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    [[abstract]]本研究旨在研發基因轉殖木瓜與傳統木瓜(非基因轉殖木瓜)於基因層次之鑑別方法。傳統木瓜使用了台農一、二、五、六號、日陞、紅妃、穗中紅、馬大瓜、泰國種等品種系,基因轉殖木瓜分別為編號16-0-1、17-0-5、18-2-4三個基因轉殖木瓜株系。本研究採PCR方法進行鑑定檢測,第一層次為初步篩檢是否為基因轉殖木瓜,其係針對轉殖構築中之35S啟動子基因、nos終結子基因,以及kanamycin抗藥篩選基因npt II序列設計引子,基因轉殖木瓜可分別於870bp、126bp及810bp處得到專一性條帶,而未經轉殖的品種系全無此條帶。第二層次為基因特異性之檢測,係針對所轉入之PRSV鞘蛋白結構基因序列設計引子,PCR反應結果顯示三個基因轉殖木瓜株系均可於820bp處產生專一性的產物,而未經轉殖的品種系全無此條帶。第三層次為結構特異性之檢測,引子設計所擴增的區域係跨越於啟動子與外來基因兩區之間,亦可於基因轉殖木瓜得到專一性之條帶。因此本研究結果可以使用第一層次之基因轉殖樣品篩檢、第二層次之基因特異性檢測及第三層次的結構特異性檢測等三道程序,逐步漸進的鑑定基因轉殖木瓜並予以確認。同時為加速檢測之效率,以9(傳統木瓜):1(基因轉殖木瓜)的混合樣品中,亦可檢測出基因轉殖木瓜所具有的專一性條帶

    木瓜炭疽病之研究 = Anthracnose of papaya

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    木瓜(Carica Tapaya)屬熱帶植物,樹幹直立,罕生旁枝,高約數尺至丈餘;葉,花均聚生於樹幹之上部,葉大如葵,缺刻甚深,全葉共有七至九缺刻,葉柄長約兩尺許,初生時乃逕自樹幹之頂部操出;花生於葉腋之間。木瓜樹不特雌雄異花,而更有雌雄異株之特性。雄花與雞蛋花相似,而雌花之子房特別膨大,長成即為木瓜。木瓜幼嫩時青綠色,熟呈黃色或金黃色。果形若香瓜,成熟時每顆之重量可有斤半至三斤;因種類之不同,每顆亦可長大四五斤重者

    Environmental safety assessment of transgenic virus resistant papaya-I.

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    [[abstract]]於農業試驗所轉基因作物專用田區網室內,將抗?點病毒 (PRSV) 轉基因木瓜與非轉基因木瓜完全逢機種植於裝砂質壤土之圓桶內,進?盆栽試驗,每盆每月採取土壤樣品一次,測定土壤微生物族群?與有效性養分濃?。試驗結果顯示種植木瓜土壤的總細菌族群?在試驗進?第一個月至第二個月內增加,第二個月後則變動?大;總真菌族群?在試驗進?第一個月至第三個月內減少,第四個月後則變動?大;0-20 cm 深土壤的 總細菌、總真菌、游?固氮細菌、溶磷酸鈣細菌及蛋白分解細菌族群?以及有效性氮、磷及鉀濃?皆比 20-40 cm 深土壤者高。將試驗期間種植轉基因木瓜土壤的總細菌、總真菌、溶磷酸鈣細菌、游?固氮細菌及蛋白分解細菌族群?以及有效性氮、磷與鉀濃?、酸鹼?值及電導?值與種植非轉基因木瓜土壤者?相比較,結果顯示?者之間於統計上的差?是?顯著 (t-test, p<0.05)

    A general review of China’s fruit import status

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    This study provides a general review of China’s fruit import status based on literature review, governmental reports, and trade data from China customs department, and international organizations. The study first reviewed the general trend of China’s fruit import, discussing the imported product compositions and origins, factors affecting the imports, and related administrative procedures. Secondly, the study focuses on China’s fruit imports from ASEAN countries, one of the largest trade partners of China, analyzing the characteristics of fruit trade between the two economies. This section also covers a discussion of the trade impact of Belt Road Initiative. The last part of the study offers policy implications and suggestions


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    Collector Optimization for Lyulin Plant's Coal Flotation

