450 research outputs found

    Transmetteurs photoniques sur silicium pour les transmissions optiques à grande capacité

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    Les applications exigeant des très nombreuses données (médias sociaux, diffusion vidéo en continu, mégadonnées, etc.) se développent à un rythme rapide, ce qui nécessite de plus en plus de liaisons optiques ultra-rapides. Ceci implique le développment des transmetteurs optiques intégrés et à bas coût et plus particulirement en photonique sur silicium en raison de ses avantages par rapport aux autres technologies (LiNbO3 et InP), tel que la compatibilité avec le procédé de fabrication CMOS. Les modulateurs optoélectronique sont un élément essentiel dans la communication op-tique. Beaucoup de travaux de recherche sont consacrées au développement de dispositifs optiques haut débit efficaces. Cependant, la conception de modulateurs en photonique sur sili-cium (SiP) haut débit est diffcile, principalement en raison de l'absence d'effet électro-optique intrinsèque dans le silicium. De nouvelles approches et de architectures plus performances doivent être développées afin de satisfaire aux critères réliés au système d'une liaison optique aux paramètres de conception au niveau du dispositif integré. En outre, la co-conception de circuits integrés photoniques sur silicium et CMOS est cruciale pour atteindre tout le potentiel de la technologie de photonique sur silicium. Ainsi cette thèse aborde les défits susmentionnés. Dans notre première contribution, nous préesentons pour la première fois un émetteur phononique sur silicium PAM-4 sans utiliser un convertisseur numérique analog (DAC)qui comprend un modulateur Mach Zehnder à électrodes segmentées SiP (LES-MZM) implémenté dans un procédé photonique sur silicium générique avec jonction PN latérale et son conducteur CMOS intégré. Des débits allant jusqu'à 38 Gb/s/chnnel sont obtenus sans utili-ser un convertisseur numérique-analogique externe. Nous présentons également une nouvelle procédure de génération de délai dans le excitateur de MOS complémentaire. Un effet, un délai robuste aussi petit que 7 ps est généré entre les canaux de conduite. Dans notre deuxième contribution, nous présentons pour la première fois un nouveau fac-teur de mérite (FDM) pour les modulateurs SiP qui inclut non seulement la perte optique et l'efficacité (comme les FDMs précédents), mais aussi la bande passante électro-optique du modulateur SiP (BWEO). Ce nouveau FDM peut faire correspondre les paramètres de conception physique du modulateur SiP à ses critères de performance au niveau du système, facilitant à la fois la conception du dispositif optique et l'optimisation du système. Pour la première fois nous définissons et utilisons la pénalité de puissance du modulateur (MPP) induite par le modulateur SiP pour étudier la dégradation des performances au niveau du système induite par le modulateur SiP dans une communication à base de modulation d'amplitude d'impulsion optique. Nous avons développé l'équation pour MPP qui inclut les facteurs de limitation du modulateur (perte optique, taux d'extinction limité et limitation de la bande passante électro-optique). Enfin, dans notre troisième contribution, une nouvelle méthodologie de conception pour les modulateurs en SiP intégré à haute débit est présentée. La nouvelle approche est basée sur la minimisation de la MPP SiP en optimisant l'architecture du modulateur et le point de fonctionnement. Pour ce processus, une conception en longueur unitaire du modulateur Mach Zehnder (MZM) peut être optimisée en suivant les spécifications du procédé de fabrication et les règles de conception. Cependant, la longueur et la tension de biais du d'éphaseur doivent être optimisées ensemble (par exemple selon vitesse de transmission et format de modulation). Pour vérifier l'approche d'optimisation proposée expérimentale mont, a conçu un modulateur photonique sur silicium en phase / quadrature de phase (IQ) ciblant le format de modulation 16-QAM à 60 Gigabaud. Les résultats expérimentaux prouvent la fiabilité de la méthodologie proposée. D'ailleurs, nous avons augmenté la vitesse de transmission jusqu'à 70 Gigabaud pour tester la limite de débit au système. Une transmission de données dos à dos avec des débits binaires de plus de 233 Gigabit/s/channel est observée. Cette méthodologie de conception ouvre ainsi la voie à la conception de la prochaine génération d'émetteurs intégrés à double polarisation 400+ Gigabit/s/channel.Data-hungry applications (social media, video streaming, big data, etc.) are expanding at a fast pace, growing demand for ultra-fast optical links. This driving force reveals need for low-cost, integrated optical transmitters and pushes research in silicon photonics because of its advantages over other platforms (i.e. LiNbO3 and InP), such as compatibility with CMOS fabrication processes, the ability of on-chip polarization manipulation, and cost effciency. Electro-optic modulators are an essential component of optical communication links and immense research is dedicated to developing effcient high-bitrate devices. However, the design of high-capacity Silicon Photonics (SiP) transmitters is challenging, mainly due to lack of inherent electro-optic effect in silicon. New design methodologies and performance merits have to be developed in order to map the system-level criteria of an optical link to the design parameters in device-level. In addition, co-design of silicon photonics and CMOS integrated circuits is crucial to reveal the full potential of silicon photonics. This thesis addresses the aforementioned challenges. In our frst contribution, for the frst time we present a DAC-less PAM-4 silicon photonic transmitter that includes a SiP lumped-element segmented-electrode Mach Zehnder modula-tor (LES-MZM) implemented in a generic silicon photonic process with lateral p-n junction and its co-designed CMOS driver. Using post processing, bitrates up to 38 Gb/s/channel are achieved without using an external digital to analog converter. We also presents a novel delay generation procedure in the CMOS driver. A robust delay as small as 7 ps is generated between the driving channels. In our second contribution, for the frst time we present a new figure of merit (FOM) for SiP modulators that includes not only the optical loss and effciency (like the prior FOMs), but also the SiP modulator electro-optic bandwidth ( BWEO). This new FOM can map SiP modulator physical design parameters to its system-level performance criteria, facilitating both device design and system optimization. For the frst time we define and employ the modulator power penalty (MPP) induced by the SiP modulator to study the system level performance degradation induced by SiP modulator in an optical pulse amplitude modulation link. We develope a closed-form equation for MPP that includes the SiP modulator limiting factors (optical loss, limited extinction ratio and electro-optic bandwidth limitation). Finally in our third contribution, we present a novel design methodology for integrated high capacity SiP modulators. The new approach is based on minimizing the power penalty of a SiP modulator (MPP) by optimizing modulator design and bias point. For the given process, a unit-length design of Mach Zehnder modulator (MZM) can be optimized following the process specifications and design rules. However, the length and the bias voltage of the phase shifter must be optimized together in a system context (e.g., baud rate and modulation format). Moreover, to verify the proposed optimization approach in experiment, we design an in-phase/quadrature-phase (IQ) silicon photonic modulator targeting 16-QAM modulation format at 60 Gbaud. Experimental results proves the reliability of our proposed methodology. We further push the baud rate up to 70 Gbaud to examine the capacity boundary of the device. Back to back data transmission with bitrates more than 233 Gb/s/channel are captured. This design methodology paves the way for designing the next generation of integrated dual- polarization 400+ Gb/s/channel transmitters

