9 research outputs found

    Крещение Руси: истоки русской национальной идеи

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    Цитати з Восьмикнижжя в ранніх давньоруських літописах, або Як змінюється смисл історичних повідомлень

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    Розглядаються приклади цитування біблійних книг Восьмикнижжя в давньоруських літописах – такі вирази, як «мужі мудрі та смислені», «Руси есть веселие пити» та ін. Дослідники давньоруської доби при вивченні біблійного впливу на середньовічне історієписання часто покладаються на пізні версії давньослов’янської Біблії, що призводить до не цілком коректних висновків. Тим часом точна текстуальна форма біблійних цитат важлива для розуміння імплікацій хроністів та самого смислу історичних повідомлень. Відповідно, пропонується залучати ранні біблійні тексти – більш-менш подібні тим, що були доступними в ХІ–ХІІІ ст. Під цим кутом зору порівнюються та аналізуються фраґменти ранніх літописів і слов’янського Восьмикнижжя.The paper deals with examples of biblical quotations in the Old Rus’ chronicles, such as “muzhi mudri i smysleni”, “Rusi est’ veseliie piti” and others. The scientifics of medieval Rus’ in their studies often rely on the late versions of the Slavonic Bible translations that bring them in astray. The precise textual shape of the biblical citation is important for our better understanding of the chroniclers’ implications and the very sense of historical data. Author proposes to involve the early witnesses of the Slavonic Octateuch that are more or less analogous of those that were accessible in the XI–XIIIth. In this paper some fragments of early Rus’ chronicles and Old Slavonic Octateuch are considered and analyzed under this angle

    Food as a symbol of acceleration

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    В данной работе рассматривается культура питания через призму современной жизни москвичей и ее отражение у мигрантов из России в Черногории. Культура питания прошла длительный путь, постепенно отделяющий ее от природного инстинкта и превращающий в явление, демонстрирующее степень очеловеченности, с тем чтобы впоследствии, в современную эпоху процесс «насыщения желудка» превратился в автоматизированное действие, которое следует совершить как можно быстрее, дешевле и при возможно меньших затратах энергии. Явление «глобальной кухни» представляет особый интерес для этнолого-антропологических исследований современных форм быта крупных городов, особенно Москвы, где пища стала символом ускорения (едим на скорую руку, потому что у нас нет времени), символом демократизации (у нас равные права), символом разрушенной семьи (дети все чаще кушают фастфуд вместо маминой стряпни). При этом не следует игнорировать и другую сторону воздействия быстрого питания: в социальном плане оно вновь довольно резко подчеркнуло разницу между бедными и богатыми, в то время как в другом аспекте, аспекте здоровья, привело к настоящей эпидемии ожирения. Пища приобрела статус истинного кругосветного путешественника в разнообразных своих формах, и таким образом тема питания становится вопросом отношения к себе и к миру, а не только проблемой хлеба насущного.In this paper, we consider the food culture through the prism of modern culture of Muscovites and its reflection in the Russian migrants life in Montenegro. Food culture went a long way, gradually separating it from the natural instinct and turns into a phenomenon peculiar to a human, so that, subsequently, in the modern era the process of “stomach saturation” has turned into an automated action that should make as soon as possible, cheaper and possibly less energy. The phenomenon of “global kitchen “ is of particular interest to the ethnological and anthropological studies of the contemporary forms of life of large cities, especially in Moscow, where the food was the acceleration symbol (eat in a hurry, because we do not have the time), the democratization of character (we have the same rights), and a symbol of broken families (children are more likely to eat fast food instead of my mother’s cooking). One should not ignore the other side effects of fast food: in social terms, it is again quite sharply emphasized the difference between the rich and the poor, while in another aspect, the aspect of health, led to this epidemic of obesity. Food acquired the status of a true circumnavigation of the traveller in a variety of its forms, and thus supply the theme becomes a matter of attitude to himself and to the world, not just the problem of sustenance

    Археология религии, культов и ритуалов (по археологическим источникам Самарского края)

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    Гриф.Используемые программы Adobe AcrobatТруды сотрудников Самар. ун-та (электрон. версия)Учебное пособие содержит дополнительные материалы по курсу «Археология этносов Средней Волги». В пособии приводится краткий обзор религиозных воззрений, культов и ритуалов древних народов, преимущественно дописьменного периода, через рассмотрение погребальнопоминальной обрядности. Археологический контекст погребального культа позволяет прикоснуться к истории возникновения и формирования религиозных верований населения разных исторических эпох развития человечества. Предназначено для обучающихся по направлениям подготовки 39.03.01, 39.04.01 Социология, преподавателей вузов, а также может быть полезно всем, кто интересуется вопросами этногенеза и религий древнего прошлого Самарского края. Подготовлено на кафедре социологии и культурологии

