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    理科に対する苦手意識克服のための教師育成に関する研究 : 野外観察におけるICTの活用

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    平成27~28年度 上越教育大学研究プロジェクト 研究成果報告書研究分担者 五百川裕 上越教育大学 学校教育学系 教授研究協力者 平野雄介 上越教育大学 教職大学院生(平成27年度)研究協力者 大林士雄 上越教育大学 教職大学院生(平成27年度) 研究協力者 田村領太 上越教育大学 教職大学院生(平成27,28年度) 研究協力者 佐々木郁 上越教育大学 教職大学院生(平成27,28年度) 研究協力者 荒船拳吾 上越教育大学 教職大学院生(平成28年度) 研究協力者 有田優樹 上越教育大学 教職大学院生(平成28年度)研究協力者 谷口祐太 上越教育大学 教職大学院生(平成28年度) 研究協力者 小池和哉 上越教育大学 教職大学院生(平成28年度) 研究協力者 髙橋一哉 村上市立村上第一中学校 教諭(平成28年度)


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    為了對張炎詞有更全面的理解,我選擇了細讀張炎詞共302首,並嘗試考證張炎的生平及交遊,研究《山中白雲詞》的內容和藝術成就,從而探討張詞的價值。 本論文分作六章:第一章為導論第二、三、四、五章為正文部份,第二章扼要闡釋張炎的生平,以補足前人及當代學者之研究結果。第三章考證張炎交遊的情況以補前人研究之不足。第四章分析《山 中白雲詞》的內容。第五章分析張炎詞的藝術特色。最後做出結論

    A study on the Female Shanren of the Ming and Qing Dynasties——center around Wu Shan,Huang Yuanjie and Wang Duanshu

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    明清之际,女山人应运而生。她们的出现不仅是明清女性文学繁荣的缩影,更展现出有别于中国古代传统女性的特殊风貌。本文以吴山、黄媛介、王端淑三位具有典型意义的女山人作为主要研究对象,进而对女山人的实际状况、积极意义、时代局限性作进一步透视。 本文分前言、正文、结语三部分。前言主要介绍选题缘起、研究现状、研究目标及方法三部分内容。正文共分四章: 第一章主要从含义、特征、形成原因三个方面进行阐述。首先,从男山人、闺秀、名妓、职业妇女等相关概念中辨析女山人的含义;其次,阐述女山人三大表现特征,并对三位女山人进行身份认定;最后,结合内外部因素,分析三人之所以成为女山人的原因。 第二章主要结合相关文献资...During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Female Shanren arised at the historic moment. Their appearance is not only a microcosm of the prosperity of female literature in the Ming and Qing dynasties, but display a special style that different from the traditional women in ancient China. This thesis takes Wu Shan, Huang Yuanjie, Wang Duanshu of the Female Shanren’s typical as the research object, in ...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国古代文学学号:1022013115241


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    With the development of the times and technology, information has not only been traditionally transmitted verbally, but now it can be transmitted faster through the use of mass media. Nowadays, the growing of mass media creates a variety of forms, including text and electronics. Both have their own characteristics and advantages. Newspapers as on type of text communication still has a variety of content, and obituary is one of its contents. The obituary is usually made by the mourning committee or the relatives of the deceased in order to inform the deceased relatives and friends and the community. The content of the obituary includes the title, body and ending. This study is based on the obituary in the Indonesian Chinese newspaper International Daily and Sin Chew Daily. This study used a qualitative research method to compare and analyze the obituary of 55 Indonesian Chinese newspapers International Daily, and 18 Indonesian Chinese newspapers Sin Chew Daily. According to the analysis results, the structure of the obituary in the Indonesian Chinese newspapers International Daily and Sin Chew Daily is different from the structure of the Chinese obituary. The Indonesian Chinese newspaper International Daily has two formats, and the Sin Chew Daily has only one format. Even so, the Indonesian Chinese newspaper International Daily has the same words as the Sin Chew Daily, including the title, body and ending

    The Research of Chen Moxiang's Chinese Opera Study

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    陈墨香是民国时期著名的京剧票友、编剧家以及戏曲批评家。他的戏曲理论批评和研究注重从艺术本体出发,对京剧进行整体性的研究和论述,并提出一些颇具创建性的主张和观点。他注意到京剧艺术厚重的民间文化底蕴,有意识地对京剧表演与民间习俗的互动关系进行考察,拓宽了京剧学的研究路径。陈墨香的京剧研究以丰赡的戏曲活动经验为支撑,虽然经验描述多于理论阐发,未能形成严整的理论体系,但他的京剧批评和研究,对于二十世纪的戏曲理论批评乃至今天的京剧研究都具有重要的参考价值和意义。 本文以陈墨香的京剧学研究著述为对象,在对原始资料进行归纳、总结的基础上,结合前人的研究成果,对陈墨香的京剧学研究进行深入的分析和研究,以期全...Chen Moxiang was famous as an amateur performer of Peking Opera, scenarist and drama critic in the period of Republic of China. Based on the art noumenon, Chen Moxiang studied the completeness of Peking Opera, and raised some constructive views. He noticed that with profound folk cultural heritage, it was significant to consciously study the interaction between Peking Opera and folk customs, which...学位:艺术学硕士院系专业:人文学院_戏剧与影视学学号:1022013115243

