617 research outputs found

    Series III. Folder 1. Articles, 1931-1965

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    This folder contains approximately 20 columns and other newspaper pieces written by Cummings, most of which are entitled either “Our Weekly Message” or “Our Weekly Visit.” The names of the papers rarely appear on the clippings; according to the Register, “Our Weekly Visit” appeared in the Grantsville News, with “other featured columns” published in the Huntington Herald-Dispatch. Other examples of these recurring columns can be found in folders 2 and 3 of this series as well. Topics of columns in this folder range from death and eternity to George Washington’s birthday to the various meanings of the word “pound.” Other items include a letter to the editor of the Grantsville News written under the name “Parson Jones,” and a sermon entitled “No Permanent Peace While Sin Rules,” which appeared in the Charleston Gazette on November 16, 1931.https://mds.marshall.edu/cummings_papers/1021/thumbnail.jp

    Alberto Martini (1931-1965)

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    Nei ruggenti anni Cinquanta, in pieno miracolo economico, Alberto Martini, appena laureatosi a Firenze con Roberto Longhi, si avviava al mestiere di storico dell’arte. Una disciplina che di lì a pochi anni il giovane avrebbe rivoluzionato, entrando nelle case degli italiani grazie ai mitici «Maestri del Colore» Fabbri Editori. Progetto che gli aveva permesso di girare il mondo e di accumulare una serie di contatti con direttori e funzionari di musei, in un raggio d’azione internazionale: strabilianti viaggi per dirigere le campagne fotografiche, finalmente a colori, delle opere da riprodurre nella fortunata collana. Al grande cantiere divulgativo aveva affiancato rilevanti studi scientifici, dalle indagini sul Trecento riminese alla chiarificazione delle tappe nella carriera giovanile di Bartolomeo della Gatta. Dal 1962 Martini avrebbe instaurato un legame profondo con Alberto Giacometti, sul quale avrebbe messo a fuoco, di lì a poco, l’analisi più acuta e lucida espressa fino a quel momento dalla critica italiana. Il volume offre una biografia intellettuale del personaggio, con documenti e carteggi inediti, ripercorrendo le tappe della sua carriera, scandita dalle poliedriche esperienze che un giovane storico dell’arte intraprendente poteva accumulare nell’Italia prolifica degli anni del boom economico, radio e televisione comprese

    Наскрізне оцінювання студентів під час виконання лабораторних робіт з фізики

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    In the article on the basis of the analysis of the worked out sources it is determined the necessity and expediency of carrying out cross-cutting assessment of students of physical-mathematical and technical profiles of training during the performance of laboratory works. It is conducted with the aim of timely establishment of the level of professional competence formation during training. This is an indicator of the individual's ability to succeed and confidently continue his professional development.Assessment at various stages of preparation and conduct of experimental activities of students gives the opportunity to establish the level of its correspondence to professional activity by different indicators characteristic of specialists of these profiles. In this way, students are able to gradually form and systematically support students with stable motivational potential to study, to realize their practical importance of the material and to ensure confidence in their own knowledge and skills in their practical use in further professional activity.Key words: understanding, awareness, training, teacher, questions, experiment, activity, practical importance, professional training.У статті на основі аналізу опрацьованих джерел встановлено необхідність і доцільність проведення наскрізного оцінювання студентів фізико-математичного та технічного профілів навчання продовж виконання лабораторних робіт з метою якісного встановлення рівня сформованості професійної компетентності під час навчання, як показника здатності особистості до успішного та впевненого подальшого фахового саморозвитку.Оцінювання на різних етапах підготовки та проведення експериментальної діяльності студентів дає можливість встановлення рівня його відповідності професійній діяльності за різними показниками характерними для фахівців зазначених профілів. У такий спосіб є можливість поступового формування та систематичної підтримки у студентів стійкого мотиваційного потенціалу до навчання,  усвідомлення ними практичної значущості матеріалу та забезпечення впевненості у власних знаннях та навичках їх практичного застосування у подальшій професійній діяльності. Ключові слова: розуміння, усвідомлення, навчання, викладач, запитання, експеримент, активність, практична значущість, фахова підготовка.

    Economic Determinants of Invasion and Discovery of Nonindigenous Insects

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    Introductions of nonindigenous organisms into the United States have been linked to international trade. The individual contributions of imports, immigration, and international travel, however, are poorly understood because introduction dates are unavailable. We examine relationships between economic trends and discoveries of nonindegenous insects and use these relationships to infer the timing and determinants of introductions. We find that a few variables can explain much variation in species introductions and identifications. The most significant contributor to the introduction appears to be agricultural imports. Currently available proxies for academic effort are weak determinants of the probability that introduced species are identified.identifications, insects, introductions, invasive species, nonindegenous, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, F18, N7, Q56,

    Labour and capital saving technical change in telecommunications

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    The Australian telecommunications sector is being improved and extended through substantial recent investment in intelligent technology such as digital switching, fibre optics, satellite and cellular transmission, and the Internet. These technologies are being progressively integrated with technology from the broadcasting, computer and electronics industries, providing a unified information infrastructure for information transmission and processing. Technological progress embodied in new equipment has the effect of increasing the efficiency of the factors of production. Such efficiency increases can be biased towards a particular factor. For instance, the impact of labour-augmenting technical change is a decline in the cost of labour per unit of production. When such biases are apparent the relativity between the costs of labour and capital per unit of production is changed. In the longer term, technical change can impact on the rate of employment growth and also on the rate of capital accumulation. In this study the Australian telecommunications cost structure is examined for the period 1919 to 1988. To measure labour saving and capital saving technical change a translog cost model is estimated. Multiproduct telecommunications cost studies typically employ the translog cost model (Evans and Heckman, 1984; Roller, 1990a; 1990b; Shin and Ying, 1992; McKenzie and Small, 1997). The translog model places no a priori restrictions on substitution possibilities among the factors of production, and allows scale economies to vary with the level of output.

    The infrared and Raman spectra of bis /trifluoromethyl/peroxide

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    Infrared and Raman spectra of bis trifluoromethyl peroxid