    Ограничения в лексической семантике : Семасиологический и лингвокультурологический аспекты

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    В монографии исследуются компоненты лексического значения, отражающие типовое представление языкового коллектива о называемом объекте или ситуации, — лимитирующие семы. Выявляется природа данных сем, предлагается их типология, определяется связь лимитирующей семантики с национально-языковой картиной мира. Книга адресована филологам - специалистам по русскому языку, общему языкознанию, русскому языку как иностранному, аспирантам, студентам

    Beverages in Croatian and Russian pro-verbs

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    Predmet su našeg istraživanja ruske i hrvatske poslovice koje sadrže nazive nekih napitaka. Za potrebe istraživanja prikupljena je građa koja se sastoji od dva korpusa: korpusa ruskih i korpusa hrvatskih paremija. Njihov reprezentativan dio prikazan je u semantičkoj analizi. Tijekom analize ograničili smo istraživanje na određene napitke koji su karakteristični za rusku i hrvatsku kulturu. Cilj nam je na primjeru dvaju slavenskih jezika utvrditi sličnosti i razlike u važnosti i simbolici napitaka koji zbog učestale upotrebe u svakodnevnom životu predstavljaju važan element kulture i imaju značajnu simboličku vrijednost. Kontrastivnom analizom napitaka na semantičkoj razini koji su zajednički ruskom i hrvatskom korpusu pokazat će se zajedničke karakteristike, specifičnosti vezane za pojedinu kulturu koje ćemo nastojati opisati i objasniti. U ruski korpus ušle su poslovice s raznovrsnim napicima od tradicionalnih (braga, pivo, kvas) do suvremenih (šampanjac, kava) dok smo u hrvatskim zbirkama poslovica pronašli uglavnom paremije u kojima se spominju vino i rakija. Zajednički napitak koji je prisutan u obje kulture je vino. Kako smo i pretpostavili specifične su one poslovice koje su historijski ili kulturološki vezane za određenu kulturu. Disertacija se sastoji od prikaza različitih malih žanrova te odnosa poslovice kao malog žanra u odnosu na ostale npr. aforizam. Daje se kulturološki prikaz značenja i upotrebe alkoholnih i bezalkoholnih napitaka u Rusiji i Hrvatskoj. Slijedi semantička analiza poslovica u kojima se spominju alkoholni napici, vino, zatim bezalkoholni napici. Paremije s leksemom vino su obrađene u posebnom poglavlju jer se radi o napitku koji je prisutan u poslovicama obje kulture. Zasebno poglavlje obrađuje poslovice koje sadrže više napitaka u svom sastavu. Na kraju rada daje se kratki pregled strukture poslovica.The subject of our research is Russian and Croatian proverbs containing the names of some drinks. We could describe the proverbs as short sayings by an unknown author expressing accumulated collective experiences. Numerous attempts to define proverbs were recorded. They are starting to be studied more intensively in Europe since the late 18th century and the beginning of the XIX century, in the period of romance which in proverbs sees the reflection of national identity. For the purposes of research, the material which consists of two corpses is collected: the corps of the Russian and the corps of Croatian proverbs. Their representative part is shown in the semantic analysis. During the analysis, we limited the research on certain beverages that are characteristic for Russian and Croatian culture. Our aim is to establish in the example of two Slavic languages, the similarities and differences in the importance and symbolism of drinks which, due to their frequent use in everyday life, represent an important element of culture and have a significant symbolic value. Contrastive analysis of drinks on the semantic level, common to the Russian and Croatian corps, will reveal common characteristics, specificities related to the particular culture which we will try to describe and explain. The main source for gathering the material of the Russian Corps is the Collection of proverbs Большой словарь русских пословиц (Dictionary of Russian Proverbs) (2010) by the author V. Mokienko, T. Nikitina and E. Nikolaeva with about 70.000 units which exceeds by number of previously published collections. It also contains a total of 179 motifs words according to which the proverbs are arranged. Along with each of the proverb, there is a list of sources from which they are printed, and some are accompanied by the interpretation of lesser-known words. The present collections of proverbs in Russian language followed either an alphabetical or a thematic principle, as is the case with one of the most prominent collection of proverbs Пословици русского народа (Proverbs of the Russian People) by V. Dalj. The Croatian corpus was composed on the basis of several minor collections. Collection with the largest number of units (14 926) Kad ti kuća gori, a ti se ogrij (When your house is burning, warm up) (2007), we owe to the public teacher and proverbs collector, Bartul Matijaca (1859‒1934), and it was edited and prepared for printing by Stipe Botica. The proverbs are arranged in alphabetical order, and at the end there is a dictionary of motif words and a dictionary of lesser known words that facilitate their study. In addition, we have found proverbs for corpus in the following collections: P. R. Vitezović Priricsnik aliti Razliko Mudroszti Cvitje (1703), Gj. Daničić Poslovice (Proverbs) (1871), V. Scarpa Hrvatske narodne poslovice (Croatian National Proverbs) (1909), J. Kekez Poslovice, zagonetke i govornički oblici (Proverbs, Riddles and Speech Forms) (1996), M. Ujević Narodne poslovice (National