963,810 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi dan Lama Fermentasi Ekstrak Biji Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa) terhadap Mortalitas Hama Keong Emas (Pomacea SP.) di Rumah Kaca

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    Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh taraf konsentrasi dan lama fermentasi ekstrak biji mahkota dewa terhadap mortalitas keong emas dan mengetahui pengaruh interaksi antara konsentrasi dan lama fermentasi ekstrak biji mahkota dewa terhadap mortalitas keong emas. Penelitian ini dilakukandi rumah kaca, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lampung pada bulan Agustus - Oktober 2015. Penelitian disusun dengan rancangan acak kelompok (RAK) faktorial 2 faktor (4 x 3). Faktor pertama adalah perlakuan konsentrasi ekstrak biji mahkota dewa yaitu 0% (K 0 ), 0,5% (K 1 ), 1% (K 2 ), 1,5% (K 3 ). Faktor kedua adalah lama fermentasi ekstrak biji mahkota dewa yaitu fermentasi 5 hari (F 5 ), fermentasi 7 hari (F 7 ), dan fermentasi 9 hari (F 9 ). Data diolahdengan program statistikMicrosoft Excel 2007. Homogenitas data diuji dengan Uji Bartlett, dan aditifitasnya diuji dengan Uji Tukey kemudian dilakukan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Beda Nyata Terkecil (BNT) pada taraf 5%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terjadi interaksi antara konsentrasi dan lama fermentasi ekstrak biji mahkota dewa yang menyebabkan mortalitas keong emas sebesar 22,5 - 100%. Aplikasi ekstrak biji mahkota dewa pada konsentrasi K 3 (1,5%) dan lama fermentasi F 9 (9 hari) menyebabkan mortalitas keong emas 100% pada 1 hari setelah aplikasi

    Implementasi Building Information Modelling (BIM) dalam Estimasi Volume Pekerjaan Struktural dan Arsitektural

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    Perhitungan volume pekerjaan menggunakan gambar Computer Aided Design (CAD) 2D memerlukan proses manual dan software pendukung lain seperti Microsoft Excel untuk perhitungan. Hal ini menyebabkan peluang terjadinya error karena ketidaktelitian interpretasi dan perhitungan dalam mengelaborasi kompleksitas bangunan yang akan dibangun. Penerapan Building Information Modelling (BIM) dapat meminimalisir kesalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengaplikasikan  software Autodesk Revit untuk estimasi perhitungan volume dan menganalisis perbedaan hasil estimasi perhitungan volume berbasis Building Information Modelling dan hasil estimasi menggunakan CAD 2D. Studi kasus penelitian menggunakan data perencanaan gedung utama Rumah Sehat Baznas (RSB) Berau. Penelitian dilakukan dengan membuat model BIM menggunakan software Autodesk Revit dari data Detail Engineering Design (DED) CAD 2D eksisting. Output volume software Revit kemudian dibandingkan dengan Bill of Quantity (BQ) eksisting dan dianalisis perbedaannya.. Hasil penelitian menunjukan rata-rata perbedaan pada pekerjaan fondasi adalah 2%, pekerjaan sloof dan balok 0%, pekerjaan kolom 1%, pekerjaan pelat lantai 3%, pekerjaan railing 15%, pekerjaan dinding 7%, pekerjaan pintu 7%, pekerjaan jendela 0%, pekerjaan pola lantai 5%, pekerjaan plafond 17%, dan pekerjaan atap 6%. Rata-rata perbedaan pada pekerjaan arsitektural adalah 6%, sedangkan pada pekerjaan struktur adalah 5%, perbedaan terjadi karena kesalahan menghitung jumlah objek, kesalahan perhitungan, dan kesalahan interpretasi gambar

    Association of age and caries experience among adult population - An institutional study

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    Oral health is closely related with general health and people’s quality of life, through affecting their oral functions and social interactions. Dental caries are the major concerns among oral health.The aim of the study is to assess caries experience based on Decayed Missing Filled Teeth Index (DMFT) index among adults patients visiting a private dental college in Chennai. DMFT index was used to evaluate the caries experience. Patient case sheets were reviewed, index scores and age of the patients were collected . 4567 patients were selected for the study and tabulated in excel sheet and statistically analysed using SPSS. Frequency distribution was done using descriptive statistics and Chisquare test was used to analyse the association of caries experience with different age groups. In this study, it was observed that 18-35 year old patients were most prevalent (47.7%) and DMFT scores ranging from 0-7 were maximum with 58.2%. Within the limits of the study, results of the study showed that DMFT score of more than 8 suggesting higher caries experience was prevalent in study participants above 55 years of age. DMFT score of 0-7 was the most prevalent score among 18-35 years and 36-55 years

