3,922 research outputs found

    Sobre Miquel, Ángel. En tiempos de revolución. El cine en la ciudad de México (1910-1916)

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    Review of Angel Miquel's book  En tiempos de revolución. El cine en la ciudad de México (1910-1916). México: UNAM, 2013, 331 pp., ISBN 978-607-02-4044-7.Keywords: review, Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución, Mexico.___________ Resumen: Reseña del libro de Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución. El cine en la ciudad de México (1910-1916). México: UNAM, 2013, 331 pp., ISBN 978-607-02-4044-7.Palabras clave: review, Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución, México.___________Resumo: Resehna do livro de Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución. El cine en la ciudad de México (1910-1916). México: UNAM, 2013, 331 pp., ISBN 978-607-02-4044-7.Palavras-chave: resehna, Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución, México.___________ Fecha de recepción: 27 de septiembre de 2015   Fecha de aceptación: 20 de noviembre de 2015Reseña del libro de Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución. El cine en la ciudad de México (1910-1916). México: UNAM, 2013, 331 pp., ISBN 978-607-02-4044-7.Palabras clave: review, Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución, México.___________Abstract: Review of Angel Miquel's book  En tiempos de revolución. El cine en la ciudad de México (1910-1916). México: UNAM, 2013, 331 pp., ISBN 978-607-02-4044-7.Keywords: review, Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución, Mexico.___________ Resumo: Resehna do livro de Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución. El cine en la ciudad de México (1910-1916). México: UNAM, 2013, 331 pp., ISBN 978-607-02-4044-7.Palavras-chave: resehna, Ángel Miquel, En tiempos de revolución, México.___________ Fecha de recepción: 27 de septiembre de 2015   Fecha de aceptación: 20 de noviembre de 201

    Peran Dinas Kesehatan Sipil (Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst) Dalam Penanganan Epidemi Pes di Jawa Timur Pada Tahun 1910-1916

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    At the beginning of the 20nd century the Dutch East Indies was hit by a disease disaster, the disaster was the plague epidemic. This plague epidemic attacked first time in the East Java Province,at the beginning of its arrival caused many victims. In East Java, which was the first area to be infected with the palgue epidemic , the total number of victims was nearly 36.000 people. From the large number of the victims, it can be seen that this disaster is a serious disease disaster, from 1910-1916 various eefforts were also made by the colonial government to overcome this plague epidemic. One of which is the realization of the separation between the Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD) with Militaire Geneeskundigen Dinest (MGD) whic is the institution that specifically handles civil society health. Research with the theme of history of health is important to do to find out the health condition of the people during the Dutch East Indies period, especially during the arrival of a major epidemic. Research on health history is also still minimal, so this research is carried out. Conducting in this reasearch, there are four stage of historical reasearch that are passed, the first is heuristic process which is the stage of collecting sources from primary sources in the form of archives belonging to the Dutch East Indies colonial government, the reports of the Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD) and Dienst der Pesbestrijding and also the newspapers reporting of the plague epidemic in East Java in 1910-1916, the Medayu Agung Library and interviews with resources persons who have conducted research on the plague epidemic in Java. The second stage is critized of the sources which is a test and verification of the sources that have been obtained, this criticism is carried out internally and externally to the archives, in addition comparisons were also made between these archives with similiar writings. The third stage is interpretation, which is in this stage is interpreting the sources after being verified with the help of social and political sciences. The fourth is historiography, in this stage is the writing of history chronologically and analitically based on the research theme that has been selected. This study will discuss (1) How the beginning of the outbreak of the plague epidemic in East Java ini 1910’ (2) How the policies adopted by Burgerlijke Geneesundigen Dienst (BGD) in handling the plague epidemic in East Java in 1910-1916; (3) How the role of Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD) in carrying out handling of the plague epidemic in East Java in 1910-1916. The results of the study is revealed that the origin outbreak of the plague epidemic was from the rice import activities carried out by the colonial government, where the rice was contaminated with the plague bacteria. Due the import activities, then the plague spread which was later designated as an epidemic by the colonial government. With this determination, Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD as an intitutions that responsible for the health of civil society must take a role. This role through the polices making such as research and treatment, quarantine/isolation, vaccination and disinfection and the issuance of autonomous institutions, this was carried out as a form of the role of Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD) in dealing with the plague epidemic in East Java in 1910-1916 which was carried out directly and indirectly role. Keywords: Plague Epidemic, Burgerlijke Geneeskundigen Dienst (BGD), East Jav

