352 research outputs found

    Climate-induced changes in grapevine yield and must sugar content in Franconia (Germany) between 1805 and 2010

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    When attempting to estimate the impacts of future climate change it is important to reflect on information gathered during the past. Understanding historical trends may also aid in the assessment of likely future agricultural and horticultural changes. The timing of agricultural activities, such as grape harvest dates, is known to be influenced by climate and weather. However, fewer studies have been carried out on grapevine yield and quality. In this paper an analysis is undertaken of long-term data from the period 1805-2010 on grapevine yield (hl/ha) and must sugar content (°Oe) and their relation to temperature. Monthly mean temperatures were obtained for the same time period. Multiple regression was used to relate the viticulture variables to temperature, and long-term trends were calculated. Overall, the observed trends over time are compatible with results from other long term studies. The findings confirm a relationship between yield, must sugar content and temperature data; increased temperatures were associated with higher yields and higher must sugar content. However, the potential increase in yield is currently limited by legislation, while must sugar content is likely to further increase with rising temperatures

    The political economy of the Prussian three-class franchise

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    How did the Prussian three-class franchise, which politically over-represented the economic elite, affect policies? Contrary to the predominant and simplistic view that the system allowed the landed elites to capture most political rents, we find that members of parliament from constituencies with a higher vote inequality support more liberal policies, gauging their political orientation from the universe of roll call votes cast in parliament during Prussia’s rapid industrialization (1867–1903). Consistent with the characteristics of German liberalism that aligned with economic interests of business, the link between vote inequality and liberal voting is stronger in regions with large-scale industry

    Bohemian Faceted-Spheroidal Mold-Pressed Glass Bead Attributes: Hypothesized \u3cem\u3eTerminus Post Quem\u3c/em\u3e Dates for the 19th Century

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    Faceted-spheroidal mold-pressed beads have been manufactured in Bohemia since the 18th century. Evolution of manufacturing technology has resulted in the creation of bead attributes that can readily be observed on beads from archaeological contexts. Many North American archaeological sites contain examples of this bead type; but few reports have identified the attributes, much less recognized these beads as mold-pressed. Enough evidence now exists to suggest that some of these attributes have temporal significance for dating archaeological bead assemblages. Terminus post quem dates for faceted-spheroidal mold-pressed bead attributes are hypothesized, and a strategy for future research is suggested so that a more precise temporal sequence can be constructed

    On some categorical-algebraic conditions in S-protomodular categories

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    In the context of protomodular categories, several additional conditions have been considered in order to obtain a closer group-like behavior. Among them are locally algebraic cartesian closedness and algebraic coherence. The recent notion of S-protomodular category, whose main examples are the category of monoids and, more generally, categories of monoids with operations and Jo\'{o}nsson-Tarski varieties, raises a similar question: how to get a description of S-protomodular categories with a strong monoid-like behavior. In this paper we consider relative versions of the conditions mentioned above, in order to exhibit the parallelism with the "absolute" protomodular context and to obtain a hierarchy among S-protomodular categories

    The emergence and development of the Russian Advokatura: 1864-1905

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    This dissertation examines the emergence and development of the Russian advokatura (legal profession) between 1864 and 1905. Unlike past historical works, which have concentrated on the activities of a few prominent defence attorneys in the major political trials, this dissertation focuses on the advokaturas development as an independent, self-governing, profession. Such an approach reveals that contrary to received wisdom, the advokatura's professional evolution was a long, arduous, complicated process, by no means complete at the time of its premature demise. The Russian advokatura traces its origins back to the Judicial Reforms of 1864; prior to that time, Russia's legal practitioners existed as an amorphous mass, where virtually every citizen had the right to act as an attorney. The Judicial Reforms created a new, western-style advocate - the sworn attorney and his assistant, the attorney-in-training - as well as a new, autonomous institution - the regional Bar Council - which was to supervise the professional activities of a given region's sworn attorneys. Yet as this dissertation shows, the Judicial Reforms did more than simply introduce a modern advokatura to Russia; these reforms also represented a critical experiment with Russia's existing social structure, an unprecedented, largely unpremeditated attempt by the autocracy to take the western image of a 'liberal' profession and somehow adapt it to Russia's existing hierarchical soslovie (estate) system. For political and social reasons, however, the advokatura quickly proved incongruous with Russia's traditional soslovie order; as a result, the autocracy introduced a series of counter-reforms in 1874 which sharply restricted the professional development of the sworn attorneys and attempted to transform the existing advokatura into a more conventional soslovie. At approximately the same time, the autocracy created yet another branch of the Russian legal profession - the private attorneys. Therefore, during the course of its lifetime, the Russian advokatura consisted of multiple sections - sworn attorneys, private attorneys, attorneys-in-training - plus the descendants of the pre-reform legal practitioners, commonly known after 1864 as underground advocates. Each of the above subdivisions will be examined in this dissertation in order to gain a greater appreciation of the advokatura's overall professional development as well as the numerous obstacles that were placed in its path. At the same time, this dissertation will also examine the advokatura's impact on Russia's emerging legal culture as well as its attempts to gain more political influence. Such an analysis reveals that despite some significant gains, Russia's entire legal system - not just the advokatura - was seriously undermined and devalued by its incompatibility with the political and social order, constructed by the autocracy

