149 research outputs found

    Учет лингвистических, культурологических и исторических факторов при обучении русскому языку

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    „К юбилею Уршулы Семяновской”. 2014 год. Сентябрь. В Лодзинском университете проходит вторая научно-методическая конференция, организованная Кабинетом дидактики русского языка. Первая состоялась в 2011 году. Это начало было положено Уршулой Семяновской, заведующей Кабинетом. Тогда в Лагевницком лесу в университетском конференционном центре она, будучи организатором этого мероприятия, принимала гостей из Кельц, Кракова, Ополя, Торуни, Варшавы (Польша), Барнаула, Москвы и Волгограда (Россия). Каждый мог увидеть, какой души человек наша «начальница»: добрая, сердечная, отзывчивая, гостеприимная. Теплый прием стал визитной карточкой методической встречи в Лодзи. Многие из коллег приехали на вторую конференцию специально для нее. Общение с У. Семяновской доставляет истинное удовольствие. Она тонко чувствует людей и умеет найти к каждому подход, охотно делится своими знаниями и опытом, служит в нужный момент советом. Уршула Семяновская – это безупречный педагог и заведующая. Она не успокоивается на достигнутом и постоянно совершенствует свое профессиональное мастерство, пополняет свой багаж знаний и умений и этого же требует от своих подчиненных. Она своим примером показала и показывает, каким должен быть настоящий учитель. Она именно такая – охотно оказывающая помощь и доброжелательная ко всем.Публикация при финансовой поддержке Управления Маршалка Лодзинского воеводства – www.lodzkie.pl

    Семантика топонима как концентрированного текста

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    The article discusses issues relating to the sphere of semantics, namely the toponym as folded, concentrated text. Communicative-pragmatic discourse possesses aspects that can be seriously studied. Proper names of geographic objects are a special type of text, taking into account the extralinguistic factors (social, economic, cultural, etc.). The article gives examples confirming these theoretical propositions. Many place-names in Smolensk (street Pyatnitskaya, Readovka district, parish Lodeynitsy, swamp Zhuravnik and many others), as the study shows, contain a value of several components (address information, etymological, chronological, historical, cultural, structural and derivational, text, etc. etc.).Udostępnienie publikacji Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego finansowane w ramach projektu „Doskonałość naukowa kluczem do doskonałości kształcenia”. Projekt realizowany jest ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach Programu Operacyjnego Wiedza Edukacja Rozwój; nr umowy: POWER.03.05.00-00-Z092/17-00

    Катынские драмы

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    This article addresses one of the most sensitive present-day issues in modern international relations - the Katyn tragedy. The unbiased outlook on this historical and international problem permits to restore the historical justice, to present objectively the picture of killing the Polish officers.Статья посвящена одной из актуальных проблем современных международных отношений - Катынской трагедии. Непредвзятый взгляд на данную историко-международную проблему позволяет восстановить историческую справедливость, объективно раскрыть картину убийства польских офицеров

    Роль языковых средств при описании польско-российских отношений в текстах, посвященных теме Катыни (на материале „Газеты Выборча” за период 1989–1999 гг.)

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    In order to form a certain image, media employ various linguistic means, such as metaphors, comparative structures, etc. Based on the material from “Gazeta Wyborcza” concerning the topic of the Katyn massacre, the present study attempts to reconstruct the image of Polish-Russian relations and decide what role the linguistic means used in the articles play in creating the discussed phenomenon. As a result the author concludes that there are two points of view about Russia presented in “Gazeta Wyborcza”. On the one hand, Russia is a criminal country and a debtor that cannot fulfil its obligations. On the other hand, Russia is a state that is open for cooperation and capable of helping. There are also two different points of view about the Polish-Russian relationships. As stated by some experts, Polish-Russian relations in the analyzed period are characterized as negative. According to the other opinions (prior to the 2022 war), these relations are getting better and perhaps will continue to improve.In order to form a certain image, media employ various linguistic means, such as metaphors, comparative structures, etc. Based on the material from “Gazeta Wyborcza” concerning the topic of the Katyn massacre, the present study attempts to reconstruct the image of Polish-Russian relations and decide what role the linguistic means used in the articles play in creating the discussed phenomenon. As a result the author concludes that there are two points of view about Russia presented in “Gazeta Wyborcza”. On the one hand, Russia is a criminal country and a debtor that cannot fulfil its obligations. On the other hand, Russia is a state that is open for cooperation and capable of helping. There are also two different points of view about the Polish-Russian relationships. As stated by some experts, Polish-Russian relations in the analyzed period are characterized as negative. According to the other opinions (prior to the 2022 war), these relations are getting better and perhaps will continue to improve.In order to form a certain image, media employ various linguistic means, such as metaphors, comparative structures, etc. Based on the material from “Gazeta Wyborcza” concerning the topic of the Katyn massacre, the present study attempts to reconstruct the image of Polish-Russian relations and decide what role the linguistic means used in the articles play in creating the discussed phenomenon. As a result the author concludes that there are two points of view about Russia presented in “Gazeta Wyborcza”. On the one hand, Russia is a criminal country and a debtor that cannot fulfil its obligations. On the other hand, Russia is a state that is open for cooperation and capable of helping. There are also two different points of view about the Polish-Russian relationships. As stated by some experts, Polish-Russian relations in the analyzed period are characterized as negative. According to the other opinions (prior to the 2022 war), these relations are getting better and perhaps will continue to improve.In order to form a certain image, media employ various linguistic means, such as metaphors, comparative structures, etc. Based on the material from “Gazeta Wyborcza” concerning the topic of the Katyn massacre, the present study attempts to reconstruct the image of Polish-Russian relations and decide what role the linguistic means used in the articles play in creating the discussed phenomenon. As a result the author concludes that there are two points of view about Russia presented in “Gazeta Wyborcza”. On the one hand, Russia is a criminal country and a debtor that cannot fulfil its obligations. On the other hand, Russia is a state that is open for cooperation and capable of helping. There are also two different points of view about the Polish-Russian relationships. As stated by some experts, Polish-Russian relations in the analyzed period are characterized as negative. According to the other opinions (prior to the 2022 war), these relations are getting better and perhaps will continue to improve

    Is socialist realism (de)colonial? Or how to re-appropriate the spirit of the gift, in: Communist/Soviet Historical and Cultural Heritage. Collection of Articles

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    Activity of Sverdlovsk and Molotov regional boards of the Union of polish patriots: similarities and differences

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    В статье исследуется развитие двух региональных центров польской диаспоры, созданных советской властью на Урале в 1943–1946 гг.: временные областные правления Союза польских патриотов (СПП) Свердловской и Молотовской областей. Были найдены сходства двух правлений в специфике и целях работы, основных формах деятельности. Отличия в работе организаций исходили, прежде всего, из того, что польских граждан в Свердловской области было в два раза больше чем в Молотовской. После так называемой реэвакуации отличия стали заметны сильнее.The article compares the establishment of the two regional boards of the same organization that operated in the Ural during the Second World War. Similarities in the beginning of systematic work of the organizations and the main forms of activity were revealed. The difference in the dates of foundation of organizations was revealed. The Polish population of Sverdlovsk region exceeded twice the number of Poles of Molotov region. After re-evacuation, the difference became even larger

    Формирование национального стереотипа: образ России в русскоязычных польских СМИ

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    В работе рассмотрено понятие стереотипа в научном дискурсе, описаны виды стереотипов, проанализированы источники формирования национальнвх стереотипов, проведен анализ комуникативных стратегий и тактик, используемых русскоязычными польскими СМИ при описании образа России, приведены результаты ассоциативного эксперимента и методики семантического дифференциал