3,068 research outputs found

    The role of school in the prevention of viral diseases

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    Ovaj rad usmjeren je na istraživanje činjenice je li škola najveći posrednik između djece i zaraznih bolesti, kako bakterijskih tako i virusnih. Školska zgrada trebala bi učenicima s obzirom na čistoću, red i funkcionalnost uvijek služiti kao primjer te predstavljati mjesto gdje će svoje higijenske navike produbiti i proširiti. Negativan utjecaj je veći, ako su učionice pretrpane, nedovoljno prozračene i slabo osvijetljene, vlažne, ako nema dovoljno zahoda, ako školska zgrada nije opskrbljena zdravstveno ispravnom pitkom vodom, ako je konstantno u nedostatku higijenskih potrepština (sapuna, ubrusa i slično). Glavna svrha ovog diplomskog rada je dobiti uvid o prevenciji zaraznih bolesti u školskim ustanovama te istražiti zadovoljavaju li trenutni higijensko-sanitarni uvjeti standarde koji osiguravaju pravilan dječji razvoj u istima. U tu svrhu korištena je pisana anketa koja je sadržavala 12 pitanja. Uzorak za ovo istraživanje činilo je 30 učitelja razredne nastave s područja Osječko – baranjske županije. Rad prikazuje istraživanje koje je provedeno prije ljetnih praznika od sredine svibnja do sredine lipnja. Vrlo je važno da škola kao ustanova ispunjava sve uvjete za djetetov pravilan rast i razvoj, a tog mišljenja je 43% učiteljica koje smatraju da njihove škole pružaju sve potrebne higijenske uvjete. 80% učiteljica se slaže da se učenici prilikom boravka u školskoj kuhinji pridržavaju naučenih pravila što se tiče higijene, poput pranja ruku prije jela, vezanja kose u rep i slično. Što se tiče školskih zahoda, zbog brojih higijenskih razloga, u svakom školskom zahodu treba biti dovoljno toaletnog papira, ubrusa i sapuna. Nadalje 57% učiteljica smatra da higijenske potrepštine poput sapuna te ubrusa nisu uvijek prisutne. Vrlo važna zadaća škole je da učenicima bude sigurno mjesto gdje će usvojiti važnost higijenskih navika, gdje će svoje higijenske navike proširiti te mjesto koje neće širiti zarazne bolesti između učenika.This thesis focuses on emphasizing the fact that the school is the biggest mediator between the children and infectious diseases, bacterial as much as viral. School should give an example to children considering cleanliness, order and functionality and also to represent the place where they can deepen their hygiene habits. Negative influence is caused by overcrowded classrooms, insufficiently ventilated, dimly lit, humid, if there is not enough toilets, if the school building is not equipped with drinking water, if it is constantly for the lack of sanitary necessities. (soaps, napkins, etc.) The point of this thesis is to get an insight on preventing the expansion of infectious diseases in schools and to discover if the current hygiene sanitary conditions meet the standards that ensure proper child growth and development in school institutions. For that purpose, I use the written questionnaire which contains of 12 questions. The pattern were 30 teachers from Osječko-baranjska County. The thesis shows the research which was carried out before summer break practice from mid of May till mid of June. It is very important that schools are meeting all the hygienic conditions for pupils’ proper growth and development and 43% of teachers think that. 80% of teachers agree with the fact that the pupils adhere the basic hygienic rules like washing their hand before they eat, putting their hair in a ponytail and similar. As far as the schools bathrooms are concerned, because of the many of hygienic reasons, in every bathroom should be enough amount of toilet paper. 57% of teachers consider that hygienic accessories like soap and tissues are not available always. Very important aim that schools need to have is that they need to be safe place where pupils can adopt the importance of hygienic habits, to expand them and the place that will no longer spread infectious diseases among pupils

