7,208 research outputs found

    Літературна теорія та компаративна література

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    Пропонований текст – доповідь на ХI Міжнародному конгресі компаративістів (Париж, 20–24 серпня 1985 року). Друкується за “Вибраними матеріалами з’їзду”

    The Principles Of Developing A Management Decision Support System For Scientific Employees

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    Employees engaged in mental work have become the most valuable assets of any organization in the 21st century. The satisfaction of those involved in mental work requires the provision of objectivity and transparency in their decision-making. This, in turn, entails the development of scientifically motivated decision making mechanisms and scientific-methodological approaches to evaluate their performance based on innovative technologies.The main goal of this article is in development of the scientific and methodological framework for the establishment of a decision support system to manage the employees engaged in mental work and operating in uncertainty. In this regard, initially, the question of evaluating the activities of scientific workers is examined, its characteristic features are determined, and the fuzzy relation model is proposed as a multi-criterion issue formed in uncertainty. Taking into consideration the hierarchical structure of the criteria that allows evaluating the activities of scientific workers, a phased solution method based on an additive aggregation method is proposed. In accordance with the methodology, a functional scheme of the decision support system to manage the scientific personnel is developed. The working principle of each block and the interaction of the blocks are described. The rules for the employees\u27 management decisions are shown by referring to the knowledge production model.Based on the proposed methodological approach, the implementation phases of the decision support system for the management of the scientific workers of the Institute of Information Technology of ANAS are described. To evaluate the employees\u27 performance, the tools to collect initial information, evaluate the system of criteria, define their importance coefficients and mathematical descriptions are provided. Some results of the system software are presented. The opportunities of the system based on the proposed methodology to support enterprise mangers to make scientifically justified decisions are provided

    Модельно-параметрическое пространство – средство представления знаний исследователей сложных систем

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    Введено понятие модельно-параметрического пространства для исследования сложных систем в компьютерных технологиях. Построен соответствующий формальный аппарат. Определено понятие модельно-параметрической окрестности. Рассмотрены теоретико-множественные операции объединения и пересечения этих окрестностей в модельно-параметрическом пространстве. Введена метрика в этом пространстве. Исследованы свойства и характеристики построенных структур.Введено поняття модельно-параметричного простору для дослідження складних систем в комп’ютерних технологіях. Побудовано відповідний формальний апарат. Визначено поняття модельно-параметричного околу. Розглянуто теоретико-множинні операції об’єднання і перетину цих околів в модельно-параметричного просторі. Введено метрика у цьому просторі. Досліджено властивості і характеристики побудованих структур.A concept of model-parametrical model parametrical spaces for the research of complex systems in computer technologies is introduced. The corresponding formal method is constructed. A notion of the model parametrical vicinities is defined. Set-theoretic operations of association and crossing of these vicinities in the model parametrical space are considered. A metric in this space is introduced. The properties and characteristics of the constructed structures are investigated

    Developing linguistic research tools for virtual lexicographic laboratory of the spanish language explanatory dictionary

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    The present article is devoted to the problems of creating linguistic tools for the virtual lexicographic laboratory of Spanish explanatory dictionary (DLE 23). The goal of the research is to consider some issues related to the development of linguistic tools for the virtual lexicographic laboratory. To achieve this goal the dictionary was analyzed to define the peculiarities of linguistic facts representation, its structure and metalanguage. On the basis of the dictionary analysis and the theory of lexicographic systems the formal model of DLE 23 was developed and its main components, including their relationships, were determined to ensure their availability via linguistic tools for accessing linguistic information. The range of research activities to be performed by using the linguistic tools was outlined

    Developing linguistic research tools for virtual lexicographic laboratory of the spanish language explanatory dictionary

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    The present article is devoted to the problems of creating linguistic tools for the virtual lexicographic laboratory of Spanish explanatory dictionary (DLE 23). The goal of the research is to consider some issues related to the development of linguistic tools for the virtual lexicographic laboratory. To achieve this goal the dictionary was analyzed to define the peculiarities of linguistic facts representation, its structure and metalanguage. On the basis of the dictionary analysis and the theory of lexicographic systems the formal model of DLE 23 was developed and its main components, including their relationships, were determined to ensure their availability via linguistic tools for accessing linguistic information. The range of research activities to be performed by using the linguistic tools was outlined

    Три Софии. Что объединяет храмы в Великом Новгороде, Киеве и Полоцке.

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    Что объединяет храмы в Великом Новгороде, Киеве и Полоцке. В первой половине ХI века, лишь несколько десятилетий спустя после принятия христианства князем Владимиром, были заложены в камне три древнерусские Софии - Киевская (до 1037 г.), Новгородская (до 1050 г.) и Полоцкая, построенная между 1044-1066 гг. князем Всеславом Брячиславичем (Чародеем). Очень похожие и такие разные