1,356 research outputs found

    A Study on the Competitive Strategy of Xiamen Forklift Factory

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    目前,中国叉车市场已进入白热化──国际竞争国内化、国内竞争国际化。厦门叉车总厂要能在竞争激烈的市场中生存,必须全面筹划企业的竞争战略。企业的经营战略决定企业的经营发展方向和经营目标的实现,本论文的目的和意义就是通过对厦门叉车总厂所处行业环境和行业特征两方面,利用定量的方法分析企业资源,进行战略方案选择。最终为厦门叉车总厂制定一个可操作的、适应公司经营发展需要的竞争战略。竞争战略至少应该包括四个层次的内容:①竞争战略的内容;②竞争战略的分析;③竞争战略的选择和评价;④竞争战略的实施与控制。本文以相关的竞争战略基本理论为指导,来研究厦门叉车总厂的竞争战略。论文在首先介绍厦门叉车总厂的基本情况,接着...So far the forklift industry had become aboil in Chinese market. Xiamen forklift factory wants to survive in the aboil market, it should plan and prepare competitive strategy completely. The corporation development depends on its strategy. This thesis analyzes outside and inside resources of Xiamen forklift factory,makes a competitive strategy that adapts to Xiamen forklift factory development....学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20031514

    The research on the competitive strategy of Yinqiao Milk

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    竞争是企业成败的关键,竞争战略旨在针对决定产业竞争的各作用力建立有利的,持久的地位。竞争战略要解决的问题是如何在经营领域内取得竞争优势,竞争优势是任何战略的核心所在。在激烈竞争的现代社会,竞争战略对于现代企业生存发展的重要地位日益凸显。企业若想实现长期盈利,保持扩大自己的市场份额,就必须根据市场环境制定出适合自己的竞争战略。实施竞争战略的过程实质上就是企业寻求、维持、创造竞争优势的过程。我国有竞争力的大型企业一般历史不长,根基不牢固,从而给中小企业的发展留出了更广大的空间,中小企业只要选择正确的竞争战略,完全能够改变市场格局。银桥乳业在乳业行业里是二线品牌(区域品牌),属于中小企业。本文运用M...Competition is the key to the enterprise’s success.Competitive strategy aims at building advantaged and long-lasted position considering the competition of the industry.What need competitive strategy to solve is to gain a perfect advantage in a business domain,the competitive advantage is wherether any strategy core.In the modern society with strong competition,competitive strategy is becoming mor...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院工商管理教育中心(MBA中心)_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:20031501

    Analysis on the Competition Strategy and Improvements of Yijia Kitchen & Bath Company

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    在我国,整体橱柜行业自上世纪90年代中期开始起步,经过二十年的发展,现已形成庞大的产业体系。整体橱柜市场以每年超过30%的速度快速增长,这种局面还将维持相当长时间。在整体橱柜旺盛的市场需求和较高的行业高利润刺激下,越来越多的企业投入这一领域,行业竞争更加激烈,产品同质化现象严重,产能过剩,橱柜企业面临着重巨大的挑战。而近几年,房地产行业在延续了迅猛发展势头的过程中,精装修房正逐渐成为住宅市场的主角,这给包括整体橱柜在内的家居建材行业带来了新的发展契机。面对产品零售与工程的份额不断改变的市场格局,主要橱柜制造商调整了营销战略,纷纷把目光瞄准了工程渠道,通过开发工程代理商来拓展巨大的工程市场,橱柜...In China, the overall cabinet industry began since the mid-90s of last century, now has formed a huge industrial system after 20 years development. The overall cabinet market is growing with an annual rate of more than 30%, and this situation will remain for a long time. With the stimulus of demand and high profit, more and more enterprises are investing in this area, but the Chinese cabinet indus...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792010115067

    Competitive Strategy of Heart Valve Prostheses for S Ltd. Co.

