67 research outputs found

    Rethinking the history of Cypriot art: Greek Cypriot women artists in Cyprus

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    This thesis brings together women artists art practices situated in five key periods of Cyprus socio-political history: British colonial rule, anti-colonial struggle, 1960 Independent, the 1974 Turkish invasion and its aftermath of a divided Cyprus, which remains the case in the present day. Such study has not been done before, and for this, the current thesis aims to provide a critical knowledge of the richness and diversity of Greek Cypriot women's art practices that have frequently been marginalised and rarely been written about or researched. As the title suggests, this thesis engages in rethinking the history of Cypriot art by focusing on the art produced by women artists in Cyprus. By focusing primarily on the work of Greek Cypriot women artists I am interested to explore the conditions within which, through which and against which, women negotiate political processes in Cyprus while making art that is predominantly engaged in specific politicised patterns. The meeting point for the artists is their awareness of being women artists living in a colonised, patriarchal country under Greek Cypriot nationality. While these artists assumed very different positions in their experience of the several phases of Cyprus history, they all negotiate in their practice territorial boundaries and specific identity patterns. Significant to my thesis are a number of questions that I discuss in relation to women artists professional careers and private lives: nationalism, militarism, patriarchy, male dominance, social and cultural codes, ethnic conflict, trauma, imposed displacement through war, memory and women's roles, especially as mothers, in modern and contemporary Cyprus. Thus, I address questions of how women artists in Cyprus experienced such phenomena and how these phenomena affected both their lives and their art practices

    Enhancing Resilience Of Urban Ecosystems through Green Infrastructure (EnRoute): Inception report

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    This inception report describes the overall goals of EnRoute and the activities that are foreseen in the Project. It also provides a detailed description of the way the three tasks will be executed, and how they will interact with each other (or: how they are linked to each other). The report also contains a rolling plan which will be regularly updated.JRC.D.3-Land Resource

    Kwestia cypryjska: przebieg i konsekwencje rokowań w latach 2008–2012

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    The main aim of the article was the presentation of the tendencies of economic relations development of the European Union with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in the conditions of globalisation. The success of the Russian political leaders in their bilateral relations with the European Union show how important, in the mutual is approaching, are the rules and effectiveness of the international system built up in the past sixty years. An objective interest of the transatlantic community is therefore to the west, for safe and prosperous Russia, was idealistic and at the same time realistic. At the same time as it is also important, that Russia and not Africa whether the Middle East, is for Europe force, with the strategic nature. In the long term, to the european economy effectively and permanently follow in globalisation processes and that term was competitive with, Russia and China must first become innovative economy. In terms of prospective it should be emphasised that the best hope for the peaceful development of the international cooperation offers the most important actors contemporary on the world stage.The main aim of the article was the presentation of the tendencies of economic relations development of the European Union with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in the conditions of globalisation. The success of the Russian political leaders in their bilateral relations with the European Union show how important, in the mutual is approaching, are the rules and effectiveness of the international system built up in the past sixty years. An objective interest of the transatlantic community is therefore to the west, for safe and prosperous Russia, was idealistic and at the same time realistic. At the same time as it is also important, that Russia and not Africa whether the Middle East, is for Europe force, with the strategic nature. In the long term, to the european economy effectively and permanently follow in globalisation processes and that term was competitive with, Russia and China must first become innovative economy. In terms of prospective it should be emphasised that the best hope for the peaceful development of the international cooperation offers the most important actors contemporary on the world stage

    Musical culture in Cyprus with a focus on the piano works and piano pedagogy

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá kyperskou hudební kulturou a zaměřuje se především na klavírní pedagogiku a klavírní dílo. Cílem této práce bylo uvést hlavní představitele kyperské klasické hudby, hudební život na Kypru, historii a současnost klavírní pedagogiky. Součástí práce je také vlastní výzkum provedený dotazníkovým šetřením a didaktický a interpretační náhled na stěžejní instruktivní dílo Kinderlaunen kyperského klavíristy a skladatele Nicolase Economou. Práce je rozdělena na šest kapitol, které čerpají z dostupné literatury a především z výzkumu provedeného v této oblasti. Těchto šest kapitol se dá pomyslně rozdělit na dvě části, a to teoretickou a praktickou. Teoretická část se zabývá hudební historií ostrova, představením výrazných osobností kyperské klasické hudby a zmapováním hudebního života na Kypru. Dále se tato část věnuje kyperskému hudebnímu školství a výukovým metodám v klavírní pedagogice. Praktická část práce obsahuje analýzu a výsledky předloženého dotazníku a didaktický a interpretační náhled na instruktivní klavírní dílo již výše zmíněného kyperského klavíristy a skladatele. Klíčová slova: Kypr; klavírní pedagogika; hudební kultura; hudební školství; instruktivní klavírní dílo; Kinderlaunen; hudební osobnosti; výukové plány;The diploma thesis deals with the Cypriot music culture and mainly focuses on piano education and piano works. The aim of this work was to introduce the main representatives of Cypriot classical music, the music life on Cyprus and the history of piano education until the present day. A part of the work is also a personal research, carried out by a questionnaire, and a didactic and interpretive insight on the fundamental instructive work Kinderlaunen of the Cypriot pianist and composer Nicolas Economou. The work is divided into six chapters, which draw information from accessible literature and mainly from a research made in this field. The six chapters could be notionally divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the music history of the island by introducing distinctive personalities of the Cypriot classical music and by mapping the music life on Cyprus. Furthermore, this part deals with the Cypriot music education system and the teaching methods in piano education. The practical part contains the analysis and results of the submitted questionnaire and the didactic and interpretive insight on the instructive piano work of the earlier mentioned Cypriot pianist and composer. Keywords: Cyprus; piano pedagogy; music culture; music education; instructive piano...Katedra hudební výchovyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio

