20 research outputs found

    Implications of e-commerce for banking and finance

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    The aim of the paper is to show that e-commerce holds the potential totransform banking and financial systems. There are three aspects in which e-commercecan affect banking and finance. First, banks and financial firms can use thetechnology and business practice of e-commerce to market their products to thecustomers. Second, e-commerce provides a business opportunity for banks to offernew products and services to serve the needs of e-commerce. Third, the new businessenvironment associated with e-commerce provides opportunity for institutionalinnovations in banking and finance, which can help to lay a sounder foundation forthe international financial system. The paper focuses on the second and third aspects.The second and third aspects have a precedent in the history of banking. If history canserve as a reliable guide, then it is likely that e-commerce can act as an enablingfactor to transform banking and finance in a radical manne

    Mobile gaming prospects: the challenges to become a serious industry

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    Mobile games are a main example of both a successful mobile application and the increasing range of platforms for the media and entertainment industries. Against this convergent background, the paper introduces the basic features of the mobile gaming market and its industrial ecosystem with main actors and activities. Its focus lies on the challenges ahead for its evolution into a potentially dominant game platform and on the possible disruptions along this road. The future role of context and the deep personal relationship with the mobile device are considered to further explore mobile games link with users’ perceptions, players’ strategies and pending techno-economic developments

    eCommerce in service industries : extending the socio-technical paradigm

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    The socio-technical framework (STF) is useful for describing how technologies are embedded in social systems and how people, groups and technologies are interrelated. This perspective, however, lacks theoretical specificity and has limited usefulness in explaining the dynamics of actual situations. In this paper we address the question of how to extend the STF to better analyse technologies in their social context. We build on the STF by including the concept of &lsquo;information ecology&rsquo; and research on service provision to suggest a more empirically focussed way of analysing the relationships between people and technologies. In particular, we examine changes that have occurred as B2C eCommerce technologies have been implemented in service organisations, using case study findings from retail banking to introduce the concept of &lsquo;Coactive Commerce Systems&rsquo;. This concept provides a theoretically based descriptor for understanding the technologically-mediated interrelationships between organisations and their customers.<br /

    The Youtubers Phenomenon: What Makes Youtube Stars so Popular for Young People?

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    This paper aims to explore and to analyse the channels and the five most viewed videos published in May 2017 by two YouTubers – the Portuguese Wuant and the Swede PewDiePie. These YouTube stars were highlighted by a sample of Portuguese teenagers during the fieldwork of the European research project Transmedia Literacy. Based on these two cases, the article intends to identify the main distinctive traits of their productions, focusing on contents, performances and aesthetics, seeking to understand what characteristics make these YouTubers so popular among the young generation. The video analysis reveals complex, hybrid characters whose merit of attracting millions of fans cannot be denied. Their eccentric body language, the preference for easy jokes, the recurrence of slang, and a certain civic apathy are some of the very distinguishing features of these YouTubers.Este artículo tiene como objetivo explorar y analizar los canales y los cinco videos más vistos publicados en mayo de 2017 por dos YouTubers: el portugués Wuant y el sueco PewDiePie. Estas estrellas de YouTube fueron destacadas por una muestra de adolescentes portugueses durante el trabajo de campo del proyecto de investigación europeo Transmedia Literacy. Con base en estos dos casos, el artículo intenta identificar los principales rasgos distintivos de sus producciones, centrándose en los contenidos, la interpretación y la estética, buscando comprender qué características hacen que estos YouTubers sean tan populares entre los jóvenes. El análisis de los videos revela personajes complejos y híbridos, cuyo mérito de atraer a millones de fans no puede ser negado. Su excéntrico lenguaje corporal, la preferencia por los chistes fáciles, la recurrencia de la jerga y una cierta apatía cívica son algunas de sus características distintivas

    El fenómeno de los YouTubers: ¿qué hace que las estrellas de YouTube sean tan populares entre los jóvenes?

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    This paper aims to explore and to analyse the channels and the five most viewed videos published in May 2017 by two YouTubers – the Portuguese Wuant and the Swede PewDiePie. These YouTube stars were highlighted by a sample of Portuguese teenagers during the fieldwork of the European research project Transmedia Literacy. Based on these two cases, the article intends to identify the main distinctive traits of their productions, focusing on con-tents, performances and aesthetics, seeking to understand what characteristics make these YouTubers so popular among the young generation. The video analysis reveals complex, hybrid characters whose merit of attracting mil-lions of fans cannot be denied. Their eccentric body language, the preference for easy jokes, the recurrence of slang, and a certain civic apathy are some of the very distinguishing features of these YouTubers.Este artículo tiene como objetivo explorar y analizar los canales y los cinco videos más vistos publicados en mayo de 2017 por dos YouTubers: el portugués Wuant y el sueco PewDiePie. Estas estrellas de YouTube fueron destacadas por una muestra de adolescentes portugueses durante el trabajo de campo del proyecto de investigación europeo Transmedia Literacy. Con base en estos dos casos, el artículo intenta identificar los principales rasgos distintivos de sus producciones, centrándose en los contenidos, la interpretación y la estética, buscando comprender qué caracte-rísticas hacen que estos YouTubers sean tan populares entre los jóvenes. El análisis de los videos revela personajes complejos y híbridos, cuyo mérito de atraer a millones de fans no puede ser negado. Su excéntrico lenguaje corporal, la preferencia por los chistes fáciles, la recurrencia de la jerga y una cierta apatía cívica son algunas de sus característi-cas distintivas.This paper draws on a European research project entitled Transmedia Literacy. Exploiting transmedia skills and informal learning strategies to improve formal education which has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No 645238 (TRANSLITERACY - 645238 / H2020 - Research and Innovation actions).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Online market entry: the motivations for imitation across retailer types

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    This study examines the motivations for imitation in retailers’ online channel entry. Extant literature suggests that legitimacy and efficiency are the primary motivators for firms to imitate. We develop hypotheses which center on the belief that not all firm types would use the same motivator for deciding to imitate and enter the online market; legitimacy would be the driving force for some retailer types while efficiency would be the motivator for others. We test our hypotheses on a unique data collected from multiple sources. Our findings confirm that the motivators for imitation vary across retailer types. Bhatnagar, Amit and Nikolaeva, Ralitza and Ghose, Sanjoy, Online Market Entry: The Motivations for Imitation Across Retailer Types (November 2014). Managerial and Decision Economics, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=252208

    Online market entry: the motivations for imitation across retailer types

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    This study examines the motivations for imitation in retailers’ online channel entry. Extant literature suggests that legitimacy and efficiency are the primary motivators for firms to imitate. We develop hypotheses which center on the belief that not all firm types would use the same motivator for deciding to imitate and enter the online market; legitimacy would be the driving force for some retailer types while efficiency would be the motivator for others. We test our hypotheses on a unique data collected from multiple sources. Our findings confirm that the motivators for imitation vary across retailer types. Bhatnagar, Amit and Nikolaeva, Ralitza and Ghose, Sanjoy, Online Market Entry: The Motivations for Imitation Across Retailer Types (November 2014). Managerial and Decision Economics, Forthcoming. Available at SSRN: http://ssrn.com/abstract=252208

    The IPTS Report No. 44, May 2000

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