91 research outputs found

    Yeast phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, Pik1, has essential roles at the Golgi and in the nucleus

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    Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase, Pik1, is essential for viability. GFP-Pik1 localized to cytoplasmic puncta and the nucleus. The puncta colocalized with Sec7-DsRed, a marker of trans-Golgi cisternae. Kap95 (importin-β) was necessary for nuclear entry, but not Kap60 (importin-α), and exportin Msn5 was required for nuclear exit. Frq1 (frequenin orthologue) also is essential for viability and binds near the NH(2) terminus of Pik1. Frq1-GFP localized to Golgi puncta, and Pik1 lacking its Frq1-binding site (or Pik1 overexpressed in frq1Δ cells) did not decorate the Golgi, but nuclear localization was unperturbed. Pik1(Δ10-192), which lacks its nuclear export sequence, displayed prominent nuclear accumulation and did not rescue inviability of pik1Δ cells. A Pik1-CCAAX chimera was excluded from the nucleus and also did not rescue inviability of pik1Δ cells. However, coexpression of Pik1(Δ10-192) and Pik1-CCAAX in pik1Δ cells restored viability. Catalytically inactive derivatives of these compartment-restricted Pik1 constructs indicated that PtdIns4P must be generated both in the nucleus and at the Golgi for normal cell function

    Вооружение и тактика варварских народов Западной Европы раннего средневековья

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    Анализ особенностей постановки военного дела у германцев во 2-й половине I тыс. н.э.yesБелгородский государственный университе

    Botanical Garden of the University of Oslo, Norway

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    The Botanical Garden in Oslo was established in 1814 and is the oldest part of the Natural History Museum, one of the two museums of the University of Oslo. To celebrate the bicentenary, the Museum decided to launch an ambitious programme of events covering the entire year and adding several new permanent assets. This paper provides a brief history of and current information about the Garden and describes the previously existing and new features, along with a map of the Garden. The bicentenary celebrations raised the profile of the Garden enormously in Norway, and it experienced a huge increase in visitor numbers as well as extensive media coverage. The increased popularity of the Garden and the expected future rise in population in the neighbouring suburbs simultaneously challenge the Garden to satisfy the need for green space as well as providing scientifically based information which reinforces the importance of plants

    On the origin of the oldest borrowed Christian terminology in Icelandic

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    This article deals with the origin of the oldest core of borrowed Christian terminology still extant in Icelandic, i.e. those words which were introduced in Old Norse in the period ranging from the first evangelical missions in Scandinavia (9th c.) to the establishment of the archbishopric in Niðarós (1153). After a short introduction (1), a brief overview of the aforementioned historical period is given (2). The corpus, which consists of 45 words, is subsequently presented alongside its semantic classification (3), of which a chronological (text-based) reading is given. In the next section (4), particular attention is drawn to a sample of ten words, which have been chosen for their importance both from a historico-linguistic and etymological perspective. Special emphasis will be placed on addressing the role of Old Saxon in the dawn of Christianity in Scandinavia and Iceland and on revising some of the etymologies proposed by the three major Icelandic etymological dictionaries (AeW, IeW and ÍOb). In the last paragraph (5), it will be stressed that a methodology which rests upon historical, alongside linguistic and philological, facts is needed if one wants to better understand the cultural and linguistical background of a particular portion of the lexicon: here, the oldest part of the Christian borrowed lexicon is analysed as a particularly interesting example.Peer ReviewedRitrýnt tímari

    Evidence for European presence in the Americas in ad 1021

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    Transatlantic exploration took place centuries before the crossing of Columbus. Physical evidence for early European presence in the Americas can be found in Newfoundland, Canada(1,2). However, it has thus far not been possible to determine when this activity took place(3–5). Here we provide evidence that the Vikings were present in Newfoundland in ad 1021. We overcome the imprecision of previous age estimates by making use of the cosmic-ray-induced upsurge in atmospheric radiocarbon concentrations in ad 993 (ref. (6)). Our new date lays down a marker for European cognisance of the Americas, and represents the first known point at which humans encircled the globe. It also provides a definitive tie point for future research into the initial consequences of transatlantic activity, such as the transference of knowledge, and the potential exchange of genetic information, biota and pathologies(7,8)

