48 research outputs found

    Ordinal Hyperplane Loss

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    The problem of ordinal classification occurs in a large and growing number of areas. Some of the most common source and applications of ordinal data include rating scales, medical classification scales, socio-economic scales, meaningful groupings of continuous data, facial emotional intensity, facial age estimation, etc. The problem of predicting ordinal classes is typically addressed by either performing n-1 binary classification for n ordinal classes or treating ordinal classes as continuous values for regression. However, the first strategy doesn’t fully utilize the ordering information of classes and the second strategy imposes a strong continuous assumption to ordinal classes. In this paper, we propose a novel loss function called Ordinal Hyperplane Loss (OHPL) that is particularly designed for data with ordinal classes. The proposal of OHPL is a significant advancement in predicting ordinal class data, since it enables deep learning techniques to be applied to the ordinal classification problem on both structured and unstructured data. By minimizing OHPL, a deep neural network learns to map data to an optimal space where the distance between points and their class centroids are minimized while a nontrivial ordinal relationship among classes are maintained. Experimental results show that deep neural network with OHPL not only outperforms the state-of-the-art alternatives on classification accuracy but also scales well to large ordinal classification problems

    Ordinal HyperPlane Loss

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    This research presents the development of a new framework for analyzing ordered class data, commonly called “ordinal class” data. The focus of the work is the development of classifiers (predictive models) that predict classes from available data. Ratings scales, medical classification scales, socio-economic scales, meaningful groupings of continuous data, facial emotional intensity and facial age estimation are examples of ordinal data for which data scientists may be asked to develop predictive classifiers. It is possible to treat ordinal classification like any other classification problem that has more than two classes. Specifying a model with this strategy does not fully utilize the ordering information of classes. Alternatively, the researcher may choose to treat the ordered classes as though they are continuous values. This strategy imposes a strong assumption that the real “distance” between two adjacent classes is equal to the distance between two other adjacent classes (e.g., a rating of ‘0’ versus ‘1,’ on an 11-point scale is the same distance as a ‘9’ versus a ‘10’). For Deep Neural Networks (DNNs), the problem of predicting k ordinal classes is typically addressed by performing k-1 binary classifications. These models may be estimated within a single DNN and require an evaluation strategy to determine the class prediction. Another common option is to treat ordinal classes as continuous values for regression and then adjust the cutoff points that represent class boundaries that differentiate one class from another. This research reviews a novel loss function called Ordinal Hyperplane Loss (OHPL) that is particularly designed for data with ordinal classes. OHPLnet has been demonstrated to be a significant advancement in predicting ordinal classes for industry standard structured datasets. The loss function also enables deep learning techniques to be applied to the ordinal classification problem of unstructured data. By minimizing OHPL, a deep neural network learns to map data to an optimal space in which the distance between points and their class centroids are minimized while a nontrivial ordering relationship among classes are maintained. The research reported in this document advances OHPL loss, from a minimally viable loss function, to a more complete deep learning methodology. New analysis strategies were developed and tested that improve model performance as well as algorithm consistency in developing classification models. In the applications chapters, a new algorithm variant is introduced that enables OHPLall to be used when large data records cause a severe limitation on batch size when developing a related Deep Neural Network

    An incremental dual nu-support vector regression algorithm

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    © 2018, Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature. Support vector regression (SVR) has been a hot research topic for several years as it is an effective regression learning algorithm. Early studies on SVR mostly focus on solving large-scale problems. Nowadays, an increasing number of researchers are focusing on incremental SVR algorithms. However, these incremental SVR algorithms cannot handle uncertain data, which are very common in real life because the data in the training example must be precise. Therefore, to handle the incremental regression problem with uncertain data, an incremental dual nu-support vector regression algorithm (dual-v-SVR) is proposed. In the algorithm, a dual-v-SVR formulation is designed to handle the uncertain data at first, then we design two special adjustments to enable the dual-v-SVR model to learn incrementally: incremental adjustment and decremental adjustment. Finally, the experiment results demonstrate that the incremental dual-v-SVR algorithm is an efficient incremental algorithm which is not only capable of solving the incremental regression problem with uncertain data, it is also faster than batch or other incremental SVR algorithms

    Predicting Rare Events by Shrinking Towards Proportional Odds

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    Training classifiers is difficult with severe class imbalance, but many rare events are the culmination of a sequence with much more common intermediate outcomes. For example, in online marketing a user first sees an ad, then may click on it, and finally may make a purchase; estimating the probability of purchases is difficult because of their rarity. We show both theoretically and through data experiments that the more abundant data in earlier steps may be leveraged to improve estimation of probabilities of rare events. We present PRESTO, a relaxation of the proportional odds model for ordinal regression. Instead of estimating weights for one separating hyperplane that is shifted by separate intercepts for each of the estimated Bayes decision boundaries between adjacent pairs of categorical responses, we estimate separate weights for each of these transitions. We impose an L1 penalty on the differences between weights for the same feature in adjacent weight vectors in order to shrink towards the proportional odds model. We prove that PRESTO consistently estimates the decision boundary weights under a sparsity assumption. Synthetic and real data experiments show that our method can estimate rare probabilities in this setting better than both logistic regression on the rare category, which fails to borrow strength from more abundant categories, and the proportional odds model, which is too inflexible.Comment: 84 pages, 20 figures. Accepted at the Fortieth International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2023

    An Efficient v-minimum Absolute Deviation Distribution Regression Machine

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    Using Differential Item Functioning and Anchoring Vignettes to Examine the Fairness of Achievement Motivation Items

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    Achievement motivation is a well-documented predictor of a variety of positive student outcomes. However, researchers have also found threats to fairness and measurement scale comparability in motivation items, including group differences in response scale use and response styles. As such, the measurement comparability of achievement motivation items was evaluated before and after using anchoring vignettes to account for the effect of group-specific response scale use as a source of differential item functioning (DIF) across gender and ethnicity. Within a combined item response theory/ordinal logistic regression DIF framework, gender DIF was assessed using pairwise comparisons and ethnicity DIF was tested using both multiple-group DIF with a common base group as the reference group and all possible pairwise comparisons. Overall, using the vignettes changed both the form of DIF within items and the pattern of DIF between groups across items. Results indicated the presence of DIF between genders, but the DIF was unrelated to group differences in response scale use. Across ethnic groups, Black/African American students and Asian students demonstrated group-specific response scale use. When groups showed response tendencies, accounting for such scale use with the vignettes had a greater effect on reducing DIF in base group comparisons than in pairwise comparisons. Despite that DIF was identified in multiple items, the magnitude of all DIF was negligible and had little practical implication. Therefore, achievement motivation items appeared to demonstrate measurement comparability. As sources of DIF often go unidentified, a contribution of this study was the novel use of anchoring vignettes to account for group differences in response scale use as the source of DIF and to clarify the effect of those differences on measurement scale comparability and DIF