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    昭和62年春季【生命の倫理・医の倫理】大峯顕「日本人の死生観」, 金子晴勇「キリスト教の死生観」, 荒牧典俊「仏教における死生観 : 死から生への「忍」」, 池辺義教「生命と医の哲学」, 加茂直樹「医療技術の発達と倫理の問題」, 河井徳治「近代哲学と生命の問題」昭和62年秋季【徳川思想】脇田修「近世町人社会と徳川思想」, 島田虔次「東アジアにおける儒教の展開」, 源了圓「近世儒学における理」, 尾藤正英「荻生徂徠の思想」, 金容沃「朝鮮思想史から見た儒学」, 末中哲夫「近世後期関西における実学

    To-in(唐音) in the Japanese Modern Period

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    A Study on Evolution of Ethical Thoughts in the Republic of China

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    民国时期在中国伦理思想史上有着特殊的历史地位。这是一个伦理文化从传统走向现代的转型时期,也是一个连接传统伦理与现代伦理的过渡时期。这一时期,伦理思想的变迁发展与中国社会变革之间的相互影响尤为明显。植根于社会变革现实的伦理思想的变迁,在中国伦理文化的现代转化和中国社会的现代转型中都发挥了重要的作用。 民国时期伦理思想的变迁是在深重的民族危机和伦理危机的现实背景下进行的。传统伦理道德在近代的转型,始终围绕着挽救民族危亡,致力于民族振兴的历史主题展开。西学东渐背景下中西伦理思想的冲突与融合以及知识精英在救亡与启蒙双重变奏中的伦理觉悟推动了民国时期伦理思想的变迁发展。 在中国现代学科体系逐步形成的...The Republican period deserves special attention in terms of the history of Chinese ethical thoughts. It is both a period of transformation and transition from tradition to modernization. In this period, it is very remarkable that there is an important mutual influence between the ethical thoughts and the social development. The evolution of ethical thoughts that rooted in the reality of social ch...学位:哲学博士院系专业:人文学院_伦理学学号:1042013015406

    Utilitarianism in mordern China-with the focus on the benthamism

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    内容摘要 哲学意义上的功利论至少应具备下述三种含义中的一种。其一,人性论上的趋乐避苦或趋利避害(乐利论);其二,视其他事物(包括道德)为追求快乐或利益目标的手段(目的论);其三,道德评价标准上注重行为的结果(结果论)。 趋乐避苦出于感觉、趋利避害是人的本能,中西概莫能外,不同的是人们如何认识和对待它。西方古希腊时代晚期和近代欧洲工业革命前后,中国春秋战国时代以及近现代,都有功利论的不同思想形态。在西方,古希腊伊壁鸠鲁哲学以快乐主义为特征。事功和逐利是普遍的,功利主义却是英国的,甚至堪称英国“国粹”或“国学”。近代形成系统功利主义,杰里米﹒边沁乃集大成者。约翰﹒斯图亚特﹒穆勒则是边沁式功...Abstract In the philosophical sense, Utilitarianism contains at least one of the following three meanings. Firstly, as far as human nature is concerned, it holds that people have the tendency to pursue happiness and avoid pains, or seek profit but avoid harmfulness(Utility); secondly, they regard things (morality included) as mere means to achieve such end as happiness or utility(Teleology); ...学位:博士后院系专业:法学院_法学理论学号:201017005


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    Luong Van Can and "Luong On Nhu Family Precept"(『梁温如家訓』)

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    "Luong On Nhu Family Precept"(『梁温如家訓』)was written by Luong Van Can and is now in the Vietnam National Library and the French National Library; it was published by Nghiêm Hàm Printing House in 1924. From the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century, there were various movements in Vietnamese society, such as the Đong Du Movement (phong trào Đông Du) and the Modernization Movement (phong trào Duy Tân). In that time, Vietnamese society had interacted with East–West culture; this social context deeply influenced the content of "Luong On Nhu Family Precept"(『梁温如家訓』. There are new academic(「新学」)contents such as practical, modern thought, and learning modern Vietnamese and French, which have not been found in the "Family Precept"(「家訓」)literature of the 19th century. Through this paper, we will introduce the social context of Vietnam and the educational situation in the early 20th century, especially clarifying the new recognition and thought of modern Vietnamese intellectuals, modern thought, and practical lessons in "Luong On Nhu Family Precept"(『梁温如家訓』).本稿は、科学研究費助成事業(学術研究助成基金助成金)「基盤研究 (C) 」(課題番号15K02092、平成27年度~30年度、佐藤トゥイウェン研究代表)「ベトナムの「家訓」文献と伝統倫理の研究」における成果の一部である

