96,033 research outputs found

    Вопросы фонетики белорусского актового языка XVI в. по материалам судебной (актовой) книги Каунасского земского суда 1566-1567 гг.

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    1. Teismų knygos rašybos sistema nesiskiria nuo XVI a. karališkųjų raštų rašybos (WRKS).2. Galima drąsiai tvirtinti, kad bent didžiąją teksto dalį rašė raštininkai lietuviai. Tai matyti iš to:a) lietuviškuose varduose grafiškai išskiriami lietuvių dvibalsiai ie, uo, (rašoma ue, yw, — 17 pavyzdžių);b) slavų kilmės žodžiuose u ir ы painiojamos, t.y. u rašoma vietoje ы (51 pvz.) ir atvirkščiai — ы- vietoje u (33 pvz.). Tai rodo garsų u ir ы tarties svyravimą;c) prielinksnis c sistemingai praleidžiamas prieš žodžius, prasidedančius c raide (25 pvz.); vengiama geminatos нн, painiojamos нн ir н.3. Teismų knygos kalbai būdinga “akavimas”, “dzekavimas” ir “cekavimas”, ж, ч, ш, щ, ц ir р depalatalizacija, frikatyvinis h ir kitos baltarusių kalbai būdingos fonetikos ypatybės.Lyginamoji teismų knygoje atsispindinčių baltarusių ir lietuvių fonetikos ypatybių analizė duoda naujos medžiagos, patikslinančios kai kuriuos baltarusių kalbos garsus, apie kuriuos iki šiol būdavo sprendžiama iš rašto paminklų, atsiradusių ne lietuvių kalbos teritorijoje. Tai, kad baltarusių kalbos žodžiuose nėra чю ir чя samplaikų, bet jos vartojamos lietuviškuose varduose, rodo baltarusių ч kietumą; tą patį galima pasakyti ir apie samplaiką рю. Kadangi lietuviškuose varduose po д ir т rašomas ы, galima spręsti, kad minkštieji baltarusių д ir т yra žymiai minkštesni už atitinkamus lietuvių kalbos priebalsius.4. Gana stipri lenkų kalbos įtaka baltarusių kalbos fonetikai.5. Teismų knygoje aptikta tik labai nežymių bažnytinės slavų kalbos įtakos pėdsakų (keturiais atvejais pavartotas dalyvis su щ šalia nuolat vartojamo dalyvio su ч)

    Energy efficient engine: Preliminary design and integration studies

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    Parametric design and mission evaluations of advanced turbofan configurations were conducted for future transport aircraft application. Economics, environmental suitability and fuel efficiency were investigated and compared with goals set by NASA. Of the candidate engines which included mixed- and separate-flow, direct-drive and geared configurations, an advanced mixed-flow direct-drive configuration was selected for further design and evaluation. All goals were judged to have been met except the acoustic goal. Also conducted was a performance risk analysis and a preliminary aerodynamic design of the 10 stage 23:1 pressure ratio compressor used in the study engines

    Lightweight Vacuum Jacket for Cryogenic Insulation - Appendices to Final Report

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    The feasibility is demonstrated of producing a lightweight vacuum jacket using state-of-the-art technology and materials. Design and analytical studies were made on an orbital maneuvering system fuel tank. Preliminary design details were completed for the tank assembly which included an optimized vacuum jacket and multilayered insulation system. A half-scale LH2 test model was designed and fabricated and a force/stiffness proof test was conducted on the vacuum jacket. A vacuum leak rate of 0.00001 was measured, approximately 1500 hours of vacuum pressure was sustained, and 29 vacuum pressure cycles were experienced prior to failure. For vol. 1, see N75-26192

    Evaluation of the competitiveness of corporate credit products to regional banks in the Kemerovo region.

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    This article discusses one of the factors determining the success of the bank - provided they credit products. The authors, based on the method of Paita, determine the competitiveness of corporate credit products to regional banks in the Kemerovo region.competitiveness, credit product, regional bank, a corporate client.

    Migrants and the diffusion of low marital fertility in Belgium

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    Abstract in Undetermined Although the diffusion of fertility behavior between different social strata in historical communities has received considerable attention in recent studies, the relationship between the diffusion of fertility behavior and the diffusion of people (migration) during the nineteenth century remains largely underexplored. Evidence from population registers compiled in the Historical Database of the Liège Region, covering the period of 1812 to 1900, reveals that migrant couples in Sart, Belgium, from 1850 to 1874 and from 1875 to 1899 had a reduced risk of conception. The incorporation of geographical mobility, as well as the migrant status of both husbands and wives, into this fertility research sheds light not only on the spread of ideas and behaviors but also on the possible reasons why the ideas and behaviors of immigrants might have been similar to, or different from, those of a native-born population


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    Подаються енциклопедичні відомості про брагманізм - систему релігійного світогляду і ритуалу в Давній Індії, що розвинулась із ведійського віровчення в 1 тис. до н.е. і лягла в основу класичного індуїзму у перші століття н.е.Encyclopedic information is given about Brahmanism - the system of religious worldview and ritual in Ancient India, which developed in the 1st millennium BC. It formed the basis of classical Hinduism in the first centuries CE.Даются энциклопедические сведения о брахманизме - системе религиозного мировоззрения и ритуала в Древней Индии, которая развилась в 1 тыс. до н.э. ы легла в основу классического индуизма в первые века н.э

    Space storable propellant module thermal control technology. Volume 2 - F2/N2H4 propulsion module Summary report

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    Space storable fluorine/hydrazine tank module thermal control design for Jupiter missio

    К вопросу о трансформации поэтики нонсенса в английской литературе XX в: Льюис Кэрролл и Джон Леннон

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    В статье анализируется художественная проза всемирно известного музыканта Джона Леннона с точки зрения литературного направления нонсенса. Рассматривается влияние на творчество Дж. Леннона текстов Л. Кэрролла