26 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Media Sosial Dalam Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Karya Fiksi Komunitas Expert Class Project di Platform Digital

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh perkembangan literasi di bidang menulis yang membawa pada maraknya kemunculan platform digital yang dikhususkan untuk karya fiksi, tetapi kuantitas karya yang tersebar tidak diimbangi oleh kualitas pada karyanya. Media sosial lantas menjadi salah satu alat yang dinilai dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis karya fiksi. Berbagai komunitas dan juga pembuat konten dalam bidang kepenulisan dapat diakses melalui media sosial, sekaligus memberikan berbagai layanan untuk mendukung kemampuan menulis, sehingga media sosial menjadi sarana baik untuk berdiskusi maupun sebagai media penyebaran informasi. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk menilai apakah ada peningkatan kemampuan menulis karya fiksi di platform digital, dan apakah ada pengaruh dari media sosial dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis karya fiksi dan seberapa jauh pengaruh yang diberikan. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dan metode ex post facto, dengan purposive sampling sebagai teknik pengambil sampel, sehingga melibatkan 35 responden yang diambil dari anggota komunitas Expert Class Project. Analisis data penelitian ini menggunakan Analisis Regresi Berganda, serta Uji Korelasi menggunakan perhitungan koefisiensi determinasi (uji R Square). Berdasarkan penelitian yang telah dilakukan, didapati akan adanya peningkatan terhadap kemampuan menulis karya fiksi melalui penggunaan media sosial dengan kategori sedang, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa media sosial berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan kemampuan menulis karya fiksi di platform digital. Kata kunci: Media Sosial, Kemampuan Menulis, Karya Fiksi, Platform Digital. ----- This research is based on development of literacy in writing field that leads to the multiplicity of digital platforms specifically created for fiction, but the quality for the shared works did not followed by it’s quality. Social media then seen as one of the tools that assessed to be able to increase the capability of fiction writing. Many communities and content creator in fiction field can be reached witihin the social media, and also providing services to support writing capability, by so letting the social media become the medium to discuss and also as tool for information sharing. This research is held to measure any improvement in fiction writing on digital platforms, to see any influence of social media in icreasing fiction writing capability, and how far the influence is. This research used quantitative approach and ex post facto method, with purposive sampling technique, which involved 35 participants that taken from Expert Class Project. The data analysis is using partial regression analysis, and correlation test using coefficient of determination score (R square test). Based on the researcht, it was found that there is an improvement in fiction writing by the usage of social media in medium category, which can be concluded that there is an influence of social media in increasing fiction writing capability on digital platform. Keywords: Social Media, Writing Capability, Fiction, Digital Platform

    A Typology of Digital Sharing Business Models: A Design Science Research Approach

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    The digitally enabled sharing economy, also called the “digital sharing economy” (DSE), has changed patterns of consumption by introducing new choices and channels for provision and receipt of services. The DSE encompasses sharing systems whose business models may vary distinctly from platform to platform. Although business models in the context of the sharing economy have been studied so far, we have observed that the current literature does not provide an approach that covers all the possible business models (in the broadest sense of the term) that (potentially) exist within the scope of the DSE. The present paper, therefore, aims to propose a typology of business models in the DSE that covers a wide space of models – even those which may not involve “business” in the commercial sense. This is achieved through an iterative inductive process based on a design science research approach. The typology can assist in positioning the current and future sharing systems in the DSE by systematically classifying their business models. It is intended to serve as a guiding tool for the sustainability assessment of platforms from both resource and socio-economic perspectives. The present study can also enable researchers and practitioners to capture and systematically analyse digital sharing business models based on a structured, actionable approach

    The Factors Affected m-Services Adoption in Airports

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    This research focus on the factors which affected m-Services utilization in airport from airport’s functionaries point of view. Also, the background of this research is related to some former researches which defined some models that may increase the exertion of electronic mobile based service application (m-Services) such as: TAM, UTAUT, and UTAUT2. However, the former literature reviews only elucidate the factors which affect the increasing of m-Services or mobile technologies/ self service technology exertion from customer point of view. While, there are less of them apprising the factors affected m-Services adoption from airport’s functionaries point of view. The purpose of this study is fulfilling the lack in the literature review by apprising the study towards airport’s functionaries point of view. To reach the purpose of the study, this study applies literature review method. The literature review’s source of this study is originated from some international journals which discuss the factors of airport’s functionaries side. The result of this study are the Explanation of the factors affected m-Service adoption or mobile technologies/ self-services technology from airport’s functionaries point of view and the development of conceptual model related to the factors affected m-Services adoption from airport’s function perspective

    Learn to Play: From Knowledge to Repeated Gameplay

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    Online games are popular computer applications around the globe. Games are frequently designed to require extensive in-game knowledge to attain in-game goals, so it may be central to continued gameplay. Little is known about how players seek knowledge, internalize knowledge, and subsequently use it to attain in-game goals. We used theories of flow and learning to build a theoretical framework and examined it by using responses from more than four thousand players. We found that encouraging players to seek and internalize in-game knowledge is an effective strategy to increase gameplay. Interestingly, learning satisfaction was more important than knowledge internalization in predicting goal progress, showing a novel insight for game providers to nudge their players in their knowledge searching. We concluded that asking players to search and internalize in-game knowledge may be a more effective strategy than creating their focused immersion to encourage repeated gameplay

