67,564 research outputs found

    Mathematical Modelling and Analysis of Vehicle Frontal Crash using Lumped Parameters Models

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    A full-scale crash test is conventionally used for vehicle crashworthiness analysis. However, this approach is expensive and time-consuming. Vehicle crash reconstructions using different numerical modelling approaches can predict vehicle behavior and reduce the need for multiple full-scale crash tests, thus research on the crash reconstruction has received a great attention in the last few decades. Among modelling approaches, lumped parameters models (LPM) and finite element models (FEM) are commonly used in the vehicle crash reconstruction. This thesis focuses on developing and improving the LPM for vehicle frontal crash analysis. The study aims at reconstructing crash scenarios for vehicle-to-barrier (VTB), vehicleoccupant (V-Occ), and vehicle-to-vehicle (VTV), respectively. In this study, a single mass-spring-damper (MSD) is used to simulate a vehicle to-barrier or a wall. A double MSD is used to model the response of the chassis and passenger compartment in a frontal crash, a vehicle-occupant, and a vehicle-tovehicle, respectively. A curve fitting, state-space, and genetic algorithm are used to estimate parameters of the model for reconstructing the vehicle crash kinematics. Further, the piecewise LPM is developed to mimic the crash characteristics for VTB, VO, and VTV crash scenarios, and its predictive capability is compared with the explicit FEM. Within the framework, the advantages of the proposed methods are explained in detail, and suggested solutions are presented to address the limitations in the study.publishedVersio

    Comparison of Vehicle-Based Crash Severity Metrics for Predicting Occupant Injury in Real-World Oblique Crashes

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    The flail space model (FSM) is currently used in U.S. roadside hardware crash testing as a means of assessing occupant injury risk using observed vehicle kinematics data. European roadside hardware crash tests use an FSM variant along with a variant of the acceleration severity index (ASI). Although the FSM and ASI are currently used in roadside hardware testing, other vehicle-based crash severity metrics exist. Previous research has focused on examining the ability of these metrics to predict injury in frontal crashes. Despite the Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware prescribing a significant number of oblique crash tests, there has been little research on how well these metrics predict real-world oblique crash injury. This study compared the ability of six different vehicle-based metrics to predict occupant injury in oblique crashes: maximum delta-v, occupant impact velocity, ridedown acceleration, ASI, occupant load criterion, and vehicle pulse index. The crash severity metrics were calculated from real-world crash pulse data recorded by event data recorders. Oblique crashes from the National Automotive Sampling System Crashworthiness Data System were used to train logistic regression models that predict moderate to fatal injuries. The models were then compared on a dataset of oblique crashes from the Crash Investigation Sampling System. The results of this study confirmed that vehicle-based metrics provide a reasonable means of predicting real-world occupant injury risk in oblique crashes and suggest little difference between the investigated metrics. In addition to the vehicle-based metrics, belt use and vehicle damage location were found to influence injury risk

    General aviation crash safety program at Langley Research Center

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    The purpose of the crash safety program is to support development of the technology to define and demonstrate new structural concepts for improved crash safety and occupant survivability in general aviation aircraft. The program involves three basic areas of research: full-scale crash simulation testing, nonlinear structural analyses necessary to predict failure modes and collapse mechanisms of the vehicle, and evaluation of energy absorption concepts for specific component design. Both analytical and experimental methods are being used to develop expertise in these areas. Analyses include both simplified procedures for estimating energy absorption capabilities and more complex computer programs for analysis of general airframe response. Full-scale tests of typical structures as well as tests on structural components are being used to verify the analyses and to demonstrate improved design concepts