    Zheng Chaozong’s Biography and Literature Activities

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    作为一个学者型的作家,郑朝宗在中国文学史上并未被人提及。清华求学时期,郑朝宗便开始弄笔,常在《清华周刊》副刊和林语堂主编的《人间世》、《宇宙风》等刊物上发表小品文。1938年受萨本栋聘任任教厦大,1943年重回厦大,此后一直留在厦大中文系,时间长达半个世纪。1957年被错划为右派,直到1978年终得平反。 郑朝宗中英文俱佳,博学多才,涉略广泛。郑朝宗著述丰赡,在散文创作、学术研究、小说评论、旧体诗及翻译都有不错的成绩。其中成就最高的当属晚年的散文创作和“钱锺书研究”的学术论文。目前,学界对于郑朝宗的关注点主要在其散文和钱锺书研究上。但由于诸多原因,郑朝宗并未受到学界的重视,尤其是对其生平及文...In the history of Chinese literature, Zheng Chaozong was mentioned by few people.When he studied in Tsinghua university,Zheng Chaozong composed some essays onTsinghua weekly , This Human worldandThe cosmic windwhich was edited by Lin Yutang. He was appointed by Sa Bendong in Xiamen university as an English teacher in 1938. After that ,he was in Chinese department of Xiamen university.Unfortunately...学位:文学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国现当代文学学号:1022014115237


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    Study on the Three Religions Thought of Yuanxian——based on the Book of Yi Yan

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    永觉元贤出自曹洞宗无明慧经门下,早年嗜好宋儒之学,后由儒入释,其思想具有融合儒释的特征。《寱言》作为会通儒释之作,比较能够反映元贤思想的特色。元贤在《寱言》中对佛道二家的思想也有所融通。通过对《寱言》的研究,我们能够比较清晰地了解到元贤对于儒释道三教的看法。本文以《寱言》为文本依据,着重研究元贤的三教思想。本文第一部分介绍了元贤的生平及《寱言》的写作主旨。第二部分阐述了元贤的佛学思想。元贤通过根与尘的关系来展开他对佛教要义的论述。在修行工夫上,元贤则以无念为主。第三部分阐述了元贤的儒佛会通思想。元贤对儒佛两家的心性论进行会通,认为性体从根本上是不可以文字来言说的。元贤还从本体论、工夫论、天命观...Yuanxian is the disciple of Huijing, who belongs to the Caodong Sect of Zen. He was interested in Confucianism of the Song Dynasty in his early years. And he became interested in Buddhism afterwards. So his thought is the union of Confucianism and Buddhism. As a work of union of Confucianism and Buddhism, the book of YiYan can reflect the character of his thought. He also unites the thought of Bud...学位:哲学硕士院系专业:人文学院_宗教学学号:1042013115237

    A Discussion about He Qiaoyuan and his thoughts in late Ming Dynasty

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    何乔远,人称镜山先生,是晚明东南沿海一位出色的史志学家,著有《名山藏》《闽书》《镜山全集》等书。本文试从生平、学术渊源和学术思想以及政论和史论三大方面对其进行解读,以待还原一个较为立体的何乔远形象。第一部分着重梳理何乔远的生平履历,大致从少年、中年及晚年三个时间维度去分析何乔远年少时代的才华初现、中年仕途生涯的沉浮荣辱以及晚年屏居故里的恬淡平静。第二部分侧重于介绍何乔远学术思想的形成,具体分析其学术渊源,注意到何乔远主要受到了家学传统的熏陶、理学之乡的濡染以及渐进西学的影响,紧接着对其学术思想进行概括性分析。第三部分着眼于何乔远经世之臣的身份,分析其为人臣子所提出的主要政论和史论,从为官之道、...He Qiaoyuan, called Mr. Jing Shan. During the late Ming dynasty,he was a excellent historian in Southeast coast . He wrote a lot of famous books,such as Ming Shan Cang, Min Shu and Jing Shan Quan JI. The paper overall discusses He Qiaoyuan for three aspects, including his life, his academic origin and academic thought and his politics and history. The first part talks about the life of He Qiaoyua...学位:历史学硕士院系专业:人文学院_中国史学号:1032014115226