    Dataset of coded handwriting features for use in statistical modelling

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    © 2017 The Authors The data presented here is related to the article titled, “Using handwriting to infer a writer's country of origin for forensic intelligence purposes” (Agius et al., 2017) [1]. This article reports original writer, spatial and construction characteristic data for thirty-seven English Australian1 writers and thirty-seven Vietnamese writers. All of these characteristics were coded and recorded in Microsoft Excel 2013 (version 15.31). The construction characteristics coded were only extracted from seven characters, which were: ‘g’ ‘h’ ‘th’ ‘M’ ‘0’ ‘7’ and ‘9’. The coded format of the writer, spatial and construction characteristics is made available in this Data in Brief in order to allow others to perform statistical analyses and modelling to investigate whether there is a relationship between the handwriting features and the nationality of the writer, and whether the two nationalities can be differentiated. Furthermore, to employ mathematical techniques that are capable of characterising the extracted features from each participant

    Penerapan Algoritma K-Means Dalam Clustering Produk Terlaris Pada Fr Parfum

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    In sales activities, it is important to know which products are selling the best. FR Parfum is a perfume shop that sells quite a lot of perfumes, but the owner does not know which perfumes are the best-selling in his shop. The purpose of this study is to assist shop owners in knowing what perfumes are the best selling at FR Parfum. In this study, the K-Means algorithm with the Clustering method was used, the data were grouped into 3 clusters which were categorized as very in demand, in demand, and less in demand. The data is processed in the RapidMiner application and the results obtained based on the cluster division are cluster 0 which has a size of 30 millimetres, cluster 1 has a size of 7 milli, 10 milli and 12 millimetres, cluster 2 has a size of 20 millimetres. The data used in this study is the sales data of FR Parfum in 2021 as many as 1,655 data in excel format. And the results obtained show that cluster 1 is the highest with a total of 884 of the total sales of 183 7 milliliters, 165 10 milliliters sold and 536 12 milliliters sold. Baccarat perfume was the best selling 88, April Rose perfume was the best-selling sold 58, and the Cuddle perfume was the under-selling one, selling 1. (HY


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    Batting is the most crucial position in cricket in T20I match, with the importance of batting positions in T20I matches the purpose of this research is to find out of batting failure in the Indonesian National Team Against Thailand in the T20i Cricket Match (Twenty 20 International) At the Sea Games Malaysia 2017".  This type of research uses explorative descriptive with expose facto approach, with the aim of describing a condition, circumstance and phenomenon that occurs in the field. The instrument used in this study is a video of the Indonesian National Team's match against Thailand in the T20i Cricket Match (Twenty 20 International) At the Sea Games Malaysia 2017". Data analysis technology uses percentage testing with Microsoft Excel applications. The results of research from 8 Indonesian Cricket National Team players who performed batting are: (1) Muhaddis successfully performed 108% batting and 72% batting failure, (2) Anjar success in batting 0.8% and failure to do batting 8%, (3) Arya success in batting 4% and failure to do batting 4%, (4) Gamantika success in batting 20% and failure to do batting 20%, (5) Suda success in batting 0% and failure to do batting 8% , (6) Ramdoni successfully batting 68% and failure to do batting 44%, (7) Arta success in batting 24% and failure to do batting 4%, (8) Darmawan success in batting 16% and failure to do batting 0%. Of the eight, the average batting success was 61% and batting failure was 39%%.   Keywords : cricket, failure factor, batting &nbsp

    Aspects Epidemiologiques, Cliniques et Paracliniques des Fascilites Necrosantes au Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Pediatrique de Bangui (CHUPB)

