732 research outputs found

    Henryk Kupiszewski (1927-1994)

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    Henryk Kupiszewski był jednym z najbardziej znanych polskich romanistów w drugiej połowie XX wieku, który osobiście zyskał miano "Instytucji polskiej romanistyki". Żyjąc w komunistycznej Polsce, ponownie przybliżył Polakom świat Zachodu. Prawnik, papirolog i filozof moralny, który otworzył się na zgłębianie roli prawa rzymskiego w kształtowaniu europejskiej tradycji prawnej, co ostatecznie zdefiniowało jego własne badania. Kupiszewski odcisnął swoje piętno na nauce prawa, gruntując naukę i dydaktykę prawa rzymskiego oraz wskazując kierunki ich rozwoju wraz z pokazaniem, dlaczego prawo rzymskie jest ważne dla współczesnego społeczeństwa. Jego wkład sprowadza się do syntezy ogromnego doświadczenia w zakresie prawa rzymskiego, które zdobył dzięki swoim mentorom i kontaktom międzynarodowym. Był twórcą motywów przewodnich, które przetrwały w świadomości większości polskich prawników w ogóle, a nie tylko wśród specjalistów od prawa rzymskiego, a niektóre z tych motywów są nadal aktualne w szerszym gronie. W czasie, gdy kraj przechodził transformację polityczną, był także jej aktywnym uczestnikiem, jako pierwszy ambasador nowo powstałej III Rzeczypospolitej przy Stolicy Apostolskiej. Tak jak Kupiszewski postrzegał prawo rzymskie jako szansę na połączenie ze światem zachodnim, tak samo widział w odnowieniu stosunków dyplomatycznych ze Stolicą Apostolską szansę na wejście Polski do globalnej polityki.Henryk Kupiszewski was one of the most famous Polish Romanists in the second half of the 20th century, who personally became known as the “Institution of Polish Roman Legal Scholarship”. Living in communist Poland, he brought the world of the West closer to the Polish people once again. A lawyer, papyrologist, and a moral philosopher who opened himself up to exploring the role of Roman law in shaping the European legal tradition, which ultimately defined his own research. Kupiszewski left his mark on the study of law by grounding the scholarship and didactics of Roman law and pointing out the directions of their development along with showing why Roman law is important for modern society. His contribution comes down to his synthesizing the vast experience of Roman law that he had gained from both his mentors and his international contacts. He was the originator of leitmotifs that have survived in the consciousness of the preponderance of Polish lawyers in general, not only among specialists in Roman law, and some of these motifs have currency among a wider audience still. At a time when the country was being politically transformed, he was also an active participant, as the newly-established Third Polish Republic’s first ambassador to the Holy See. Just as Kupiszewski viewed Roman law as an opportunity to connect with the Western world, so in a similar way he saw the renewal of diplomatic relations with the Holy See as a chance for Poland to enter global politics

    Francis Hollis Fay (1927-1994)

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    This obituary honours the achievements of Francis H. Fay (Bud) who was a distinguished marine mammalogist, a dedicated scholar, and a man of unwavering integrity who inspired colleagues, students, and friends. Bud's life was dedicated to the study of the life history of the Pacific walrus. This study commenced on St. Lawrence Island, Alaska, where his teachers, especially Charles and Vernon Slwooko, taught him a great deal about walrus ecology, while providing him with specimens he used to describe the reproduction, growth, and anatomy of Pacific Walruses, thus relying on, and recognizing the importance of, indigenous knowledge. In 1982 Bud published his monograph on walruses, Ecology and Biology of the Pacific Walrus, Odobenus rosmarus". The book was a masterful piece of scholarship and reflected not only years of hard work but also Bud's painstaking attention to detail. He did not stop there, however, and he continued to investigate walrus taxonomy, population biology, and ecology right up until the time of his death. His relentless search for knowledge of walruses led him to the Russian literature, and over the years he and Barbara carefully over 120 scientific articles from Russian into English. ... Bud was dedicated to international cooperation in research and management, as demonstrated by the enthusiasm with which he shared his translations of Russian literature and by his early and continuous activity as a member of the Steering-Planning Committee of the Marine Mammal Project under the U.S.-U.S.S.R. Agreement on Environmental Protection." ... [His passion for research, his editing, and his humor are greatly missed.

