232,469 research outputs found

    Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogen and Phosphorus at the Wyman Road Bridge on the White River

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    A water quality sampling station was installed at the Wyman Road Bridge just below the confluence of the three main forks of the Upper White River in January 2000. This station is coordinated with the USGS gaging station at the same location. This station was instrumented to collect samples at sufficient intervals across the hydrograph to accurately estimate the flux of total suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus into the upper end of Beaver Lake from the Upper White River

    Can We Make Money with Fifth-order Autocorrelation in Japanese Stock Prices?

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    We first report that one-minute returns on TOPIX have exhibited significant autocorrelation at five-minute intervals since 1997/98, which implies there is an arbitrage opportunity. Special quotes that are issued whenever there is a price jump in excess of a predetermined band seem to be the source of this autocorrelation, since these have been updated at five-minute intervals since August 1998. Individual stock returns also exhibit fifth-order autocorrelation, but this disappears when the data with special quotes are excluded from the sample. The arbitrage opportunities, however, turn out to be spurious since trading is suspended whenever a special quote is issued.

    Retrievals of Antarctic aerosol characteristics using a Sun-sky radiometer during the 2001-2002 austral summer campaign

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    In order to characterize the Antarctic aerosol and to analyze the effect of katabatic winds on the properties of suspended particles, measurements of solar direct and diffuse irradiance were carried out at the Italian Terra Nova Bay station in Antarctica, during the 2001-2002 austral summer campaign. Measurements were performed by the ground-based PREDE sky radiometer and processed by using the Skyrad inversion code. Aerosol optical thickness at 500 nm was found to vary between 0.01 and 0.02. The volume size distribution curves showed bimodal features with the two modes located within 0.1-0.3 ÎĽm and 5-7 ÎĽm radius intervals, respectively. The real part of the refractive index characterizing the Antarctic aerosol was found to have a mean value of 1.40. During the katabatic event the analysis indicated that the advection of larger and drier fresh particles, together with the removal of marine suspended particles, caused the decrease in aerosol optical thickness

    Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for Nutrients and Solids on the Ballard Creek, 2008

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    The Arkansas Water Resources Center monitored water quality at Ballard Creek at the Washington County Road 76 Bridge in northwest Arkansas during base flow and storm events from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Water samples were collected manually or with an auto-sampler and analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, sulfate, chloride and total suspended solids. Instantaneous stage and discharge were recorded at the site; total annual discharge was 55,800,000 mÂł , with 27% attributed to base flow and 73% attributed to storm flow. Loads were estimated using the mid-interval integration approach using continuous discharge (i.e., 30 min intervals) and measured concentrations as applied to sampling intervals; the incremental loads were then summed to get annual loads for the 2008 calendar year. The constituent loads and annual flow-weighted concentrations are summarized in the table below, using data collected through this study (July through December 2008) plus data from the prior study (January through June 2008)

    Using SeaWiFS and In Situ Data for HAB Prediction in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Decision Tree Analysis

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    To date, 13 potential HAB species have been detected in coastal waters of Mississippi and Alabama, including representatives of the diatom genera Pseudo-nitzschia and Chaetoceros, and dinoflagellate genera Karenia, Gonyaulax, Akashiwo, Karlodinium, and Prorocentrum. This study investigates the potential of satellite remote sensing (SeaWiFS) to predict environmental conditions leading to the formation of HABs in these turbid coastal waters. Phytoplankton populations and water quality were monitored in situ at 3 to 6 week intervals and 17 locations in Mobile Bay and the Mississippi Sound from December, 2004, through June, 2006. SeaWiFS imagery corresponding with in situ collections was acquired. Non-parametric multivariate analyses determined relationships between phytoplankton cell counts and in situ or satellite-derived water properties, including surface temperature, salinity, concentrations of chlorophyll, total suspended solids, colored dissolved organic material, and nutrient levels. This paper will describe an expert system decision tree analysis approach to prediction of ecological conditions necessary for the formation of HABs. The model assumes unique ranges of remote sensing reflectance ratios, Chl a, and total suspended solids must exist within the environment are conducive for the formation of HABs. 

