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    [[sponsorship]]宜蘭縣政府; 宜蘭縣博物館家族協會[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20130615~20130615[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]宜蘭縣, 臺


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    [[abstract]]In this paper, we use the depth information to effectively locate the 3D position of hands in sign language recognition system. But the information will be changed by different signers and we can’t do recognition well. Here, we use the incremental changes of the three- dimensional coordinates on a unit time as feature set to fix the above problem. And we use hidden Markov models(HMMs) as time-varying classifier to recognize the moving change of sign language on time domain. We also include HMMs with scaling factor to solve the underflow effect of HMMs. Experiments verify that the proposed method is superior then traditional one.[[sponsorship]]中華民國影像處理與圖形識別學會; 宜蘭大學圖書資訊館; 宜蘭大學圖書資訊館[[conferencetype]]國際[[conferencedate]]20130818~20130820[[booktype]]紙本[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]宜蘭, 臺


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    [[abstract]]‧ 陳力俊校長拜會宜蘭縣長研商「宜蘭園區」開發及合作 ‧ 教務處-學習技巧工作坊-從大學生的學習困擾談有效學習 ‧ 學務處-98年下學期學務處諮商中心清大夢想街101號系列活動 ‧ 季風亞洲與多元文化系列討論會(二十六):峇峇語的閩南語方言鑑定 ‧ 季風亞洲與多元文化系列討論會(二十五): 1686年馬尼拉華人慘案的分析 ‧ 科管院-台積電「以資訊技術打造世界級的半導體企業」講座 ‧ 圖書館-清華記憶」徵文-我們的清華我們的家─眷舍、宿舍生活極短篇 ‧ 諾貝爾大師在清華 – DNA之父,Dr. James D. Watson ‧ 會計室藝文走廊九十九年第二期畫展 ‧ 通識教育中心『核心通識講座』系列演講 ‧ 藝文活動-【噓,秘密。】 ‧ 「遇鍵」松竹楊梅音樂會 ‧ 語言的辯證與想像,楊智富校園行腳 ‧ 王家衛影展 Wong Kar-Wai Film Festival ‧ 金穗獎巡迴影展Golden Harvest Awards for Outstanding Short Films ‧ 3月份樂在清華活動熱烈進行中 ‧ 2010應用材料文藝季 美術史講座──漢字書法美學《漢字與書法之始》[[fileno]]JA02_2010_63

    Confucian Principles: A Study of Chinese Americans’ Interpersonal Relationships in Selected Children’s Picturebooks

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    [[abstract]]There has not been enough critical analysis of children’s literature by and about Chinese Americans, especially when compared to other minority groups in the United States. In particular, Chinese American historical books lack extensive analysis. It is important to reflect cultural accuracy in literature and to help children develop clear concepts of self and others by providing precise cultural and physical characteristics of people. While cultural authenticity allows children the opportunity to see a reflection of real experiences within a book instead of seeing stereotypes or misrepresentations, obtaining correct information about a certain time period can help children to see images of immigration accurately represented in literature. Using the Confucian delineation of interpersonal relationships as the major criterion of cultural authenticity, this article examines three currently available children’s picturebooks set in the historical period between 1848 and 1885. In addition to exploring how Chinese Americans’ interpersonal relationships are portrayed in these children’s historical books, this article argues for more proactive inclusion of the diversity in selection of picturebooks.[[notice]]補正完