    Progressive Failure Simulation of Security Cable Barriers

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    Perimeter security cable barriers are widely used by various agencies all over the world to defeat threat vehicle penetration. New barrier designs require crash test validation prior to implementation. Full-scale vehicular crash tests are costly, whereas designs via finite element simulations are time consuming and require specialized skills. Based on full-scale crash tests, an innovative and simple algorithm has been developed to model the progressive failure of security cable barriers. A multi-body approach based on the first principles of physics was developed to substantially reduce computer runtime. The solution algorithm uses a large number of small time steps. Nonlinear vehicle and cable forces and deformations are calculated based on compatibility conditions. This methodology has been validated against three full-scale crash tests. This cable barrier model, displaying simulation results graphically in a time series, provides realistic response parameters of a security cable barrier design in less than 10 minutes of runtime with reasonable accuracy

    Vehicle-to-barrier communication during real-world vehicle crash tests

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    Vehicle-to-barrier (V2B) communication is expected to facilitate wireless interactions between vehicles and roadside barriers in next-generation intelligent transportation systems. V2B systems will help mitigate single-vehicle, run-off-road crashes, which account for more than 50% of roadside crash fatalities. In this work, the characteristics of the wireless channel prior to and during a crash are analyzed using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) techniques, which has been used in existing vehicular communication systems. More specifically, the performance of OFDM-based V2B links are measured in real-world crash tests for the first time. Three crash tests conducted at the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility, Lincoln, Nebraska, are reported: a bogie vehicle crashing into a soil-embedded post at 27 mph, a sedan crashing to a concrete curb at 15 mph, and a pickup crashing to a steel barrier at 62 mph. Metrics including signal to interference plus noise ratio received signal strength, error vector magnitude, phase error, channel coherence, and bit error rate, are used to illustrate the impacts of antenna type, antenna deployment, speed, and mobility during the crash tests. The empirical evidence shows that barrier-height (0.7–0.9 m) antennas at the barrier can improve V2B signal quality compared to higher deployments (≥1.5 m) due to the stronger reflection of electromagnetic waves at a larger angle of incidence. Moreover, compared to omni-directional barrier antennas, directional barrier antennas can increase signal quality, connectivity, and coherence time of V2B channel because of reduced multi-path effects, however, the antenna orientation needs to be carefully determined to maintain connectivity

    Programmable Stopping Device Design for Sled Test

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    Full vehicle crash testing is used to reproduce the dynamic conditions of real world car accidents. The complex and destructive nature of these crash tests make them very expensive. For these situations, sled testing becomes preferred evaluation for occupant injury. Sled test is simulated crash test facility used to test components like seats, seat belts, child restraint systems, seat anchorages on body shell etc. the crash condition is simulated and the components are subjected to these conditions. The crash condition includes the velocity of crash and the deceleration level at the time of crash. There are number of international standards such as ECE regulations (Europe), FMVSS (USA) and ARAI testing standards (India) etc, which specify the conditions and limits for various parameter for above mentioned tests

    New Multiphase CP and DP 1000 MPa strength level grades for improved performance after hot forming

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    Pure martensitic steels have after hot forming limited performance in terms of rest ductility which limits the application in crash relevant parts. New steel grades were designed in the EU project HOTFORM including the corresponding process routes. These steel grades have ferritic-martensitic dual phase (DP) and martensitic-bainitic complex phase (CP) microstructures after hot forming process. The laboratory tests show an improved formability after hot forming. The basic concepts of the new alloys are explained. Furthermore, for validation of upscaling purposes a semi-industrial test is carried out and the results are discussed. The main application is for vehicle safety. This is evaluated by comparing the crash performance of these hot formed grades with cold rolled DP1000 and CP1000 for crash cans in a drop tower test.The research leading to these results was carried out in the framework of HOTFORM project with a financial grant of the Research Programme RFCS (Research Funds for Coal and Steel) under grant agreement (RFSR-CT-2015-00017)

    Is the virtual homologation for pedestrian protection viable?