    Integrated Circuit Design for Hybrid Optoelectronic Interconnects

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    This dissertation focuses on high-speed circuit design for the integration of hybrid optoelectronic interconnects. It bridges the gap between electronic circuit design and optical device design by seamlessly incorporating the compact Verilog-A model for optical components into the SPICE-like simulation environment, such as the Cadence design tool. Optical components fabricated in the IME 130nm SOI CMOS process are characterized. Corresponding compact Verilog-A models for Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) device are developed. With this approach, electro-optical co-design and hybrid simulation are made possible. The developed optical models are used for analyzing the system-level specifications of an MZM based optoelectronic transceiver link. Link power budgets for NRZ, PAM-4 and PAM-8 signaling modulations are simulated at system-level. The optimal transmitter extinction ratio (ER) is derived based on the required receiver\u27s minimum optical modulation amplitude (OMA). A limiting receiver is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm CMOS process. By side- by-side wire-bonding to a commercial high-speed InGaAs/InP PIN photodiode, we demonstrate that the hybrid optoelectronic limiting receiver can achieve the bit error rate (BER) of 10-12 with a -6.7 dBm sensitivity at 4 Gb/s. A full-rate, 4-channel 29-1 length parallel PRBS is fabricated in the IBM 130 nm SiGe BiCMOS process. Together with a 10 GHz phase locked loop (PLL) designed from system architecture to transistor level design, the PRBS is demonstrated operating at more than 10 Gb/s. Lessons learned from high-speed PCB design, dealing with signal integrity issue regarding to the PCB transmission line are summarized

