90 research outputs found

    カンコク ノ ロウジン チョウキ リョウヨウ ホケン セイド ノ セイサク ケッテイ カテイ ニカンスル イチコウサツ

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    本研究は、韓国の老人長期療養保険制度の制度設計および政策決定過程における政策決定者間の相互作用が政策決定にどのような影響を及ぼしたかを明らかにするとともに、制度施行前後の政策評価や制度改善策などについて論究したものである。 研究の結果、次のようなことが明らかになった。韓国では政府主導によって老人長期療養保険制度にかかわる諸政策が決定されたが、その政策決定過程において政策への参加者の範囲が政府関係者以外に徐々に拡大した。政策決定者間の相互作用は制度設計段階では比較的良好であったが、制度の骨格が公表されたのを機に関係が急激に悪化し、対立が生じるようになった。結果的に、制度に関する知識と情報をほぼ独占していた政府関係者が主導する形で政策が決定された。一方では、制度施行までの準備期間が比較的短かったため、介護サービスの基盤整備が懸念されたが、政府主導による政策決定と制度施行が功を奏し、比較的順調に制度が運営されている。制度創設によって介護サービスの基盤整備、介護サービス利用者の拡大、利用者とその家族の満足度が向上したと評価されている反面、介護サービスの質の向上とそれに向けた制度改善は今なお大きな課題として残っている。The purpose of this study is to be used as a basic research for the whole policy process and the sustainable development of Long-term Care Insurance (LTC) by analyzing the interaction among policy making-decision participants, the impact of policy outcomes from the formation of policy agenda to the policy decision and the enforcement and evaluation contents of LTC in south Korea. The result of this study is summarized as follows. First, the policy agenda about LTC problem for the elderly was formed by the government and the number of policy participants increased by characteristics of policy process stage. Second, main policy participants have changed by the policy process stage. Third, interaction among policy participants was cooperative in early policy agenda formation stage, but it changed to be dissenting orcritical rapidly as the frame of system was announced to the people. Fourth, the characteristics of policy networks are a government-leading policy process. As a result, it influenced policy outcomes significantly because the government exclusively have knowledge and information of LTC and interact as a main policy participants. Fifth, with the improvement of quality of life for the elderly and the reduction of the economic and psychological burden of the supporter, LTC is regarded as soft-landing in a short period of time. In spite of this positive evaluation, various problems are derived from marketization of social welfare services. Finally, LTC is successful in the quantitative aspects such as the coverage,the accessibility of the LTC service users, the goals and objectives of LTC, the satisfaction survey of the elderly and their families. On the other hand in the qualitative aspects, we can find that the more fundamental and long-term improvements(reforms)in LTC are urgently needed

    カンコク ノ チョウキ リョウヨウ ホケン セイド ノ サイシン ドウコウ ト カダイ

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    本研究は、韓国の老人長期療養保険制度の最近の施行状況と課題を明らかにすることを目的とし、国民健康保険公団の「2014 老人長期療養統計年報」をもとに、韓国の要介護認定、長期療養保険財政、長期療養保険事業所、介護職員、介護報酬の状況について概観した。そのうえ、限定的な給付対象者、長期療養保険給付の地域格差、療養保護士の低賃金と低い専門性、介護報酬の不正請求、介護の家族化、介護サービスの質の確保、ケアマネジメントの未確立などの諸課題について検討し、課題解決のための政策提言を行った。This study was conducted to clarify the latest trends and issues of Long-Term Care Insurance(LTCI) in South Korea based on the review of "Long-Term Care Statistics AnnualReport 2014" published by South Korea\u27s National Health Insurance Corporation, whichreports information on funding for LTCI, reimbursement and coverage policy rules andregulations, the characteristics and number of certified LTCI beneficiaries, service providersand personal care workers. This study also reviewed and examined issues of limitedcoveragerecipients, regional disparities, low wages for and expertise of personal careworkers, LTCI fraud, family caregiving, maintaining care quality and non-establishment ofcare management to discusses the political implications for LTCI

    〔研究ノート〕韓国の高齢者ケアにおける地域福祉推進 ―A市の地域包括ケアシステムへの取り組みを通して―

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      Korea implemented its long-term care insurance system in 2008, and now ongoing support for the elderly in local communities, including their use of care services, has become a policy challenge. Local municipalities have attempted to meet this challenge by strengthening their support services for welfare, and engaging in proactive outreach to local residents.   In this article, we introduce the efforts of city A’s Long-Term Care Support Center in order to look at new possibilities for improving local community welfare based on Korea’s system. We also review the results of interviews with social workers of the Support Center and its users as well as those employed by city A in welfare related jobs.  Local municipalities of Korea are not insured by the long-term care insurance system. This creates vulnerability in integrated community care system. However, the administration of city A initiated a core consulting and support organization to improve the quality of care services. It is also working aggressively in other areas to improve community welfare

    〔論文〕韓国における介護サービスの利用支援の困難性とアクセシビリティの確保 ―相談援助専門職のインタビュー調査から―

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      In this study, the author aims to clarify issues related to accessibility to long-term care services in South Korea.  The author conducted a semi-structured interview survey of 11 social workers in South Korea and employed qualitative data analysis. The analysis results clarify the characteristics of support system utilization such as information accessibility in South Korea. In addition, the difficulties faced by social workers in areas such as support methodology and organizational support systems in organizations, are raised. Furthermore, the structure of mutual relationships with the user is clarified by taking into consideration the development of culture-based support, motivated involvement, etc.  In South Korea, outreach utilization support is developed with individual support. However, in terms of support for potential users, supporting decision-making by the user him/herself is a problem. Implementation of comprehensive care management in the community and enhancement of a general consultation system are necessary

    A Comparative Study on the use support institutions of long-term care insurance services in Japan and Korea : Analysis of the use support functions through considering from the use process

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    Status and Issue of Korea Long Term Care Insurance

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    第4章 高齢化に挑む韓国のシルバー産業と日本の経験

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