652 research outputs found

    История южных славян: учебно-методический комплекс

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    Рассчитан на самостоятельную работу студентов. Дается краткое содержание каждой темы, в которой отражены ее важнейшие элементы. К каждой теме прилагается список ключевых понятий и список обязательной и дополнительной литературы и источников, блок вопросов для самостоятельного составления конспекта. Предназначен для студентов специальностей 1-21 03 01-01 и 1-02 01 02

    Пахавальныя помнікі Полацка ХIV–ХVIII стст.

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    ТHE FUNERARY MONUMENTS OF POLOTSK OF THE 14th–18th CENTURIES V. CHARAUKOРазглядаюцца пахавальныя помнікі Полацка ХIV–ХVIII стст. У пазначаны перыяд насельніцтва Полацка хавала памерлых унутры цэркваў, на некропалях каля храмаў і на могілках, сувязь якіх з культавымі пабудовамі не ўстаноўлена (культавыя пабудовы або невядомы нам, або адсутнічалі). Пахаванне ўнутры царквы сведчыла аб высокім сацыяльным статусе памерлага. Адзначаецца, што некропалі каля манастырскіх храмаў выкарыстоўваліся для пахавання не толькі манахаў, але і свецкіх асоб. Развіццё могілак Полацка як элемента тапаграфічнай структуры горада звязана з яго тэрытарыяльным і планіровачным развіццём. Пераважная большасць пахаванняў з’яўляецца безынвентарнай, што характэрна і для сельскіх могільнікаў ХIV–ХVIII стст.= The article is devoted to the elements of the funerary monuments of Polotsk of the 14th–18 th centuries. During this period, the population of Polotsk buried the dead inside churches, in the churchyards and in the cemeteries whose connection with religious buildings was not established (religious buildings are either unknown to us or were absent initially). The burial inside the temple meant the high social status of the deceased. Churchyards near the monastery churches were not only religious, but also secular. The development of the cemeteries of Polotsk as an element of the topographic structure of the town is linked to its territorial and planning development. The overwhelming majority of burials didn’t have the grave goods, which is also characteristic of the rural burials of the 14th–18 th centuries

    The Problems of Protection the Cult Constructions in the 20-ies of the XX-th Century (on the Example of the Intercession Church in Poltava)

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    У статті простежується історія шедевру дерев’яної архітектури – Покровської церкви, яка була збудована у Ромнах у 1764-1770 рр. коштом останнього кошового отамана Запорізької Січі Петра Калнишевського та представника козацької старшини Давида Чорного, а у 1908 р. завдяки унікальному науковому експерименту М. Макаренка перенесена до Полтави. Акцентується увага на внеску краєзнавців, вчених, окремих організацій у справу охорони старовинної пам’ятки. Публікується документ, складений у 1923 р. директором Полтавського музею М. Рудинським на захист Покровської церкви.В статье прослеживается история шедевра деревянной архитектуры – Покровской церкви, которая была построена в Ромнах в 1764-1770 гг. на деньги последнего кошевого атамана Запорожской Сечи Петра Калнышевского и представителя казацкой старшины Давида Черного, а в 1908 г. благодаря уникальному научному эксперименту Н. Макаренко перенесена в Полтаву. Акцентируется внимание на роли краеведов, ученых, отдельных организаций в деле охраны памятника старины. Публикуется документ, составленный в 1923 г. директором Полтавского музея М. Рудинским в защиту Покровской церкви.The article traces the history of the unique cult construction, a masterpiece of wooden architecture – the Intercession Church. It was built in 1764-1770 in Romny, the last ataman of Zaporozhye Sech Peter Kalnyshevsky and the Cossack representative David Chornyi gave money for this building. The church was located on high ground, in the plan it had the shape of the cross and consisted of five baths: one central and four laterals. The basic building material was selected oak. In the first half of the nineteenth century the major renovation was made in the Intercession Church. By the end of the nineteenth century among the parishioners and the clergy of the idea to build a new stone church was born, destroying the wood one. It was supposed to restore and transfer only the iconostasis, which was a unique work of art. These events, among others, were described by a well-known local historian I. Kurilov in his work “Romenskaya Antiquity” (1897). In 1900 a wooden church was examined by a famous archaeologist, art historian, one of the founders of museum work N. Makarenko. He described his notes in one of the first publications of “In the homeland of the last Hetman of Zaporozhye P. Iv. Kalnyshevsky” (1901). Later N. Makarenko conducted a detailed analysis of art criticism of both the Intercession Church and its interior decoration; he has published an article entitled “Monument of Ukrainian art of the XVIII-th century” (1908), thanks to which the temple became widely known. The author emphasized the need to preserve the church as a masterpiece of Ukrainian Baroque architecture. For this purpose N. Makarenko and P. Pokryshkin implemented a unique scientific experiment – the transfer of the Intercession Church from Romny to Poltava and the restoration of it in the new location in the same forms. However, over time the structure again demanded restoration. A new stage of the struggle for the preservation of the temple began after the revolutionary events, the separation of church from the state, an active attack on the religious communities. At the same time the formation of societies for the protection of the monuments and art was held. Starting from 1918 the need to preserve the Intercession Church had been raised repeatedly at meetings of the Archaeological Committee, commissions and societies. However, due to the lack of funds to do this would be extremely difficult. At the turn of 20-30 years of the twentieth century the church was closed. Taking into account the unique structure and trying to save it from ultimate destruction the exposition was placed there, later the structure was adapted for household needs. In 1943 the church was completely destroyed. The latter, who has studied this architectural monument, was S. Taranushenko. The Institute of Archaeology NAS of Ukraine stores the documents that reveal all the stages of the struggle for the protection of the monuments. Among them there is a letter written in 1923 by the Director of the Poltava Museum M. Rudinskiy to various authorities with the purpose to draw attention to the destruction of the Intercession Church and the need to protect it once again. In full volume it is published for the first time