    Electro-Photonic Transmitter Front-Ends for High-Speed Fiber-Optic Communication

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    This thesis addresses basic scientific research in the field of transmitter front-end circuits for electro-optical data communication. First, the theoretical fundamentals are presented and analyzed. Based on the theoretical considerations, conceptual circuit designs are studied. Finally, in order to prove the described concepts, the circuits were experimentally characterized and subsequently compared to other works in the literature. The analysis covers key theoretical aspects regarding transmitter front-end circuits. It starts from the basic physical effects inside a transistor and ends with the design of high-swing modulator drivers. Furthermore, it comprises the fundamentals of optical modulators as well as the integration of the electrical driver with the modulator. First, the concept of a basic monolithically integrated transmitter consisting of a Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) and an electrical driver is presented. The circuit reaches a bit-error-free data rate of 37 Gb/s, which is a record among other monolithically integrated transmitters reported in the literature. It was shown that by employing a high-swing driver, high extinction ratios (ER) can be achieved (namely 8.4 dB at 25 Gb/s and 7.6 dB at 35 Gb/s) while using short-length phase shifters (2 mm of length). It was therefore proved that one of the main drawbacks of the MZM-based transmitters, namely their large chip area, can be mitigated by using high-swing drivers, however without sacrificing the ER. Next, an improved modulator driver design is investigated, the focus of the study being the linearity. In addition to a high peak-to-peak differential output voltage swing of 7.2 Vpp,d, the driver achieves record-low total harmonic distortion (THD) values of 1% (at 1 GHz, for the output swing of 6.5 Vpp,d) and 1.7% (at 1 GHz, for the output swing of 7 Vpp,d). Moreover, the driver reaches a bandwidth of 61.2 GHz and shows a high power efficiency when relating its DC power consumption to its output voltage swing. The achievement of a high linearity and bandwidth without an increased power consumption is due to the fact that the bias currents of the emitter-follower (EF) stages are provided by means of resistors instead of the conventional current sources. The two approaches were first analyzed mathematically and subsequently compared by means of circuit simulations. It was shown that the proposed approach for the realization of the EFs – i.e. by means of resistors – allows a reduction of the DC power consumption by 19% compared to the current-source approach for an equivalent performance in terms of linearity and bandwidth. Finally, a modulator driver concept suitable for higher-order modulation formats is studied, namely the 8-level pulse amplitude modulation (PAM-8). The circuit was realized as a 3-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC), thus being able to yield 8-level output signals. Moreover, the circuit is able to function as a PAM-4 driver as well, thanks to the tunable tail currents of the DAC core. It achieves a symbol rate of 50 Gbaud, which corresponds to a bit rate of 150 Gb/s for the PAM-8 modulation and 100 Gb/s for PAM-4. The study showed that a modulator driver can be realized that is able to switch between different modulation formats (namely PAM-8 and PAM-4), without requiring extra power or additional circuit parts. Moreover, the use of on-chip single-to-differential converters (SDCs) targets the relaxation of the requirements on the stages that precede the driver. Finally, relating its DC power consumption (590 mW, including the SDCs) to its output voltage swing (4 Vpp,d), the driver shows one of the highest power efficiencies among PAM modulator drivers in the literature