    Orta Çağ’da İskandinavya İle İslam Dünyası arasındaki ticari faaliyetler

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    Bazı halklar tarihte muntazam yükselişler gösterir iken bazı halkların da yükselişleri defaten gerçekleşir. Tarihin kısa bir döneminde müthiş bir yükseliş enerjisiyle kabına sığmayan bir halk, ömrünün geri kalanını yeniden kendi sınırları içerisine çekilerek, gayet mümtaz bir şekilde yaşayabilir. Başka bir halk ise çöküş safhasına geçtiğinde, kendisine en yakın hissettiği halk ile kaynaşarak yeniden bir yükseliş safhasına geçebilir. Açıkça bu düzen, tarihin halklar için çizdiği kanundan başka bir şey değildir. Nitekim VIII. yüzyılın başlarında evvelce adları duyulmayan, Avrasya’da büyük siyasî çekişmelerin yaşandığı ve büyük devletlerin güçlerinin kırıldığı bir vakitte İskandinavya’dan inerek, doğuya ve batıya doğru durmaksızın saldıran bir halk belirdi. Bir barbarın zalimliğine sahip olduğu kadar, bir tüccarın da zekâsına sahip olan bu insanlar üç asır sürecek olan bir çağı başlattılar ve haberleri olmadan kendi yükseliş safhalarını yaşadılar. Aynı zamanda, onların ünleri, dönemin birçok muharriri tarafından da yazıya geçirildi. Viking Çağı1 olarak nitelendirilen bu dönem, yukarıda da bahsini ettiğimiz gibi Vikingler olarak adlandırılan bir halk kütlesinin çeşitli nedenlerden dolayı doğu ve batı dünyalarına karşı hızla saldırıya geçtikleri dönemin adıdır. Bu dönem aynı zamanda İslâm coğrafya yazıcılığının zirvede olduğu bir dönemdir. Galiba Vikinglerin intişarı, aynı zamanda onlara kendi kaderlerinin de bir armağanıydı. Çünkü hem Avrasya’da siyasî gaileler baş göstermiş hem de Müslüman tarih yazıcılığı gelişmişti

    Beach-ridge formation as a possible indicator for an open Limfjord – North Sea connection

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    Raised beach ridges are prograded sequences of wave-built deposits that may provide valuable information about past relative sea-level changes, climate change and coastal evolution. In the Limfjord in northern Denmark, the Early and Middle Holocene sea-level changes are well-constrained. However, our understanding of Late Holocene sea-level fluctuations is limited, and the exact period when the coastal barrier between the Limfjord and the North Sea formed remains uncertain. In this study, we use optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dating to determine the age of raised beach ridges at Gjellerodde in the western part of the Limfjord. The OSL ages presented here indicate that the beach ridges formed during three periods at 3.3–2.7, 1.4–1.0, 0.2–0.1 ka. In addition our data suggest a c. 0.2 mm/yr relative sea-level fall during the Late Holocene. The three distinct periods of beach-ridge formation coincide with periods when the Limfjord was open towards the North Sea as documented in historical records and marine records. This suggests that OSL dating of beach ridges can be used as a potential indicator for determining when the connection between the Limfjord and the North Sea was open in the Late Holocene

    Take a Seat : The high-seat as a dual-gendered space in pre-Christian Scandinavia

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    Becoming a Viking: DNA testing, genetic ancestry and placeholder identity

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    A consensus has developed among social and biological scientists around the problematic nature of genetic ancestry testing, specifically that its popularity will lead to greater genetic essentialism in social identities. Many of these arguments assume a relatively uncritical engagement with DNA, under ‘highstakes’ conditions. We suggest that in a biosocial society, more pervasive ‘lowstakes’ engagement is more likely. Through qualitative interviews with participants in a study of the genetic legacy of the Vikings in Northern England, we investigate how genetic ancestry results are discursively worked through. The identities formed in ‘becoming a Viking’ through DNA are characterized by fluidity and reflexivity, rather than essentialism. DNA results are woven into a wider narrative of selfhood relating to the past, the value of which lies in its potential to be passed on within families. While not unproblematic, the relatively banal nature of such narratives within contemporary society is characteristic of the ‘biosociable’