16 research outputs found

    Maximum flow is approximable by deterministic constant-time algorithm in sparse networks

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    We show a deterministic constant-time parallel algorithm for finding an almost maximum flow in multisource-multitarget networks with bounded degrees and bounded edge capacities. As a consequence, we show that the value of the maximum flow over the number of nodes is a testable parameter on these networks.Comment: 8 page

    Acyclic, Star and Injective Colouring: A Complexity Picture for H-Free Graphs

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    Local Perspectives on Planar Colouring

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    In 1994, Thomassen famously proved that every planar graph is 5-choosable, resolving a conjecture initially posed by Vizing and, independently, Erdos, Rubin, and Taylor in the 1970s. Later, Thomassen proved that every planar graph of girth at least five is 3-choosable. In this thesis, we introduce the concept of a local girth list assignment: a list assignment wherein the list size of a vertex depends not on the girth of the graph, but rather on the length of the shortest cycle in which the vertex is contained. We state and prove a local list colouring theorem unifying the two theorems of Thomassen mentioned above. In particular, we show that if G is a planar graph and L is a list assignment for G such that |L(v)| ≥ 3 for all v in V(G); |L(v)| ≥ 4 for every vertex v contained in a 4-cycle; and |L(v)| ≥ 5 for every vertex v contained in a triangle, then G admits an L-colouring. Next, we generalize a framework of list colouring results to correspondence colouring. Correspondence colouring is a generalization of list colouring wherein we localize the meaning of the colours available to each vertex. As pointed out by Dvorak and Postle, both of Thomassen's theorems on the 5-choosability of planar graphs and 3-choosability of planar graphs of girth at least five carry over to the correspondence colouring setting. In this thesis, we show that the family of graphs that are critical for 5-correspondence colouring as well as the family of graphs of girth at least five that are critical for 3-correspondence colouring form hyperbolic families. Analogous results for list colouring were shown by Postle and Thomas. Using results on hyperbolic families proved by Postle and Thomas, we show further that this implies that locally planar graphs are 5-correspondence colourable; and, using results of Dvorak and Kawarabayashi, that there exist linear-time algorithms for the decidability of 5-correspondence colouring for embedded graphs. We show analogous results for 3-correspondence colouring graphs of girth at least five. Finally we show that, in general, slightly stronger hyperbolicity theorems imply that the associated family of planar graphs have exponentially many colourings. The existence of exponentially many colourings has been studied before for list-colouring: for instance, Thomassen showed (without using hyperbolicity) that planar graphs have exponentially many 5-list colourings, and that planar graphs of girth at least five have exponentially many 3-list colourings. Using our stronger hyperbolicity theorems, we prove that planar graphs of girth at least five have exponentially many 3-correspondence colourings, and that planar graphs have exponentially many 5-correspondence colourings. This latter result proves a conjecture of Langhede and Thomassen. As correspondence colouring generalizes list colouring, our theorems also provide new, independent proofs that there are exponentially many 5-list colourings of planar graphs, and 3-list colourings of planar graphs of girth at least five

    Excluded minors in cubic graphs

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    Let G be a cubic graph, with girth at least five, such that for every partition X,Y of its vertex set with |X|,|Y|>6 there are at least six edges between X and Y. We prove that if there is no homeomorphic embedding of the Petersen graph in G, and G is not one particular 20-vertex graph, then either G\v is planar for some vertex v, or G can be drawn with crossings in the plane, but with only two crossings, both on the infinite region. We also prove several other theorems of the same kind.Comment: 62 pages, 17 figure

    Lower bounds for local approximation

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    In the study of deterministic distributed algorithms it is commonly assumed that each node has a unique O(log n)-bit identifier. We prove that for a general class of graph problems, local algorithms (constant-time distributed algorithms) do not need such identifiers: a port numbering and orientation is sufficient. Our result holds for so-called simple PO-checkable graph optimisation problems; this includes many classical packing and covering problems such as vertex covers, edge covers, matchings, independent sets, dominating sets, and edge dominating sets. We focus on the case of bounded-degree graphs and show that if a local algorithm finds a constant-factor approximation of a simple PO-checkable graph problem with the help of unique identifiers, then the same approximation ratio can be achieved on anonymous networks. As a corollary of our result, we derive a tight lower bound on the local approximability of the minimum edge dominating set problem. By prior work, there is a deterministic local algorithm that achieves the approximation factor of 4 − 1/⌊Δ/2⌋ in graphs of maximum degree Δ. This approximation ratio is known to be optimal in the port-numbering model—our main theorem implies that it is optimal also in the standard model in which each node has a unique identifier. Our main technical tool is an algebraic construction of homogeneously ordered graphs: We say that a graph is (α,r)-homogeneous if its nodes are linearly ordered so that an α fraction of nodes have pairwise isomorphic radius-r neighbourhoods. We show that there exists a finite (α,r)-homogeneous 2k-regular graph of girth at least g for any α < 1 and any r, k, and g.Peer reviewe

    Chromatic and structural properties of sparse graph classes

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    A graph is a mathematical structure consisting of a set of objects, which we call vertices, and links between pairs of objects, which we call edges. Graphs are used to model many problems arising in areas such as physics, sociology, and computer science. It is partially because of the simplicity of the definition of a graph that the concept can be so widely used. Nevertheless, when applied to a particular task, it is not always necessary to study graphs in all their generality, and it can be convenient to studying them from a restricted point of view. Restriction can come from requiring graphs to be embeddable in a particular surface, to admit certain types of decompositions, or by forbidding some substructure. A collection of graphs satisfying a fixed restriction forms a class of graphs. Many important classes of graphs satisfy that graphs belonging to it cannot have many edges in comparison with the number of vertices. Such is the case of classes with an upper bound on the maximum degree, and of classes excluding a fixed minor. Recently, the notion of classes with bounded expansion was introduced by Neˇsetˇril and Ossona de Mendez [62], as a generalisation of many important types of sparse classes. In this thesis we study chromatic and structural properties of classes with bounded expansion. We say a graph is k-degenerate if each of its subgraphs has a vertex of degree at most k. The degeneracy is thus a measure of the density of a graph. This notion has been generalised with the introduction, by Kierstead and Yang [47], of the generalised colouring numbers. These parameters have found applications in many areas of Graph Theory, including a characterisation of classes with bounded expansion. One of the main results of this thesis is a series of upper bounds on the generalised colouring numbers, for different sparse classes of graphs, such as classes excluding a fixed complete minor, classes with bounded genus and classes with bounded tree-width. We also study the following problem: for a fixed positive integer p, how many colours do we need to colour a given graph in such a way that vertices at distance exactly p get different colours? When considering classes with bounded expansion, we improve dramatically on the previously known upper bounds for the number of colours needed. Finally, we introduce a notion of addition of graph classes, and show various cases in which sparse classes can be summed so as to obtain another sparse class

    Maximum flow is approximable by deterministic constant-time algorithm in sparse networks

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    We show a deterministic constant-time parallel algorithm for finding an almost maximum flow in multisource-multitarget networks with bounded degrees and bounded edge capacities. As a consequence, we show that the value of the maximum flow over the number of nodes is a testable parameter on these networks