    High-speed low-power modulator driver arrays for medium-reach optical networks

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    The internet is becoming the ubiquitous tool that is changing the lives of so many citizens across the world. Commerce, government, industry, healthcare and social interactions are all increasingly using internet applications to improve and facilitate communications. This is especially true for videoenabled applications, which currently demand much higher data rates and quality from data networks. High definition TV streaming services are emerging and these again will significantly push the demand for widely deployed, high-bandwidth services. The current access passive optical networks (PONs) use a single wavelength for downstream transmission and a separate one for upstream transmission. Incorporating wavelength-division multiplexing (WDM) in a PON allows for much higher bandwidths in both directions. While WDM technologies have been successfully deployed for many years in metro and core networks, in access networks they are not commonly used yet. This is mainly due to the high costs associated with deploying entire WDM access networks. However, the present optical networks cannot be simply and cost-effectively scaled to provide the capacity for tomorrow’s users. As an effect there is a strong need for new WDM access components which are compact, cost-competitive and mass-manufacturable. Increasing the number of wavelengths for WDM-PON automatically leads to an increase in the number of single pluggable transceivers, which brings substantial design challenges and additional costs. The multitude of TXs and RXs for different wavelength channels increases the total footprint considerably. Photonic integration of transceivers into arrays will significantly reduce the footprint and cost. However, the total power consumption of an array device is an issue. To avoid the use of a thermoelectric cooler, the integration density of components is severely limited by the heat dissipating capabilities offered by their package. As a result the WDM-PON philosophy necessitates the reduction of the transceiver’s power dissipation. From this plea it is apparent that the main technology challenges for realizing future-proof optical (access) networks are reducing active component power consumption, shrinking form factors and lowering assembly costs. In this perspective an over 100 Gb/s throughput component, composed of 10 channels at 11.3 Gb/s per wavelength channel would be a great contribution to the expansion of customer bandwidth. It can provide increased line rates to the end users at speeds of 10 Gb/s per wavelength. As RXs typically consume much less power than externally modulated TXs, they can relatively easily be integrated into an array. Mainly high speed optical transmitters have significant power consumptions and the heat generation caused by power dissipation forms a critical obstacle in the development of a 10-channel transmitter, which again underlines the importance of power reduction. Alongside the introduction of WDM in access networks, also inter-office point-to-point connections in data center environments could benefit from the WDM philosophy. As data center operators often suffer from fiber scarcity or do not own their fiber infrastructure, WDM technologies are essential to deliver reach and capacity extension for these scenarios. Interdata center communication also benefits from cost-, footprint- and energyefficient components operating at high speed to maximize the throughput. As an effect integrated over 100 Gb/s transceivers, such as 4 channels at 28 Gb/s, are highly desirable. The research described in this dissertation was partly funded by the European FP7 ICT project C3PO (Colourless and Coolerless Components for low Power Optical Networks) and the UGent special research fund. The C3PO project aimed to develop a new generation of green Si-photonic compatible components with record low power consumption, that can enable bandwidth growth and constrain the total cost. C3PO envisioned building high-capacity access networks employing reflective photonic components. To achieve this, cost-competitive reflective transmitters based on electroabsorption modulators (EAM) needed to be closely integrated into arrays. A multi-wavelength optical source provides the required wavelength channels for both downstream and upstream signals in the WDM-PON. Chapter 1 gives a short overview of a PON and describes the main implementations of a WDM-PON access network. It introduces integrated low power transmitter arrays for a cost-effective architecture of WDM-PONs and inter-data center communication. Chapter 2 compares different optical transmitters and gives a short overview of their most important characteristics. External modulation through both Mach-Zehnder modulators (MZMs) and EAMs is described. It shows that EAMs are the best choice for low power transmitter array integration, thanks to their lower drive voltage and smaller form factor, compared to MZMs. To achieve a reduced consumption, the electronic modulator driver topology is studied in chapter 3. The challenge in designing modulator drivers is the need to deliver very large currents in combination with high voltage swings. Four distinct output configurations are compared and techniques to reduce the power consumption of the drivers are described. Chapter 5 presents duobinary (DB), a modulation scheme that is gaining interest in today’s optical transmission. As the required bandwidth is about half that of NRZ, it softens the constraints on the transmitter bandwidth. Thanks to its narrow optical spectrum, it has an improved tolerance to dispersion in long haul single mode links and it can improve the spectral efficiency in WDM architectures. For optical DB a precoder is necessary to assure the received signal is equal to the original binary signal. The conducted research that resulted in this dissertation produced 2 low power EAM driver arrays: A 10-channel 113 Gb/s modulator driver array with state-of-the art ultra-low power consumption. A 2-channel 56 Gb/s duobinary driver array with a differential output with low power consumption. Both designs are elaborately analyzed in chapter 4 and 6 respectively. To the best of our knowledge the 10-channel EAM driver array is the first in its kind, while achieving the lowest power consumption for an EAM driver so far reported, 50% below the state of the art in power consumption. The 2-channel EAM driver array is the fastest modulator driver including on-chip duobinary encoding and precoding reported so far. The final chapter provides an overview of the foremost conclusions from the presented research. It is concluded with suggestions for further research

