80,851 research outputs found

    Nutritional Status and Competitive Ability in Wheelechair Basketball Players

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    スポーツ センシュ ノ キョウギ インタイ ニカンスル シンリ シャカイガクテキ ケンキュウ

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    競技スポーツ選手を支えるスポーツサイエンスの多くが競技力向上のサポートを目的としている.また最近では,タレント発掘といった方面にもいくつかの関連領域が基礎資料の積み重ねに着手し始めている ...研究代表者: 中込四郎研究課題番号: 09680084はじめに -- 研究の組織、経費及び発表 -- 目次 -- 競技引退によって体験されるアスリートのアイデンティティ再体制化の検討 -- 競技者の引退に関する社会学的な展望と考察 -- プロサッカー選手のキャリア移行に関する実態 -- 中年期危機を体験した元オリンピック選手の競技引退に伴うアイデンティティ再体験化 -- 韓国元一流競技者のライフヒストリーに関する研究 -- おわり


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    長崎国際大学本発表の演題名として、私が障がい者がスポーツに関する研究をはじめて以来、問い続け、問われ続けている「障がい者スポーツの競技力向上と競技普及において研究者が果たす役割とは?」を据えた。発表者は、障がい者スポーツの1つであるアンプティサッカーに関する競技力向上と競技普及に向けた研究を進めてきた。競技力向上に向けた研究では、競技者の体力、競技パフォーマンスの評価や攻撃的側面のゲーム分析に加え、直線的なスプリント走の速度向上に関わる走技術の解明に取り組んできた。他方、競技普及に向けた取り組みとして、アダプテッド・スポーツ教育プログラムの実施とその教育効果の検討を行ってきた。これら研究成果をいかに競技者や指導者に還元していけるかが重要であり、今後の大きな課題といえる。The title of the presentation is "What is the role of researchers to improve of competitiveness and grow popularity in disability sports?". This question has been asked around and by myself since I studied about disability sports. I focus on the amputee soccer, which is one of the disability sports. I have been studying from two perspective: improving of competitiveness and growing popularity. Studies of improving of competitiveness were about characteristics of anaerobic performance in Japanese players, profile of match performance and heart rate response, game analysis of attacking aspects, and motion analysis of sprint running. The other study was about growing popularity one. I conducted an educational program of adapted sports and examined the effects. It is important to return the results of the research to players and coaches, and this is a major issue in the future

    コミュニティ化戦略を展開する地域企業における 信頼形成の影響度考察

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    University training center users include those attempting to improve their health. There are reports of a tendency of annual increase in the number of elderly people visiting fitness clubs. Thus, fitness clubs are now facilities receiving increasing demands and users. Under such circumstances, measures for preventing infections seem to be necessary in fitness clubs. However, till date, few reports have been published concerning hygienic management at fitness clubs. The present study was undertaken to investigate the hygienic status of machines used at fitness clubs. The number of bacteria present on 7 areas on dumbbells was measured thrice during the study and the bacterial count varied each day. In addition, the numbers of general bacteria and drug-resistant bacteria present on the machines that came in contact with users’ hands were investigated, revealing a large number of general bacteria and drug-resistant bacteria present on these machines. The finding of large counts of bacteria on the training machines despite some daily variations indicates the necessity for hygienic control on fitness club training machines

    Money and Financial Factors in the Neoclassical Growth Theory

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    Existence of Equilibria for Monopolistic Competitive Economies with Bounded Price Domains

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    DNA Oxidation and Proteinuria Induced by Successive Triathlons Associated with Long-term Training: A Follow-up Case Study

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    本研究の目的は,1人のトライアスリートによる長期間のトレーニングと連続する4大会のトライアスロン競技がDNA損傷に及ぼす影響を検討することであった。被検者は,成人男性トライアスリート(年齢:38 year,身長:185.4 cm,体重:78.8 kg)で,ハーフアイアンマン(1.9 km水泳, 90 km自転車,21.1 kmランニング)とフルアイアンマン(3.9 km水泳,180 km自転車,42.2 kmランニング)を含む連続する4競技会を完走した。競技会AとCは,ハーフアイアンマン,競技会BとDは,フルアイアンマンから構成された。競技会B,C,及びDで,8-ハイドロキシディオキシグアノジン(8-OHdG)をマーカーとしたDNA損傷と修復のバランスを定量化するために,競技会出場前日と出場後1,2,4日目に,24時間尿が採取された。競技会B,C,及びDでは,競技出場後1日目ではDNA損傷と修復が多く見られたが,4日目ではほぼ通常値に戻る傾向を示した。また,連続する競技会で,運動時間および距離が異なるにも関わらず,同様な傾向が見られた。本研究結果により,長期間のトレーニングと連続する競技会出場によって,抗酸化能力が高まることが明らかとなった。The purpose of this study was to determine alterations in whole body DNA oxidation and proteinuria induced by successive triathlons in addition to long-term training by the triathlete. A trained male triathlete (age: 38; height 185.4 cm; body weight: 78.8 kg) completed four successive triathlons (in order, races A, B, C, and D). The races A and C consisted of half-Ironman distances (1.9 km swim, 90 km bike, 21.1 km run) and races B and D full-Ironman distances (3.9 km swim, 180km bike, 42.2 km run). For all races, 24-hour urine output was collected on the day before (Pre) and after the race (Day 1) to evaluate exercise-induced proteinuria. For races B, C, and D, 24-hour urine output was collected on the day before the race and days 1, 2, and 4 post-race to determine exercise-induced DNA damage accounted for by urinary 8-hydroxy-2’-deoxygunosine (8-OHdG). One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) revealed significant increases in urinary 8-OHdG at Day 1 compared with Day 4. This demonstrated that 8-OHdG excretion tended to be higher during Day 1 post-race gradually returning to the baseline around Day 4. Similar patterns of urinary 8-OHdG highconcentrations were observed among three races (races B, C and D) regardless of distance. There were also similar patterns of proteinuria (total protein, albumin, N-acetyl-β-D-glucosaminidase, creatinine) at Pre and Day 1 in all four races (races A, B, C, and D). These observations indicate limited accumulative effects of whole body DNA oxidation based on the transient changes in urinary 8-OHdG excretion after successive races. This may in part be related to an enhanced antioxidant capacity in a trained individual