69,379 research outputs found

    Pedagogy and anthropological research as a driver of development pedagogy in the second half of the XIX century.

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    У статті доводиться, що значний внесок у розвиток вітчизняної педагогічної антропології зробив О.Сікорський (1842-1919), започаткувавши дослідне вивчення проблеми стомлюваності і розумової праці школярів методом природного експерименту.В статье доказывается, что значительный вклад в развитие отечественной педагогической антропологии сделал О.Сикорський (1842-1919), начав опытное изучение проблемы утомляемости и умственного труда школьников методом естественного эксперимента.It is proved that a significant contribution to the educational anthropology did O.Sikorskyy (1842-1919), initiating pilot study the problem of fatigue and mental work by students of natural experiment

    Психологічний експеримент І. О. Сікорського

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    І.О. Сікорський (1842-1919) – професор Київського університету св. Володимира – є прикладом ученого, який у другій половині ХІХ століття знаменував історичний етап переходу психології від умоглядних теорій філософського характеру до суто емпіричних концепцій, що ґрунтуються на результатах психофізіологічних експериментів

    The Ira F. Mansfield "Trade Axe" Collection

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    Examples of Historic metal "trade axes" from the collection of Ira F. Mansfield (1842-1919) are described from Gnadenhutten (Tuscarawas Co.), Lake Co., Seneca Co., and Fort St. Clair, Preble Co., Ohio; Line Island, in the Ohio River at the Ohio-Pennsylvania boundary, 36LR1, Edinburg, Lawrence Co., Pennsylvania; Indiana; New York; Wisconsin; and Agate, Nebraska

    On a dragonfly collection from the Solomon Islands with overview of fauna from this Pacific archipelago (Insecta: Odonata)

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    Odonata fauna of the Solomon Islands (considered in its political rather than geographical borders) is revised following a recent collecting trip to Guadalcanal Island in April 2012. Some important taxonomic considerations are discussed and a complete literature review is provided for the country with an updated checklist of 64 species that is in accordance with the latest taxonomic studies on the group from that part of the world. The collection reported here was carried out on two and a half effective field days and resulted in a total of 30 taxa. Two of them (Agyrtacantha browni and Gynacantha amphora) are new to science and already described elsewhere and three oth-ers (Lestesconcinnus, Lathrecista asiatica festa and Rhyothemis resplendens) are new to the country. A female of Pseudagrion incisurum is described for the first timeand another female (Rhinocypha liberata) will be described later

    A review of the Anthicidae of the Maltese Islands (Central Mediterranean) (Coleoptera)

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    Based on the study of about 900 specimens collected recently and at the beginning of the last century, information on the Anthicidae fauna of the Maltese Islands is updated. Anthicus crinitus La Ferte-Senectere, 1849, Cyclodinus blandulus blandulus (Baudi, 1877), C. coniceps (Marseul, 1879) s.1., C. croissandeaui croissandeaui (Pic, 1892) and C.larvipennis (Marseul, 1879) all collected in Malta are new for the fauna of the islands of the Sicilian channel, whereas Omonadus bifasciatus (Rossi, 1792) and Stricticomus transversalis mel'idionalis (Pic, 1896) collected in Malta are new for the Maltese fauna. The presence of Cordicomus opaculus opaculus (Pic, 1892) and of Aulacoderus sulcithorax melitensis (Pic, 1903) in Malta is confirmed. Both records were based only on specimens collected at the beginning of last century. Moreover, A. sulcithorax melitensis is new to Italy. Elldomia tenuicollis tenuicollis (Rossi, 1792), Omonadus formicarius fOl'micarius (Goeze, 1777) and Cyclodinus constrictus (Curtis, 1838) s.1. are recorded for the first time for the Island of Gozo; C. minutus minutus (La Ferte-Senectere, 1842) is recorded for the first time for the Island of Gozo and from Manoel Island; C. debilis (La Ferte-Senectere, 1849) is new to the Island of Malta, whereas Anthicus fenestratus Schmidt, 1842, Allthicus tristis tristis Schmidt, 1842 and Cordicomus istanbilis instabilis (Schmidt, 1842) are new to the Island of Comino. Some new records of Anthicidae from Pantelleria and Lampedusa (Italy) are included. A zoogeographical analysis and an updated checklist of the 27 species of Anthicidae currently known from the islands of the Sicilian channel (Pantelleria, Maltese and Pelagic Islands) are provided. 119 Anthicus larvipennis ssp. mongolensis Medvedev, 1974 from Mongolia is raised to species level and formally transferred to the genus Cyclodinus Mulsant & Rey, 1866: C. mongolensis (Medvedev, 1974) (new rank). Finally, a primary homonomy is indicated for Anthicus robustissimus var. pallidior Pic, 1948 not Anthicus (Aulacoderus) sulcithorax var. pallidior Pic, 1941. The second one, according to the Code, is placed as a subspecies.peer-reviewe