Proverbs) (2011) etc. Electronic sources such as the Google search engine, the Croatian National Corps, the Croatian Language Treasury, the Croatian Language Portal, the Russian search engine (slovari.ru), which contains about twenty different dictionaries, were sources for the meaning of certain proverbs. For some proverbs, however, we did not find any meaning. Proverbs with various drinks ranging from traditional (Braga, Beer, Kvass) to contemporary (Champagne, Coffee) entered into the Russian corps, while in Croatian collections of proverbs we found mostly proverbs mentioning Wine and Rakija (fruit brandy popular in Croatia). The common drink that is present in both cultures is wine. As we have assumed, specific are those proverbs that are historically or culturally related to a particular culture. The dissertation consists of the presentation of various small genres and the relation of proverbs as a small genre with respect to others, for example aphorism. The cultural representation of the meaning and use of alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages in Russia and Croatia is given. The following is a semantic analysis of proverbs that mention alcoholic beverages, wine and then non-alcoholic beverages. The proverbs with lexemes of wine are treated in a special chapter, because it is about a beverage that is present in the proverbs of both cultures. A separate chapter deals with proverbs containing more drinks in its composition. At the end of the work, a brief overview of the structure of the proverb is provided. In the first chapter you will find basic knowledge of the proverb on the basis of current research. The proverb is defined as a species describing its characteristics and is placed in relationship with other small genres such as phrasems, aphorisms, sentences, catchwords, which together with the proverb make miniatures, microstructures or traditional literary minimalist genres. Along with the proverb, the selected small genres (phrasem, aphorism, sentence and idiom) are also defined, their features are exhibited and various theories related to these genres are presented. The proverb is therefore defined in relation to its related forms, taking into account its interpretation in two cultures: Croatian and Russian. The second chapter includes a historical review of the use of alcoholic beverages mentioned in proverbs. We could share them on drinks from the Russian cultural circle (honey brandy, brace, Braga, kvass, beer, vodka) and Croatian tradition (rakija). Particular attention is paid to cultural information on the preparation and consumption of beverages, the occasions of consumption, the consequences that are manifested to the health or even the character of the consumers. The collected information was used to better understand the lesser-known proverbs in which the stated beverages are mentioned. The third chapter is more extensive than the other parts of the work, because proverbs with lexemes vino and вино ('wine') are the most numerous in the Croatian and Russian corps. Wine is also the only beverage that appears in both corpses. This chapter presents the symbolism of wine, its ritual significance and its role in ancient cultures. The development of wine growing on the territory of in Croatia and Russia as well as the role of wine in both cultures is highlighted. This chapter also includes an exhaustive historical review of the use of wines from ancient cultures (Egypt, Greece and Rome). Along with the historical development of vine growing in Croatia and Russia, the role of wine in Croatian and Russian culture is also mentioned. The fourth chapter is devoted to non-alcoholic drinks - tea and coffee, which are only mentioned in Russian proverbs. It is about foods imported to Russia, so it is interesting to follow the process of their acceptance in different social classes as well as the history of using tea and coffee. Tea is today a favorite beverage in Russia, and coffee is becoming more popular. The fifth chapter is devoted to an analysis of proverbs with alcoholic beverages. We started with the analysis of alcoholic beverages with a lower percentage of alcohol (kvass, Braga, and beer), followed by analysis of alcoholic beverages with a higher percentage of alcohol (vodka and brandy). The proverbs with the vino (wine) component in both languages are the only ones that are subjected to a contrastive analysis because they represent the only common element that links the collected paremiological corpus of both languages and are dealt with in chapter six. The seventh chapter analyzes proverbs with soft drinks, tea and coffee. This chapter is related to proverbs from the Russian Corps. The following is the eighth chapter that is related to the analyses of the proverbs with more drinks in its composition. The ninth chapter gives a brief overview of the proverb structure from the two corps. The work ends with a conclusion, a list of professional and scientific literature, and two attachments. This work could serve students in studying Russian language and culture, and to paremiologies for the purpose of further research of proverbs. It could be useful to translators and text authors of the Russian language

    Характеры народов мира: попытка определения национальных психотипов

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    В книге представлены обобщенные хрестоматийные описания характеров основных народов мира. На основе этих характеристик определяются психотипы народов и дается оценка их совместимости. Работа подготовлена как пособие по страноведению и этногеографии