1,677,992 research outputs found

    Сім'я у сфері дії ювенальної юстиції

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    Годунова В. А. Сім'я у сфері дії ювенальної юстиції / В. А. Годунова, К. О. Лапа // Римське право як підґрунтя сучасного права Європи : матеріали Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. (м. Одеса, 27 травня 2016 р.) / за заг. ред. Є. О. Харитонова ; НУ "ОЮА". Півд. регіон. центр НАПрН України. - Одеса : Фенікс, 2016. - С. 172-174

    Vrana Shopha - An Ayurvedic Perspective

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    Father of Surgery, Acharya Sushruta had complete knowledge of Vrana (wound) and their management along with its untimely and untreated complication. The Vrana Shopha is described as earlier phase of Vrana. Sushruta has mentioned in detail about Vrana Shopha. Vrana Shopha has 3 progressive stages. These are Amawastha (just early stage of inflammatory process), Pachyamanawastha (true inflammatory stage) and Pakwawastha (suppurative stage) respectively. Based on the vitiation of Dosha, Sushruta has described Vrana Shopha into 6 types: Vatika, Paittika, Kaphaja, Shonita, Sannipattaja and Agantuja. Acharya has differentiated them based on their Laxanas, such as colour, pain etc. Shatkriyakala was explained for the first time in this context by Sushruta. Sixty procedures for management of Vrana Shopha and Vrana was told by Sushruta. Out of these Apatarpana to Virechana were mentioned for Vrana Shopha and rest for Vrana. Knowledge about Vrana Shopha can prevent from further damage to the body

    Heittää verbin semantiikkaa

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    Des significations du verbe heittää (ranska)Kielenaineksetheipata (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)heitellä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 165)heitlema (kieli: viro, sivulla: 165)heitma (kieli: viro, sivulla: 165-)heittäitä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 169)heittäytyä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 166-)heittäytä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 169)heittää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 164-)heitätä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 166)hujauttaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)humauttaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)johdattaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 165)jättäi|dä, -tä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 172)jättäytyä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 172)jättäytä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 172)jättää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 172)jätätä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 172)kannattaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 165)koskea (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 165)koskettaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 165)laitaltaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)liha-heitmise-päev (kieli: viro, sivulla: 171)lihaheide (kieli: viro, sivulla: 171)lipittää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)liskottaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)luoda (lunta) (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 169)lähettää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)lähättää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)molauttaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)mättää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)nakata (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173-)paahkuta (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)pahk|ota, -uta (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)paiskata (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173-)paiskaus (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 174)paiske (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 174)paiskis (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 174)paiskot|e -us (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 174)paiskua (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 174)roitoa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)siippouttaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)sinkauttaa (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)syytää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)säikätä (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)tintata (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)vatkata (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)vinittää (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)viskata (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173)vitraista (kieli: suomi, sivulla: 173


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    Sasaran perhatian penelitian pada peristiwa alih kode dan campur kode adalah pada bahasa-bahasa yang digunakan oleh dwibahasawan secara berselang-seling. Beberapa ahli bahasa membedakan antara alih kode dan campur kode, namun beberapa ahli bahasa yang lain hanya mengenal satu istilah saja untuk menyebut dua gejala kebahasaan tersebut, yaitu alih kode. Kedua istilah tersebut sama-sama merujuk pada hal yang sama, yakni masuknya unsur-unsur bahasa lain pada tuturan seorang dwibahasawan. Walaupun merujuk pada hal yang sama, namun sebenarnya terdapat perbedaan yang jelas antara alih kode dan campur kode. Objek penutur dalam penelitian ini adalah penutur yang merupakan pendatang dari pulau Madura dan menggunakan bahasa Madura yang tinggal di kota Pontianak provinsi Kalimantan Barat dan berusia antara 20-60 tahun. Pembatasan penutur dari luar daerah Kalimantan Barat didasarkan pada alasan bahwa bahasa ibu/bahasa pertama (B1) yang mereka miliki bukanlah bahasa lokal yang ada di kota Pontianak. Ketika para pendatang dari pulau Madura tersebut datang ke kota Pontianak, maka terjadilah kontak bahasa yang memungkinkan munculnya alih kode dan campur kode. Kata Kunci: Alih kode, campur kode, masyarakat bahasa, bahasa Madura, sosiolinguistik