    Фотоматериалы: портреты, групповые фотографии, фотогравюра, открытки с фотографий

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    1910, 1916-1925Конволют: 12 аллигатовАрхивный фонд. Вып. 1 / опись сост.: Васенькиным Н. В

    Antonio Gramsci, Scritti (Writings), 1, 1910-1916

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    The first volume of the early writings (largely his journalism – the specific form of his political militancy in this period) has come out after the second one, covering 1917, due to the even greater complexity of assembling and ascertaining authorship to the articles. These often appeared anonymously, sometimes with initials or an abbreviated name, and were sometimes subject to rigid censorship. In the latter case all efforts have been made to trace and reinstate the missing sections. In all, about 400 texts of various kinds are included in the volume, which supersedes previous collections dating back to the last quarter of last century. At the start of the volume is a transcription of Gramsci’s very first journalistic article, published in 1910, as correspondent during his summer vacation, from the township of Aidomaggiore, near Ghilarza. The review pays particular attention to Gramsci’s involvement in education, and especially to the adult educational question, long-ignored by successive governments from unity of the country on to the period covered. There are comments on his own formative school experience. Essays that he wrote at the high school (lycée) in Cagliari are included in the volume, but in the review we also transcribe, as an important key to his later thinking, the essay that marked the end of his elementary school period, a text not published in the volume since it lies outside the time period dealt with. Closely allied to the question of education is that of culture and the type of culture that remained to be acquired by the subaltern classes in order to transform their living conditions

    United States Diplomatic Relations with Mexico, 1910-1916

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    A summary of the revolutions of 1910 and 1913 which respectively removed Porfirio Diaz and Francisco Yladero from the presidency of Mexico and the implication of Ambassador Henry Lane Wilson comprise the introductory chapter. A detailed analysis was made of the diplomacy of President Woodrow Wilson as it affected the Provisional Presidency of Victoriano Huerta as well as the personalities in Wilson\u27s cabinet, the American State Department, and Mexican officialdom. It is the contention of the writer that a major departure occurred in American traditional policy of recognition, which was formerly based on a nation\u27s ability to maintain law, order, and stability, but under President Wilson shifted to constitutional legitimacy. The motives and circumstances that led to the occupation of Vera Cruz by United States Marines and the mediatory conference at Niagara, Canada, was also given careful study. Due to the reluctance on the part of Mexican sources of information in disseminating materials pertinent to the topic of this thesis, research was confined to United States documents and sources written in English. Primary sources were: Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States, Congressional Record, The New York Times, and various monographic works. Until the private papers of Ambassador Wilson are released, the writer feels that a complete understanding of American diplomacy can not be obtained by the student of this period

    The Influences Affecting Naval Shipbuilding Legislation, 1910-1916

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    Вплив Бахмутського повітового земства на розвиток сільського господарства (1859-1916 рр.)