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    人工心脏瓣膜置换手术是目前治疗瓣膜疾病最有效的方式方法。在过去的20来年发展平稳,市场竞争相对简单。但近3年来,随着经济和技术的不断发展,中国人的疾病谱也发生着巨大的变化。由风湿性病变为绝对多数向着风湿性病变,退行性病变共存的局面变化。所使用的产品也由机械瓣一家独大变为机械瓣用量逐步下降,生物瓣用量快速增长。再加上国家医保政策这几年明确要求逐步降低医用材料费用。更为重要的是替代产品介入瓣在国外已上市,随时准备进入中国市场。这些变化是中国所有人工心脏瓣膜公司共同面对的问题。如何调整竞争战略,在现状和将来的市场保持持续发展是每一个公司都需要重点考虑的问题。 该行业进入和退出的门槛都很高,对S公司...At present,heart valve replacement operation is the key way for heart valve disease treatment. In China, heart valve prostheses market got a 20 years sustainable growth .And the marketing competition was stable and simple.But in the past 3 years, there was milestone change .The spectrum of heart valve disease for Chinese people was changed for the economic and technology change .The degenerative p...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201115626

    Market Competitive Strategy Analysis of Trade Settlement Customer Groups------Based on Financial Agent of Fuzhou Post Case Study

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    商贸客户群体交易结算量大、资金(特别是活期资金)沉淀率高,是各大商业银行重点关注的优质客户群体。中国邮政集团公司福州市分公司(以下简称:福州邮政)的代理金融早在2007年就推出了邮储“商易通”、“生意通”等商贸终端类产品,为客户提供转账汇款及交易便利。但近年来,福州邮政商贸类产品更新换代慢,产品竞争力不足;与此同时,各大商业银行纷纷瞄准此类商贸客户,并推出了丰富的结算类产品及增值服务来争夺客户,市场竞争愈演愈烈,福州邮政代理金融商贸市场份额逐渐萎缩,客户流失较为严重。如何通过正确的战略定位,充分发挥福州邮政自身的比较优势,以为客户、企业创造价值为核心,打破业务发展瓶颈,在竞争激烈的“红海”市场...Trade settlement customer groups who have amount of settlement of transactions and precipitation of funds, especially current funds, are the coveted high quality customers for commercial banks. Financial agent of Fuzhou Post promoted trading terminal equipment productions for transaction convenience as far back as 2007. During recent years, Fuzhou Post lacks of product competitiveness because of t...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115090


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    The Competitive Strategy, which helped the US gain great advantages in competition with its major rivals, has played an important part in US foreign policy for a long time. The full use of it in the cold war with Soviet Union is the most significant case. In recent years, under the promotion of the academic circle and the strategic circle, the concept of a competitive strategy is rapidly returning into the US foreign strategy, becoming an important theoretical basis for the adjustment of the Trump Administration's China policy. Recently, the United States has taken multi-domain actions simultaneously to strengthen the strategic competition and containment policies against China, such as mobilizing public opinion, provoking China-related issues, creating new weaponized legislation and even increasingly making use of Taiwan and Hong Kong to contain China. Under this competition situation, China must balance the whole picture and the critical point, make proper adjustments accordingly while sticking to their bottom-line priorities. Only in this way can China relieve the pressure and gain the initiative to effectively manage competition with the US. During this course, China should make more effort in improving its capacity and level of governance, strengthening the domestic foundation of competition against the US. Meanwhile, China should also actively adapt itself to the changing world and make full use of the situation to guide the direction of the China-US relationship. Key Words: Strategic competition; China-US relationship; Competition management; Counterbalancing ability 竞争战略在美国对外政策中占有重要地位,尤其在和主要对手的较量中,美国善于运用这一战略并曾收到较大成效,其中最显著的案例就是在美苏冷战中的充分运用。在美国学界和战略界的推动下,竞争战略理念在美对外战略中快速回归,也成为特朗普政府对华政策调整的重要理论依据。近来美国不断强化对华战略竞争与遏制的舆论动员,设置涉华议题,为强化对华战略竞争与遏制提供法律依据,并在等多个领域出手,全面强化对华战略竞争压力,甚至更多地利用台湾、香港局势的发展变化来牵制中国。面对咄咄逼人的竞争态势,中国既需抓住关键也需把握全局,既要坚守底线也要进退有据,有效管控中美竞争,化解战略压力拓展战略主动;而在竞争中更须切实提升国家治理能力和水平,筑牢战略竞争的国内基础,同时也要积极顺应世界变局,因势利导努力牵引中美关系的发展方向。 【关键词】战略竞争 中美关系 竞争管控 制衡能力 因势利