    Immunization of pupils population against infections diseases

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    Imunizacija je preventivna mjera zaštite stanovništva od zaraznih bolesti. Njezin osnovni cilj je sprečavanje, suzbijanje i iskorjenjivanje zaraznih bolesti. Iako imunizacija ima dugu povijest, ona svoj procvat doživljava početkom 20. stoljeća. Najopasnije bolesti koje se štite imunizacijom su dječja paraliza, difterija, tetanus, tuberkuloza, hripavac, ospice, zaušnjaci, hepatitis B, bolesti uzrokovane Haemophilusom influenzae tipa B, rubeola. Prije pronalaska cjepiva te bolesti bile su smrtonosne. Cijepljenje djece ima veliki značaj, budući da su zarazne bolesti česte i osobito opasne u dječjoj dobi. Svaka država ima svoj program obveznog cijepljenja i bitno je pridržavati ga se. Danas, brojni roditelji strahuju za imunološki sustav svog djeteta nakon cijepljenja te o štetnim nuspojavama koje cjepiva uzrokuju. Zbog nepouzdanih informacija koje dobivaju putem interneta i medija, roditelji se tako odlučuju za necijepljenje svoje djece. Najtočnije informacije i odgovore na pitanja roditelji mogu dobiti od liječnika, medicinskog osoblja te putem edukacija od strane osoba koje su za to kompetentne. Službeni stav medicine je da cjepiva imaju nuspojave, ali da su one uglavnom blage i da prolaze spontano bez ikakvih posljedica, a da vrlo rijetko mogu biti ozbiljne i ostaviti trajne posljedice te da korist od primjene cjepiva u postojećem programu, sa svim svojim nesavršenostima i ograničenjima još uvijek uvelike nadmašuje potencijalne rizike. Time se sprečavaju vrlo ozbiljne bolesti koje mogu ostaviti trajne, teške posljedice i biti smrtonosne. Uskraćivanje cijepljenja povećava rizik od obolijevanja djeteta ako se jednog dana izloži zarazi, a povećava i rizik za cijelu populaciju.Immunization is a preventive measure of the population protection from the infectious diseases. Its main goal is the prevention, suppression and eradication of infectious diseases. Although immunization has a long history, it reached its highest peak at the beginning of the 20th century. The most dangerous diseases which are prevented with immunization are infantile paralysis, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, whooping cough, smallpox, mumps, hepatitis B, diseases caused by Haemophilusom influenzae type B and measles. Before the vaccination was invented, these diseases were deadly. Child immunization is of great importance because infectious diseases are often and particularly dangerous at the age of childhood. Every country has its own compulsory immunization program and it is important to adhere to it. Today, many parents are afraid for their children's immune system after the vaccination and they are afraid of the side effects caused by the vaccines. Based on the unreliable information they get on the Internet or through the media, parents decide not to vaccinate their children. The most accurate information and answers parents can get from the doctors, the medical staff and through the education from the professional staff. The official attitude of the medicine is that the vaccines have side effects which are mild and they usually wear off spontaneously without any consequences, and only in rare cases they can be serious and leave permanent consequences; and the benefit of the vaccine application in the existing program, with all its imperfections and limitations, still surpasses the potential risks. Immunization prevents very serious diseases that can leave permanent severe consequences and can even be deadly. Vaccine denial increases the risk of child infection in case of exposure to the disease, but it also increases the risk for the whole population

