504,700 research outputs found

    ПРОБЛЕМИ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ Й ТРАДИЦІЇ У МОНУМЕНТАЛЬНОМУ ЖИВОПИСІ КИРИЛІВСЬКОЇ ЦЕРКВИ XII ТА XIX СТ. НА ПРИКЛАДІ АНГЕЛЬСЬКИХ ЧИНІВ. (Identity and Tradition Issues in Monumental Painting of XII and XIX Centuries of St. Cyril's Church by an Example of Angelic Ranks.)

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    Статтю присвячено осмисленню проблеми ідентичності та традиції у стінописі XII та ХІХст. Кирилівської церкви на прикладі зображення чинів небесної ієрархії. Аналізуються особливості, спільні та відмінні риси зображень ангельських чинів Кирилівської церкви XII та XIX cm. (The article is devoted to understanding the identity and tradition issues in murals ofXII and XIX centuries of St. Cyril's Church by an Example of celestial hierarchy ranks images. The author analyzes the characteristics, differences and similarities of angelic ranks images of St. Cyril's Church in the XII and XIX centuries.

    Cornish Language and Literature: A Brief Introduction

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    Język kórnicki należy do języków celtyckich i jest spokrewniony z walijskim i bretońskim. Jego historię dzieli się na trzy okresy: starokomicki (od czasów inwazji anglosaksońskich aż po koniec XII w.), średniokornicki (1200-1600) i późnokornicki (1600-1800). Do najstarszych zabytków języka kornickiego należy 19 glos z końca IX w. oraz pochodzący z początku XII w. słownik łacińsko-kornicki (Vocabularium Cornicum) zawierający 961 słów. Najważniejsze dzieła literackie powstały w okresie średniokornickim. Były to misteria (Ordinalia, Żywot iw . Meriaska) i wiersze, głównie o chrakterze religijnym (Męka Pańska). Z okresu późnokomickiego pozostał, najprawdopodobniej jedynie we fragmencie, jeden dramat (Stworzenie świata), krótka powiastka osnuta na motywach ludowych, piosenki, przysłowia i tłumaczenia, zwłaszcza tekstów o charakterze religijnym. Na przełomie XVIII i XIX w. język kórnicki przestał istnieć. W XX w. są podejmowane próby wskrzeszenia języka. Mimo metodologicznych zastrzeżeń wysuwanych przez niektórych językoznawców istnieje obecnie kilka wariantów rekonstruowanego kornickiego (Unified Cornish, Common Cornish, Modern Comish). W każdym rozwija się literatura, głównie poezja, ale także opowiadania, powieści, tłumaczenia, literatura dla dzieci, a nawet słuchowiska radiowe. Warunkiem dalszego rozwoju literatury jest ujednolicenie i upowszechnienie rekonstruowanego języka.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej nauk

    Regests de la documentació del segle XIX sobre Catalunya i la Santa Seu conservada a l’Arxiu Secret Vaticà; I. Fonts de la Nunciatura de Madrid (1887-1899); II. Fonts de la Nunciatura de Madrid (1877-1887). [Reseña]

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    Reseña de: Ramon Corts i Blay (ed.), Regests de la documentació del segle XIX sobre Catalunya i la Santa Seu conservada a l’Arxiu Secret Vaticà; I. Fonts de la Nunciatura de Madrid (1887-1899); II. Fonts de la Nunciatura de Madrid (1877-1887), Facultat de Teología de Catalunya (Studia, Textus, Subsidia XII, XIII), Barcelona 2005, 2007, 387 + 477 pp

    Od Redakcji

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    Niniejszy tom Folia historica pt. Z dziejów wsi w XIX wieku został poświęcony zmarłemu 28 XII 1990 r. profesorowi zwyczajnemu doktorowi habilitowanemu Zbigniewowi Stankiewiczowi.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 zostało dofinansowane ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę

    Extreme-Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Observation of Direct Coronal Heating During a C-Class Solar Flare