    A Research on Competitive Strategy of ZJ Mining Company

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    ZJ矿业公司是中国黄金生产量最大、控制和拥有的金属资源量最多、效益最好的黄金企业之一,是当代中国黄金矿业企业的典型代表之一。一方面,ZJ矿业公司经过20余年的发展,已经顺利完成了发展成为“国内黄金行业领先”企业的战略目标,公司在资源规模、生产成本、技术研发等方面奠定了较为良好的基础,在全球矿业企业业绩普遍下滑的环境下仍展现出较为良好的盈利和发展能力。另一方面,伴随着公司发展,其内部资源质量、资产结构、人才瓶颈、企业形象等问题也日益凸显,一定程度上拖累了公司的发展步伐。当下,中国和全球矿业自2012年以来的深刻调整仍在延续,矿业企业生存发展的外部环境更加严苛,矿业企业间的优胜劣汰进一步加速。在这...Being one of the China’s biggest gold production, best benefit and most resources enterprise, ZJ mining company is a typical representative of the contemporary Chinese mining companies. On one side, after more than 20 years of development, ZJ mining company has successfully completed the strategic target of "domestic leading gold industry enterprise", it laid a good foundation of resource size, t...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792012115104

    Competition Strategy of Qiaodan Group Company

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    乔丹体育是体育用品行业中一股不可忽视的力量。在近年体育产业发展的大背景下,以乔丹体育作为研究对象,用管理学界著名的分析工具来研究这一企业的发展策略,对中国民营企业竞争策略的制定方法研究具有显著的参考意义。 乔丹体育是中国本土企业的一员,抓住了中国市场经济发展的重大机遇,跟上了中国体育产业的发展大潮,建立起了一定的业务规模和盈利能力。但市场竞争日趋激烈,如何在后续的竞争中生存发展,是像乔丹体育这样的行业参与者面临的重大课题。 本文作者基于多年领导企业发展的实践及在EMBA所学所思,综合运用了PEST、五力分析、SWOT及平衡计分卡等管理工具,对乔丹体育的竞争战略进行了研究,得出了坚持低成本、...Qiaodan Sports is a considerable strength in the sports product industry. Especially under the recent developing trend of sports product, considering Qiaodan Sports as the researching target, by using famous analytical tool in management field to research the developing strategy of this enterprise, which can provide notable reference for research on formulating the competitive strategies of Chines...学位:工商管理硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(高级管理人员工商管理硕士)学号:X201315637


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    论文摘要随着电信市场进一步开放,3G牌照渐渐浮出水面,泉州移动通信市场竞争日益激烈,如何在竞争中持续保持竞争优势,这种情况下,选择并实施正确的竞争战略对中国移动通信有限公司泉州分公司(以下简称“泉州移动”)实现可持续发展起着关键作用。本文主要运用战略管理的理论和方法对“泉州移动”的竞争战略进行研究分析。论文首先简要介绍了泉州及“泉州移动”相关背景,接着对“泉州移动”进行战略环境分析,通过对企业所处的宏观环境、行业环境、主要竞争对手及企业内部资源进行分析研究;然后在战略环境分析的基础上,运用科学的SWOT分析,提出了“泉州移动”的竞争战略;最后根据“泉州移动”的竞争战略,针对“泉州移动”实际情况...Abstract With the opening of the telecommunications market and the coming of 3G, the mobile communications market in Quanzhou is more competitive. How to persist on keeping competitive advantage in competition is important to Quanzhou Branch of China Mobile Communications Co.,Ltd (“Quanzhou Mobile” for short as follows). How to choose and implement the right competitive strategy is crucial...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(MBA)学号:X20021533

    A Research on Competitive Strategy for Diaper Brand of X Corporation

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    X公司是一家成立5年,拥有自主品牌的婴儿尿裤专业生产商。公司先后引进6条国内最先进的婴儿尿裤\片生产线,超前投资产能,立志成为国内婴童领域知名的中高端品牌商。然而随着婴儿尿裤行业的快速发展,同行之间的竞争日趋激烈,消费者需求不断发生变化,消费者购买的渠道也在发生变化,X公司不仅要面临同四大国际品牌的残酷竞争,同时也受到行业后来者的市场挤压,众多的变化使得X公司之前所依赖的经销商销售模式遭受重创,营收状况不断恶化,严重影响公司生存。为了能尽快在市场上取得一席之地,避乱陷入恶性竞争遭遇市场淘汰,X公司尽快制定有效的竞争战略显得尤为重要。 本文以X公司的竞争战略为研究对象,根据波特的五力模型对X公...X Company is a professional baby diaper manufacturer founded in 5 years ago with their own brand. Under the awareness of investing capacity, the company has successively introduced six production lines which are the most advanced in China, and devoted themselves to become one of the well-known middle and high-end brands in the domestic infant baby field. However, with the rapid development of the ...学位:管理学硕士院系专业:管理学院_工商管理硕士(工商管理硕士)学号:1792013115107