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    This is an article in the field of mineral processing engineering. Three samples of 5#, 9# and Mugua coal from Coal Preparation Plant of Lyulin Energy & Chemical Co., Ltd. were collected as the research objects. Screening, proximate analysis and ultimate analysis of the three coal samples were carried out. The mineral composition and surface functional groups of the three coal samples were analyzed by XRD, FT-IR and XPS. Kerosene, on-site reagent and TY6 developed in the laboratory were used for flotation tests. The collecting effect of the three reagents on different types of coal samples was compared. The results showed that 5# coal sample was easy to float, 9# coal sample showed less floatability than 5# coal, while Mugua coal showed the poorest floatability owing to high oxidation and strong hydrophilicity. For the three coal samples, TY6 and the on-site reagents both showed much better collective ability than kerosene and consume less as well. For easy-to-float coal, TY6 showed better selectivity, while for difficult-to-float coal, TY6 showed better collectivity. Smaller particle size dispersed in water, higher viscosity, and containing oxygen-bearing organic substances were the main characteristics of TY6 and the on-site reagents that made them stand out as compared with kerosene, which resulted in better reaction with coal surface, bigger contact angle and better hydrophobicity. In this point of view, TY6 behaved even a little better than the on-site reagents

    Effects of Pretreatment with Three Different Enzymes on Physicochemical Properties, Biological Activity andSensory of Banana Jiaosu

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    In order to compare the effects of different enzyme pretreatments on the quality of fruit fermented Jiaosu. Bananas were used as raw materials in this paper. Cellulase, pectinase and papain were used to pretreat bananas, and the effects of different enzyme pretreatments on the physical and chemical indexes, antioxidant, sensory of banana enzyme were compared. The results showed that enzyme treatment had little effect on pH and total acid. The ability of reducing sugar utilization in the enzyme pretreatment group was significant, and the final sugar content was reduced by about 10 g/L. At 72 h of fermentation, the total phenolic content of cellulase and papain treatment groups was significantly increased by about 1.31 times (P<0.05), and the flavonoid content of cellulase treatment group was significantly increased by about 40% compared with the other treatment groups (P<0.05). After 72 h fermentation, the SOD activity of cellulase treatment group was significantly increased by about 9 times compared with other groups, and the other two groups were significantly increased by about 3 times (P<0.05). During the fermentation process, the ability of cellulase pretreatment group to produce γ-aminobutyric acid was significantly and increased by 25% at 72 h (P<0.05). The pretreatment of cellulase, papain and pectinase increased the DPPH and ABTS+ free radical scavenging activity and FRAP reducing power during the fermentation of banana enzyme, and enhanced the antioxidant activity. Compared with other enzymes, cellulase was more powerful in the utilization of fermented sugar and the ability to produce SOD enzymes, and had high antioxidant activity and excellent taste. This study provides a theoretical basis for the production of banana Jiaosu, and expands the research and application of banana Jiaosu

    Root-inhibiting Activity of Hydrolized Peptides of Corn Gluten Meal on Smoothscale Kyllinga(Kyllinga brevitolia var.leiolepis)

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    以木瓜蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶为水解酶,以玉米蛋白粉为底物,制备出不同酶解时间条件下的玉米蛋白水解多肽。用培养皿生物分析法检测不同玉米蛋白水解多肽在不同浓度(0.5 mg/mL、1 mg/mL、2 mg/mL、5 mg/mL)条件下对光磷水蜈蚣(Kyllinga brevitoliavar.leiolepis)种子生根抑制活性。结果表明:①两种蛋白酶不同水解时间制备的玉米蛋白粉水解多肽对光鳞水蜈蚣种子萌发生根均有抑制作用,且随着浓度增高生根抑制活性增强;②木瓜蛋白酶在水解3 h和6 h制得玉米多肽的生根抑制活性明显优于水解9 h和12 h制得的玉米多肽,而中性蛋白酶在不同水解时间水解玉米蛋白粉所得的水解多肽对光磷水蜈蚣的抑制活性无显著性差异;③木瓜蛋白酶制备的玉米多肽比中性蛋白酶制备的玉米多肽生根抑制活性强,并达到极显著性差异水平(P<0.01)。Corn gluten peptides were prepared by two proteases in different hydrolysis times and their root-inhibiting activity on Kyllinga brevitolia var.leiolepis was conducted in petri dish bioassays at rate of 0,0.5 mg/mL,1 mg/mL,2 mg/mL,5 mg/mL.The result showed: ①Corn gluten peptides prepared by two proteases have root-inhibiting activity on Kyllinga brevitolia var.leiolepis,and their bioactivity becomes greater with the increasing concentrations.② Inhibitory activities of peptides changed with hydrolyzing time using papain to hydrolyze CGM and corn gluten peptides prepared at hydrolysis time of 3 hours and 6 hours exhibited more inhibitory activity than that of 9h and 12h.On the contrary,no difference was found for the peptides prepared by neutrase in different hydrolysis time.③ Compared with papain,peptides prepared by neutrase is less inhibitory active and the ANOVA analysis shows highly significantly difference.Therefore,as a hydrolysase,papain can be taken priority to prepare the corn gluten peptides.广东省科技发展项目(03KJ6062