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    With the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer operating in rapid cadence (9.8 s) stare mode during a C6.6 flare on the solar disk, we observed a sudden brightening of Fe xix line emission (formed at temperature T 8 MK) above the pre-flare noise without a corresponding brightening of emission from ions formed at lower temperatures, including He i (0.01 MK), Ov (0.25 MK), and Si xii (2 MK). The sudden brightening persisted as a plateau of Fe xix intensity that endured more than 11 minutes. The Fe xix emission at the rise and during the life of the plateau showed no evidence of significant bulk velocity flows, and hence cannot be attributed to chromospheric evaporation. However, the line width showed a significant broadening at the rise of the plateau, corresponding to nonthermal velocities of at least 89 km s1 due to reconnection outflows or turbulence. During the plateau He i, Ov, and Si xii brightened at successively later times starting about 3.5 minutes after Fe xix, which suggests that these brightenings were produced by thermal conduction from the plasma that produced the Fe xix line emission; however, we cannot rule out the possibility that they were produced by a weak beam of nonthermal particles. We interpret an observed shortening of the Ov wavelength for about 1.5 minutes toward the middle of the plateau to indicate new upward motions driven by the flare, as occurs during gentle chromospheric evaporation; relative to a quiescent interval shortly before the flare, the Ov upward velocity was around 10 km s1

    Early Chromospheric Response During a Solar Microflare Observed with SOHO's CDS and RHESSI

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    We observed a solar microflare with RHESSI and SOHO's Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) on 2009 July 5. With CDS we obtained rapid cadence (7 s) stare spectra within a narrow field of view toward the center of AR 11024. The spectra contain emission lines from ions that cover a wide range of temperature, including He I (< 0.025 MK), O V (0.25 MK), Si XII (2 MK), and Fe XIX (8 MK). The start of a precursor burst of He I and O V line emission preceded the steady increase of Fe XIX line emission by about 1 minute, and the emergence of 3-12 keV X-ray emission by about 4 minutes. Thus the onset of the microflare was observed in upper chromospheric (He I) and transition region (O V) line emission before it was detected in high temperature flare plasma emission. Redshifted O V emission during the precursor suggests explosive chromospheric evaporation, but no corresponding blueshifts were found with either Fe XIX (which was very weak) or Si XII. Similarly, in subsequent microflare brightenings the O V and He I intensities increased (between 49 s and almost 2 minutes) before emissions from the hot flare plasma. Although these time differences likely indicate heating by a nonthermal particle beam, the RHESSI spectra provide no additional evidence for such a beam. In intervals lasting up to about 3 minutes during several bursts, the He I and O V emission line profiles showed secondary, highly blueshifted ( approximately 200 km/s) components; during intervals lasting nearly 1 minute the velocities of the primary and secondary components were oppositely directed. Combined with no corresponding blueshifts in either Fe XIX or Si XII, this indicates that explosive chromospheric evaporation occurred predominantly at either comparatively cool temperatures (< 2 MK) or within a hot temperature range to which our observations were not sensitive (e.g., between 2 and 8 MK)

    On the ultraviolet signatures of small scale heating in coronal loops

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    Studying the statistical properties of solar ultraviolet emission lines could provide information about the nature of small scale coronal heating. We expand on previous work to investigate these properties. We study whether the predicted statistical distribution of ion emission line intensities produced by a specified heating function is affected by the isoelectronic sequence to which the ion belongs, as well as the characteristic temperature at which it was formed. Particular emphasis is placed on the strong resonance lines belonging to the lithium isoelectronic sequence. Predictions for emission lines observed by existing space-based UV spectrometers are given. The effects on the statistics of a line when observed with a wide-band imaging instrument rather than a spectrometer are also investigated. We use a hydrodynamic model to simulate the UV emission of a loop system heated by nanoflares on small, spatially unresolved scales. We select lines emitted at similar temperatures but belonging to different isoelectronic groups: Fe IX and Ne VIII, Fe XII and Mg X, Fe XVII, Fe XIX and Fe XXIV. Our simulations confirm previous results that almost all lines have an intensity distribution that follows a power-law, in a similar way to the heating function. However, only the high temperature lines best preserve the heating function's power law index (Fe XIX being the best ion in the case presented here). The Li isoelectronic lines have different statistical properties with respect to the lines from other sequences, due to the extended high temperature tail of their contribution functions. However, this is not the case for Fe XXIV which may be used as a diagnostic of the coronal heating function. We also show that the power-law index of the heating function is effectively preserved when a line is observed by a wide-band imaging instrument rather than a spectromenter