    Broadband distributed drivers for 3D photonic-electronic wafer-scale packaging

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    Broadband distributed drivers for 3D photonic-electronic wafer-scale packaging

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    대역폭 증대 기술을 이용한 전력 효율적 고속 송신 시스템 설계

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    학위논문(박사) -- 서울대학교대학원 : 공과대학 전기·정보공학부, 2022.2. 정덕균.The high-speed interconnect at the datacenter is being more crucial as 400 Gb Ethernet standards are developed. At the high data rate, channel loss re-quires bandwidth extension techniques for transmitters, even for short-reach channels. On the other hand, as the importance of east-to-west connection is rising, the data center architectures are switching to spine-leaf from traditional ones. In this trend, the number of short-reach optical interconnect is expected to be dominant. The vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser (VCSEL) is a com-monly used optical modulator for short-reach interconnect. However, since VCSEL has low bandwidth and nonlinearity, the optical transmitter also needs bandwidth-increasing techniques. Additionally, the power consumption of data centers reaches a point of concern to affect climate change. Therefore, this the-sis focuses on high-speed, power-efficient transmitters for data center applica-tions. Before the presenting circuit design, bandwidth extension techniques such as fractionally-spaced feed-forward equalizer (FFE), on-chip transmission line, inductive peaking, and T-coil are mathematically analyzed for their effec-tiveness. For the first chip, a power and area-efficient pulse-amplitude modulation 4 (PAM-4) transmitter using 3-tap FFE based on a slow-wave transmission line is presented. A passive delay line is adopted for generating an equalizer tap to overcome the high clocking power consumption. The transmission line achieves a high slow-wave factor of 15 with double floating metal shields around the differential coplanar waveguide. The transmitter includes 4:1 multi-plexers (MUXs) and a quadrature clock generator for high-speed data genera-tion in a quarter-rate system. The 4:1 MUX utilizes a 2-UI pulse generator, and the input configuration is determined by qualitative analysis. The chip is fabri-cated in 65 nm CMOS technology and occupies an area of 0.151 mm2. The proposed transmitter system exhibits an energy efficiency of 3.03 pJ/b at the data rate of 48 Gb/s with PAM-4 signaling. The second chip presents a power-efficient PAM-4 VCSEL transmitter using 3-tap FFE and negative-k T-coil. The phase interpolators (PIs) generate frac-tionally-spaced FFE tap and correct quadrature phase error. The PAM-4 com-bining 8:1 MUX is proposed rather than combining at output driver with double 4:1 MUXs to reduce serializing power consumption. T-coils at the internal and output node increase the bandwidth and remove