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    The paper gives a survey of the main stages in African American interpretation of Uncle Tom’s Cabin; or Life Among the Lowly (1852) by Harriet Beecher Stowe. After the publication of the novel, African American periodicals in the USA and Canada were publishing a wide range of reviews, essays, poems, and sketches reacting to Stowe’s book. Frederick Douglass was praising the book in his newspaper; there appeared, however, some aggressively critical responses, such as three letters by Martin Delany, a Black radial activist, written to the Frederick Douglass’ Newspaper in 1853. The argument of Delany and Douglass became a matrix for the further polemic based on the opposition of integrationist and afrocentrist approaches to the novel. This binary opposition remains practically unchanged until the Harlem renaissance, when African American writers and scholars (J. Weldon Johnson, W. S. Braithwaite, W. Thurman) become more critical, describing the novel as full of humiliating stereotypes, and its author as totally unable to properly understand and depict the Black race. The turning point in the assessment of the novel in the 20th century was Richard Wright’s collection of short stories Uncle Tom’s Children (1938) and James A. Baldwin’s essay Everybody’s Protest Novel (1949) – a criticism of “protest fiction” from Beecher Stowe to Richard Wright. Baldwin’s essay heralded the shift towards the Sixties hostile crusade against “uncle Tomism”, when Stowe’s protagonist was referred to as a symbol of servility and race betrayal, which was a complete inversion of the cultural myth of a Black Messiah that underlies the character. The final part of the paper analyzes the situation in current African American studies and in particular H. L. Gates’s subversive “double-voiced” interpretation of the novel which is in full agreement with the tendency to revise the role of white Abolitionists in the antislavery movement and in the African American history in the 1990–2000s

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    The essay focuses on interrelated phenomena of literary cult and cultic text. Bearing on the conceptual ideas of Sergey Zenkin and Péter Dávidházi, we problematize the boundaries between text and cults on the example of two case studies. One has to do with one of the recent interpretations of Uncle Tom’s Cabin, a nineteenth-century bestseller novel that had a great impact on literary and political life of the United States in the antebellum period. David S. Reynolds argues that Ulyanov-Lenin’s escape from the Finnish mainland by breaking his way on the broken ice of the river to an island might have been inspired by his reading of Uncle Tom’s Cabin where a fugitive slave Eliza does exactly the same thing. This essay invites to see this random encounter of the East and the West, the fictional and the “real” not as a curious anecdote or coincidence but as a mechanism of inventing cultic texts. What happens when one of the prominent figures of the European historical narrative, the crown prince assassinated in 1914, reads the works of the Russian poet before the fatal day in Sarajevo? Milorad Pavić is building his short stoЖофия Калавски, Александра Уракова 199 ry „ “Prince Ferdinand Reads Pushkin” upon recognizable allusions to Pushkin texts, the similarities and differences, the fatal and the accidental in the stories of the poet shot in the duel and the Austrian crown prince being a victim of an assassination – two intersective storylines that may be described as “isomorphic plots.” Pavić’s short story is a unique voice in the so-called twentieth century “Pushkiniana,” speaking both within and beyond the Pushkin myth and cult

    Самоцензура митрофанова-перекладача (на прикладі роману Гаррієт Бічер-Стоу «Хатина дядька Тома») (Self-censorship of mytrofanov-the translator (based on the novel «Uncle Tom’s cabin» by Harriet Beecher Stowe)

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    У статті розглянуто явище самоцензури перекладача як невід’ємної складової акту перекладу. На основі перекладознавчого порівняльного аналізу роману Гаррієт Бічер-Стоу «Хатина дядька Тома» встановлено, що самоцензура змістовних та/або стилістичних характеристик оригіналу і перекладу часто була безпосередньою відповіддю на зовнішній ідеологічний тиск. (The article aims to consider the notion of self-censorship by the translator as an integral part of the act of translation. Under some historical circumstances, translators tend to produce literary translations which are ‘acceptable’ from both social and personal perspectives. Due to some ideological restrictions in the USSR, a large number of translations of foreign literature from English into Ukrainian were censored. Based on the comparative analysis of an anti-slavery novel «Uncle Tom’s Cabin» by Harriet Beecher Stowe with its translation by Volodymyr Mytrofanov, it is proved that self-censorship of content and/or stylistic features of the source text was often considered to be an immediate response to external ideological pressure. The comparative analysis has also revealed that the translation of the novel was inluenced by the dominant ideology that pertained to the attitudes and beliefs, values and morals concerning the religious issues in the 60’s. It is argued that the censored parts of religious issues in the translation by Volodymyr Mytrofanov are the result of ideological restrictions and harmful formalistic tendencies in the USSR.