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    [[abstract]]台灣地區一年四季受到不同強風侵襲,如夏秋兩季的颱風以及冬季的東北季風。我國建築物耐風設計規範中,建物的風力載重計算均取決於設計風速的大小,因此對於我國特有的本土風速分布特性須以長年累計的風速資料進行統計分析,方可求得恰當的設計風速。本研究選取全台灣29個人工氣象觀測站的逐時風速風向資料做為研究對象,觀察各測站的統計特性分佈,計算其逐年統計特性並觀察變化趨勢。亦考慮以颱風為單一事件比較以年份為單一事件之下,不同基礎所造成的統計特性差異。此外,利用GEVD極值分佈模型進行各測站的極值分佈分類,指出Gumbel分布並非為唯一適合的預測模式。在年最大風速模擬部分,選取赫密轉換法將測站的非高斯特性以直接轉換的方式,模擬多筆的年間十分鐘平均風速,並將極值取出以形成年最大風速分布與實際觀察值作為比較。模擬結果指出,僅以短期資料如5年或10年,若可適當地假設基本統計特性,則可以數值方法求取具備非高斯特性之極值分布函數。本研究進行模擬所得結果在大多數測站均獲得良好的準確性。[[sponsorship]]國立中央大學土木工程學系[[conferencetype]]國內[[conferencedate]]20141017[[booktype]]電子版[[iscallforpapers]]Y[[conferencelocation]]中壢市, 臺


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    From 1890s I of Meiji era, Japanese architects introduced elements of their understanding of the Western architecture into modern Japanese architecture to reflect the contemporary Japanese architecture of the time. Due to the particular historical background, as opposed to the Japanese mainland, Taiwan was like a fresh unpainted piece of paper, which became the paradise to showcase all architects' talent. The Japanese Red Cross Society Taiwan branch government office building, a hospital and the Government-General of Formosa central institute were the work which has a good reputation most as a work of Onogi in the Taiwanese age. Sovereign's momentum was indicated by new construction of the Western style built of brick in those days. On the other hand, government office building construction in XinZhu, YinLan, TaoYuan, MiaoLi, NanTou, DouLiu’s government office building often depended on brick construction. This study looks into Taiwanese architects and their works in the Japanese colonial period(1895-1945), and examine their current status

    〈共同研究プロジェクト紹介〉日本語変種とクレオールの形成過程 宜蘭クレオール

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    奈良大学文学部国立東華大学アジア・太平洋の各地においては,戦前・戦中に持ち込まれた日本語が,長きにわたって現地諸語との接触を保ちながら使われ続けてきた。その接触によって最も大きな変化を遂げたのは,台湾東部の宜蘭県に住むアタヤル人とセデック人が用いている,日本語を語彙供給言語とするクレオール(「宜蘭クレオール」)である。本論文では,われわれの共同研究プロジェクト「日本語変種とクレオールの形成過程」の一環として,この「宜蘭クレオール」に焦点を当て,これがまさに「クレオール」であることを,その形成の歴史的・社会的背景から検証し,その言語的特徴に関する近年の研究成果を総括する。As a result of Japan\u27s wartime occupation, language contact between the Japanese language and local languages in the Pacific Rim has occurred over the course of a number of years and, consequently, is responsible for various types of language change in this area. In Taiwan, for example, contact between Atayal and Japanese has produced a little known language variety spoken by indigenous residents living in Yilan County in Eastern Taiwan. We have named this variety \u27Yilan Creole\u27. As a part of an interim report on our research, the present paper attempts to clarify the socio-historical background and the linguistic nature of \u27Yilan Creole\u27. We hope these attempts will serve as a basis for establishing the validity of our claim that this new language variety is in fact a creole

    On the sound substitution of Yilan Creole

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    publisher奈良アジア太平洋の各地においては、戦前・戦中に持ち込まれた日本語が、長きにわたって現地諸語との接触を保ちながら使われ続けてきた。その接触によって最も大きな変化を遂げたのは、台湾東部の宜蘭県に住む原住民族の一部の人々が母語として用いている、日本語を語彙供給言語とするクレオール語(宜蘭クレオール)である。本稿では、このクレオール語に供給された日本語語彙におけるsound substitution(音的置換)について考察する。まず、現地語の音韻構造として、語中に母音が連続しないという点があげられる。また、現地語の音韻体系には、特殊音素の/R/(長音)と/Q/(促音)が存在しない。したがって、このような音を持つ日本語由来の語彙は現地語の音的フィルターによって、さまざまに置き換えられているのである