    Only with Chinese and Western Compatibility can a Scholar become a Real Master

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    Abstract:Starting from the social events of reading in middle school and President Nixon’s visiting Shanghai, the two scholars analyzed the stimulations of social events on the development of a youth’s way of thinking. The basic approach to explore the ancient and contemporary, Chinese and Western has left a deep mark for academic research in history. Many topics such as Modern Chinese history, religions and the history of Shanghai City, especially the academic visiting in the Institute of Matteo Ricci in St. Francisco has resulted in a monograph on the Controversy of Rites and the Whole Collection of Xu Guangqi’s Works. It is important to find that Chinese and Western Studies don't conflict, but complement each other. However, the pride of Confucians and the Confucian excessive optimistic opinion on human nature have much to do with their understandings of each other. Especially the promotion of Mencius in China has confused the distinctions among ancient Confucianism, Neo-Confucianism and contemporary Confucianism. However, Matteo Ricci has brought the Double-Renaissance to China. Thus, it is necessary to distinguish the different roles of human beings playing in front of God (coram Deo) and in front of the world/other people (coram mundo/hominibus). Regarding Chinese understandings on the Western Studies, it is necessary to critically analyze Zhang Taiyan’s Orientalism and Liang Shumin’s simple essentialism. It is also important to study the potential relationship between European especially German historical and form critical studies of the Bible and the Doubtful Movement to Chinese Ancient History since the 1920s among Chinese scholars. Finally, it is also crucial to hold a critical attitude to Kang Youwei’s Movement to treat Confucianism as a religion. Keywords:Confucian excessive optimistic human nature, Chinese and Western compatibility, Zhang Taiyan’s Orientalism and Liang Shumin’s simple essentialism, relationship between European especially German historical and form critical studies of the Bible and the Doubtful Movement to Chinese Ancient History, Kang Youwei’s Movement to treat Confucianism as a religion Paulos Huang: Distinguished Professor at Shanghai University and Chief editor for International Journal of Sino-Western Studies and Brill Yearbook of Chinese Theology. Email: [email protected] Tiangang Li, Professor, Ph.D. supervisor and Director at Department of Religious Study in Fudan University, Director for Institute of Matteo Ricci and Xu Guangqi, and vice director for International Research Center of Chinese Civilizations, Board member for China Society of Religious Study, and vice President for Shanghai Society of Religious Study. Email: [email protected] from the social events of reading in middle school and President Nixon’s visiting Shanghai, the two scholars analyzed the stimulations of social events on the development of a youth’s way of thinking. The basic approach to explore the ancient and contemporary, Chinese and Western has left a deep mark for academic research in history. Many topics such as Modern Chinese history, religions and the history of Shanghai City, especially the academic visiting in the Institute of Matteo Ricci in St. Francisco has resulted in a monograph on the Controversy of Rites and the Whole Collection of Xu Guangqi’s Works. It is important to find that Chinese and Western Studies don't conflict, but complement each other. However, the pride of Confucians and the Confucian excessive optimistic opinion on human nature have much to do with their understandings of each other. Especially the promotion of Mencius in China has confused the distinctions among ancient Confucianism, Neo-Confucianism and contemporary Confucianism. However, Matteo Ricci has brought the Double-Renaissance to China. Thus, it is necessary to distinguish the different roles of human beings playing in front of God (coram Deo) and in front of the world/other people (coram mundo/hominibus). Regarding Chinese understandings on the Western Studies, it is necessary to critically analyze Zhang Taiyan’s Orientalism and Liang Shumin’s simple essentialism. It is also important to study the potential relationship between European especially German historical and form critical studies of the Bible and the Doubtful Movement to Chinese Ancient History since the 1920s among Chinese scholars. Finally, it is also crucial to hold a critical attitude to Kang Youwei’s Movement to treat Confucianism as a religion. Keywords:Confucian excessive optimistic human nature, Chinese and Western compatibility, Zhang Taiyan’s Orientalism and Liang Shumin’s simple essentialism, relationship between European especially German historical and form critical studies of the Bible and the Doubtful Movement to Chinese Ancient History, Kang Youwei’s Movement to treat Confucianism as a religion. 本对谈首先从李教授个人如何走上学术研究的道路谈起,分析了阅读经验和1972年尼克松的访华事件所引起的社会性思考之后,追溯和探讨了从1976到1979年的高考与上海留城经历而走向逍遥派的思想发展历程,而复旦大学历史系的四年学习,导致了向古今中外四个方向推进的学术路径。而通过对中国近代历史、宗教和上海史的研究,特别是旧金山大学利玛窦中西文化历史研究所与《礼仪之争》和马相伯研究和《徐光启全集》编撰,发现了中学与西学不但不冲突,而且是相互发挥,相得益彰的“互补”概念。而“儒家的傲慢”与“儒家过分的人性乐观主义”都与简单和单一的理解彼此有关,特别是孟子升格运动混淆了原儒/古儒与今儒的区别,而利玛窦则为中国带来了双重文艺复兴,今天国学的讨论中有必要区分“绝对的神人关系”和“相对的人在这个世界的关系”,对于问题不要简单地本质化。关于国人对西学的理解,特别要批判性地分析章太炎的东方主义与梁漱溟的简单本质化,而欧洲《圣经》研究的历史和形式批判法与中国民初的疑古运动之间的关系及康有为孔教运动的问题也值得关注。Peer reviewe

    Research on statecraft academic in Shiji

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    摘要 《史记》作为我国第一部纪传体通史,记载了从黄帝到汉武帝时期的历史。 该书内容博杂、思想精邃,致力于探究古今之变,而由历史经验孕育的经世思想 也涉及诸多方面。本文试图剖析《史记》之经世思想,发掘其现代价值以为当今 社会健康发展的有益借鉴。 本文共分为四章。 绪论部分主要厘清本文的论述内容,梳理学术界对于《史记》经世思想的研 究成果,并进而指明本论文的创新点以及主要研究方法。 第一章探究作者司马迁经世思想的理论渊源。其人学识渊博,汲取众家思想 之精华自成一体——诸多观点皆为前人学说的升华。司马迁出生于史官世家,其 父对他思想的形成具有十分巨大的影响。他自己也勤奋好学,利用...Abstract Shiji, as China's first biographical history from legendary HuangDi to the Emperor Wu of Han dynasty, is committed to explore the nature of historical development. Its multifaceted statecraft thoughts is based on historical experiences.This paper tries to analyze the statecraft thoughts of Shiji and further explore its modern value, in an effort to get beneficial references for the ...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国哲学学号:1042013115237