495,843 research outputs found

    日商簿記検定の合否判別に関する予備的研究 ― 生活習慣および学修習慣のアンケートを用いて ―

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    The purpose of this pilot study is to investigate the relationship between the lifestyle of the students at International Pacific University and success in the form of passing scores. Data were collected using a questionnaire from the students who took an examination for“ Bookkeeping” held by the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Sleep duration, having breakfast, learning times and concentration times were used as predictors of performance for passing the test. This study was designed using discriminant analysis to determine if these variables were a good predictor of successfully passing the test. Findings from this study demonstrated that there is a significant positive correlation between sleep duration and concentration times in relation to the student scores on the“ Bookkeeping” test. Discriminant function analysis revealed that the sleep duration, having breakfast, learning times and concentration times can successfully classify those who pass or fail the “Bookkeeping” test with a hit-rate of 84.6%

    On the trends and estimations of International comparison of unemployment statistics

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    The purpose of this study, carried out in Tohoku Universities Soccer League 2nd Division Section B, is to divide the difficulty of stopped shoots into Easy and Hard Groups and examine their contribution to the Success or Failure of the GK in these situations. Factors will be analyzed and clarification of what GK should learn will be made.(A)The results were summarized as follows:₁. Shooting TimeAverage time for the Easy Group was 0.83seconds while that of the Hard Group was 0.43seconds.₂. Shooting SiteThere were more “Heading” Shoots in the Hard Group than in the Easy Group.₃. Types of ShotThe Hard Group had more “Loop” Shoots than the Easy Group.₄. Shooting courseThere were more “shoots to the far post side” in the Hard Group than in the Easy Group.There were more “Low Shoots” in the Easy Group than in the Hard Group.(B)What GK should learnIn the Easy Group there was a significant number of times when the position of the GK was changed during the scoring scene,so GK should learn to move to the correct position quickly while grasping their situation. In both groups there was a significant number of times when there was no ready position in the changing scene,so GKs should always be prepared to take up a position with knee joints flexed


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    本研究では日常生活におけるフォーカシング的経験尺度およびその改訂版の質問項目の言語表現を見直し、再検討を行った。その結果、質問項目の表現の変更および理論的意味を考慮し、「体験の感受」「体験の確認時間」「体験的距離の調節」「体験過程への注意」「体験過程の受容と行動」「気づき」の6因子が抽出され、日常生活におけるフォーカシング的経験尺度テキスト改訂版(Focusing Experience Scale -Text Revised)を提示した。日常生活におけるフォーカシング的態度の測定する体験過程尊重尺度改訂版(FMS-18)(森川・永野・福盛ら, 2014)との相関分析により併存的妥当性を確認した。また、先行研究を参考にAuthenticity(Wood, Linley, Maltby et al., 2008)、心理的wellbeing(西田,2000)、精神的健康(Goldberg, 1978; 中川・大坊,2013)と構成概念妥当性について検討した

    Integrated learning programme 2016-2017 : term 2

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    This Integrated Learning Programme (ILP) guidebook provides details about ILP courses offered during 2016-2017 second term in Lingnan University, Hong Kong.https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ilp_guidebook/1028/thumbnail.jp


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    I developed the teaching materials for the purpose of a student learning such as the meaning of confidence interval, and the difference between standard deviation of a sample and the standard error of the mean, and so on, by analyzing numerical data by his own hand. By performing data analysis by the Excel, it is shown that a set of pseudo random numbers (the sample-1, n = 106) generated by the programming source code ①, which is written in "Decimal BASIC", could be regarded as equal to a sample which is sampling from the population with the standard normal distribution. Therefore it turns out to be possible to treat the random numbers generated by the source code ① as hypothetical measurements including errors obeying the axioms of error. At first, a set of random numbers (sample-3, n=500) is generated by the source code ①, and then, copied onto the Excel sheet, in the teaching materials. A learner makes scatter diagrams, box-and-whisker plots, and histograms based on these data, and visually recognizes the distribution of the random numbers. Fitting Gaussian line to the histogram will aid in geometrical understanding of the meaning of the statistics such as mean and the standard deviation of the sample. Finally, 30 samples of n = 25 are generated, and analyzed. Comparing the basic statistic of each samples shows that there is possibility of the true value (the mean of the population) being not included in the range of 95 % confidence interval of the mean of the samples


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    In considering the liability principles that apply to sport and recreational activities, it is important to give attention to immunity, since it is often a factor in sport and recreational activity liability cases in the U.S.A. There are several types of immunity : 1)recreational useracts related to land use, 2) legislation relating to volunteers, and 3) statutes related to renderingemergency care. A recent addition to the immunity umbrella is the so-called Recreational Use Statutes. The basic principle is that landowners who allow free recreational use of their property, owe no duty of care to keep their premises in safe condition or warn of dangerousor hazardous conditions. Then, this study aims to grasp influence, role and function of recreational use immunity in sport and recreational activity law through analyzing judicial precedents of sport and recreational activity these days in the U.S.A