365,260 research outputs found

    Mooring and ground handling rigid airships

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    The problems of mooring and ground handling rigid airships are discussed. A brief history of Mooring and Ground Handling Rigid Airships from July 2, 1900 through September 1, 1939 is included. Also a brief history of ground handling developments with large U. S. Navy nonrigid airships between September 1, 1939 and August 31, 1962 is included wherein developed equipment and techniques appear applicable to future large rigid airships. Finally recommendations are made pertaining to equipment and procedures which appear desirable and feasible for future rigid airship programs

    The introduction of sickness insurance in Spain in the first decades of the Franco dictatorship (1939-1962)

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    [Abstract:]Using new statistical data on financing, coverage and economic and health care provisions, this article analyses how sickness insurance was introduced, managed and extended in Spain, under the Franco dictatorship, between 1939 and 1962. This article highlights how the dictatorship accelerated its implementation for political motives and this resulted in a failure of the system due to the lack of public financing and the high pharmaceutical, medical and infrastructure cost

    Universidad franquista: debate sobre la libertad de enseñanza (1939-1962). [Reseña]

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    Reseña de: María Ángeles SOTES ELIZALDE, Universidad franquista: debate sobre la libertad de enseñanza (1939-1962), EUNSA, Pamplona 2004, 585 pp

    Flickertail Follies, 1939

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    The Flickertail Follies was a student variety show at the University of North Dakota from 1925 until 1962. The show was put on by Sigma Delta Chi, a national journalism society. This is the program from the 1939 show.https://commons.und.edu/und-books/1097/thumbnail.jp

    El cuerpo y la voz de Margarita Alexandre

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    Proyecto I+D+i “El cine y la televisión en la España de la post-Transición (1979- 1992)”. (CSO2012-31895). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España. Proyecto I+D+i "Hacia una reconsideración de la cultura posbélica: análisis de los Modos de Representación en el cine español (1939-1962) a partir de la impronta de Wenceslao Fernández Flórez" (CSO2012-34648). Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España

    Nekateri sintaksonomski problemi razreda Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939

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    The proposed characteristic and differential species of the class Vaccinio- Piceetea are completed. The nomenclatural problem of the order Vaccinio- Piceetalia (=PiceetaIia excelsae) and the alliance Vaccinio-Piceion (=Piceion excelsae) is discussed.Braun-Blanquet et al. (1939) je postavil razred Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939, vendar brez nazorne navedbe njegovih značilnic in razlikovalnic. Zupančič (1976, 1980) je na osnovi primerjav smrekovih fito- cenoz Evrope predlagal diagnostične vrste za razred Vaccinio-Piceetea Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 emend. Zupančič 1976 in jih kasneje še dopolnil (Zupančič 1999). Sedaj je razčlenil te diagnostične vrste med značilnice in razlikovalnice razreda Vaccinio-Piceetea. Značilnice razreda Vaccinio-Piceetea so predvsem razširjene v smrekovih gozdovih Evrope, večinoma imajo visoko stopnjo navzočnosti, velikokrat pre- cejšnjo srednjo pokrovno vrednost ter sorodstvene vezi z drugimi acidofilnimi sintaksom zaradi ekoloških razmer in razvojnih tendenc prehajanja iz enega v drug sintakson; te so: Calamagrostis arundinacea, Dicranum scoparium, Genti- ana asclepiadea Hylocomium splendens, Luzula albida, Luzula pilosa, Maianthemum bifo- lium, Oxalis acetosella, Pleurozium schreberi, Polytrichum commune, Rhytidia- delphus triquetrus, Rubus hirtus, Solidago virgaurea subsp. alpestris, Solidago virgaurea subsp. virgaurea Razlikovalnice razreda Vaccinio-Piceetea imajo predvsem horološki karakter in so bolj ali manj omejene na določeno območje. Izrazito omejeno fitogeo- grafsko razširjenost ima le malo razlikovalnic Navadno so te vrste redkeje zastopane oziroma, včasih nimajo visoke stopnje navzočnosti. Glede reda Vaccinio-Piceetalia Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 emend. K.-Lund 1967 (=Piceetalia excelsae Pawl, in Pawl, et al. 1928), zveze Vaccinio-Piceion Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. (1938) 1939 (=Piceion excelsae. Pawl, in Pawl, et al. 1928) in podzveze Abieti-Piceenion Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 menimo, da jih je ustrezno dokumentiral Braun-Blanquet et al. (1939) na osnovi bogatega gradiva evropskih smrekovih, kislih jelovih in drugih podobnih fitocenoz. K tej nomenklaturni ureditvi uvrščamo še podzvezo Vaccinio-Piceenion Oberdorfer 1957. Pawlowski et al. (1928) je le začasno postavil red Piceetalia in zvezo Piceion na osnovi štirih popisov le iz območja Morskie Oko, zato vztrajamo pri nomenklaturni ureditvi Braun-Blanquet et al. 1939. Nadalje smo mnenja, da ni potrebno deliti smrekove fitocenoze na karbonatu v nov red Athyrio-Piceetalia Hadač 1962 in zvezo Chrysanthemo rotundifolii-Piceion (Krajina 1933) Bzina et Hadač in Hadač 1962. Acidofilne talne razmere, ne glede na karbonatno podlago, pospešujejo rast acidofilnih vrst smrekovih gozdov (Vaccinio-Piceetea, Vaccinio-Piceetalia, Vaccinio-Piceion), zato te smrekove fitocenoze zlahka uvrstimo v že obstoječo Braun-Blanquetovo nomenklaturno ureditev. Braun-Blanquetova et al. (1939) nomenklaturna ureditev je pregledna in celostna oziroma zaokrožena. Prepričani smo, da ni potrebe ustvarjati posebnih sintaksonomskih enot (Athyrio-Piceetalia, Chtysanthemo- Piceion), ki zajemajo pravzaprav majhna območja, floristično malo različna, različna le zaradi nekaterih posameznih lokalnih florističnih posebnosti, ki jih ni v širšem območju pojavljanja smrekovih fitocenoz. Za reševanje takih problemov, kjer se pojavljajo specifične, horološko zelo omejene vrste, ki so lahko fitogeografske razlikovalnice, prideta v poštev nomenklaturni rešitvi Oberdorferja (1957, 1979, 1992) z geografskimi variantami ali z Matuszkiewiczevimi (1981) formami