    A characterisation of Lie algebras amongst anti-commutative algebras

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    Let K\mathbb{K} be an infinite field. We prove that if a variety of anti-commutative K\mathbb{K}-algebras - not necessarily associative, where xx=0xx=0 is an identity - is locally algebraically cartesian closed, then it must be a variety of Lie algebras over K\mathbb{K}. In particular, LieK\mathsf{Lie}_{\mathbb{K}} is the largest such. Thus, for a given variety of anti-commutative K\mathbb{K}-algebras, the Jacobi identity becomes equivalent to a categorical condition: it is an identity in~V\mathcal{V} if and only if V\mathcal{V} is a subvariety of a locally algebraically cartesian closed variety of anti-commutative K\mathbb{K}-algebras. This is based on a result saying that an algebraically coherent variety of anti-commutative K\mathbb{K}-algebras is either a variety of Lie algebras or a variety of anti-associative algebras over K\mathbb{K}.Comment: Final version to appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebr

    Спасович: первые опыты историка и издателя – «Восемь книг польского бескоролевья» Свентослава Ожельского

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    В статье анализируются задачи, которые преследовал В. Д. Спасович – историк и литературовед, издавая памятник польской исторической мысли XVI в., сочинение очевидца и непосредственного участника описываемых событий Свентослава Ожельского «Interregni Poloniae libri VIII». Автор выявляет также причины интереса Спасовича к истории Польши и его стремление к развитию русско-польских отношени

    В умовах російської окупації. Польський театр на Волині, Поділлі та Київщині в ХIХ і на початку ХХ ст.

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    Polish theatre active on the territories that at the end of the 18th century were incorporated into Russia in the result of the partitions, was forced to compulsory dependence on alien authorities, remaining entangled in the current political situation. The initially correct relations with the Russian officials drastically deteriorated with the outbreak and suppression of the 1830–1831 Insurgence. The Russians tightened control of permanent theatres and strolling players, intensifying repressive actions. Polish actors, in turn, supported by Polish society, often shared the conviction of the national and patriotic mission of the theatre, aware of the impact of Polish words spoken on stage amidst the growing Russification of the country

    A characterisation of Lie algebras via algebraic exponentiation

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    In this article we describe varieties of Lie algebras via algebraic exponentiation, a concept introduced by Gray in his Ph.D. thesis. For K\mathbb{K} an infinite field of characteristic different from 22, we prove that the variety of Lie algebras over K\mathbb{K} is the only variety of non-associative K\mathbb{K}-algebras which is a non-abelian locally algebraically cartesian closed (LACC) category. More generally, a variety of nn-algebras V\mathcal{V} is a non-abelian (LACC) category if and only if n=2n=2 and V=LieK\mathcal{V}=\mathsf{Lie}_\mathbb{K}. In characteristic 22 the situation is similar, but here we have to treat the identities xx=0xx=0 and xy=yxxy=-yx separately, since each of them gives rise to a variety of non-associative K\mathbb{K}-algebras which is a non-abelian (LACC) category.Comment: The ancillary files contain the code used in the proofs. Final version to appear in Advances in Mathematic