
Some food sources of the Zitting Cisticola (Cisticola juncidis) in Malta


The Zitting Cisticola, Cisticola juncidis (Rafinesque, 1810) is a small insectivorous bird which started breeding in Malta some 40 years ago and is now one of the most diffused species of warblers in the Maltese Islands (Fenech, 2010). The species was listed in the check-list compiled by Nicola Ardoino in February 1893, who said it was scarce and appeared in early September (Despott, 1928). The first nest was found at is-Simar in 1973 (Sultana & Gauci, 1974) but De Lucca had published records of four birds at Salina in June 1967 (De Lucca, 1967)peer-reviewe

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