    Previously unpublished Odonata records from Sarawak, Borneo : part 1, Kuching Division excluding Kubah National Park, and Samarahan Division

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    Records of Odonata from Kuching and Samarahan, the western administrative divisions of Sarawak in Malaysian Borneo, are presented. Forty-two species are listed from Bako National Park, and eighty-nine species are listed from various other locations. Notable records, not yet publishedin detail elsewhere, include Aciagrion ?fasiculare, Bornargiolestes species, Pericnemis species cf triangularis, Coeliccia new species and Tetrathemis flavescens

    Places in diplomacy

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    In the world of diplomacy, what does Vienna or Paris evoke, for instance? For the historian, there is the inevitability of associating these imperial capitals of the Old World with major diplomatic events such as the Congress of Vienna of 1815 and the Paris Peace Conference of 1919. International conferences have a peculiar habit of acquiring nicknames taken after the cities in which they take place. Historians talk in the shorthand of ‘at Versailles’, ‘at The Hague’, ‘at London’ and so forth, implicitly drawing boundaries of shared knowledge and expectations. In the nineteenth and early twentieth century, these places were overwhelmingly located in Europe, which was largely a reflection of the configuration of political power in the world. But, also, it exposes limitations in how we have come to conceptualise diplomacy as predominantly a Western-centric process. Notable exceptions were diplomatic events that marked the decline of the once mighty empires, such as the Treaty of Nanking of 1842 ending the first Opium War, one of the ignominious of the nineteenth-century treaties

    New records of Forcipomyia (Pterobosca) incubans Macfie (1937) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) parasitizing wings of Odonata in Brazil / Novos registros de Forcipomyia (Pterobosca) incubans Macfie (1937) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) parasita de asas de Odonata no Brasil

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    This report presents the first record of Forcipomyia (Pterobosca) incubans Macfie (1937) (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the states of Amapá and Pará, located in the North Region, and in Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, in the South Region of Brazil. Besides seven new records of species of Odonata parasitized in Latin America. Females of  F. (P.) incubans were collected in the wings of 47 specimens of dragonflies. The species Homeoura chelifera Selys, 1876 and Telebasis willinki Fraser, 1948 family Coenagrionidae, Remartinia luteipennis (Burmeister, 1839) family Aeshnidae, Erythemis peruviana (Rambur, 1842), Erythemis vesiculosa (F. 1775), Erythrodiplax fusca (Rambur, 1842), Erythrodiplax umbrata (L. 1758), Miathyria marcella (Selys in Sagra, 1857), Orthemis concolor Ris, 1919 and Orthemis nodiplaga Karsch, 1891 representatives from family Libellulidae comprise the new records for the Brazil, thus increasing to 13 the number of species with parasitism F. (P.) incubans in the country. 

    Odonata of Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve, Johor, Peninsular Malaysia

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    Odonata records from Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve and the surrounding area in Johor, Peninsular Malaysia are presented. A total of 44 Odonata species from eight families were collected in the area in October 2012. All of these records are new to Ayer Hitam Forest Reserve. Indothemis carnitica is a new record for Malaysia