inter-symbol interference (ISI). The negative-k T-coil at the output network increases the bandwidth 1.61 times than without T-coil. The VCSEL driver is placed on the high VSS domain for anode driving and power reduction. The chip is fabricated in 40 nm CMOS technology. The proposed VCSEL transmitter operates up to 48 Gb/s NRZ and 64 Gb/s PAM-4 with the power efficiency of 3.03 pJ/b and 2.09 pJ/b, respec-tively.400Gb 이더넷 표준이 개발됨에 따라 데이터 센터의 고속 상호 연결이 더욱 중요해지고 있다. 높은 데이터 속도에서의 채널 손실에 의해 단거리 채널의 경우에도 송신기에 대한 대역폭 확장 기술이 필요하다. 한편, 데이터 센터 내 동-서 연결의 중요성이 높아지면서 데이터 센터 아키텍처가 기존의 아키텍처에서 스파인-리프로 전환되고 있다. 이러한 추세에서 단거리 광학 인터커넥트의 수가 점차 우세해질 것으로 예상된다. 수직 캐비티 표면 방출 레이저(VCSEL)는 일반적으로 단거리 상호 연결을 위해 사용되는 광학 모듈레이터이다. VCSEL은 낮은 대역폭과 비선형성을 가지고 있기 때문에, 광 송신기도 대역폭 증가 기술을 필요로 한다. 또한, 데이터 센터의 전력 소비는 기후 변화에 영향을 미칠 수 있는 우려 지점에 도달했다. 따라서, 본 논문은 데이터 센터 응용을 위한 고속 전력 효율적인 송신기에 초점을 맞추고 있다. 회로 설계를 제시하기 전에, 부분 간격 피드-포워드 이퀄라이저 (FFE), 온칩 전송선로, 인덕터, T-코일과 같은 대역폭 확장 기술을 수학적으로 분석한다. 첫 번째 칩은 저속파 전송선로를 기반으로 한 3-탭 FFE를 사용하는 전력 및 면적 효율적인 펄스-진폭-변조 4(PAM-4) 송신기를 제시한다. 높은 클럭 전력 소비를 극복하기 위해 이퀄라이저 탭 생성을 위해 수동소자 지연 라인을 채택했다. 전송 라인은 차동 동일평면도파관 주위에 이중 플로팅 금속 차폐를 사용하여 15의 높은 전달속도 감쇠를 달성한다. 송신기에는 4:1 멀티플렉서(MUX)와 4-위상 클럭 생성기가 포함되어 있다. 4:1 MUX는 2-UI 펄스 발생기를 사용하며, 정성 분석에 의해 입력 구성이 결정된다. 이 칩은 65 nm CMOS 기술로 제작되었으며 0.151 mm2의 면적을 차지한다. 제안된 송신기 시스템은 PAM-4 신호와 함께 48 Gb/s의 데이터 속도에서 3.03 pJ/b의 에너지 효율을 보여준다. 두 번째 칩에서는 3-탭 FFE 및 역회전 T-코일을 사용하는 전력 효율적인 PAM-4 VCSEL 송신기를 제시한다. 위상 보간기(PI)는 부분 간격 FFE 탭을 생성하고 4-위상 클럭 오류를 수정하는 데 사용된다. 직렬화 전력 소비를 줄이기 위해 출력 드라이버에서 MSB와 LSB를 두 개의 4:1 MUX를 통해 결합하는 대신 8:1 MUX를 통해 PAM-4로 결합하는 회로가 제안된다. 내부 및 출력 노드에서 T-코일은 대역폭을 증가시키고 기호 간 간섭(ISI)을 제거한다. 출력 네트워크에서 역회전 T-코일은 T-코일이 없는 경우보다 대역폭을 1.61배 증가시킨다. VCSEL 드라이버는 양극 구동 및 전력 감소를 위해 높은 VSS 도메인에 배치된다. 이 칩은 40 nm CMOS 기술로 제작되었다. 제안된 VCSEL 송신기는 각각 3.03pJ/b와 2.09pJ/b의 전력 효율로 최대 48Gb/s NRZ와 64Gb/s PAM-4까지 작동한다.ABSTRACT I CONTENTS III LIST OF FIGURES V LIST OF TABLES IX CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 MOTIVATION 1 1.2 THESIS ORGANIZATION 5 CHAPTER 2 BACKGROUND OF HIGH-SPEED INTERFACE 6 2.1 OVERVIEW 6 2.2 BASIS OF DATA CENTER ARCHITECTURE 9 2.3 SHORT-REACH INTERFACE STANDARDS 12 2.4 ANALYSES OF BANDWIDTH EXTENSION TECHNIQUES 16 2.4.1 FRACTIONALLY-SPACED FFE 16 2.4.2 TRANSMISSION LINE 21 2.4.3 INDUCTOR 24 2.4.4 T-COIL 33 CHAPTER 3 DESIGN OF 48 GB/S PAM-4 ELECTRICAL TRANSMITTER IN 65 NM CMOS 43 3.1 OVERVIEW 43 3.2 FFE BASED ON DOUBLE-SHIELDED COPLANAR WAVEGUIDE 46 3.2.1 BASIC CONCEPT 46 3.2.2 PROPOSED DOUBLE-SHIELDED COPLANAR WAVEGUIDE 47 3.3 DESIGN CONSIDERATION ON 4:1 MUX 50 3.4 PROPOSED PAM-4 ELECTRICAL TRANSMITTER 53 3.5 MEASUREMENT 57 CHAPTER 4 DESIGN OF 64 GB/S PAM-4 OPTICAL TRANSMITTER IN 40 NM CMOS 64 4.1 OVERVIEW 64 4.2 DESIGN CONSIDERATION OF OPTICAL TRANSMITTER 66 4.3 PROPOSED PAM-4 VCSEL TRANSMITTER 69 4.4 MEASUREMENT 82 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSIONS 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY 90 초 록 101박

