9,491 research outputs found

    Differences Level of Husband’s Vasectomy Knowledge with the Participation in Vasectomy Program in Karanganyar Regency. Mini Thesis. Faculty of Medicine, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta.

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    Background: Vasectomy is a contraception method for husbands. Based on BKBBN data in 2014, there is only 0.09% new participants that became vasectomy acceptors from total amount 7.603.194 participants. Their participation could be influenced by their knowledge of vasectomy. The aim from this research is to examine the difference level of husband’s vasectomy knowledge with the participation in vasectomy program in Karanganyar Regency. Methods: It was an analytic observasional research with cross-sectional design that used 140 husband for be respondents. There were70 vasectomy acceptors and 70 non vasectomy acceptors. The data were taken from respondents by questionnaire that was tested the validity and reliability in Karanganyar Regency, Jawa Tengah Province. The data analysis in this research was tested with Chi Square Comparation Test in 19th version of SPSS for Windows. Results: In vasectomy acceptors group, there were 12 respondents (17,14%) with good knowledge, 52 respondents (72,29%) with average knowledge, and 6 respondents with bad knowledge. In non vasectomy acceptors group, there were 12 respondents (17,14%) with good knowledge, 53 respondents (75,72%) with average knowledge, and 5 respondents (7,14%) with bad knowledge. The value of Chi Square Comparation Test was 0,951 that showed no meaningfull difference level of husband’s vasectomy knowledge with the participation in vasectomy program. Conclusion: There is no meaningfull difference level of husband’s vasectomy knowledge with the participation in vasectomy program in Karanganyar Regency. Keywords: knowledge level, vasectomy program participation

    Factors affect the vasectomy uptake of married couples in Bangka Belitung Islands, Indonesia

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    Vasectomy is a highly effective male contraception. However, the 2007 to 2017 Indonesia Demographic and Health Surveys reported no vasectomy cases in Bangka Belitung Islands. This study aimed to identify the number and its barriers to low vasectomy use in the Bangka Belitung Islands. The combination of qualitative and quantitative methods used in this study. This study utilized health clinics’ reports between 2015 and 2018 to identify whether or not vasectomy was executed in Bangka Belitung Islands. In-depth interviews were also carried out for medical practitioners, husbands, and wives to point out other crucial purposes of low vasectomy cases in the area. Vasectomy is regarded as a sexual displeasure contraceptive method. Those husbands had perceptions that vasectomy was similar to castration. They consider it as a sickening procedure. The wives perceived that vasectomy could make their husbands promiscuous. The misconceptions and stigma had been found as barriers for the low practice of vasectomy in the Islands. Reproductive health counseling for both husbands and wives need to be intensified to clarify those misconceptions about vasectomy. Vasectomy-specified campaign messages through various media channels should be conducted for couples in the area

    The Effectiveness of Counseling Through Vasectomy Module in North Kolaka, Indonesia

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    The main problem faced nowadays is the low participation of men in terms of implementation of the Family Planning Program. The figures for family planning in Indonesia only demonstrate a high rate on contraception use in women not in men. The Strategy to improve knowledge by promotion activities of family planning of men with a variety of media and forms are expected to increase knowledge. This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of media modules to improve knowledge and attitudes and also analyze the factors that lead to low participation of family planning in North Kolaka. This study used Mixed Method design which combines qualitative and quantitative method. The research was conducted in North Kolaka in July and August 2016. The population of this study was all of husbands who classified as a couple reproductive ages in North Kolaka with the total of 19,819 people. Samples were divided into two groups: the experimental group given counseling through modules about vasectomy were 124 people and the control group given counseling without a module were 126 people.The module is more effective to improving knowledge and attitudes than counseling without module. The most reason for rejection vasectomy was they want to have children, fear of surgery and religious issues. Health promotion through modules must be expanded and improved by the district government of North Kolaka. Implementing promotion programs shouldnt involve religious leaders

    Sterilization Study: Vasectomy and Tubectomy

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    Birth planning for a couple from the first and subsequent births can be arranged so that the welfare of the community increases and other undesirable things can be anticipated from afar. The methods include using contraception or prevention of pregnancy and family planning. Sterilization is to spay a man or woman by operating (in general) so as not to produce offspring. Sterilization for men (vasectomy) and women (tubectomy). Procedurally, vasectomy in men is relatively simpler than tubectomy while the procedure for tubectomy is a bit complicated and complex

    Survey of regret rate of vasectomy and its causes in Shahrekord.