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    Introduction : La fasciĂŻte nĂ©crosante est une affection grave de la peau et des tissus sous cutanĂ©s.  Son incidence est mal connue en RĂ©publique Centrafricaine. Le but de l’étude Ă©tait de contribuer Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la prise en charge des fasciites nĂ©crosantes Ă  Bangui. Patients et mĂ©thode : Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude transversale descriptive, rĂ©alisĂ©e au CHUPB du 1er Janvier 2019 au 30 Juin 2020. AprĂšs consentement Ă©clairĂ© des parents, les enfants ĂągĂ©s de 1 mois Ă  15 ans, prĂ©sentant une fasciite nĂ©crosante ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude. Un questionnaire avait permis de collecter les donnĂ©es qui ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l’aide du logiciel Epi Info 7 et Excel. RĂ©sultats : sur les  70 cas les, garçons reprĂ©sentaient 61% soit un sex-ratio de 1,6. La tranche de 0 Ă  5 ans Ă©tait la plus touchĂ©e (62,9%). Les malades provenaient souvent des zones rurales (56%). Le syndrome inflammatoire du membre infĂ©rieur Ă©tait le motif de consultation dans 78,5%. Les injections intramusculaires Ă©taient la porte d’entrĂ©e cutanĂ©e dans 30% des cas. Le dĂ©lai de consultation Ă©tait supĂ©rieur Ă  7 jours dans 85,7% des cas. Plus de 50% des patients avait recours Ă  l’automĂ©dication. La fasciite nĂ©crosante Ă©tait Ă©voquĂ©e d’emblĂ©e chez 35,7% tandis que 64,3% des patients ont consultĂ© pour des infections de la peau et/ou des parties molles. Une anĂ©mie microcytaire hypochrome de type inflammatoire et une hyperleucocytose Ă©taient retrouvĂ©es dans respectivement 81,4% et 90% des cas. Une insuffisance rĂ©nale fonctionnelle Ă©tait prĂ©sente chez 15,7% des patients. Le streptocoque du groupe A Ă©tait isolĂ© chez 34% des patients. La chirurgie couplĂ©e Ă  l’antibiothĂ©rapie Ă©tait pratiquĂ©e chez tous les patients. L’évolution Ă©tait satisfaisante dans 97,1%. Le taux de lĂ©talitĂ© Ă©tait de 2,9%. Conclusion : La fasciite nĂ©crosante est frĂ©quente Ă  Bangui. Des actions de sensibilisation sont nĂ©cessaires pour rĂ©duire l’impact de la maladie.     Introduction: Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Its incidence is poorly known in the Central African Republic. The goal of the study was to contribute in improving the management of necrotizing fasciitis in Bangui. Patients and method: It was a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out at CHUPB from January 1st, 2019 to June 30th, 2020. After the parents’ informed consent, children aged 1 month to 15 years with necrotizing fasciitis were included in the study. A questionnaire was used to collect the data, which were analyzed using Epi Info 7 and Excel software. Results: Out of the 70 cases, boys represented 61%, which was a sex ratio of 1.6. The 0 to 5 years old age group was the most affected (62.9%). Patients often came from rural areas (56%). Inflammatory syndrome of the lower limb was the chief complaint in 78.5%. IM injections were the cutaneous entry point in 30% of cases. The time from symptom onset to consultation was greater than 7 days in 85.7% of cases. More than 50% of patients resorted to self-medication. Necrotizing fasciitis was immediately evoked in 35.7% of patients. Inflammatory hypochromic microcytic anemia and hyperleukocytosis were found in respectively 81.4% and 90% of cases. Functional renal failure was present in 15.7% of patients. Group A streptococcus was isolated in 34% of patients. Surgery coupled with antibiotic therapy was performed in all patients. The evolution was satisfactory in 97.1%. The lethality rate was 2.9%.Conclusion: Necrotizing fasciitis is common in Bangui. Awareness actions are needed to reduce the impact of the disease

    Aspects Epidemiologiques, Cliniques et Paracliniques des Fascilites Necrosantes au Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Pediatrique de Bangui (CHUPB)