    Häikiön Koskenniemielämäkertaa lukiessa

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    Martti Häikiö: V. A. Koskenniemi – suomalainen klassikko. 1: Lehtimies, runoilija, professori 1885–1938. 2: Taisteleva kirjallinen patriarkka 1939–1962. WSOY 2010

    A proof of a Shilnikov theorem for C^1-smooth dynamical systems

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    Dynamical systems with a homoclinic loop to a saddle equilibrium state are considered. Andronov and Leontovich have shown (see [1939], [1959]) that a generic bifurcation of a two-dimensional C1-smooth dynamical system with a homoclinic loop leads to appearance of a unique periodic orbit. This result holds true in the multi-dimensional setting if some additional conditions are satisfied, which was proved by Shilnikov [1962, 1963, 1968] for the case of dynamical systems of sufficiently high smoothness. In the present paper we reprove the Shilnikov theorem for dynamical systems in C1

    An annotated bibliography on the biology and fishery of the skipjack tuna, Katsuwonis pelamis, of the Pacific Ocean

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    ENGLISH: The skipjack tuna, Katsuwonus pelamis is an important resource of the tropical and subtropical waters of the world ocean. Fishermen of many countries exploit this resource; at the present time, the annual world catch is approximately 200 thousand metric tons. Many fishery experts believe that the skipjack is not being fully utilized while stocks of other tunas are being fished, in some areas, at levels exceeding their maximum sustainable yields. In addition to the importance of skipjack as a commercial fish and as a source of food, there is a small but expanding recreational fishery in some countries bordering the Pacific. This bibliography provides a list of publications pertaining to the biology and fishery of the Pacific skipjack tuna. Papers concerned with food technology, food chemistry, radio-chemistry, and certain other subjects are excluded. The main sources for our publication have been the existing bibliographies of tunas, which are listed and indexed accordingly. In addition, reports of various marine laboratories and other scientific organizations have been checked; these are too numerous to list. We are fairly confident that all major works pertaining to skipjack tuna in the Pacific, printed prior to the end of 1966, appear in this bibliography. Only reports considered to be in permanent form are included. Annotations are based on actual examination of each of the entries listed here. The annotations do not evaluate a paper but serve rather to give a more precise idea of its contents if not revealed by the title alone. If the title sufficed in this respect, no annotation was prepared. A relatively small number of works believed to contain information pertinent to our bibliography could not be examined, but a list of such papers is provided. SPANISH: El atún barrilete, Katsuwonus pelamis, es un recurso importante de las aguas tropicales y subtropicales del océano mundial. Los pescadores de varios países explotan este recurso; actualmente, la captura mundial anual es aproximadamente de 200,000 toneladas métricas. Muchos expertos en la pesquería creen que el barrilete no es utilizado completamente, mientras los stocks de otros atunes son pescados en algunas áreas a niveles que exceden su rendimiento máximo sostenible. Además de la importancia del barrilete como pez comercial y como fuente de alimento, existe una pesquería pequeña recreativa que se está desarrollando en algunos países colindantes con el Pacífico. Esta bibliografía suministra una lista de publicaciones correspondientes a la biología y pesquería del atún barrilete en el Pacífico. Estudios referentes a la tecnología alimenticia, química alimenticia, radioquímica y ciertos otros sujetos son excluídos. Las fuentes principales correspondientes a nuestra publicación han sido las bibliografías existentes sobre atunes, las cuales están enumeradas y catalogadas de acuerdo. Además, se han examinado los informes de varios laboratorios marítimos y los de otras organizaciones científicas; éstos son demasiado numerosos para enumerar. Estamos bastante seguros de que todos los trabajos principales correspondientes al atún barrilete del Pacífico, editados antes de terminar el año de 1966, aparecen en esta bibliografía. Se incluyen únicamente los informes que se consideran permanentes. Las anotaciones se basan en el examen actual de cada una de las entradas aquí referidas. Las anotaciones no evaluan un estudio, pero sirven más bien para dar una idea más precisa de su contenido si el título por sí mismo no lo explica. No se preparó ninguna anotación si el título a este respecto era suficiente. Un número relativamente pequeño de trabajos que se cree tengan información pertinente a nuestra bibliografía no pudo ser examinado, pero se suministra una lista de tales estudios. (PDF contains 227 pages.