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    У статті розглядається діяльність Бахмутського земства по виконанню положень Реформи 1861 р., землекористування і оподаткування, заходів по забезпеченню населення продовольством на випадок засухи і епізоотій, сприяння залісенню балок, бджільництву, садівництву, впорядкуванню сіл. Вивчені заходи Столипінської реформи в повіті по переселенню до Казахстану, Середньої Азії, Сибіру в 1910-916 рр.В статье рассматривается деятельность Бахмутского земства по выполнению положений Реформы 1861 г., землепользования и налогообложения, мер по обеспечению населения продовольствием на случай засухи и эпизоотий, содействия облесению балок, пчеловодству, садоводству, благоустройству сел. Изучены меры Столыпинской реформы в уезде по переселению в Казахстан, Среднюю Азию, Сибирь в 1910-1916 гг.The article investigates the activities of Bakhmut district council (zemstvo) aimed at the implementation of 1861 reform’s regulations, land tenure, taxation, and measures taken to provide the population with to assist in afforestation of gullies, bee – keeping, gardening and improvement of villages. The stolypin reform’s measures in the country (uyezd) concerning the immigration to Kazakhstan, Middle Asia and Siberia in 1910 – 1916 are investigated in the article

    Вплив Бахмутського повітового земства на розвиток сільського господарства (1859-1916 рр.)

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    У статті розглядається діяльність Бахмутського земства по виконанню положень Реформи 1861 р., землекористування і оподаткування, заходів по забезпеченню населення продовольством на випадок засухи і епізоотій, сприяння залісенню балок, бджільництву, садівництву, впорядкуванню сіл. Вивчені заходи Столипінської реформи в повіті по переселенню до Казахстану, Середньої Азії, Сибіру в 1910-916 рр.В статье рассматривается деятельность Бахмутского земства по выполнению положений Реформы 1861 г., землепользования и налогообложения, мер по обеспечению населения продовольствием на случай засухи и эпизоотий, содействия облесению балок, пчеловодству, садоводству, благоустройству сел. Изучены меры Столыпинской реформы в уезде по переселению в Казахстан, Среднюю Азию, Сибирь в 1910-1916 гг.The article investigates the activities of Bakhmut district council (zemstvo) aimed at the implementation of 1861 reform’s regulations, land tenure, taxation, and measures taken to provide the population with to assist in afforestation of gullies, bee – keeping, gardening and improvement of villages. The stolypin reform’s measures in the country (uyezd) concerning the immigration to Kazakhstan, Middle Asia and Siberia in 1910 – 1916 are investigated in the article

    Ultrasound assisted siRNA delivery using PEG-siPlex loaded microbubbles

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    Short interfering RNA (siRNA) attracts much attention for the treatment of various diseases. However, its delivery, especially via systemic routes, remains a challenge. Indeed, naked siRNAs are rapidly degraded, while complexed siRNAs massively aggregate in the blood or are captured by macrophages. Although this can be circumvented by PEGylation, we found that PEGylation had a strong negative effect on the gene silencing efficiency of siRNA-liposome complexes (siPlexes). Recently, ultrasound combined with microbubbles has been used to deliver naked siRNA but the gene silencing efficiency is rather low and very high amounts of siRNA are required. To overcome the negative effects of PEGylation and to enhance the efficiency of ultrasound assisted siRNA delivery, we coupled PEGylated siPlexes (PEG-siPlexes) to microbubbles. Ultrasound radiation of these microbubbles resulted in massive release of unaltered PEG-siPlexes. Interestingly, PEG-siPlexes loaded on microbubbles were able to enter cells after exposure to ultrasound, in contrast to free PEG-siPlexes, which were not able to enter cells rapidly. Furthermore, these PEG-siPlex loaded microbubbles induced, in the presence of ultrasound, much higher gene silencing than free PEG-siPlexes. Additionally, the PEG-siPlex loaded microbubbles only silenced the expression of genes in the presence of ultrasound, which allows space and time controlled gene silencing

    Chapter 12 - Miscellaneous Manufactures, pp. 309-316

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    The Catherwood Library and ILR School at Cornell are pleased to again make available an extremely important index of major labor union publications, long out of print. It is Lloyd G. Reynolds and Charles C. Killingsworth\u27s Trade Union Publications: The Official Journals, Convention Proceedings and Constitutions of International Unions and Federations, 1850-1941. Baltimore, The John Hopkins Press, 1944