1,603 research outputs found

    Учебно-методический комплекс дисциплины "Методы аттестации свойств ультра- и нанодисперсных и керамических материалов"

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    В УМКД изложены методы синтеза и аттестации ультра- и нанодисперсных и керамических материалов. УМКД включает программу дисциплины, руководство к лабораторным и практическим занятиям, вопросы для самоконтроля, методические указания, экзаменационные материалы, презентации лекций. Предназначен для студентов химиков и физиков, научных и инженерных работников, специализирующихся в области современного материаловедения

    Результаты пробных баллистических испытаний метательных зарядов, изготовленных по N&L-технологии, в заводских условиях

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    Results of trial tests in factories terms on the example of a 12-caliber-shotgun and Мakarov’s pistol (9-mm) show ballistic superiority N&L-charges above traditional charges: muzzle velocity is considerably higher, and levels of pressures and variations are within the limits of values legitimated by the set norms. At production of N&L-powder the number of technological operations grows short substantially; as a result the resource-consumption of propellant charges production declines. In particular, the phase of plasticization of nitrocellulose is eliminated. Powerful material streams of toxic and flammable solvents and plasticizers without which to make ordinary gunpowder is impossible, and the use of which does traditional production of gunpowder difficult, dear and dangerous, become unnecessary

    Pharmacoeconomic analysis of medical abortion in Bulgaria

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    The drug treatment for interrupting early pregnancy begins with the identification of prostaglandins. In the 1970s, many developed countries legalized abortion, which led to the development and active application of this healthcare technology worldwide.The cost-effectiveness method was used in the pharmacoeconomic analysis by comparing the costs of abortion of two of the most popular protocols and dosage regimens with the medicines available at the time of the study on the Bulgarian market and the costs of classic abortion. The eventual complications were also noted. Because of the equivalent efficiency of the two procedures, cost-effectiveness analysis is simplified to cost-minimization analysis (CMA).The analysis shows that the drug termination of pregnancy under the EMA protocol is with a slightly higher cost per patient compared to the surgical abortion if the procedure is performed during the first trimester of pregnancy (∆ Costs = + 10,61 BGN) and leads to cost savings for the patient during the second trimester of pregnancy (∆ Costs = - 90,96 BGN).Medication termination of pregnancy under the WHO protocol results in cost-savings per patient compared to surgical abortion, regardless of the period of pregnancy during which the procedure is performed (∆ Cost = - 50,43 BGN in the first trimester and ∆ Cost = - 156,60 BGN in the second trimester).Drug termination is non-invasive, highly effective, and safe, resembling the natural mechanism of spontaneous abortion. In most cases, medical abortion is saving costs and can be considered as a reasonable alternative to surgical abortion

    Prаcticаl Аnd Theоreticаl Feаtures Оf Teаching The Linguistic Аnd Exctrаlinguistic Fаctоr Оf Phаrmаceuticаl Terminоlоgy

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    In the аrticle, it is studied thаt аs а result оf the sоciо-ecоnоmic prоgress in Uzbekistаn greаt аttentiоn is being pаid tо medicine аnd phаrmаcy, differentiаtiоn, innоvаtiоn (updаting) in the field оf medicine is аn impоrtаnt fаctоr in the develоpment оf the lexicаl lаyer оf the lаnguаge. It is studied hоw the current оf neоlоgisms аre аctively used in the lexicоn оf such updаtes, аnd their prаcticаl аpplicаtiоn

    Lingo-creative strategies of word semantization and operational technique of language game acquisition in ontogenesis: experimental data

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    В статье анализируются факторы, стимулирующие проявление интенции к языковой игре в онтогенезе. Экспериментально верифицируется гипотеза о востребованности операциональной техники языковой игры при решении нестандартных лингвистических задач

    Pharmacoeconomic analysis of medical abortion in Bulgaria

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    The drug treatment for interrupting early pregnancy begins with the identification of prostaglandins. In the 1970s, many developed countries legalized abortion, which led to the development and active application of this healthcare technology worldwide.The cost-effectiveness method was used in the pharmacoeconomic analysis by comparing the costs of abortion of two of the most popular protocols and dosage regimens with the medicines available at the time of the study on the Bulgarian market and the costs of classic abortion. The eventual complications were also noted. With equivalent efficiency of the two procedures, the application of cost-minimum analysis (CMA) is an appropriate and logical choice.The analysis shows that the drug termination of pregnancy under the EMA protocol is (600 mg Mifepristone + 400 mcg Misoprostol) a slightly higher cost per patient compared to the surgical abortion if the procedure is performed during the first trimester of pregnancy (∆Costs = +10,61 BGN) and leads to cost savings for the patient during the second trimester of pregnancy (∆Costs = -90,96 BGN). Medication termination of pregnancy under WHO protocol results in a cost-saving per patient compared to surgical abortion, regardless of the period of pregnancy during which the procedure is performed (∆Cost = -50,43 BGN in the first trimester and ∆Cost = -156,60 BGN in the second trimester).Drug termination is non-invasive, highly effective, and safe, resembling the natural mechanism of spontaneous abortion. In most cases, medical abortion is cost-saving and can be considered as a reasonable alternative to surgical abortion