    Zum Verhältnis zwischen Präsens und Futur im Litauischen: Präliminaria im Bereich sprechzeitenthobener Propositionen

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    The article examines non-deictic uses of present and future tense in Lithuanian. Narrative use, in which reference intervals match with singular events, is distinguished from suspended propositions characterized by lack of such reference intervals (habitual, dispositional and circumstantial modal, and conditional meanings). Present tense is frequently involved in both usage domains, while the future is rare in narrative use, but overlaps with present tense in certain types of suspended propositions. Moreover, its temporal-deictic use is inherently associated with suspended propositions and “linked” to them via epistemic implicatures. This, in contrast to the present, makes the future more likely to be employed in predictions which entail an observer.The analysis is supplemented by a brief comparison with non-deictic tense use in the nonpast-domain of Slavic languages, yielding a grid of criteria that should be used in crosslinguistic studies on tense-aspect systems based on stem derivation and the feature [±bounded]

    Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for the Illinois River at Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge, 2008

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    The Arkansas Water Resources Center monitored water quality at the Illinois River at the Arkansas Highway 59 Bridge, just upstream from the Arkansas-Oklahoma state border during base flow and storm events from July 1, 2008 through June 30, 2009. Water samples were collected manually or with an auto-sampler and analyzed for nitrate-nitrogen, ammonia-nitrogen, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, soluble reactive phosphorus, sulfate, chloride and total suspended solids. The U.S. Geological Survey recorded instantaneous stage and discharge at the site, total annual discharge was 1,010,000,000 mÂł , with 37% attributed to base flow and 63% attributed to storm flow. Loads were estimated using the mid-interval integration approach using continuous discharge (i.e., 30 min intervals) and measured concentration as applied to sampling intervals; the incremental loads were then summed to get annual loads for the 2008 calendar year. The constituent loads and annual flow-weighted concentrations for the 2008 calendar year are summarized in the table below, using data collected through this study (July through December 2008) plus data from the prior study year (January through June 2008)

    Optimized measurements of discharge and suspended sediment transport in a salt marsh drainage system

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    Detailed measurements of current speed and suspended sedlment concentration distributions in a channel cross-section of a tidal marsh creek were analyzed. Subsequent sampiing Intervals In time and space were selected to provide acceptable estimates of flood and ebb transport of water and suspended sediment post the cross sectlon. Data from eight 13-hour measurement runs taken at various times of the year seem to favor a net ebb resldual of suspended sedlment transport for the year In question. A number of environmental factors appear to Influence suspended sediment trons· port in marsh channels.Residual transport of sediment In these systems is, however, considered to be primarily related to a diffusive mechanism associated with a pronounced asymmetry In the time-varying discharge and velocity curves. This mechanism and the observations mode to dote suggest that the inner marsh drainage system is, on balance, an erosional feature and not a conveyance for marsh building sediments

    Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogen and Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 195 Bridge on the West Fork of the White River, 2004 Annual Report

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    A water quality sampling station was installed at the Washington County road 195 bridge on the West Fork of the White River just above the confluence of the three main forks of the Upper White River in December 2001. The Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) was approved by EPA Region six on March 2002 and sampling was begun at that time. This station is coordinated with a USGS gauging station at the same location. This station was instrumented to collect samples at sufficient intervals across the hydrograph to accurately estimate the flux of total suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus into the upper end of Beaver Lake from the West Fork of the White River. The West Fork is listed on Arkansas\u27 1998 303d list as impaired from sediment. The Upper White was designated as the states highest priority watershed in the 1999 Unified Watershed Assessment. Accurate determination of stream nutrients and sediment is critical for future determinations of TMDLs, effectiveness of best management practices and trends in water quality

    Water Quality Sampling, Analysis and Annual Load Determinations for TSS, Nitrogen and Phosphorus at the Washington County Road 195 Bridge on the West Fork of the White River

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    A water quality sampling station was installed at the Washington County road 195 bridge on the West Fork of the White River just above the confluence of the three main forks of the Upper White River in December 2001. The Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) was approved by EPA Region six on March 2002 and sampling was begun at that time. This station is coordinated with a USGS gauging station at the same location. This station was instrumented to collect samples at sufficient intervals across the hydrograph to accurately estimate the flux of total suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus into the upper end of Beaver Lake from the West Fork of the White River. The West Fork is listed on Arkansas\u27 1998 303d list as impaired from sediment. The Upper White was designated as the states highest priority watershed in the 1999 Unified Watershed Assessment. Accurate determination of stream nutrients and sediment is critical for future determinations of TMDLs, effectiveness of best management practices and trends in water quality
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