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    Introduction : La fasciĂŻte nĂ©crosante est une affection grave de la peau et des tissus sous cutanĂ©s.  Son incidence est mal connue en RĂ©publique Centrafricaine. Le but de l’étude Ă©tait de contribuer Ă  l’amĂ©lioration de la prise en charge des fasciites nĂ©crosantes Ă  Bangui. Patients et mĂ©thode : Il s’agissait d’une Ă©tude transversale descriptive, rĂ©alisĂ©e au CHUPB du 1er Janvier 2019 au 30 Juin 2020. AprĂšs consentement Ă©clairĂ© des parents, les enfants ĂągĂ©s de 1 mois Ă  15 ans, prĂ©sentant une fasciite nĂ©crosante ont Ă©tĂ© inclus dans l’étude. Un questionnaire avait permis de collecter les donnĂ©es qui ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es Ă  l’aide du logiciel Epi Info 7 et Excel. RĂ©sultats : sur les  70 cas les, garçons reprĂ©sentaient 61% soit un sex-ratio de 1,6. La tranche de 0 Ă  5 ans Ă©tait la plus touchĂ©e (62,9%). Les malades provenaient souvent des zones rurales (56%). Le syndrome inflammatoire du membre infĂ©rieur Ă©tait le motif de consultation dans 78,5%. Les injections intramusculaires Ă©taient la porte d’entrĂ©e cutanĂ©e dans 30% des cas. Le dĂ©lai de consultation Ă©tait supĂ©rieur Ă  7 jours dans 85,7% des cas. Plus de 50% des patients avait recours Ă  l’automĂ©dication. La fasciite nĂ©crosante Ă©tait Ă©voquĂ©e d’emblĂ©e chez 35,7% tandis que 64,3% des patients ont consultĂ© pour des infections de la peau et/ou des parties molles. Une anĂ©mie microcytaire hypochrome de type inflammatoire et une hyperleucocytose Ă©taient retrouvĂ©es dans respectivement 81,4% et 90% des cas. Une insuffisance rĂ©nale fonctionnelle Ă©tait prĂ©sente chez 15,7% des patients. Le streptocoque du groupe A Ă©tait isolĂ© chez 34% des patients. La chirurgie couplĂ©e Ă  l’antibiothĂ©rapie Ă©tait pratiquĂ©e chez tous les patients. L’évolution Ă©tait satisfaisante dans 97,1%. Le taux de lĂ©talitĂ© Ă©tait de 2,9%. Conclusion : La fasciite nĂ©crosante est frĂ©quente Ă  Bangui. Des actions de sensibilisation sont nĂ©cessaires pour rĂ©duire l’impact de la maladie.     Introduction: Necrotizing fasciitis is a serious condition of the skin and subcutaneous tissues. Its incidence is poorly known in the Central African Republic. The goal of the study was to contribute in improving the management of necrotizing fasciitis in Bangui. Patients and method: It was a descriptive cross-sectional study, carried out at CHUPB from January 1st, 2019 to June 30th, 2020. After the parents’ informed consent, children aged 1 month to 15 years with necrotizing fasciitis were included in the study. A questionnaire was used to collect the data, which were analyzed using Epi Info 7 and Excel software. Results: Out of the 70 cases, boys represented 61%, which was a sex ratio of 1.6. The 0 to 5 years old age group was the most affected (62.9%). Patients often came from rural areas (56%). Inflammatory syndrome of the lower limb was the chief complaint in 78.5%. IM injections were the cutaneous entry point in 30% of cases. The time from symptom onset to consultation was greater than 7 days in 85.7% of cases. More than 50% of patients resorted to self-medication. Necrotizing fasciitis was immediately evoked in 35.7% of patients. Inflammatory hypochromic microcytic anemia and hyperleukocytosis were found in respectively 81.4% and 90% of cases. Functional renal failure was present in 15.7% of patients. Group A streptococcus was isolated in 34% of patients. Surgery coupled with antibiotic therapy was performed in all patients. The evolution was satisfactory in 97.1%. The lethality rate was 2.9%.Conclusion: Necrotizing fasciitis is common in Bangui. Awareness actions are needed to reduce the impact of the disease


