164 research outputs found

    Evaluation of PI Research Management Mode by Delphi Method

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    目的运用德尔菲法对PI制科研管理模式的影响因素进行分析,初步确定影响PI制科研管理模式的相关因素。方法采用德尔菲法问卷咨询法。结果两轮问卷调查,专家积极系数都为100%,专家权威系数分别为0.80和0.84。第一轮的变异系数为0.11,肯德尔和谐系数为0.78;第二轮变异系数为0.04,肯德尔变异系数为0.89,且两次的检验差异都有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。PI制管理模式影响因素的重要程度依次为PI自主权、稳定的科研经费来源、科研机构学术氛围。结论通过德尔菲法评价影响PI制科研管理相关影响因素,为PI制的高效率科研管理提供参考和帮助。Objective To evaluate and determine the factors affecting Principal Investigators(PI) research management mode by Delphi method.Methods Expert consultation was conducted in the form of questionnaire according to Delphi method.Results The positive coefficients of two rounds of expert consultation were both 100% and the authority coefficient was 0.80 and 0.84 in the two rounds.In the first round,coefficient of variation were 0.11 and coordination coefficient(Kendall W) was 0.78.In the second round,coefficient of variation was 0.04 and coordination coefficient(Kendall W) was 0.89,and the differences of the two rounds were statistically significant(P 0.001).The factors affecting PI management mode was PI autonomy,stable source of research funding and academic environment in order of sigificance.Conclusion Evaluation of key factors by Delphi method can provide reference for more effective PI research management


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    Research on Risk Management of Kitchen Cabinet Customization Project of SL Company

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    精装修商品房中的橱柜定制化项目设计、生产、安装整个施工过程时间跨度很长,并强烈受房屋建筑的装修进度影响。房屋建造过程中,墙体更改,房间尺寸差异,不同户型、甚至同一户型不同厨房的橱柜设计方案都不一样,导致橱柜项目承包方在橱柜产品报价预算偏差过大、房间测量、方案设计以及安装过程中的风险因素众多,错误频发。精装房中橱柜产品的能够完全按招标方的项目整体施工计划完成开发的难度非常大。 本文通过对项目风险管理理论以及项目风险相关的文献检索的学习,结合SL公司橱柜定制化项目开发实际以及过程中遇到的各种风险因素,从项目风险管理的角度,建立起SL公司自己的管理方式、产品开发实施方法、橱柜定制化项目开发的风险识...In the process of the cabinet project customization development, it will spend very long time in cabinet design, production and installation ,and the construction process is affected by the progress of the renovation of the mud. In the housing construction process, the wall changes, room size differences, different units, and even the same type of different kitchen cabinets design programs are not...学位:工程硕士院系专业:管理学院_工程硕士(项目管理)学号:X201115302


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    Abstract in Chinese: 企业社会责任评价研究是企业社会责任研究领域中重要且易引发争议的热点。本研究基于利益相关者理论,综合运用德尔菲法、层次分析法,初步构建了医药企业社会责任评价指标体系。本文主要针对指标体系构建过程中的研究方法、指标选取、指标体系应用方向问题进行深入探讨,旨在总结研究经验,为未来深入研究提供借鉴。Abstract in English: CSR measurement is an important and controversial hotspot in the field of CSR research. This study aims at constructing CSR Measurement Index System for Chinese pharmaceutical companies based on stakeholder theory with the Delphi method and Analytic Hierarchy Process. This paper reviews the challenges of the research methods adopted, index selection and the potential application of the preliminary measurement index system. The research experience summarized in this paper will provide reference for further studies in this field. [pp. 357-358

    Research on the Development and Application of High Star-rated Hotel Customer Value Evaluation Index System ——A Case Study of Xiamen A Hotel

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    随着旅游业的发展,我国星级酒店蜂拥而起,但正是由于这种“一窝蜂”式的开发,导致同类同质化现象严重,星级酒店之间竞争日趋白热化。所有酒店都在想方设法力求用最小的成本获取最大的利润,可实际上并非每一位客户都能贡献同样的利润,这就要求酒店能够采取一种有效的工具对客户进行评价、分类,从而根据客户价值大小来采取相应的服务与营销策略。对价值贡献大的客户除提供标准服务外,还可给予一些个性化服务,以此提高客户的满意度和忠诚度,为酒店带来新的利润增长点。因此,急需开发一套星级酒店客户价值评价指标体系,以帮助酒店对客户进行评价、分类,针对不用类别的客户采取相应的服务与营销策略,以最小的成本获取最大的利润。 当前...With the development of China’s tourism sector, the number of high star-rated hotels increased rapidly and thus led to the homogenization trend in hotel sector. Each hotel seeks to get the most profit with the least cost, while not every customer can contribute the same profit, then it requires to take an effective tool to evaluate the contribution of each customer and thus to take appropriate ser...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_旅游管理硕士学号:1782013115122

    A Study on Supply Chain Finance Business of Commercial Bank

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    随着产业竞争由企业之间的竞争逐渐升级为供应链之间竞争,以及供应链上中小企业融资需求的增长,供应链金融应运而生。供应链金融将资金流有效地融入供应链管理中,是一种为处于供应链条上的中小企业量身打造的新型融资模式。对商业银行来说,作为一个全新经营理念和运作模式,供应链金融不仅实现了对供应链上中小企业的市场开发,同时又可对核心企业进一步提供金融服务,大大拓展了商业银行发展公司业务的空间。然而与此同时,供应链金融由于参与者众多,受到诸多内外因素的影响,商业银行也面临着与传统信贷模式下不尽相同的的风险,值得进一步关注与探讨。 本文对供应链金融的关键概念进行解释,并运用相关经济理论,如交易成本理论,委托代...As the industrial competition escalating from competition among enterprises to competition among supply chains, and the demand for financing of SME (small and medium enterprises) in the supply chain growing, supply chain finance came into being. Supply chain finance integrates cash flow finance into supply chain management effectively, and it is a new financing mode tailored for the SME in the sup...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院金融系_金融学(含保险学)学号:1562007115139

    Study on Establishment of Index System and Assessment Mechanism of Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention Activities under Direct MSA

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    海事危防主管部门是保障船舶、港口和人命安全,保护水域环境,便利运输生产,加强船舶运输过程中的安全与防污染管理的中坚力量。本论文借鉴绩效评估、绩效管理的理念,对直属海事局现行的目标管理体制进行分析,探讨直属海事局危防工作指标体系和考核机制,促进直属海事局危防工作实现理念创新、职能转变、作风转变和工作方法转变,提升直属海事局危防工作能力和服务水平。 本文取得的研究成果主要包括: 1.在综述工作指标体系和考核机制研究进展基础上,评述指标体系常用的主要技术方法,包括德尔菲法、层次分析法、数理统计方法和模糊综合评价法等;基于目标管理、绩效评估和绩效管理理论及其实践进展,利用德尔菲法构建直属海事局危防...Dangerous Cargo Control and Pollution Prevention Department of of Maritime Safety Administration is responsible for the safety of ships, ports and human life, the protection of water environment, the facilitation of transportation and production, and it is the backbone to strengthen the safety in shipping process and pollution prevention management. This thesis adopted the concepts of performance ...学位:理学硕士院系专业:海洋与环境学院环境科学与工程系_环境管理学号:2262006115239