    Особенности американской антропонимии

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    Изучение антропонимов как национально окрашенной лексики всегда привлекало внимание филологов и лингвострановедов. Отражая особенности различных обществ, эти лексические единицы являются одними из основных объектов лингвострановедения. В данной статье рассматривается специфика американской антропонимии, а также делается попытка систематизировать имеющиеся данные, касающиеся этой проблемы.Вивчення антропонімів як національно забарвленої лексики завжди привертало увагу філологів та лінгвокраєзнавців. Відображаючи особливості різноманітних суспільств, ці лексичні одиниці виступають одними із основних об'єктів лінгвокраєзнавства. В цій статті розглядається специфіка американських антропонімів, а також робиться спроба систематизувати наявний матеріал, що стосується цієї проблеми.Studying of anthroponyms as nationally colored words has always attracted attention of modern philologists. Reflecting the main features of various societies, these lexical units are considered to be one of the main objects of Area Studies. This article deals with the specific character of American anthroponyms. An attempt to systematize the data related to this problem is also made here

    Библиотеки Общества содействия устройству сельских бесплатных библиотек-читален в Томской губернии (1901—1919 гг.)

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    The results of scientific research provide a rewarding experience on arrangement and operation of libraries, and reveal their role in the life of individual and society. This article involves a wide range of sources, information from which had not been taken at a full extent by predecessors. The Society for Promotion of Rural Free Libraries-Reading Rooms in the Tomsk Province existed from 1901 to 1919. P.I. Makushin was initiator of its creation and its permanent Chairman. It acted only on the territory of the Tomsk province. The dynamics of opening of libraries by years is presented in the article, and organizational activity of the Council of Society for Promotion is characterized, as well as disclosed the forms and methods of its work. The first library was arranged in late 1902. In 1919, there were already about 600. More than 70% of them were placed in the buildings of rural schools, the rest — in the volost boards, and rarely — in private houses, church buildings and tea charitable institutions on national sobriety. The libraries were mainly managed by teachers of local schools (more than 70%), as well as volost clerks, clergymen and individuals. The considerable part of the circle of reading of visitors focused on fiction and spiritual and moral literature. The books on history, geography and ethnography were also of demand.Результаты научных изысканий предоставляют полезный опыт устройства и функционирования библиотек, раскрывают их роль в жизни личности и общества. Cтатья подготовлена с привлечением широкого круга источников, информация из которых была извлечена предшественниками далеко не в полной мере. Общество содействия устройству сельских бесплатных библиотек-читален существовало с 1901 по 1919 год. Инициатором его создания и бессменным председателем был П.И. Макушин. Действовало оно только на территории Томской губернии. Представлена динамика открытия библиотек по годам и охарактеризована организационная деятельность Совета Общества содействия, раскрыты формы и методы его работы. Первая библиотека была устроена в конце 1902 года. В 1919 г. их насчитывалось уже около 600. Более 70% помещались в зданиях сельских училищ, остальные — в волостных правлениях, реже — в частных домах, церковных зданиях, чайных, устраиваемых попечительствами о народной трезвости. Заведовали ими преимущественно учителя местных учебных заведений (более 70%), а также волостные писари, церковнослужители, частные лица. Наиболее популярной среди посетителей этих библиотек была беллетристика и духовно-нравственная литература. Читали литературу по истории, географии, этнографии.

    «От какого наследства мы отказываемся»

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    Cold lonely summer 2014: Barack Obama in American political cartoon

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    В статье описаны основные образы, которыми Б. Обама наделялся в американской карикатуре, параллельно приводится сопоставление с образом В. В. Путина