    Hygiene and dirty hands diseases

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    Održavanje osobne higijene vrlo je važno za vlastito zdravlje. U sprječavanju i širenju bolesti jedna od glavnih mjera osobne higijene je higijena ruku. Zagađene ruke najčešći su prijenosnici crijevnih, respiratornih i zaraznih bolesti. Kako bi se spriječile razne infekcije važno je usvojiti pravilno pranje ruku još od najranije dobi. Svrha ovoga rada bila je proučiti literaturu vezanu za higijenu i bolesti prljavih ruku, istraţiti zdravstveno -higijenske navike učenika mlađe školske dobi u održavanju higijene ruku te istraţiti koje su bolesti prljavih ruku. U tu svrhu koristila sam anketni upitnik koji se sastojao od 13 pitanja. Istraživanje sam provela u 8 područnih odjela Osnovne škole „Matija Gubec“ Magadenovac (PO Kućanci, PO Beničanci, PO Lacići, PO Šljivoševci, PO Golinci, PO Miholjački Poreč, PO Radikovci i PO Čamagajevci) i Područnoj školi Marijanci. U istraživanju je ukupno sudjelovalo 146 učenika od 1. do 4. razreda. Istraživanje je pokazalo da većina učenika održava higijenu ruku i da poznaju pravilan postupak pranja ruku. U teorijskom dijelu opisana je osobna higijena kao grana higijene s naglaskom na higijenu ruku, koraci u pravilnom pranju ruku, bolesti prljavih ruku te uzročnici i načini prijenosa bolesti prljavih ruku. Isto tako istaknute su najčešće bolesti prljavih ruku kod djece mlađe školske dobi te svrha zdravstvenoga odgoja s naglaskom na modul „Živjeti zdravo“.Maintaining personal hygiene is of great importance for one's own health. Hand hygiene is one of the main elements of personal hygiene in preventing formation and spread of diseases. Contaminated hands are the most common transmitters of intestinal, respiratory and infectious diseases. In order to prevent various infections it is important to adopt proper hand washing procedure from an early age. The aim of this paper was to examine the literature related to hand hygiene and dirty hands diseases, to analyze healthy and hygienic habits of primary school pupils in maintaining hand hygiene, and to explore which are the dirty hands diseases. For that purpose I used questionnaire of 13 questions. The research was conducted in 8 districts of primary school named “Matija Gubec” in Magadenovac: Kućanci, Beničanci, Lacići, Šljivoševci, Golinci, Miholjački Poreč, Radikovci and Čamagajevci; and in primary school in Marijanci. 146 pupils VII from the first to the fourth grade participated in the study. The research has shown that the majority of pupils maintain hand hygiene and know proper hand washing procedure. The theoretical part was dealing with a personal hygiene as a branch of hygiene with an emphasis on hand hygiene; with the steps of proper hand washing procedure; di rty hands diseases and with causes and ways of spreding dirty hands diseases. The most common dirty hands diseases of primary school children and the purpose of healt education with an emphasis on the module “Healthy Living” were highlighted, as well

    Ruski infektolog i epidemiolog Gabriel Frantsevich Vogralik Russian virologist and epidemiologist Gabriel Frantsevich Vogralik

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    Članak prikazuje životni put i rad uglednog ruskog liječnika i znanstvenika Gabriela Frantsevich Vogralika koji je svoju karijeru i život posvetio istraživanju zaraznih bolesti. Bio je ugledni infektolog i epidemiolog, veliki organizator epidemiološke službe te ugledni profesor. Zajedno sa svojim kolegama ostavio je veliki trag u istraživanju zaraznih bolesti te razvio niz teorija u epidemiologiji, a jedna od njih danas nam je poznata pod nazivom Vogralikov lanac

    Investigations of prevalence of antibodies to B.canis in stray dogs in territory of Belgrade

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    The paper covers investigations of stray dogs in the territory of the city of Belgrade. A total of 184 blood serum samples were examined for the presence of antibodies specific to Brucella canis. The method of slow agglutination in a test tube with 2- mercaptoethanol was used in the diagnostic procedure. Of the 184 examined serums, 49 (26.63%) had a titer of 1/50, 25 serums had a titer of 1/100 (13.58%), while 20 serums had a titer equal to or bigger than 1/200 (10.87%). Furthermore, 15 samples of full blood from serologiclly negative animals were also presented for isolation. The bacteriological finding for these samples was negative. The obtained results indicate that the number of seropositive stray dogs in the territory of Belgrade is extremely high and that 10.87% of the testes animals are definitely infected with Brucella canis

    Kako ćemo spriječiti da domaće životinje ne obole

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    Zarazne bolesti izazivlju uzročnici koje ne možemo vidjeti prostim okom, a zovu se zarazne klice ili mikrobi. Glavni izvor zaraznih klica jesu bolesne životinje i lešine uginulih životinja. Bolesne životinje izlučuju zarazne klice s balegom, s mokraćom, sa slinom ili mlijekom, te tako zarazuju ostale životinje, hranu, vodu ili okolne predmete

