
On a dragonfly collection from the Solomon Islands with overview of fauna from this Pacific archipelago (Insecta: Odonata)


Odonata fauna of the Solomon Islands (considered in its political rather than geographical borders) is revised following a recent collecting trip to Guadalcanal Island in April 2012. Some important taxonomic considerations are discussed and a complete literature review is provided for the country with an updated checklist of 64 species that is in accordance with the latest taxonomic studies on the group from that part of the world. The collection reported here was carried out on two and a half effective field days and resulted in a total of 30 taxa. Two of them (Agyrtacantha browni and Gynacantha amphora) are new to science and already described elsewhere and three oth-ers (Lestesconcinnus, Lathrecista asiatica festa and Rhyothemis resplendens) are new to the country. A female of Pseudagrion incisurum is described for the first timeand another female (Rhinocypha liberata) will be described later

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