403 research outputs found


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    原载:STrATEgIC MAnAgEMEnT JOurnAl STrAT.MgMT.J.,25:847-864(2004)一、引言战略和组织理论方面的学者已经认识到一个公司的背景环境对公司自身行为和表现是有影响的。虽然早期研究多从资源基础的角度强调多样化的角色和公司内部不可模仿的资


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    The level test and cultivation reaseatch on mathematics reading ability of junior students—Taking X School for Example

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    阅读是与我们生活息息相关的一项重要活动。随着现代信息技术的不断发展,阅读能力的培养不再仅仅是文科的专项内容。对于数学的学习大多数人认为只要记住公式,定理。通过反复的练习,甚至题海战术,就能够把数学学好。社会在不断地发展,课程标准也在不断地变化,对于数学的学习不再是传统意义上的运算技能。学生只有具备数学阅读的能力,才能够从现实问题中抽象出数学问题,进而用所学的数学方法来分析问题,解决问题。鉴于数学阅读的重要性,本研究以学生的阅读能力水平检测及阅读能力的培养方法探索做为研究内容,以我校初一年的学生为主要研究对象,运用问卷调查,试题检测,实验对照等研究方法,对学生进行阅读现状的调查。采用问卷调查与试...In our lives,reading is very important. With the deepening of the integration of modern information technology and subject, the cultivation of reading ability is no longer just a special content of liberal arts. Most people think of mathematics, as long as the formula, theorem. Through repeated practice, and even sea tactics, you can learn math. With the continuous development of society, the curr...学位:教育硕士院系专业:公共政策研究院_教育(博士、硕士)学号:3342014115059


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    Exploration and practice of animal physiology teaching mode for top class

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    动物生理学是动物医学、动物科学专业的重要基础理论课程。针对本校拔尖班学生培养计划和学习特点,本课程在教学中注重情境化教学,把最新研究进展及时整合到相应教学模块中,适当提高过程性评价比例,探索出适合拔尖班学生的授课模式,改善教学效果。Animal physiology is an important basic theoretical course for the specialty of animal medicine and animal science. According to the training programs and learning characteristics of top class students in our college, this course focused on situational teaching, integrated the latest progress manner into teaching model timely, and properly increased the process evaluation proportion in order to explore suitable teaching mode for top-class students, and improve teaching effectiveness

    Achieving Efficient Teacher Talk: A Reflective Analysis of Teacher-student Class Communication

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    In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of studies on “teacher talk” used in TCSL classrooms. Many of these studies are focused on language interactions between the teacher and the students as well as on the individual functions of “the teachers’ classroom talk.” This article examines the current status of, and problems associated with, teachers’ instructional language, i.e., teacher talk. Based on transcripts of audio recordings of teachers’ instructional language, this study analyzes problems ranging from inaccurate to excessive words in the instructional language and the causes of these problems. This article also validates the study findings by analyzing textual data on teachers’ reflections, and also proposes specific solutions such as simplifying vocabulary and grammar of the instructional language, using auxiliary methods, establishing typical linguistic contexts, and implementing graphics and charts to organize thoughts. Finally, fundamental strategies to achieve “efficient instruction” are made that teachers intentionally enhance their Chinese language competence and teaching abilities, and educational institutions place sufficient emphasis on teacher training and instructional guidance and implement best practices


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