    Influenza as a public health problem

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    Virusi su sitni, jednostavno građeni mikroorganizmi koji se nastanjuju i umnožavaju u živim stanicama ljudi i životinja. Virusi gripe ili influence pripadaju porodici Orthomyxoviridae i dijele se na influencu tipa A, B i C. Influenca je akutna upala dišnog sustava koja se prenosi i širi kapljičnim putem što otežava prevenciju a kratka inkubacija otežava rano otkrivanje zaraze. Manifestira se općim kliničkim simptomima poput opće slabosti, temperature, bolova u mišićima, kašlja a potom se javljaju problemi dišnog i probavnog sustava. Savjeti prevencije zaraze su povećana higijena (pranje ruku, kihanje i kašljanje, korištenje jednokratnih maramica), izbjegavati veća okupljanja u periodu gripe, provjetravanje prostorija, pravilna prehrana bogata vitaminima, tjelesne aktivnosti na zraku, unos dovoljne količine tekućine, odmor, izbjegavati pothlađivanje, izbjegavati odlaske u zdravstvene ustanove i među potencijalno zaražene ljude. Drugi način prevencije je cijepljenje korištenjem dijelova virusa od prošle sezone. Liječiti se može influenca tipa A protuupalnim lijekovima koji mogu imati posljedice na središnji živčani sustav. Liječenje se uglavnom vrši simptomatski i mirovanjem i unosom tekućina i vitamina.Viruses are small, simple formed microorganisms that inhabit and multiply in the living cells of humans and animals. Flu or influenza viruses belong to the Orthomyxoviridae family and are divided into influenza type A, B and C. Influenza is an acute inflammation of the respiratory system that is transmitted and spreads through the veins, making prevention difficult and its short incubation period makes it difficult to detect the infection early. It manifests itself with common clinical symptoms such as general weakness, fever, muscle pain, coughs and then problems with the respiratory and digestive system. Tips for preventing the infection include increased hygiene (hand washing, safe sneezing and coughing, use of one-time handkerchiefs), avoiding larger gatherings in the flu season, ventilating the premises, eating a diet rich in vitamins, outdoor physical activities, taking enough fluids, relaxing, avoiding cold, avoiding going to healthcare facilities and avoiding potential infected people. Another way of prevention is by vaccination that uses parts of the virus from last season. A type A influenza drugs can be treated with anti-inflammatory drugs that may have effects on the central nervous system. Treatment is mostly performed symptomatically and with rest and intake of fluids and vitamins

    Jalovost goveda

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    Pod jalovošću ili neplodnošću domaćih životinja misli se takovo stanje kad ženka ne može rađati potomstvo sposobno za život ili kad mužjak ne može oploditi ženke koje su sposobne za rasplo