    In-Game Currency Design and Consumer Spending Behavior

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    In this decade, the gaming industry has rocketed in size and variation of possibilities. New games are seeing new monetization methods that only increasingly grow in complexity and merge digital behavior with the behavior we see in humans in the real world. An example of this would be in the rise of the importance of freemium and competitive game scenes, resulting in a shift in motivations for making in-game purchases switching from functional to non-functional. For immensely popular games such as League of Legends or Fortnite, the emphasis is more on how players can pay to express themselves rather than to gain advantages over other competitors. There has also been tremendous usage of in-game tokens in games to prompt behavior in in-game purchases. This can take place through games providing bonuses in the conversion rate between real money and their in-game purchases, creating bundles, and providing exclusive product offerings. This study dives deeper into the behavior of how people interact with in-game tokens, analyzing how the conversion rate between the home currency to the in-game token may affect the willingness to pay of gamers.https://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/155343/1/Justin Fang_BA 480 Written Report.pd

    Analisis Pengaruh Perceived Value, Promosi Penjualan Dan Influencer Marketing Terhadap Minat Pembelian (Studi Pada Pengguna Aplikasi Video Game Gratis)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Perceived Value, Sales Promotion dan Influencer Marketing terhadap purchase intention pada Aplikasi video games gratis di Kota Malang. Jenis penelitian ini adalah explanatory research yang menjelaskan atau membuktikan hubungan atau pengaruh antar variabel independen dan dependen. Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel sebanyak 140 responden dimana penyebaran kuesioner dilaksanakan di Kota Malang. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode non-probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Sampel terdiri dari responden yang berdomisili di Kota Malang atau menetap sementara di Kota Malang yang mempunyai dan bermain video games dalam ponsel pintar yang dimiliki. Analisis data menggunakan Analisis Regresi Linier Berganda dengan menggunakan SPSS ver. 28.0 Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga variabel yaitu perceived value, sales promotion dan influencer marketing, memiliki pengaruh positif signifikan terhadap purchase intention


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    This study aimed to analyze factors that could influence continuous usage intention on freemium applications and purchase intention of premium services among students. Non-probability purposive sampling was used to determine the respondent. The criteria for the sample for this study were students who used freemium applications. Data were analyzed using Partial Least Square. The results confirmed that only reliability and responsiveness positively impacted customer satisfaction among the service quality dimensions, while assurance and empathy showed no effect. Only assurance and responsiveness were found to affect continuous usage intention positively, while empathy and reliability were found to have no effect. There was no evidence of the effect of the dimensions of service quality on purchase intention. Perceived value failed to moderate the effect of service quality on customer satisfaction. While there was a significant positive impact of customer satisfaction towards continuous usage intention, no effect has been found towards purchase intention. Continuous usage intention was confirmed to have a positive impact on purchase intention.JEL: O32, M31, L11ABSTRAKTujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi continuous usage intention dan purchase intention pada aplikasi yang memiliki layanan premium pada mahasiswa. Non-probability purposive sampling digunakan untuk menentukan jenis responden. Kriteria sampel pada penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa yang menggunakan aplikasi freemium. Data dianalisa menggunakan Partial Least Square. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa diantara dimensi service quality, hanya reliability dan responsiveness yang berpengaruh positif terhadap customer satisfaction sedangkan assurance dan empathy tidak berpengaruh. Hanya assurance dan responsiveness yang ditemukan berpengaruh positif terhadap continuous usage intention sedangkan empathy dan reliability ditemukan tidak berpengaruh. Seluruh dimensi service quality ditemukan tidak berpengaruh terhadap purchase intention. Perceived value tidak mampu memoderasi pengaruh service quality terhadap customer satisfaction. Customer satisfaction ditemukan berpengaruh positif terhadap continuous usage intention tetapi tidak terhadap purchase intention. Continuous usage intention ditemukan berpengaruh positif terhadap purchase intention.Kata Kunci: kualitas layanan, persepsi nilai, kepuasan, niata

    "Why pay premium in freemium services?" A study on perceived value, continued use and purchase intentions in free-to-play games

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    Freemium has become de facto business model for games and many other online services. We investigate how consumers' perceived value is associated with their intention to use freemium services and to purchase premium content. We employ data gathered through an online survey (N=869) among players of freemium/free-to-play games. Firstly, we find support for the "Demand Through Inconvenience" -hypothesis proposed in this study, indicating that the higher the enjoyment of the freemium service, the lower the intentions to purchase premium content but higher intention to use the service overall. Secondly, social value is found to positively affect freemium use and premium purchases. Thirdly, the quality of the freemium service does not seem to be associated with premium purchases although it has a positive association with freemium use. Fourthly, the economic value of freemium services is positively associated with freemium service use and via increased use also has a positive effect on premium purchases. The findings of the present study highlight the peculiarity of the freemium business model: increasing perceived value of the freemium service (i.e. enjoyment) may both add to and retract from future profitability via increased retention on one hand, reduced monetization on the other.publishedVersionPeer reviewe