2,714 research outputs found

    Resourceā€based learning strategies: Implications for students and institutions

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    This paper reports some findings from a project in implementing resourceā€based learning in economics, and identifies some implications for students and institutions. These include student responses to a midā€semester evaluation and the views of the project team. The latter have been informed by action research which sought to recognize studentsā€™ individual differences, employ active learning methods and, above all, integrate IT into the curriculum. While innovative strategies are clearly welcomed, students show strong attachment to some traditional methods. Most of those who suggested changes to the range of activities asked for reinstatement of at least some lectures, generally as additions to existing activities. Implications include the need for students and staff to acquire a wide range of new skills, for largeā€scale curriculum review if new learning technologies are to be fully integrated, and the need to acknowledge that, given student and staff perceptions of change, the process may be long and costly


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    Ramadhani, Muliana. 2016. Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Siswa Kelas XI melalui Resource Based Learning (RBL) pada Materi Turunan di MAN Model Banda Aceh. Skripsi, Jurusan Pendidikan Matematika, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Syiah Kuala. Pembimbing:Dra. Bintang Zaura, M.Pd.,(2) Dra. Tuti Zubaidah, M.PdKata Kunci : pemecahan masalah, Resource Based Learning (RBL) Materi turunan merupakan materi yang implementasinya sangat banyak dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, namun siswa masih sulit memahami materi turunan yang mengakibatkan siswa sulit memecahkan masalah turunan. Setiap siswa memiliki kemampuan memahami materi yang berbeda. Penggunaan sumber belajar yang tepat dapat membantu siswa dalam memahami materi pembelajaran, sebaiknya siswa menentukan sendiri sumber belajar yang digunakan. Resource Based Learning merupakan suatu pendekatan dimana siswa menentukan sendiri sumber belajar yang digunakan. Guru menyediakan beberapa sumber pembelajaran berupa buku teks, video, power point, dan narasumber. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas XI melalui Resource Based Learning pada materi turunan dan mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pemebalajran matematika dengan pendekatan Resource Based Learning. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental design jenis one shot case study. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh siswa kelas XI MAN Model Banda Aceh dan sampel penelitian diambil secara acak yaitu kelas XI MIA 4 yang beranggotakan 30 siswa. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui post-test untuk menguji kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa dan angket respon untuk mengetahui respon siswa terhadap pembelajaran matematika dengan pendekaran Resource Based Learning. Pengolahan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan uji-t pada taraf signifikan (a) = 0,05 dan derajat kebebasan (dk) = 29. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa kelas XI melalui Resource Based Learning pada materi turunan di kelas XI MAN Model Banda Aceh adalah baik dan respon siswa terhadap pembelajarn matematika dengan pendekatan Resource Based Learning adalah positif

    Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran Resource Based Learning terhadap Minat dan Hasil Belajar Geografi Siswa SMA

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    This research aims to understand the effect of learning model Resource Based Learning (RBL) of interest and study results geography of student high school. The kind of the research is quasi experiment with the approach descriptive quantitative use pretest-posttest control group design. The subject of this study is a student XI-IPS of SMA N 4 Pamekasan. XI-IPS 2 as a class experiment and XI-IPS 1 as a class control. An instrument in this study consisting of pretest and posttest and questionnaire of the interest. Technique data collection is the test and survey. Analysis techniques data to test hypothesis is independent samples t-test. The result of this research show (1) The significant effect of model Resource Based Learning to interest. Results t-test showing that the sg 0,008<0,05, (2) The significant effect of model Resource Based Learning to study results Geography. This is proved of the value of sig test results t is 0,032<0,05. Based on the research done can be concluded that model resource based learning significant to interest and study results Geography high school studentsPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh model pembelajaran Resource Based Learning terhadapn minat dan hasil belajar geografi siswa. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimen semu (quasi-eksperiment) dengan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif menggunakan desain pretest-posttest control group design. Subjek penelitian ini siswa XI-IPS SMA N 4 Pamekasan, dimana XI-IPS 2 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan XI-IPS 1 sebagai kelas kontrol. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan tes dan angket. Analisis statistik yang digunakan untuk menguji hipotesis adalah Independent Samples T-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) ada pengaruh yang signifikan model Resource Based Learning terhadap minat belajar dengan nilai sig (2-tailed) 0,008<0,05, (2) ada pengaruh yang signifikan model Resource Based Learning terhadap hasil belajar geografi siswa dengan nilai sig (2-tailed) 0,032<0,05. Secara keseluruhan, penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa model Resource Based Learning berpengaruh signifikan terhadap minat dan hasil belajar geografi siswa

    Peningkatan Kemandirian Belajar Matematika Materi Konsep Segi Empat Dan Segitiga Dengan Metode RBL Pada Siswa SMPN 91

