1,028,734 research outputs found

    Some food sources of the Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) in Malta

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    The Zitting Cisticola, Cisticola juncidis (Rafinesque, 1810) is a small insectivorous bird which started breeding in Malta some 40 years ago and is now one of the most diffused species of warblers in the Maltese Islands (Fenech, 2010). The species was listed in the check-list compiled by Nicola Ardoino in February 1893, who said it was scarce and appeared in early September (Despott, 1928). The first nest was found at is-Simar in 1973 (Sultana & Gauci, 1974) but De Lucca had published records of four birds at Salina in June 1967 (De Lucca, 1967)peer-reviewe

    Tom Swift and His Electric Regression Analysis Machine: 1973

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    Tom Swift, who began his career with factor analysis (1967) , is pleased to announce that the “1973 Tom Swift Award for Data Abuse” has been won by LeRoy Stone and James Brosseau. They originally (Stone, et al., 1973) used 115 variables in a stepwise regression analysis to explain differences among 19 observations. They then claimed (Stone & Brosseau, 197 3) to have tested the predictive validity of this model. This was done by regressing the 14 variables from the model on data from 18 new subjects. This “cross-validation” yielded a final model with six variables and an R2 of 0.76.Tom Swift, regression, statistics

    Lowpass Filtering of Rate-Distortion Functions for Quality Smoothing in Real-Time Video Communication

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    Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCSVT.2005.852417In variable-bit-rate (VBR) video coding, the video is pre-processed to collect sequence-level statistics, which are used for global bit allocation in the actual encoding stage to obtain a smoothed video presentation quality. However, in real-time video recording and network streaming, this type of two-pass encoding scheme is not allowed because the access to future frames and global statistics is not available. To address this issue, we introduce the concept of low-pass filtering of rate-distortion (R-D) functions and develop a smoothed rate control (SRC) framework for real-time video recording and streaming. Theoretically, we prove that, using a geometric averaging filter, the SRC algorithm is able to maintain a smoothed video presentation quality while achieving the target bit rate automatically. We also analyze the buffer requirement of the SRC algorithm in real-time video streaming, and propose a scheme to seamlessly integrate robust buffer control into the SRC framework. The proposed SRC algorithm has very low computational complexity and implementation cost. Our extensive experimental results demonstrate that the SRC algorithm significantly reduces the picture quality variation in the encoded video clips

    Fishes of the Strawberry River System of Northcentral Arkansas

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    A survey of the fishes of the Strawberry River in northcentral Arkansas was made between August 1967 and November 1973. Field collections, literature records and museum specimens showed the ichthyofauna of the Strawberry River to be made up of 95 species distributed among 17 families. Two erroneous records are deleted. One subspecies, Etheostoma spectabile fragi,, is endemic to the river. Records of Notropis fumeus, Etheostotna nigrum, Etheostoma proeliare and Percina sciera represent extensions of previously known ranges within the state

    The Evolution of Income Inequality During the Rise of the Swedish Welfare State 1951 to 1973

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    We analyse the change in family gross income inequality between 1951 and 1973. We use two new samples of the Swedish population from 1951 and 1956 containing tax register data, and compare the results with those obtained from the Swedish Level of Living survey from 1967 and 1973. Gini coefficients, four different Generalised entropy measures as well as decile group shares of total income are calculated. We also do two different decompositions: one between different demographic groups and one between the male and female component of family income. Finally, we examine to what extent zero family income records really reflect low economic welfare by using interview data from the 1968 Swedish Level of Living Survey.Income distribution; Household income

    Crisis Decisions Making in Israel: The Case oif the October 1973 Middle East War

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    The Israeli Government, facing the crisis which led to the October 1973 Middle East war, developed strategic solutions markedly different from those developed in both 1956 and 1967 in at least two significant respects. Both in 1956 and 1967 Israel was the initiator of at least the physical hostilities, In October 1973 the Israeli Government deliberately chose not to employ the tactic of preemptive attack which earlier governments had used in both 1956 and 1 967 and which had, in fact, become institutionalized as a part of the politi­cal-military doctrine of the state. In addition, in October 1973 the Israeli Government declined to order mobiliza­tion of the large reserve contingents of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) until just hours before the beginning of the coordinated Egyptian and Syrian attack on Yorn Kippur, the Day of Atonement, 6 October 1973

    The Evolution of Income Inequality During the Rise of the Swedish Welfare State1951 to 1973

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    We analyse the change in family gross income inequality between 1951 and 1973. We use two new samples of the Swedish population from 1951 and 1956 containing tax register data, and compare the results with those obtained from the Swedish Level of Living survey from 1967 and 1973. Gini coefficients, four different Generalised entropy measures as well as decile group shares of total income are calculated. We also do two different decompositions: one between different demographic groups and one between the male and female component of family income. Finally, we examine to what extent zero family income records really reflect low economic welfare by using interview data from the 1968 Swedish Level of Living Survey.

    Projected Red Pine Yields from Aldrin-Treated and Untreated Stands Damaged by White Grubs and Other Agents

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    (excerpt) Young red pines, Pinus resinosa Ait., during the first few years after planting in the Lake States, are vulnerable to several injurious agents, including white grubs, the larvae of May beetles, Phyllophaga spp. (Kittredge, 1929; Craighead, 1950). The pesticide aldrin3 has frequently been applied at planting time to protect seedlings from white grubs. More than 12,000 acres of national forest land were treated with aldrin from 1960 to 1967 in the Lake States; almost 10,000 of these were on the Hiawatha National Forest (Fowler, 1973)

    Declining Unionization in Construction: The Facts and the Reasons

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    This paper documents and examines the forces behind the decline of unionization in the construction industry. The proportion of construction workers belonging to unions has dropped from slightly less than one-half in 1966 to less than one-third in 1984. The employment share of union contractors has declined even further because of the fraction of union members working in the open shop rose from 29 to 46 percent between 1973 and 1981. Initially, an important factor in the initial decline in percentage unionized was the growth in the union-nonunion wage gap between 1967 and 1973. However, the gap did not widen any further after 1973 and actually has narrowed substantially since 1978. A key subsequent factor has been the erosion of the productivity advantage of union contractors, which dropped substantially between 1972 and 1977 and vanished by 1982. The decline of unionization is unrelated to changes in worker characteristics or changes in the mix and location of construction activity.

    The regime of the colonels in Greece (1967-1974) between the EEC and NATO

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    Greece as a western country: the origins of the liks with the ECC and NATO. From the military coup to the Royal counter-coup: april-december, 1967. Papadopoulos and the authoritarian turn (december 1967 – december 1969). The calm before the storm (1970-1972). The Junta in crisis (1973 – july 1974)