386 research outputs found

    The engineering design integration (EDIN) system

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    A digital computer program complex for the evaluation of aerospace vehicle preliminary designs is described. The system consists of a Univac 1100 series computer and peripherals using the Exec 8 operating system, a set of demand access terminals of the alphanumeric and graphics types, and a library of independent computer programs. Modification of the partial run streams, data base maintenance and construction, and control of program sequencing are provided by a data manipulation program called the DLG processor. The executive control of library program execution is performed by the Univac Exec 8 operating system through a user established run stream. A combination of demand and batch operations is employed in the evaluation of preliminary designs. Applications accomplished with the EDIN system are described

    A database system to support image algorithm evaluation

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    The design is given of an interactive image database system IMDB, which allows the user to create, retrieve, store, display, and manipulate images through the facility of a high-level, interactive image query (IQ) language. The query language IQ permits the user to define false color functions, pixel value transformations, overlay functions, zoom functions, and windows. The user manipulates the images through generic functions. The user can direct images to display devices for visual and qualitative analysis. Image histograms and pixel value distributions can also be computed to obtain a quantitative analysis of images

    Army-NASA aircrew/aircraft integration program (A3I) software detailed design document, phase 3

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    The capabilities and design approach of the MIDAS (Man-machine Integration Design and Analysis System) computer-aided engineering (CAE) workstation under development by the Army-NASA Aircrew/Aircraft Integration Program is detailed. This workstation uses graphic, symbolic, and numeric prototyping tools and human performance models as part of an integrated design/analysis environment for crewstation human engineering. Developed incrementally, the requirements and design for Phase 3 (Dec. 1987 to Jun. 1989) are described. Software tools/models developed or significantly modified during this phase included: an interactive 3-D graphic cockpit design editor; multiple-perspective graphic views to observe simulation scenarios; symbolic methods to model the mission decomposition, equipment functions, pilot tasking and loading, as well as control the simulation; a 3-D dynamic anthropometric model; an intermachine communications package; and a training assessment component. These components were successfully used during Phase 3 to demonstrate the complex interactions and human engineering findings involved with a proposed cockpit communications design change in a simulated AH-64A Apache helicopter/mission that maps to empirical data from a similar study and AH-1 Cobra flight test

    The design of the MathSpad editor

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    Drawing from calculators.

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    A system for the analysis of musical data

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    The role of music analysis is to enlighten our understanding of a piece of music. The role of musical performance analysis is to help us understand how a performer interprets a piece of music. The current work provides a tool which combines music analysis with performance analysis. By combining music and performance analysis in one system new questions can be asked of a piece of music: how is the structure of a piece reflected in the performance and how can the performance enlighten our understanding of the piece's structure? The current work describes a unified database which can store and present musical score alongside associated performance data and musical analysis. Using a general purpose representation language, Performance Mark-up Language (PML), aspects of performance are recorded and analysed. Data thus acquired from one project is made available to others. Presentation involves high-quality scores suitably annotated with the requested information. Such output is easily and directly accessible to musicians, performance scientists and analysts. We define a set of data structures and operators which can operate on musical pitch and musical time, and use them to form the basis of a query language for a musical database. The database can store musical information (score, gestural data, etc.). Querying the database results in annotations of the musical score. The database is capable of storing musical score information and performance data and cross-referencing them. It is equipped with the necessary primitives to execute music-analytical queries, and highlight notes identified from the score and display performance data alongside the score

    Engineering design and integration simulation utilization manual

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    A description of the Engineering Design Integration (EDIN) Simulation System as it exists at Johnson Space Center is provided. A discussion of the EDIN Simulation System capabilities and applications is presented

    AdaNET phase 0 support for the AdaNET Dynamic Software Inventory (DSI) management system prototype. Catalog of available reusable software components

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    The Ada Software Repository is a public-domain collection of Ada software and information. The Ada Software Repository is one of several repositories located on the SIMTEL20 Defense Data Network host computer at White Sands Missile Range, and available to any host computer on the network since 26 November 1984. This repository provides a free source for Ada programs and information. The Ada Software Repository is divided into several subdirectories. These directories are organized by topic, and their names and a brief overview of their topics are contained. The Ada Software Repository on SIMTEL20 serves two basic roles: to promote the exchange and use (reusability) of Ada programs and tools (including components) and to promote Ada education

    Програмне забезпечення: практикум з англійської мови для студентів фізико-математичного факультету спеціальностей: «Інформатика», «Математика та інформатика», «Фізика та інформатика»

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    Практикум складається з 8 розділів, текстів для самостійного опрацювання, додаткового читання та додатків. Тексти підібрані з оригінальної науково-технічної літератури та містять необхідну термінологію зі спеціальності. До складу розділів входять вправи на закріплення лексико-граматичного матеріалу, тести, запитання. Вправи та тести побудовано на мовному матеріалі, який використовується в текстах розділів. Додається підсумковий тест для перевірки знань всього курсу. Для студентів неспеціальних факультетів денної, заочної та дистанційної форми навчання, які вивчають інформатику. Пізнавальний характер текстів зацікавить не лише зазначене коло студентів, але й усіх тих, хто поглиблено вивчає англійську мову