    Developing Web Applications For Different Architectures: The MoWebA Approach

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    This study presents the Architecture Specific Model (ASM) defined by the MoWebA approach to improve the development of web applications for different architectures. MoWebA is a model-driven approach to web applications development. The article presents a general overview of MoWebA, including the methodological aspects related to its modeling and transformation processes, the process of defining the ASM, and an example of an ASM model.CONACYT – Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Kwestia cypryjska: przebieg i konsekwencje rokowań w latach 2008–2012

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    The main aim of the article was the presentation of the tendencies of economic relations development of the European Union with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in the conditions of globalisation. The success of the Russian political leaders in their bilateral relations with the European Union show how important, in the mutual is approaching, are the rules and effectiveness of the international system built up in the past sixty years. An objective interest of the transatlantic community is therefore to the west, for safe and prosperous Russia, was idealistic and at the same time realistic. At the same time as it is also important, that Russia and not Africa whether the Middle East, is for Europe force, with the strategic nature. In the long term, to the european economy effectively and permanently follow in globalisation processes and that term was competitive with, Russia and China must first become innovative economy. In terms of prospective it should be emphasised that the best hope for the peaceful development of the international cooperation offers the most important actors contemporary on the world stage.The main aim of the article was the presentation of the tendencies of economic relations development of the European Union with the Russian Federation and the People’s Republic of China in the conditions of globalisation. The success of the Russian political leaders in their bilateral relations with the European Union show how important, in the mutual is approaching, are the rules and effectiveness of the international system built up in the past sixty years. An objective interest of the transatlantic community is therefore to the west, for safe and prosperous Russia, was idealistic and at the same time realistic. At the same time as it is also important, that Russia and not Africa whether the Middle East, is for Europe force, with the strategic nature. In the long term, to the european economy effectively and permanently follow in globalisation processes and that term was competitive with, Russia and China must first become innovative economy. In terms of prospective it should be emphasised that the best hope for the peaceful development of the international cooperation offers the most important actors contemporary on the world stage

    Automated optimal firewall orchestration and configuration in virtualized networks

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    Emerging technologies such as Software-Defined Networking and Network Functions Virtualization are making the definition and configuration of network services more dynamic, thus making automatic approaches that can replace manual and error-prone tasks more feasible. In view of these considerations, this paper proposes a novel methodology to automatically compute the optimal allocation scheme and configuration of virtual firewalls within a user-defined network service graph subject to a corresponding set of security requirements. The presented framework adopts a formal approach based on the solution of a weighted partial MaxSMT problem, which also provides good confidence about the solution correctness. A prototype implementation of the proposed approach based on the z3 solver has been used for validation, showing the feasibility of the approach for problem instances requiring tens of virtual firewalls and similar numbers of security requirements

    Smart Cities Need Smart Citizens, but What About Smart Children?

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    Citizens are a key component of the smart city concept. Understanding citizens allows creating sophisticated services and outcomes that are tailored to their needs. This refers also to children and the youth who are an equally important part of society. But, even though singular initiatives can be found that put interest on children and the youth, there exists a gap between knowledge required and knowledge existing on how young people act, move, and live in cities and which urban infrastructure, facilities, and services including ICT they consider important. This owes to the fact that the needs of children and the youth - as for instance outlined in literature - are determined mostly by adults, while the perspective of the youngsters themselves has been less considered. Thus, there are several open questions on smart cities regarding children and the youth: Why at all is it important for smart city initiatives to pay attention to children and the youth? What are relevant aspects to take into account by smart cities in order to become (more) child- and youth friendly? These questions are discussed based on experience gained by work done in the project Youth Map 5020

    Specifying Access Policies for Secure Content Dissemination of XML: A Technique Inspired by DNA Cryptography

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    SOA helps to provide business agility by configuring entities to maximize loose coupling and reuse. XML is the most relevant means to provide interoperatablity among various entities. When in network, a XML file can be prone to hacking and unauthorized access, thus data integrity and confidentiality are the important issues of communication. Secure dissemination of an XML file is one of the techniques to ensure data integrity and confidentiality. This paper presents a secure dissemination technique such that extraneous data not meant for a legitimate consumer is inaccessible, there will be no information leak. The technique applies DNA cryptography due to its feature of compactness and simplicity. The technique encrypts the data and hides it in a garbage file; such that only legitimate consumer can see only the subscribed amount of data according to the access policies using the restriction enzymes. The paper also presents multicast dissemination interface that implements the proposed technique at the server level. The interface is built dynamically and asynchronously using a publish–subscribe methodology. The results indicate that the proposed technique not only satisfies the requirement specification of secure dissemination, but also points out its robustness in terms of time required to break the key. The technique is computationally secure as the time to crack the key is quite long and increases with increase in key length.</p