

From 1890s I of Meiji era, Japanese architects introduced elements of their understanding of the Western architecture into modern Japanese architecture to reflect the contemporary Japanese architecture of the time. Due to the particular historical background, as opposed to the Japanese mainland, Taiwan was like a fresh unpainted piece of paper, which became the paradise to showcase all architects' talent. The Japanese Red Cross Society Taiwan branch government office building, a hospital and the Government-General of Formosa central institute were the work which has a good reputation most as a work of Onogi in the Taiwanese age. Sovereign's momentum was indicated by new construction of the Western style built of brick in those days. On the other hand, government office building construction in XinZhu, YinLan, TaoYuan, MiaoLi, NanTou, DouLiu’s government office building often depended on brick construction. This study looks into Taiwanese architects and their works in the Japanese colonial period(1895-1945), and examine their current status

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