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    Abstrak                 Berdasarkan keterangan guru geografi di SMA Negeri 1 Manyar, guru melakukan penyusunan alat penilaian bersumberkan pada contoh-contoh soal yang ada pada buku pelajaran, dan kumpulan-kumpulan soal yang ada di bank soal sekolah. Penyusunan soal selama ini dilakukan dengan memperkirakan indeks kesukaran dan indeks daya pembeda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Kualitas soal pada tes formatif geografi semester gasal kelas X  ditinjau dari segi tingkat kesukaran, 2) Kualitas soal pada tes formatif geografi semester gasal kelas X  ditinjau dari segi indeks daya pembeda.                 Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan metode kuantitatif. Obyek penelitian adalah soal,  kunci jawaban, dan lembar jawaban  siswa pada KD 3.1, KD 3.2, dan KD 3.3 mata pelajaran geografi semester gasal kelas X. Teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, studi kepustakaan dan metode dokumentasi berupa tes formatif yang telah dikerjakan oleh siswa kelas X IPS 1.Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis indeks tingkat kesukaran dan indeks daya pembeda.Analisis kuantitatif pada pilihan ganda menggunakan program Microsoft Excel. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: 1) Butir soal tes formatif KD 3.1 menunjukkan analisis indeks tingkat kesukaran soal sebanyak 10% sukar, 63%, sedang dan 27% mudah. Analisis indeks daya pembeda baik sebanyak 0%, sedang 20%, dan  kurang 80%. Hasil analisis butir soal dengan kriteria baik terdapat 1 soal dan 29 soal direvisi. 2) Butir soal tes formatif KD 3.2 menunjukkan indeks tingkat kesukaran soal sebanyak 7% sukar, 23% sedang, dan 70% mudah. Analisis indeks daya pembeda baik sebanyak 0%, sedang 23%, dan kurang 77%. Hasil analisis butir soal dengan kriteria baik terdapat 4 soal dan 26 soal direvisi. 3) Butir soal tes formatif  KD 3.1 menunjukkan analisis indeks tingkat kesukaran soal sebanyak 7% sukar, 40% sedang, dan 53% mudah. Analisis indeks daya pembeda baik sebanyak 0%, sedang 3%, dan  kurang 97%. Hasil analisis butir soal dengan kriteria baik keseluruhan soal yaitu 30 soal direvisi. Secara keseluruhan kualitas butir soal pada bank soal KD 3.1, KD 3.2, KD 3.3 SMA Negeri 1 Manyar termasuk dalam kategori tidak baik dan perlu direvisi kembali apabila soal tersebut dipergunakan. Kata kunci : Indeks Kesukaran, Indeks Daya Pembeda Abstract              Based on the description of the geography teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Manyar, teachers are doing the preparation of an assessment tool which is based on examples of problems that exist in textbooks, and multitudes of problems that exist in the questions bank. Preparation of the matter has been done by estimating the difficulty index and the index of distinguishing. This research aims: 1) To determine the quality of the questions on the test formative geography odd semester grade terms of the difficulty index 2) To determine the quality of the questions on the test formative geography odd semester grade X terms of the discrimination index.              This research is descriptive researches with quantitative methods. The research object is a matter (including answer key), the answer sheets of students at KD 3.1, KD 3.2 and KD 3.3 Odd Semester Geography Class X. data collection through interviews, literature study and documentation of methods of formative tests that have been done by the students of class X IPS 1.Teknik analyzed using the index and the index level of difficulty distinguishing. Quantitative analysis on the multiple choice using Microsoft Excel program.              The results of this study show that: 1) Those items formative tests KD 3.1 analysis of difficulty index shows about 10% the level of difficult, 63% moderate, and 27% easily. Analysis of discrimination index show about  good of 0%, was 20%, and less than 80%. From the analysis of items with both criteria are 1 problem, and 29 about revised. 2) Those items formative tests KD 3.2 analysis of difficulty index shows about 7% the level of difficult, 23% moderate, and 70% easily. Analysis of discrimination index show about  good of 0%, was 23%, and less than 77%. From the analysis of items with both criteria there are 4 questions, and 26 about the revised. 3) Those items formative tests KD 3.1 analysis of difficulty index shows about 7% the level of difficult, 40% moderate, and 53% easily. Analysis of discrimination index show about  good of 0%, while 3%, and less than 97%. From the analysis of items with either the overall criteria of 30 questions about the revised.              Overall the quality of items on the questions bank KD 3.1, 3.2 KD, KD 3.3 SMA Negeri 1 Manyar included in the category is not well and needs to be revised again if the issue is being used. Keywords: Difficulty Index, Discrimination Index


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    Selective breeding to improve growth trait in striped catfish (Pangasianodon hypophthalmus) need genetic performance data. This study was carried out to evaluate genetic performance of different generations of the striped catfish population derived from selective breeding. Fifty fish of each population from four generations selected striped catfish was analyzed using five microsatellite loci (Pg-1, Pg-2, Pg-3, Pg-13, and Pg-14). Microsatellite allele data were analyzed using Microsoft Excel, Arlequin, and Fstat software. A neighborhood joining dendrogram was constructed based on Nei’s distance (Da) matrix with 1,000 bootstrap replications using MEGA7 software. The result showed that totally 31.5 exist, ranged from 4-7. Number of allele was ranged from 5.0 to 5.2, and polymorphic data was from 0.45-0.60. There were some exception, such as the allele of the loci Pg-2—194 bp, Pg-13—227 bp, Pg-13—229 bp, and Pg-14—279 bp; their gene frequencies were increased by generation. Further analyses indi­cated that most genetic variations arise from individuals within populations (approximately 57.10%). The founder generation closely related to G-0 generation. Likewise, G-1 generation closely related to G-2 generation. This result indicated that selection activity had a very significant impact on the genetic improvement of the selected population
