18,442 research outputs found

    Testing the forensic soundness of forensic examination environments on bootable media

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    In this work we experimentally examine the forensic soundness of the use of forensic bootable CD/DVDs as forensic examination environments. Several Linux distributions with bootable CD/DVDs which are marketed as forensic examination environments are used to perform a forensic analysis of a captured computer system. Before and after the bootable CD/DVD examination, the computer system\u27s hard disk is removed and a forensic image acquired by a second system using a hardware write blocker. The images acquired before and after the bootable CD/DVD examination are hashed and the hash values compared. Where the hash values are inconsistent, a differential analysis is performed on the image files. The differential analysis allows us to quantify and explain the alterations made to the image files by the bootable CD/DVD examination. Our approach can be used to experimentally validate new bootable CD/DVD distributions as forensically sound

    Testing the Forensic Soundness of Forensic Examination Environments on Bootable Media

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    In this work we experimentally examine the forensic soundness of the use of forensic bootable CD/DVDs as forensic examination environments. Several Linux distributions with bootable CD/DVDs which are marketed as forensic examination environments are used to perform a forensic analysis of a captured computer system. Before and after the bootable CD/DVD examination, the computer system\u27s hard disk is removed and a forensic image acquired by a second system using a hardware write blocker. The images acquired before and after the bootable CD/DVD examination are hashed and the hash values compared. Where the hash values are inconsistent, a differential analysis is performed on the image files. The differential analysis allows us to quantify and explain the alterations made to the image files by the bootable CD/DVD examination. Our approach can be used to experimentally validate new bootable CD/DVD distributions as forensically sound

    Технологии нанесения изображений на поверхность оптических дисков

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    Розглянуто технології поліграфічного оформлення поверхні оптичних дисків. Розроблено детальну класифікацію способів нанесення зображень на поверхню дисків.The technologies of printing on surface of CD/DVD were examined. The detailed classification of the methods of printing on surface of CD/DVD was worked out.Рассмотрены технологии полиграфического оформления поверхности оптических дисков. Разработана детальная классификация способов нанесения изображений на поверхность дисков

    Role of Infrastructure Adequacy in the Adoption of Digital Book Production and Distribution Hardware

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    Digital book production machines are adopted in many academic and educational environments to enhance book production and distribution beyond what could be accomplished through the printed book. In developing economies like Nigeria where book production and distribution is badly affected by poor infrastructure, adoption of these machines is likely to make a positive difference, but it appears that publishers are not eager to adopt them for reasons yet to be clearly understood. Explanations in available literature revolve around infrastructure deficit in the areas of power supply, telecommunication bandwidth, postal facilities, Internet service providers (ISP) facilities, digital content developers, venture capital and e-payment instruments. This study, therefore, investigated the extent of adoption of print on demand (POD) distribution machines and compact disc (CD/DVD) replicating machines in Nigeria using a survey design involving 109 publishers selected purposively. Findings indicate that adoption level is low (POD, 9.2%; CD/DVD, 12%) and interest very high (POD, 61.5%; CD/DVD, 61.5%). Only the perceived adequacy of digital contents development facilities and financial facilities played statistically significant roles in the adoption level of print on demand machines and CD/DVD replicating machines. Thus, it could be inferred that infrastructure adequacy plays a significant role in digital hardware adoption but not as extensively as the literature purports

    Методики розрахунку характеристик інформаційних і проміжних шарів багатошарового фотолюмінесцентного диска

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    Розглянуто можливість побудови структури інформаційного шару багатошарового фотолюмінесцентного носія на основі структур сучасних форматів оптичних дисків (CD, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-ray). Розраховано оптимальні параметри такого носія і приводу зчитування даних з нього: лінійні розміри пітів, товщину проміжного шару, радіуси і загальну площу периферійних зон. Проаналізовано переваги і недоліки моделі та подальші перспективи розвитку багатошарового оптичного запису.Рассмотрена возможность построения структуры информационного слоя многослойного фотолюминесцентного носителя на основе структур современных форматов оптических дисков (CD, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-ray). Рассчитаны оптимальные параметры такого носителя и привода считывания с него данных: линейные размеры питов, толщину промежуточного слоя, радиусы и общую площадь периферийных зон. Проанализированы преимущества и недостатки модели и дальнейшие перспективы развития оптической записи.Possibility of constructing fluorescent multilayer media information layer structure based on the structure of modern optical discs (CD, DVD, HD-DVD, Blu-ray) is considered. Optimal parameters of the media and media drive (linear dimensions of pits, intermediate layer thickness, radii and total area of the fringe regions) are calculated. Advantages and disadvantages of the model, and optical recording further prospects are analyzed

    Reconstruction of Data from Damaged CD/DVD

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    Tato práce se zabývá rekonstrukcí dat z poškozených CD/DVD. Cílem práce je napsat aplikaci, která bude schopna z obrazového vstupu (naskenované fragmenty disku) získaného optickým/elektronovým mikroskopem přečíst bitový stream. Práce se také věnuje způsobu uložení dat na disku, procesu přípravy jednotlivých vzorků CD a DVD a jejich skenování. Dále je v práci popsán algoritmus vytvořeného software, jeho testování a výsledky.This bachelor thesis deals with the reconstruction of data from a damaged CD/DVD. The aim is to create an application which will be able to get a bitstream from an image (scanned fragments of a disc) acquired by an optical or electron microscope. This thesis also examines a data representation on the disc, process of preparation of specimens of CD and DVD and scanning of these specimens. The algorithm of the created software, its testing and results are described in this thesis as well.

    Automatic discovery of image families: Global vs. local features

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    Gathering a large collection of images has been made quite easy by social and image sharing websites, e.g. flickr.com. However, using such collections faces the problem that they contain a large number of duplicates and highly similar images. This work tackles the problem of how to automatically organize image collections into sets of similar images, called image families hereinafter. We thoroughly compare the performance of two approaches to measure image similarity: global descriptors vs. a set of local descriptors. We assess the performance of these approaches as the problem scales up to thousands of images and hundreds of families. We present our results on a new dataset of CD/DVD game covers