    Helm, David Maury, 1927-1994 (SC 1649)

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    Finding aid only for Manuscripts Small Collection 1649. Three deeds of conveyance related to pieces of property in Smiths Grove, Warren County, Kentucky that were owned by the Helm family. Also includes two plat maps


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    Δεν παρατίθεται περίληψη στα Ελληνικά.In this paper the author presents Ar. Stavropoulos' views and theoretical approach to the history of Medicine and his contribution to the study of the history of that discipline in Greece during the period of Turkish occupation and in the 19th century, as reflected in his work. Aspects such as, the influence of epidemics on the Greek population economy and demography, the function of hospitals, health policy, medical training and the formation of the medical personnel, feature among the topics discussed by Stavropoulos, in this context

    Master\u27s Recital

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    "La otra orilla" y "Sonambulario": paralelismos en la vertiente fantástica de Julio Cortázar y Julio Ramón Ribeyro

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    The study of the fantastic in Julio Ramón Ribeyro (1927-1994) is still a work in progress, in the same way that Sonambulario is, his book project that aimed to gather the fantastic short stories of the first stage of his work, but that he finally dropped. A famous writer in Peru, and with cult following outside there, Ribeyro lived most of his life in Paris. He was a friend of Julio Cortázar (1914-1984), with whom he shared his way of understanding the fantastic. This paper contrasts the first short stories of both writers and the importance they reveal in the definition of twentieth-century Hispanic America fantasy literature.El estudio de lo fantástico en Julio Ramón Ribeyro (1927-1994) es todavía un trabajo por terminar, del mismo modo que lo es Sonambulario, su proyecto de libro que tenía por objetivo reunir los cuentos fantásticos de la primera etapa de su obra, pero que finalmente abandonó. Escritor célebre en el Perú, y de culto fuera de allí, vivió la mayor parte de su vida en París. Fue amigo de Julio Cortázar (1914-1984), con quien compartía su modo de entender lo fantástico. Este trabajo contrasta parte de los primeros cuentos de ambos escritores y la importancia que los mismos revelan en la definición de la literatura fantástica hispanoamericana del siglo XX

    Validity of numerical trajectories in the synchronization transition of complex systems

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    We investigate the relationship between the loss of synchronization and the onset of shadowing breakdown {\it via} unstable dimension variability in complex systems. In the neighborhood of the critical transition to strongly non-hyperbolic behavior, the system undergoes on-off intermittency with respect to the synchronization state. There are potentially severe consequences of these facts on the validity of the computer-generated trajectories obtained from dynamical systems whose synchronization manifolds share the same non-hyperbolic properties.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Exponential localization of singular vectors in spatiotemporal chaos

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    In a dynamical system the singular vector (SV) indicates which perturbation will exhibit maximal growth after a time interval τ\tau. We show that in systems with spatiotemporal chaos the SV exponentially localizes in space. Under a suitable transformation, the SV can be described in terms of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang equation with periodic noise. A scaling argument allows us to deduce a universal power law τγ\tau^{-\gamma} for the localization of the SV. Moreover the same exponent γ\gamma characterizes the finite-τ\tau deviation of the Lyapunov exponent in excellent agreement with simulations. Our results may help improving existing forecasting techniques.Comment: 5 page

    Statistics of finite-time Lyapunov exponents in the Ulam map

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    The statistical properties of finite-time Lyapunov exponents at the Ulam point of the logistic map are investigated. The exact analytical expression for the autocorrelation function of one-step Lyapunov exponents is obtained, allowing the calculation of the variance of exponents computed over time intervals of length nn. The variance anomalously decays as 1/n21/n^2. The probability density of finite-time exponents noticeably deviates from the Gaussian shape, decaying with exponential tails and presenting 2n12^{n-1} spikes that narrow and accumulate close to the mean value with increasing nn. The asymptotic expression for this probability distribution function is derived. It provides an adequate smooth approximation to describe numerical histograms built for not too small nn, where the finiteness of bin size trimmes the sharp peaks.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.