at the rapid market penetration of smartphones, software engineers are curious about how model-driven development technologies can deal with this novel and emergent domain of software engineering (SE). Indeed, software engineering of mobile applications provides many challenges that model-driven development can address. Model-driven development uses a platform independent model as a crucial artifact. Such a model usually follows a domain-specific modeling language and separates the business concerns from the technical concerns. These platform-independent models can be reused for generating native program code for several mobile software platforms. However, a major drawback of model-driven development is that infrastructure developers must provide a fairly sophisticated model-driven development infrastructure before mobile application developers can create mobile applications in a model-driven way. Hence, the first part of this thesis deals with designing a model-driven development infrastructure for mobile applications. We will follow a rigorous design process comprising a domain analysis, the design of a domain-specific modeling language, and the development of the corresponding model editors. To ensure that the code generators produce high-quality application code and the resulting mobile applications follow a proper architectural design, we will analyze several representative reference applications beforehand. Thus, the reader will get an insight into both the features of mobile applications and the steps that are required to design and implement a model-driven development infrastructure. As a result of the domain analysis and the analysis of the reference applications, we identified context-awareness as a further important feature of mobile applications. Current software engineering tools do not sufficiently support designing and implementing of context-aware mobile applications. Although these tools (e.g., middleware approaches) support the definition and the collection of contextual information, the adaptation of the mobile application must often be implemented by hand at a low abstraction level by the mobile application developers. Thus, the second part of this thesis demonstrates how context-aware mobile applications can be designed more easily by using a model-driven development approach. Techniques such as model transformation and model interpretation are used to adapt mobile applications to different contexts at design time or runtime. Moreover, model analysis and model-based simulation help mobile application developers to evaluate a designed mobile application (i.e., app model) prior to its generation and deployment with respected to certain contexts. We demonstrate the usefulness and applicability of the model-driven development infrastructure we developed by seven case examples. These showcases demonstrate the designing of mobile applications in different domains. We demonstrate the scalability of our model-driven development infrastructure with several performance tests, focusing on the generation time of mobile applications, as well as their runtime performance. Moreover, the usability was successfully evaluated during several hands-on training sessions by real mobile application developers with different skill levels

    Linguistic Refactoring of Business Process Models

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    In the past decades, organizations had to face numerous challenges due to intensifying globalization and internationalization, shorter innovation cycles and growing IT support for business. Business process management is seen as a comprehensive approach to align business strategy, organization, controlling, and business activities to react flexibly to market changes. For this purpose, business process models are increasingly utilized to document and redesign relevant parts of the organization's business operations. Since companies tend to have a growing number of business process models stored in a process model repository, analysis techniques are required that assess the quality of these process models in an automatic fashion. While available techniques can easily check the formal content of a process model, there are only a few techniques available that analyze the natural language content of a process model. Therefore, techniques are required that address linguistic issues caused by the actual use of natural language. In order to close this gap, this doctoral thesis explicitly targets inconsistencies caused by natural language and investigates the potential of automatically detecting and resolving them under a linguistic perspective. In particular, this doctoral thesis provides the following contributions. First, it defines a classification framework that structures existing work on process model analysis and refactoring. Second, it introduces the notion of atomicity, which implements a strict consistency condition between the formal content and the textual content of a process model. Based on an explorative investigation, we reveal several reoccurring violation patterns are not compliant with the notion of atomicity. Third, this thesis proposes an automatic refactoring technique that formalizes the identified patterns to transform a non-atomic process models into an atomic one. Fourth, this thesis defines an automatic technique for detecting and refactoring synonyms and homonyms in process models, which is eventually useful to unify the terminology used in an organization. Fifth and finally, this thesis proposes a recommendation-based refactoring approach that addresses process models suffering from incompleteness and leading to several possible interpretations. The efficiency and usefulness of the proposed techniques is further evaluated by real-world process model repositories from various industries. (author's abstract