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    Background: the regret of vasectomy addition to costs for re-opening on vases also affect relations between couples. Regret of vasectomy may affect the willingness of other people regarding doing this operation. The aim of this study is to understand the causes of regret rate of vasectomy and to help the health planners to improve this situation. Method: This cross sectional study conducted on 157 samples of vasectomized men who referred to this center from 1379 to 1389 in the city of Shahr-e Kord and was done vasectomy surgery with average duration of five years from their vasectomy.The total numbers of samples were 157 and multi-stage sampling (Cluster and simple random) was done. Referring to medical records, samples are randomly chosen. By visiting persons at home or asked them to refer to the clinic, a questionnaire was completed (Two sections of the questionnaire consist of demographic data and information about vasectomy). After collecting data using descriptive and analytical method, information was analyzed by spss16 software. Results: Most people had done vasectomy before 40 years old and after family completion, because of sufficient children. Most of the men and their wives had counseling with each other and health professional before vasectomy. Most of persons vasectomized were employees and their wives were without job. The cause of regression in 15.9% of persons was complications. The job of most regretted people were self-employed. In cases who health staffs were the main incentives were the most satisfied with the vasectomy. The comparison of long-term complications in both happy and regretful group significant difference was found. Conclusion: This study revealed that vasectomy is an effective and successful in preventing pregnancy. Based on the results, complications is the main cause of regression because people are not consulted after the vasectomy. Most regretted people have low education and are self-employed. Satisfaction in men after vasectomy is associated with the medical team consultation. The consultation is needed with good quality and skilled health care personals to continue after vasectomy

    Barnes Hospital Bulletin

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    The Influence of Religiosity and Contraception on the Likelihood of Abortion among Reproductive Age Women

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    The purpose of this paper is to discuss the influence of the three most frequently used methods of contraception (i.e., the hormonal pill, the male condom, and sterilization – male and female) on the likelihood of having an abortion among United States (US) reproductive age women (15-44). A second purpose is to determine the influence of Church attendance and importance of religion on the likelihood of having an abortion among US reproductive age women. Findings show the ever use of contraceptive methods increased the likelihood of abortion from 56% to more than 11 times and that frequent church attendance and those women who hold religion to be very important in their lives decreased the likelihood of abortion compared to women who were not religious and not on the three methods of contraception. Recommendations included supporting traditional religiosity that supports chastity, marriage, and family planning methods that integrate human sexuality


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    Since the Indonesian population increases, one of the government’s efforts is to hold down its growth by vasectomy procedure. Some factors which influence vasectomy are wife’s support, wife’s knowledge, and family’s economic status. The objective of the research was to find out husband’s participation in having vasectomy at Paluh Sibaji Village, Pantai Labu Sub-district, in 2018. Vasectomy is the cutting off vas deferens, the duct which flow sperm from epididymis in testis seminalis.By the cutting off vas deferens, sperm cannot be ejaculated and the man becomes unproductive since vas deferens is clear from sperm. The research used case-control design which was aimed to find out the correlation of the factor of couple and the economic factor with husband’s participation in vasectomy at Paluh Sibaji Village, in 2018.  The case group consisted of 38 wives whose husbands participated in vasectomy, and the control group consisted of 76 wives whose husbands did not participate in vasectomy (2:1). The result of chi square test showed that there was the correlation among the three factors. Husbands’ participation in vasectomy had significant correlation with wives’ support. They had the closest relation to their husbands, had good knowledge, and had confidence that their husbands would be all right. There was the correlation between family’s economic status and husbands’participation in vasectomy. Family’s bad economic status would choose vasectomy as the contraceptive device since it was done for good. It is recommended that counseling be provided so that information canbe accepted by all people

    Vasectomy is family planning: factors affecting uptake among men in eastern province of Rwanda

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    Background: Vasectomy is the only permanent method of male contraception. It is safer, cheaper, and easier to provide than female sterilisation. Men typically take a vocal role as decision-makers in Africa, yet it is women who take family planning (FP) action.Objective: To assess the knowledge and attitude of men toward vasectomy as a method of FP in the Eastern Province of Rwanda.Methods: A cross-sectional design, and systematic sampling of every other household was used in a selected area. The sample size was 390 men and a valid questionnaire was used to collect data. Data analysis included descriptive and inferential statistics.Results: Sociodemographic characteristics affecting vasectomy included education (p < 0.001), religion (p < 0.001), and the number of sexual partners (p = 0.018). Knowledge scores ranged from 58.4% to 82.6%. Many participants agreed that men should take part in FP (78.7%), and use vasectomy as an FP method (77.2%).Conclusion: Men scored over 50% on vasectomy knowledge items, though many erroneously believed misconceptions. Misinformation is a barrier to vasectomy uptake, and greater awareness of vasectomy knowledge is needed to change attitudes and increase acceptance. Rwandan families and communities could greatly benefit from men’s active role in family planning.Keywords: Vasectomy, family planning, contraception, men, sub-Sahara Afric
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