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    This research examines the learning model of Resource Based Learning is not something new for teachers at all. The Resource Based Learning learning model prioritizes cooperation in solving problems to apply knowledge and skills in order to achieve learning objectives. The research setting was at SMP Negeri 91 East Jakarta with 36 class VII-C students as subjects. The research was conducted for 2 cycles. With 3 meetings each cycle. The conclusions obtained from this study are that when referring to the results of initial observations before using the Resource Based Learning method, it was found that only 27.72% of students could have the ability to work on row and row material well. After the research was carried out by giving the Resource Based Learning method, in cycle 1 there was an increase of 72.22% at the end of the cycle students were able to work on series and line material, then in cycle 2 as many as 94.66% of students were able to work on series and line material and found increased learning outcomes in mathematics due to the Resource Based Learning method

    Pengaruh Model Resource Based Learning Terhadap Hasil Belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) Siswa Kelas IV SD Sekolah Dasar

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui ada tidaknya pengaruh model Resource Based Learning terhadap hasil belajar Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial (IPS) siswa kelas IV SD di Kelurahan Abadijaya, Depok dengan pokok bahasan perkembangan teknologi. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SDN Abadijaya 1 pada semester II tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Sampel diambil dengan menggunakan teknik Cluster Random Sampling dan desain peneltian Posttest Only Control Goup Design. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan tes obyektif berbentuk pilihan ganda dan dianalisis dengan uji normalitas Lilliefors dan homogenitas dengan uji Fisher baik kelas eksperimen maupun kelas kontrol. Implikasi dari penelitian ini bahwa model Resource Based Learning berpengaruh positif terhadap hasil belajar IPS siswa kelas IV SD. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa model Resource Based Learning  merupakan salah satu alternatif yang dapat digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran IPS di kelas. Oleh karena itu, guru perlu menerapkan model Resource Based Learning sebagai variasi model pembelajaran yang digunakan untuk mengatasi hasil belajar siswa kelas IV SD

    Back to the future: Teamā€centred, resourceā€based learning as the antecedent of computerā€based learning

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    In this paper, I argue that gains can be made in both staff efficiency and educational value by replacing the traditional lecture/practical format of higherā€education courses with a new format involving teamā€centred, resourceā€based learning (RBL). Under the new format, students are deployed in independent teams to tackle a series of tasks supported by various resources, including documentation, email access to a tutor and, of course, the team itself. The new format also fosters personal transferable skills (teamwork, time management), which are not directly addressed by the traditional lecture/practical format. I further argue that whereas computerā€based learning applications typically have a minor role as an adjunct to the traditional lecture format, they provide a natural medium for the delivery of resources in the RBL format. I illustrate my contention by reference to Bio. 1001, a course in fundamental science skills for firstā€year undergraduates. The results of student evaluations exemplify the success of the RBL format in Bio. 1001. Moreover, the new course returned substantial increases in staff efficiency. I describe the potential for computers to play a greater part in the course in future. In conclusion, I speculate that the teamā€based, RBL format can be usefully generalized to any course that can be converted to continuous assessment by serial, group tasks


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana hasil belajar siswa tentang pembelajaran konsep Koperasi melalui metode Resource-Based Learning pada siswa kelas VIII B SMP Negeri 1 Tongas Mengingat pentingnya pemahaman tentang koperasi saat ini pembelajaran mengenai koperasi sudah di adakan di sekolah khususnya pada jenjang SMP kelas VIII. Agar siswa mudah dalam memahami materi tentang koperasi maka sebagai guru IPS harus bisa memilih bentuk metode pembelajaran yang tepat.Ā Dari berbagai macam metode pembelajaran yang ada, terdapat satu metode yang di rasa tepat di gunakan dalam pembalajaran konsep koperasi, yaitu metode Resource-Based Learning. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini adalah dalam jangka waktu kurang lebih 2 bulan, dengan konsep 4 kaliĀ  pertemuan maka Metode Resource-Based Learning berdampak positif dalam proses pembelajaran konsep koperasi. Hal t ersebut di buktikan dengan hasil belajar siswa yang menunjukkan peningkatan di mulai dari pra siklus hingga siklus 2. Pada pra siklus siswa yang berhasil tuntas belajar hanya sejumlah 13 siswa, pada siklus 1 meningkat menjadi 21 siswa dan pada siklus 2 meningkat lagi menjadi 32 siswa. Maka metode Resource-Based Learning yang digunakan dalam pembelajaran tepat sasaran.Ā 

    Resource-Based Learning of Students in The System of Cross-Cultural Training of Future Specialists in Fitness and Recreation

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    The article considers the problem of introduction of resource-based learning of students in the practice of the educational process of higher education institutions that provide training under the educational program Ā«Fitness and RecreationĀ». The aim of the study is to clarify the place of RBL of students in the system of cross-cultural training of fitness and recreation professionals. The study involved 233 students of higher education institutions of Ukraine. Research methods: theoretical, empirical and methods of mathematical data processing. The essence and place of resource-based learning of students in the system of cross-cultural training of future specialists in fitness and recreation were determined, a subsystem Ā«Resource-based learning of future professionals in fitness and recreationĀ» was developed, which consists of three interrelated components: target, implementation and performance; mechanisms of information search for acquisition of cross-cultural knowledge in the field of fitness industry are considered
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