    Uloga medicinske sestre i prehrane u vrtiću

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    Izmjenama i dopunama Zakona o društvenoj brizi o djeci predškolskog uzrasta iz 1979. godine uvedene su nove programske obveze kojima je jasnije precizirana zdravstvena zaštita djece u predškolskim ustanovama. Izmjene i dopune navode kako predškolske odgojno-zaštitne organizacije udruženog rada zbog ostvarivanja primarnih programa djece obavezno udružuju i rad medicinske sestre s višim obrazovanjem koja ostvaruje zadatke stručnog zdravstvenog nadzora koji proizlazi iz mjera posredne i neposredne zdravstvene zaštite djece, prema zadacima i u suradnji s liječnikom primarne zdravstvene zaštite. U suradnji sa Zavodom sustavno se počinje pratiti primjena stanja uhranjenosti djece o kojoj skrbe vrtići i novih prehrambenih normativa koje je Zavod za zaštitu majki i djece izradio 1986. godine. Važno je u duhu regularnosti tadašnjih naputaka napomenuti kako je Skupština Saveza zajednica usvojila Mjere zdravstvene zaštite djece u predškolskoj organizaciji s uputama za provedbu, što je znatno olakšalo regulaciju provedbe. Pojavljuje se i potreba za izradom jedinstvene zdravstvene dokumentacije koja će omogućiti preciznije praćenje provedbe zdravstvene zaštite djece te poduzimanje određenih mjera i postupaka. Radna skupina viših medicinskih sestara dječjih vrtića izrađuje zdravstvenu dokumentaciju za dječje vrtiće, prema područjima djelovanja, koja je i službeno verificirana i na taj način postaje obveznom u primjeni u svim dječjim vrtićima. Njome se omogućuje jedinstven način uvida u područje zdravstvene zaštite djece i provedbu preventivno-zaštitnih programa u dječjim vrtićima.[1] Tih je godina radna skupina viših medicinskih sestara dječjih vrtića zajedno s predstavnicima Zavoda za zaštitu majki i djece izradila i stručni materijal ‘Elementi higijenskog standarda’ kao pomoć u kvalitetnijem obavljanju zadaća na području higijensko-sanitarnih uvjeta u vrtiću. Istovremeno Zavod postaje i mjesto kontinuirane edukacije, usavršavanja i razmjene iskustava dobre prakse medicinskih sestara dječjih vrtića. Samim time mijenja se i uloga i zadaće više medicinske sestre – zdravstvene voditeljice u dječjem vrtiću. Medicinska sestra uz jasno definirane zadaće koje ostvaruje prema dogovorenim smjernicama, svoja stečena znanja i vještine prenosi i na odgajatelje, suradnike i širu zajednicu, sve više preuzima i ulogu edukatora i promotora zdravlja i zdravih stilova života. Ravnopravno sudjeluje i radi u djelovanju stručnog tima vrtića i svojim stručnim znanjem participira u multidisciplinarnom pristupu radu. 2000. godine više medicinske sestre dječjih vrtića osnivaju svoju podružnicu pri Hrvatskoj udruzi medicinskih sestara (HUMS). [2]Amendments of the Law of social care of preschool children from 1979. have introduced new program responsibilities that clearly clarify the health care of children in pre-school institutions. Amendments state that pre-school educational-care organizations of associated labor, because of the implementation of primary programs of children, must also associate the work of a nurse with higher education who performs the tasks of professional medical supervision which results from the measures of direct and indirect health care of children, according to the tasks and in cooperation with the primary health care practitioner. In cooperation with the Institute, application of the nutritional status of children, who are being taken care of by kindergartens, is being systematically monitored, as well as new nutritional regulations that the Institute for the Protection of Mother and Child made in 1986. In the spirit of the regularity of the former instructions, it is important to note that the Assembly of the Union of Communities has adopted measures for the health care of children in the pre-school organization with instructions for implementation, which greatly facilitated the regulation of implementation. There is also a need to develop a unique healthcare documentation that will enable more accurate monitoring of the implementation of child health care and taking certain measures and procedures. A working group of professional nurses is creating health documentation for kindergartens, according to areas of activity, which is officially verified and thus becomes mandatory for use in all kindergartens. It provides a unique way of insight into the area of child health care and the implementation of preventive and protective programs in kindergartens. [1] During those years, a working group of professional nurses, along with representatives of the Institute for the Protection of Mothers and Children, also produced an expert material, 'Elements of Hygiene Standards' as an aid to better performing tasks in the field of hygiene and sanitary conditions in kindergarten. At the same time, the Institute becomes a place of continuous education, training and exchange of good practice for professional nurses in kindergartens. Therefore, the role and tasks of professional nurse – a health care provider in a kindergarten – is changing. The nurse, with clearly defined tasks which she accomplishes in accordance with the agreed guidelines, transmits her knowledge and skills to educators, associates and wider community, and takes the role of educator and promotor of health and healthy life styles. Nurse equally participates and works in the activities of a professional team of the kindergarten and participates in the multidisciplinary approach to work with her professional knowledge. In the year 2000. professional nurses founded their own branch office at the Croatian Association of Nurses (CAN)