    Chandra X-ray Sources in the LALA Cetus Field

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    The 174 ks Chandra Advanced CCD Imaging Spectrometer exposure of the Large Area Lyman Alpha Survey (LALA) Cetus field is the second of the two deep Chandra images on LALA fields. In this paper we present the Chandra X-ray sources detected in the Cetus field, along with an analysis of X-ray source counts, stacked X-ray spectrum, and optical identifications. A total of 188 X-ray sources were detected: 174 in the 0.5-7.0 keV band, 154 in the 0.5-2.0 keV band, and 113 in the 2.0-7.0 keV band. The X-ray source counts were derived and compared with LALA Bootes field (172 ks exposure). Interestingly, we find consistent hard band X-ray source density, but 36+-12% higher soft band X-ray source density in Cetus field. The weighted stacked spectrum of the detected X-ray sources can be fitted by a powerlaw with photon index Gamma = 1.55. Based on the weighted stacked spectrum, we find that the resolved fraction of the X-ray background drops from 72+-1% at 0.5-1.0 keV to 63+-4% at 6.0-8.0 keV. The unresolved spectrum can be fitted by a powerlaw over the range 0.5-7 keV, with a photon index Gamma = 1.22. We also present optical counterparts for 154 of the X-ray sources, down to a limiting magnitude of r' = 25.9 (Vega), using a deep r' band image obtained with the MMT.Comment: 21 pages, including 6 figures, 1 table, ApJ accepte

    Isotopic variation of parity violation in atomic ytterbium

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    We report on measurements of atomic parity violation, made on a chain of ytterbium isotopes with mass numbers A=170, 172, 174, and 176. In the experiment, we optically excite the 6s2 1S0 -> 5d6s 3D1 transition in a region of crossed electric and magnetic fields, and observe the interference between the Stark- and weak-interaction-induced transition amplitudes, by making field reversals that change the handedness of the coordinate system. This allows us to determine the ratio of the weak-interaction-induced electric-dipole (E1) transition moment and the Stark-induced E1 moment. Our measurements, which are at the 0.5% level of accuracy for three of the four isotopes measured, allow a definitive observation of the isotopic variation of the weak-interaction effects in an atom, which is found to be consistent with the prediction of the Standard Model. In addition, our measurements provide information about an additional Z' boson.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figures, 2 table

    Size And Chirality Effects On Raman Spectrum Of Double-Wall Carbon Nanotube Bundle

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    We study the tube size and bundling effects on Raman active breathing-like phonon modes (BLM) and tangential-like phonon mode (TLM) of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) in the framework of the bond polarization theory, and use the spectral moment’s method. The Raman active modes are calculated for different diameter and chirality of the inner and outer DWCNT tubes. The dependence of the Raman spectrum of bundles of identical DWCNTs as a function of the size of the bundle is analysed and additional breathing-like modes are predicted in DWCNT bundle of finite size.We study the tube size and bundling effects on Raman active breathing-like phonon modes (BLM) and tangential-like phonon mode (TLM) of double-walled carbon nanotubes (DWCNT) in the framework of the bond polarization theory, and use the spectral moment’s method. The Raman active modes are calculated for different diameter and chirality of the inner and outer DWCNT tubes. The dependence of the Raman spectrum of bundles of identical DWCNTs as a function of the size of the bundle is analysed and additional breathing-like modes are predicted in DWCNT bundle of finite size

    Two-color photoassociation spectroscopy of ytterbium atoms and the precise determinations of s-wave scattering lengths

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    By performing high-resolution two-color photoassociation spectroscopy, we have successfully determined the binding energies of several of the last bound states of the homonuclear dimers of six different isotopes of ytterbium. These spectroscopic data are in excellent agreement with theoretical calculations based on a simple model potential, which very precisely predicts the s-wave scattering lengths of all 28 pairs of the seven stable isotopes. The s-wave scattering lengths for collision of two atoms of the same isotopic species are 13.33(18) nm for ^{168}Yb, 3.38(11) nm for ^{170}Yb, -0.15(19) nm for ^{171}Yb, -31.7(3.4) nm for ^{172}Yb, 10.55(11) nm for ^{173}Yb, 5.55(8) nm for ^{174}Yb, and -1.28(23) nm for ^{176}Yb. The coefficient of the lead term of the long-range van der Waals potential of the Yb_2 molecule is C_6=1932(30) atomic units (Eha069.573×1026(E_h a_0^6 \approx 9.573\times 10^{-26} J nm^6).Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure