188 research outputs found

    10402 Abstracts Collection and Executive Summary -- Inter-Vehicular Communication

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    From October 3 to October 6, 2010, the Dagstuhl Seminar 10402 ``Inter-Vehicular Communication\u27\u27 was held in Schloss Dagstuhl~--~Leibniz Center for Informatics. During the seminar, several participants presented their current research, and ongoing work and open problems were discussed. Abstracts of the presentations given during the seminar are put together in this paper. The first section describes the seminar topics and goals in general

    Clark v. Cry Baby Foods, LLC Agency\u27s Record v. 1 Dckt. 40016

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    Clark v. Cry Baby Foods, LLC Agency\u27s Record v. 3 Dckt. 40016

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    Inter-vehicle Communication: Quo Vadis. Report from Dagstuhl Seminar 13392

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    "Inter-Vehicular Communication - Quo Vadis?". With this question in mind, leading experts in the field of vehicular networking met in Dagstuhl to discuss the current state of the art and, most importantly, the open challenges in R&D from both an scientific and an industry point of view. After more than a decade of research on vehicular networks, the experts very seriously asked the question whether all of the initial research issues had been solved so far. It turned out that the perspective changed in the last few years, mainly thanks to the ongoing field operational tests in Europe and the U.S. The results point to new research directions and new challenges that need to be solved for a second generation of vehicular networking applications and protocols. In four working groups, the experts studied these new challenges and derived recommendations that are also very helpful for the respective funding organizations

    Leave no one behind: rethinking policy and practice at the national level to prevent mental disorders

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    The global burden of mental disorders is increasing, in line with the shift from communicable to chronic non-communicable diseases. Mental disorders affect the functioning of individuals, resulting not only in enormous emotional suffering and diminished quality of life, but also in stigma and discrimination. This burden extends to the community and society, with far-reaching economic and social consequences. Even under optimal conditions, treatment alone will never be sufficient to reduce the global burden of mental disorders, so a shift in focus from treatment to prevention of mental disorders should be promoted at the central level in the form of legislation, policy formulation and resource allocation. Universal and selective prevention programs should be prioritized nationally, as they aim to change the risk profile of the entire population and specifically target populations at risk for mental disorders, respectively. In this article, we review the key risk factors for mental disorders and the measures that can be taken at the national level to prevent them, taking into due consideration that prevention efforts can vary based on the audience they are addressing, level of intensity they are providing, and the life phase they target. By adopting a human rights perspective and placing the social determinants of health at the center of our narrative, we maintain that improving mental health cannot be achieved by strengthening health services alone. Coordination across government departments is needed to implement multi-level public health interventions across a wide range of settings, programs, and policies. Focusing on children's mental health and addressing poverty, gender inequality and social discrimination should be absolute priorities for national mental health policies and plans

    On Privacy Preserving Blockchains and zk-SNARKs

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    Viimastel aastatel on krüptoraha ja plokiahela tehnoloogia leidnud suurt tähelepanu nii kaubanduslikust kui ka teaduslikust vaatenurgast. Krüptoraha kujutab endast digitaalseid münte, mis kasutades krüptograafilisi vahendeid võimaldab turvalisi tehinguid võrdvõrkudes. Bitcoin on kõige tuntum krüptoraha, mis võimaldab otsetehinguid kasutajate pseudonüümide vahel ilma, et oleks vaja kolmandaid osapooli. Paraku kui kasutaja pseudonüüm on seotud tema identiteediga, on kõik tema tehingud jälgitavad ning kaob privaatsus.Selle lahendamiseks on välja pakutud erinevaid privaatsust säilitavaid krüptorahasi, mis kasutavad anonüümsete tehingute saavutamiseks krüptograafilisi tööriistu. Zerocash on üks populaarseimatest privaatsetest krüptorahadest, mis kasutab iga tehingu allika, sihtkoha ja väärtuse varjamiseks nullteadmustõestust.Antud töö koosneb kahest peamisest osast.Esimeses osas kirjeldame, pärast lühikest ülevaadet mõnest privaatsest krüptorahast (Bitcoin, Monero ja Zerocoin), Zerocashi konstruktsiooni ja anname intuitsiivse seletuse selle tööpõhimõttele. Me tutvustame kasutuselevõetud primitiive ja arutleme iga primitiivi rolli üle mündi konstruktsioonis. Erilist tähelepanu pöörame kompaktsetele nullteadmustõestusetele (zk-SNARKidele), millel on peamine roll Zerocashis.Kuna nullteadmustõestus on niivõrd olulisel kohal Zerocashis (ja teistes privaatsetes rakendustes) siis töö teises osas pakume välja uue variatsiooni Grothi 2016. aasta zk-SNARKile, mis on seni kõige tõhusam.Erinevalt Grothi konstruktsioonist, meie variatsioonis ei ole võimalik tõestusi modifitseerida.Muudatused mõjutavad nullteadmustõestuse tõhusust vaid minimaalselt ning meie konstruktsioon on kiirem kui Grothi ja Malleri 2017. nullteadmustõestus, mis samuti välistab muudetavuse.During last few years, along with blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies have found huge attention from both commercial and scientific perspectives. Cryptocurrencies are digital coins which use cryptographic tools to allow secure peer-to-peer monetary transactions. Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency that allows direct payments between pseudonyms without any third party. If a user's pseudonym is linked to her identity, all her transactions will be traceable, which will violate her privacy. To address this, various privacy-preserving cryptocurrencies have been proposed that use different cryptographic tools to achieve anonymous transactions. Zerocash is one of the most popular ones that uses zero-knowledge proofs to hide the source, destination and value of each transaction. This thesis consists of two main parts. In the first part, after a short overview of some cryptocurrencies (precisely Bitcoin, Monero and Zerocoin), we will explain the construction of Zerocash cryptocurrency and discuss the intuition behind the construction. More precisely, we will introduce the deployed primitives and will discuss the role of each primitive in the construction of the coin. In particular, we explain zero-knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge (a.k.a. zk-SNARKs) that play the main role in achieving strong privacy in Zerocash. Due to the importance of zk-SNARKs in privacy-preserving applications, in the second part of the thesis, we will present a new variation of Groth's 2016 zk-SNARK that currently is the most efficient pairing-based scheme. The main difference between the proposed variation and the original one is that unlike the original version, new variation guarantees non-malleability of generated proofs. Our analysis shows that the proposed changes have minimal effects on the efficiency of the original scheme and particularly it outperforms Groth and Maller's 2017 zk-SNARK that also guarantees non-malleability of proofs

    Master list and index to NASA directives

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    All NASA management directives in force as of August 1, 1982 are listed by major subject headings showing number, effective data, title, responsible office, and distribution code. Delegations of authority in print by that date are listed numerically as well as by the installation or office to which special authority is assigned. Other consolidated lists show all management handbooks, directives applicable to the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, directions published in the Code of Federal Regulations, complementary manuals, and NASA safety standards. Distribution policies and instructions for ordering directives are included

    The Health of Human Trafficking Victims in San Diego, California: A Retrospective Study

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    Background/Purposes/ Aims: Human trafficking (HT) is a threat to human rights globally. Studies indicate between 28% and 87% of HT victims encountered a health care professional during their trafficking period. Nonetheless, little is known about the health care needs of victims of HT. The purpose of this study was to examine the health care needs of a self-identified group of trafficked women in San Diego County, California. Conceptual Basis: The Model of Human Trafficking and Health by Zimmerman et al. (2011) was used to identify multiple determinates of health following the trafficking period including demographic factors (age at assessment, age at entry into trafficking, ethnicity, history of homelessness, history of foster care), exploitation factors (motivation for trading sex), needs assessment (drug rehabilitation, methadone maintenance, counseling), sexual health factors (use of condoms), and mental health factors (depression, anxiety, and posttraumatic stress disorder). Method: Retrospective, descriptive study of previously collected data (2012-2015) from first-time offenders arrested for prostitution participating in a law-enforcement diversion program. 191 were interviewed, 31 (16.6%) self-identified as HT victims. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to describe the sample and examine the relationships between the variables. Results: All HT victims were women, significantly younger (M=23.3, SD 6.67), versus (M=26.95, SD 9.21); t(55) = 2.51, p = .015, more likely to have a history of homelessness, x2(1, N = 188) = 11.18, p = .001, been in the foster care system x2(2, N = 191) = 5.93, p = .048, “feeling depressed” [x2(2, N =31) = 13.205, p = .001], “difficulty concentrating” [x2(2, N =31) = 10.809, p = .004], “hopelessness/desperation” [x2(2, N=31) = 15.556, p \u3c .001], and the PTSD indicator questions: “Do you have a sense of leaving your body”, x2(2, N=30) = 9.785, p = .006; and “flashbacks, nightmares or fears”, x2(2, N=31) = 12.56, p = .002 than the non-trafficked group. Conclusions and Implications: HT victims are a hidden population often encountering a health care professional during the trafficking period. Screening and intervention strategies are needed. Further research is needed on the physical and psychological comorbidity patterns of trafficking victims to facilitate identification, intervention, and treatment strategies