    A low power 2 x 28 Gb/s electroabsorption modulator driver array with on-chip duobinary encoding

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    An integrated 2 x 28 Gb/s dual-channel duobinary driver IC is presented. Each channel has integrated coding blocks, transforming a non-return-to-zero input signal into a 3-level electrical duobinary signal to achieve an optical duobinary modulation. To the best of our knowledge this is the fastest modulator driver including on-chip duobinary encoding and precoding. Moreover, it only consumes 652 mW per channel at a differential output swing of 6 V-pp

    Design of a Triple-Mode Low Power Single-Ended Source-Series-Terminated Driver

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    In data centers, the multi-mode fiber (MMF) links and vertical cavity surface emitting laser (VCSEL) diode are widely used for short-reach optical communications (< 100 m) because of their low cost and their ability to handle the ever-increasing data rates. In conventional VCSEL drivers, the laser diode driver (LDD) can be bonded to a chip carrier, while the host chip is bonded to another chip carrier. This host chip contains an electrical link driver and is connected to the VCSEL driver via a short electrical link. To reduce the overall power consumption of the conventional VCSEL driver system, the electrical link driver in the host chip can be modified so that it can drive the VCSEL diode directly, eliminating the laser diode driver. Thus, the modified driver can drive either an electrical link or a VCSEL diode. By modifying the packaging, the VCSEL diode can be wire bonded to the host chip and directly driven. Driving a VCSEL diode requires features such as asymmetric equalization, relatively low modulation current, and DC current source to bias the VCSEL. On the other hand, driving an electrical link requires symmetric equalization, relatively high output voltage swing from the driver, and matched output impedance. Accordingly, a typical electrical link driver cannot drive a VCSEL diode and the VCSEL driver is not suitable for driving an electrical link. The proposed design is a single-ended source-series-terminated (SST) voltage-mode driver in a CMOS 65 nm technology with three driving modes: driving electrical links with losses up to 16 dB (mode I), driving VCSEL diodes through a short electrical link (mode II), and driving VCSEL diodes directly wire bonded to the driver (mode III). The proposed design provides a tunable output swing without changing the driver output impedance and achieves a smooth transition between symmetric and asymmetric equalization as needed. In simulation, the proposed triple-mode driver operates up to a bit rate of 20 Gb/s, and dissipates at most 27.6 mW of power when operating at mode II when using a supply voltage of 1.2 V

    CMOS linear laser driver for intermediate frequency over fiber (IFoF) links

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    The main objective of the proposed linear laser driver (LLD) is to reduce signal distortion in an analog direct modulation laser configuration used for intermediate frequency over fiber links. This work draws on an open-loop configuration featuring two differential pair blocks in a cascade arrangement to achieve a bandwidth measurement of 415 MHz at the half-power point, a total harmonic distortion of 4.57% for a fundamental frequency of 100 MHz, and an amplitude of 100 mVpp. The LLD provides a gain of 12.3 dB for a differential output and an output impedance of 46 Ω. The design, layout, and integration correspond to the process design kit for TSMC 65-nm CMOS technology. Experimental results show the advantage over other previously reported laser drivers