    Інструментарій оптимального стратегічного вибору підприємства харчової промисловості

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    У статті розроблено каталог оптимальних стратегічних альтернатив та графічну модель спільної динаміки основних патернів поведінки споживача на ринку продуктів харчування залежно від макровпливів середовища. Сформульовано рекомендації щодо застосування запропонованого інструментарію опти-мального стратегічного вибору та оцінено потенційні ефекти від його впровадження. The catalog of optimal strategic alternatives and graphical spiral dynamics model of consumer behavior in the food market common basic patterns, which depends on maсro-impacts of environment is developed in the article. Recommendations for the application of proposed toolkit of optimal strategic choice are formulated, the potential effects of its implementation are evaluated

    Міста-­фортеці Лівобережної України на зламі ХVIII-ХIХ ст.

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    У статті аналізується структура ранньомодерних міст-фортець Лівобережної України на зламі ХVIII-ХIХ ст.В статье анализируется структура раннесовременных городов-крепостей Левобережной Украины на рубеже ХVIII-ХIХ вв.The paper concerns the structure of early modern towns-castles in the Left Bank Ukraine at the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries

    Особенности системы урбанонимов малого провинциального города валдай

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    В статье рассматривается топонимия малого провинциального города Валдай Новгородской области, определяются типы городских топонимов, выявляются связанные с ними термины, проводится сравнительная характеристика исторически сложившейся и современной системы урбанонимов города Валдай. Описание городской топонимии ведется в географическом и культурно-историческом аспектах исследования. Представлено разнообразие лексико-семантических групп урбанонимо

    Паратекстуальные полонизмы в Псалтыри 1683 г. в переводе Аврамия Фирсова

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    This paper is intented to analyze the lexical and semantic Polonisms identified in “The Translator’s Explication” and “The Preface to the Reader”, which precede the text of the Psalter 1683 in the translation of A. Firsov. The publication deals with 29 lexemes, with 18 of them being lexical borrowings. In two cases, they are not direct borrowings (cf. ƨлупый and читатель), but, most probably, are the result of the stimulating influence of the Polish language. According to the author, 11 words under analysis can be called semantic Polonisms. The paper also defines the role of the written language of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the process of the borrowing of these lexical elements. On the basis of the results of the analysis of the corpus, the author also touches upon the question of the translator’s personality, which has remained debatable up to the present day