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    One out of five deceased in traffic accidents is a pedestrian. In addition, pedestrians represent the 20 % of the hospitalized injured people. The deadliness rate of a pedestrian crash is significantly greater than for the rest of accidents. Thus, pedestrian crash is one of the more lethal traffic accidents and, consequently, pedestrians are the most vulnerable road users. Vehicle's design can influence immensely in the risk of seriousness of the accident. Regulations are the legal instruments in order to establish if a vehicle achieves the minimum safety requirements. Nevertheless, homologation implies costly and destructive tests. This problem could be solved by simulation techniques. Analyzing the viability of a virtual homologation is the main goal of this article. After studying pedestrian crash biomechanics, virtual tests will be performed using Finite Element software (Ls-Dyna) to assess the influence of the design of vehicle and the effect of a safety system (active bonnet). Comparison between virtual tests results and real tests allows deducing if the virtual homologation for pedestrian protection is viable

    Optimal speed limit for shared-use roadways

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    Motor vehicle crashes are a serious social problem in the United States. Each year a large number of motor vehicle crashes occur and many people are killed or injured, resulting in substantial economic costs. To minimize economic costs, it is necessary to determine optimal speed limits on roadways because of the strong relationship among posted speed limit, crash frequency, and crash injury severity. A comprehensive literature review about the relationship among posted speed limit, crash frequency, and crash injury severity level was conducted. Crash frequency prediction models and crash injury severity models are developed to obtain crash frequency and injury severity of victims in motor vehicle crashes at different posted speed limits. Model tests were also performed to verify the model fitness of data. Crash costs were then calculated based on crash frequency, injury severity level, and unit cost of each severity level. In addition, CORSIM simulation was used under various posted speed limits to obtain parameters related to operational cost. Total cost curves were then built to show the relationship between posted speed limit and total economic cost. Using the developed crash frequency models, injury severity models and CORSIM simulation results, case studies were conducted to determine optimal speed limits on selected roadways. The results determined optimal speed limits on specific roadways on the basis of total cost

    Modeling, Simulation and Prediction of Vehicle Crashworthiness in Full Frontal Impact

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    Vehicle crashworthiness assessment is critical to help reduce road accident fatalities and ensure safer vehicles for road users. Techniques to assess crashworthiness include physical tests and mathematical modeling and simulation of crash events, the latter is preferred as mathematical modeling is generally cheaper to perform in comparison with physical testing. The most common mathematical modeling technique used for crashworthiness assessment is nonlinear Finite Element (FE) modeling. However, a problem with the use of Finite Element Model (FEM) for crashworthiness assessment is inaccessibility to individual researchers, public bodies, small universities and engineering companies due to need for detailed CAD data, software licence costs along with high computational demands. This thesis investigates modeling strategies which are affordable, computationally and labour inexpensive, and could be used by the above-mentioned groups. Use of Lumped Parameter Models (LPM) capable of capturing vehicle parameters contributing to vehicle crashworthiness has been proposed as an alternative to adopting FEM, while the later have been used to validate LPMs developed in this thesis. The main crash scenario analysed is a full frontal impact against a rigid barrier. Front-end deformation which can be used to measure crash energy absorption and pitching which could lead to occupant injuries in a frontal crash event are parameters focused on. The thesis investigates two types of vehicles; vehicle with initial structure intact is defined as baseline vehicle, while a vehicle that underwent unprofessional repairs on its structural members made of Ultra High Strength Steel (UHSS) is defined as a modified vehicle. The proposed novel LPM for a baseline vehicle impact is inspired by pendulum motion and expresses the system using Lagrangian formulation to predict the two phases of impact: front-end deformation and vehicle pitching. Changes in crashworthiness performance of a modified vehicle were investigated with a FEM; tensile tests on UHSS coupons were conducted to generate material inputs for this FEM. Further, a full scale crash test was conducted to validate the FE simulations. An LPM to conduct crashworthiness assessment of a modified vehicle has been proposed, it is based on a double pendulum with a torsional spring representing the vehicle undergoing a full frontal impact.publishedVersio